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        소아 엔테로바이러스 뇌수막염에서 진단적 요추 천자의 재고

        남지우(Ji Woo Nam),김태순(Tae Soon Kim),김주영(Ju Young Kim),김존수(Jon Soo Kim) 대한소아신경학회 2018 대한소아신경학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose: Despite the fact that enteroviral meningitis is the most common cause of meningitis in children with signs of meningeal irritation and has benign course, most clinicians routinely perform an invasive lumbar puncture (LP) that result in inadequate antibiotic therapy and unnecessary long-term hospitalization. This study was aimed to compare the clinical characteristics of childhood enteroviral meningitis according to LP. Methods: Children over 2 years of age who can clearly express signs of meningeal irritation in the pediatric department of Eulji university hospital from July 2013 and August 2016 were enrolled. The patients were diagnosed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in stool and/or cerebrospinal fluid. We retrospectively reviewed their clinical records. Results: A total of 257 patients were diagnosed with enterovirus meningitis and median age was 6.3 (2.1–7.9) years. One hundred fifteen patients (44.7%) with confirmed enterovirus in the stools underwent supportive care without LP. Mostly, there was no statistically significant difference in age, sex, clinical symptoms, except gastrointestinal involvement (abdominal pain, diarrhea), and serologic findings when compared with patients who underwent LP. But patients who underwent LP had longer hospital stay (4 vs 3 days, P<0.001). Four of them (2.8%) were re-admitted with back pain and persistent headache, probably related to LP procedure. All patients were discharged without neurologic complications. Conclusion: Rapid detection of enteroviruses in stool specimens that can be easily obtained in children with signs of meningeal irritation may reduce invasive LP.

      • 소방특수차량 탈선계수 산정을 위한 수치해석

        남지우(Ji Woo Nam),조성욱(Seong Wook Cho),유홍선(Hong Sun Ryou),이우준(Woo Jun Lee) 한국철도학회 2014 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.10

        탈선 방지는 철도차량이 기본적으로 만족해야 하는 안전 조건이다. 기존의 많은 연구에서 일반 열차에 대한 탈선 해석과 탈선 메커니즘 규명에 대한 연구가 진행 되었다. 본 연구에서는 장대터널 재난 발생시 재난 현장에서 신속하게 대응하기 위한 소방 특수차량 개발에 앞서 소방특수차량의 레일 주행 시 발생할 수 있는 탈선 가능성을 검토 연구를 진행하였다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 구체적으로 소방특수차량에 장착되는 레일 기어바퀴 형상 정보와 한국철도 규격의 레일 형상 정보를 바탕으로 소방특수차량에 장착되는 레일 기어 바퀴 형상 정보와 한국철도 규격의 레일 형상 정보를 바탕으로 바퀴와 레일 사이의 접촉에 대해 수치해석을 진행 하고 이를 통하여 횡압과 윤중을 계산하였다. The prevention of derailment of railway vehicle is the safety condition that must be satisfied. In previous research studies, they have defined mechanism of derailment for the railway vehicle and analysis of derailment. In this study, we investigate the interpolation rail and wheel of fire truck. The finite element elastic-plastic code ANSYS was used to investigate the stress states between railway and wheel of fire truck. The derailment of coefficient is factor of possibility derailment. The derailment of coefficient was calculated using distribution of stress on the contact area to identify the possibility of fire truck derailment on the railway. Specifically, The geometry of wheel of railgear and standard rail(UIC Rail) is used to calculate of vertical force and later force on contact area.

      • A Case of Acute Encephalopathy in Respiratory Syncytial Virus Sepsis Syndrome

        유철우(Chur Woo You),이수진(Soo Jin Lee),곡진진(Chen Chen Chu),김현정(Hyun Jung Kim),김승연(Seung Yeon Kim),남지우(Ji woo Nam),김존수(Jon Soo Kim),강주형(Ju Hyung Kang) 대한소아신경학회 2015 대한소아신경학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        호흡기 세포융합 바이러스(RSV)는 소아에서 급성 호흡기 감염을 일으키는 가장 흔한 바이러스중 하나로 대부분 경한 호흡기 증상을 일으킨 후 호전 보이지만 1%에서는 중증의 임상경과를 보인다. 중증 RSV 감염에서 호흡기 증상과 동반된 호흡기외 증상이 더 자주 보고되고 있으나 이와 관련된 뇌증에 대한 보고는 많이 알려지지 않았다. 저자들은 미숙아로 출생하여 기관지폐이형성증을 기저질환으로 갖고 있는 8 개월 남아가 RSV에 감염되어 급성 뇌증을 일으켰고 이후 패혈증 증후군으로 진행되었다가 면역글로불린 치료 후 회복되었지만 신경학적 후유증이 남게 된 증례를 보고하고자 한다. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common and important etiologic agent of early childhood respiratory infections, resulting in significant morbidity and mor­tality. Extrapulmonary manifestations combined with respiratory symptoms are being reported more frequently in severe RSV infection, but the encephalopathy as­sociated with this infection is not well recognized. RSV encephalopathy was present with impaired consciousness, cyanosis, sucking disorder preceding convulsive sei­zures. The authors describe the symptoms and outcomes of an 8­month­old boy, who present with acute encephalopathy and had prematurity, bronchopulmonary dysplasia as comorbidities. The boy developed sepsis syndrome, characterized by hypotension, hepatic and renal dysfunctions, later found to be infected with RSV. He finally recovered after treatment with immumoglobulin and supportive care but required portable mechanical ventilation, nasogastric tube feeding, and anticonvul­sant medication at discharge.

