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      • KCI등재후보

        내비게이션 맵의 도로 색상 및 화살표 표기에 관한 사용자 주관적 평가 연구

        류준범 ( Ryu Jun-beom ) 한국도로교통공단 2014 교통안전연구 Vol.33 No.-

        Vehicle navigation is an essential device in modern life. One of the purposes of this device is to guide a driver with presenting road traffic information fast and safely without impairing driving performance while driving a car. Even if we have many kinds of navigation with various maps, there isn't still standards to manufacture goods, and a comprehensive evaluation about visibility, aesthetic apperception, and map comprehension during an early manufacturing stage by navigation users. Therefore, this study was planned to evaluate visibility, aesthetic apperception, and map comprehension on a navigation road map with three road colors, three directional arrow colors and widths to help to develop an effective visual UI materialization and assessment standards for an in-vehicle display system. The results indicated that the visibility, aesthetic apperception, and map comprehension on a road map were all statistically significant among each conditions and the interactions were also statistically significant. Finally, we discussed the limitations and the implications of the present study.

      • KCI등재후보

        음주운전자들의 심리사회적 특성 연구

        류준범 ( Ryu Jun-beom ),신용균 ( Sihn Yong-kyun ) 한국도로교통공단 2010 교통안전연구 Vol.29 No.-

        음주운전은 교통사고를 유발하는 인적 위험 요인으로 운전자 또한 음주운전이 매우 위험한 결과를 초래할 것이라는 사실을 충분히 인식하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 사회적인 규범이나 운전자의 인식과는 달리 음주운전 행동이 근절되지 않고 오히려 증가하는 추세에 있으며, 이로 인하여 인적ㆍ물적 손상을 포함한 막대한 사회경제적 비용이 소요되고 있는 실정이다. 특히 음주운전은 착오나 실수로 인한 운전행동이기 보다는 운전자의 의도적인 행동이기 때문에 음주운전을 설명하는 다른 여러 심리사회적 변인들 가운데 음주운전 의도를 결정짓는 요인들이 주요한 예측변인이 될 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 계획된 행동이론 및 대안이론들을 중심으로 음주운전에 영향을 미치는 주요한 심리사회적 결정요인을 알아보고 음주운전 교육 및 중재 프로그램에서 다루어야 할 핵심요소들을 제안하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 음주운전으로 인하여 면허 정지 또는 취소된 운전자들을 대상으로 음주운전 행동 및 의견조사를 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 음주운전 행동에 대한 태도, 주관적 규범 및 행동통제력 지각이 음주운전 의도에 영향을 미쳤으며, 음주운전 의도가 음주운전 행동에 유의한 영향을 주었다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 한계점 및 추후연구에 대한 함의점을 논의하였다.

      • 내비게이션 맵의 도로 색상 및 화살표 표기에 관한 사용자 주관적 평가 연구

        류준범(Junbeom Ryu),이고은(Goeun Lee),노상기(Sangki No),이세원(Sewon Lee),시복(Sibok Yu) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2011 No.5

        Vehicle navigation is an essential device in modern life. One of the purposes of this device is to guide a driver with presenting road traffic information fast and safely without impairing driving performance while driving a car. Even if we have many kinds of navigation with various maps, there isnt still standards to manufacture goods, and a comprehensive evaluation about visibility, aesthetic apperception, and map comprehension during an early manufacturing stage by navigation users. Therefore, this study was planned to evaluate visibility, aesthetic apperception, and map comprehension on a navigation road map with three road colors, three directional arrow colors and widths to help to develop an effective visual UI materialization and assessment standards for an in-vehicle display system. The results indicated that the visibility, aesthetic apperception, and map comprehension on a road map were all statistically significant among each conditions and the interactions were also statistically significant. Finally, we discussed the limitations and the implications of the present study.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국판 운전행동척도 개발 연구

        류준범 ( Ryu Jun-beom ),오주석 ( Oh Joo-seok ) 한국도로교통공단 2022 교통안전연구 Vol.41 No.1

        In the field of traffic psychology, various studies have clarified the relationship between driver behavior and traffic accidents, and the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) is a representative tool for measuring driving behavior. However, the DBQ mainly deals with aberrant driving behaviors as risk factors for traffic accidents, and it does not evaluate positive driving behaviors, such as cautious driving, as protective factors. Therefore, this study aims to develop a driving behavior assessment scale that can comprehensively measure positive driving behaviors in domestic traffic environments. A survey was conducted on domestic drivers (n=200), and items were developed using factor analysis and reliability analysis. Additionally, correlation analysis was conducted with traffic accidents and violations of traffic laws. The scale developed in this study was suitable for six-factor structures (violation, driving error, cautious driving, considerate driving, self-regulation, and aggressive driving), and the correlation between traffic accidents and law violations was significant. Finally, the limitations and implications of this study were discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고령운전자 대상 조건부 운전면허제도 도입에 대한 수용성 연구

        김은영(Eun Young Kim),류준범(Jun Beom Ryu),정미경(Mi Kyeong Jeong),이송이(Song I Lee) 안전문화포럼 2023 안전문화연구 Vol.- No.25

        고령운전자 교통사고 건수 및 사망자 수의 지속적인 증가와 도래하는 ‘초고령 시대’를 준비하여 고령자에 대한 적극적인 운전면허관리 및 대책 마련이 시급한 시점이다. 하지만, 우리나라에서 시행하고 있는 고령운전자 대책은 운전면허 적성검사 주기 단축 및 운전면허 반납제도에 한정되어 있다. 본 연구에서는 국외사례를 바탕으로 교통안전과 이동권을 동시에 보장할 수 있도록 고령운전자를 대상으로 조건부 운전면허제도 확대와 함께 신속한 조건부 운전면허 대상자 파악을 위해 제3자신고제 도입 방안을 제시하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 국내외 조건부 운전면허제도 사례조사, 국내 고령운전자 교통사고 분석 및 조건부 운전면허제도 확대에 대한 국민 수용성이나 문제점 등을 종합적으로 분석하여 운전능력이나 신체조건에 따라 조건부 운전면허를 부여하는 방안을 제시하고 수시적성검사 대상자 확대를 위한 제3자신고제 도입 등 개선방안을 제시하였다. 국외의 경우 도로제한, 속도제한, 거리제한 등 운전을 제한적으로 허용하는 조건부 운전면허제도를 운영하고 있으며 고위험 운전자에 관해 가족이나 의사 등이 신고할 수 있도록 제3자신고제를 운영하고 있다. 국내 고령운전자의 교통사고 분석결과를 보더라도 고령자 연령대가 높아질수록 치사율이 높고 야간시간대, 고속도로 통행 시 치사율이 상대적으로 높아 이에 대한 대책 마련이 시급한 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 조건부 운전면허 도입에 대한 수용성은 응답자의 과반수가 찬성하였으며 기존 시력검사 외 추가적인 검사 필요성 등이 제기되었다. 이처럼 고령운전자의 교통안전과 최소한의 이동권을 보장하기 위해서는 이미 교통선진국들에서 시행 중인 조건부 운전면허제도의 확대 시행이 필요하며, 조건부여 항목에 대한 신중한 검토와 함께 신속한 조건부 운전면허 대상자 파악을 위한 제3자신고제 도입 등도 동시에 고려될 필요가 있다. The urgent need for proactive management and measures for elderly drivers is evident due to the continuous increase in the number of traffic accidents and fatalities involving drivers aged 65 and older. This is further compounded by the advent of the “super-aging era”. However, the measures implemented in South Korea for elderly drivers are limited to the duration of the fitness test period and the driver's license return system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose methods for expanding the conditional driver's license system by benchmarking advanced international cases. The goal is to enhance both traffic safety and the rights of mobility. Additionally, we suggest introducing a third-party reporting system to quickly identify candidates for occasional fitness tests and to consider imposing a conditional license on them. The conditional driver's license system currently being implemented in several countries. It imposes imposing restrictions on including as road limitations, speed limits, and restrictions. currently. Some countries also have a third-party (community) reporting system that allows family members or healthcare professionals to report drivers who pose a high risk. The results of the analysis of traffic accidents revealed that the fatality rate among elderly individuals is higher, especially during nighttime and freeway driving. This highlights the importance of implementing safety policies. Over half of the respondents supported the introduction of the conditional driving license system and believed that additional tests related to driving fitness, including eyesight, are essential. It was concluded that the implementation a the conditional driver's license system, similar to those used by advanced nations, is necessary to the safety and protect the minimal rights of elderly drivers' mobility. Most importantly, careful consideration of criteria for conditional licenses, along with the simultaneous introduction of a third-party reporting system, are essential components to enhance the safety of elderly drivers in this regard.

      • KCI등재후보

        신호교차로에서 우회전 교통신호등 도입에 대한 연구

        강윤원 ( Kang Yun Won ),류준범 ( Ryu Jun Beom ) 한국도로교통공단 2022 교통안전연구 Vol.41 No.1

        This study proposes a right-turn traffic light that maintains international unity and can operate various signals in relation to the revision of the Road Traffic Act, which introduced right-turn traffic lights in 2022. Currently, Korean roads only have permissive right-turn signals, and a right-turn three-color light is scheduled to be introduced for protected right turns. However, unlike in Japan and the United Kingdom, in Korea, “right turn on red signals” (RTOR) are allowed; therefore, the right-turn three-color light using only a green arrow that was proposed in the Road Traffic Act may conflict with other traffic signals, and it appears to be unsuitable for various signal operations. By examining international conventions and the example of the United States, it was possible to operate a right-turn signal in a protected and permissive manner using a three-color arrow. Additionally, a yellow arrow signal with a flashing function was proposed for right turns in a protected and permissive mode. In addition, existing research on the installation location of right-turn signal lights and the installation standards were introduced for reference. Since these right-turn traffic lights are still unfamiliar to Korean drivers, sufficient pilot operation and opinion gathering should be carried out prior to their introduction.

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