      • 1단 비례 압력제어밸브의 정특성 및 동특성 실험

        정헌술(Heon-sul Jeong),남지우(Ji-woo Nam),임효준(Hyo-joon Lim),정승욱(Seung-wook Jung),한성민(Sung-min Han) 유공압건설기계학회 2010 유공압건설기계학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.6

        Because of the increasing demand on the high precision and high response of a machinery, electronic control valves are widely adopted at various application fields. This paper studies on the static characteristic of a first-stage proportional pressure control valve. At first an experimental apparatus including hyd. pump variable speed inverter, pressure and data aquisition system was setted up with the experimental apparatus, various tests such as P-Q-W test, hyd, pump, dynamic, static, frequency response test of the proportional valve was carride out and the results are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        파일럿 비례압력제어밸브의 정특성 및 동특성에 관한 실험적 분석

        정헌술(Heon-sul Jeong),남지우(Ji-woo Nam) 유공압건설기계학회 2011 드라이브·컨트롤 Vol.8 No.4

        Because of the increasing demand on the high precision and high response of a machinery, proportional control valves are widely adopted at various application fields. This paper studies on the static and dynamic characteristics of a pilot proportional pressure control valve. An experimental apparatus including hydraulic pump, variable speed inverter, pressure and flow sensors and data aquisition system was set up. And various experiments such as P-Q-V curves, step responses due to input voltage and flow rate, hysteresis, frequency response of the proportional valve was carried out and the results are discussed.

      • 다단 비례압력제어 밸브 정특성 및 동특성 실험

        정헌술(Heon-Sul Jeong),남지우(Ji-Woo Nam),한성민(Sung-Min Han),한종대(Jong-Dae Han),권순우(Soon-Woo Kwon) 유공압건설기계학회 2010 유공압건설기계학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.10

        Because of the increasing demand on the high precision and high response of a machinery, proportional control valves are widely adopted at various application fields. This paper studies on the static and dynamic characteristics of a Multi-stage proportional pressure control valve. An experimental apparatus including hydraulic pump, variable speed inverter, pressure and flow sensors and data aquisition system was set up. And various experiments such as P-V-Q curves, step responses due to input voltage and flow rate, hysteresis, frequency response of the proportional valve was carried out and the results are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        1842년 김대건의 에리곤호 항해와 아편전쟁 : 항해일지와 여정(마닐라, 臺灣, 定海, 吳淞)

        도진순(Doh, Jin-Soon),남지우(Nam, Ji-Woo) 한국교회사연구소 2021 敎會史硏究 Vol.- No.59

        1842년 2월 마카오에서 조선 신학생 김대건이 세실(J.-B. Cécille) 함장의 프랑스 군함 에리곤(Érigone)호에 탑승하였다. 이에 대한 본격적인 연구는 거의 없으며, 그리하여 기초적인 항해 여정에 대해서도 착오가 적지 않다. 본 연구에서는 에리곤호의 항해 여정을 상세하게 기록한 항해일지(Campagne dans les mers de l’Inde et de la Chine, à bord de la frégate l’Érigone)를 발견·분석하여 1842년 2~6월 에리곤호의 항로를 구체적으로 추적·정리하였다. 항해일지를 통해 관련되는 김대건의 서한도 면밀하게 분석할 수 있었으며, 또한 에리곤 항해와 정박에 대한 그간의 여러 가지 오류를 바로잡을 수 있었다. 김대건의 에리곤호 탑승 기간은 1842년 2월 15일 마카오에서 9월 11일 吳淞까지 7개월 정도에 이른다. 그중에서 항해일수는 26박 27일로 채 1개월이 되지 않은 반면 마닐라, 舟山, 定海, 吳淞에서의 정박 기간은 6개월이나 되었다. 에리곤호가 이처럼 오랜 기간 정박한 원인은 아편전쟁 때문이었다. 1842년 9월 11일 세실의 조선행 거부로 김대건은 吳淞에서 하선하여 그의 고국행은 좌절되었다. 그러나 에리곤호 탑승은 매우 중요한 의미가 있다고 생각된다. 그는 조선인으로서 처음으로 근대의 상징인 군함에 탑승하였으며, 이를 타고 조선이 天朝로 事大하며 세계의 중심으로 섬기고 있는 중화 문명이 ‘영국 오랑캐(英夷)’에게 속절없이 무너지고 있는 시대의 대전환을 목도하였다. 이것은 마카오와 필리핀에서 4년여 동안 신학교의 울타리 내에서 배울 수 없는 역사적 광야에서의 경험이었다. 이를 통해 김대건의 心象地理는 남다른 시야를 확보하게 되었을 것이고, 육제적·정신적·영적으로 많이 성숙했을 것으로 사료된다. As a seminary student from Joseon, Kim Daegeon, the first Korean-born Catholic priest, joined the voyage of the French frigate Erigon commanded by Captain J. B. Cécille on the journey from Macau to Wusong in 1842. The journey was his first attempt to go to Joseon, and was a very important event that influenced his subsequent activities. However, the detailed itinerary of the trip was not known due to the lack of data. This study analyzed the voyage logbook: Campagne dans les mers de l’Inde et de la Chine, à bord de la frégate l’Érigone, obtained the precise route of the Erigon from February to September of 1842. This analysis made it possible to thoroughly review Kim Daegeon’s letter on Erigon’s voyage and amend various errors concerning his voyage on Erigon. Kim Daegeon’s journey on Erigon took nearly seven months. While the anchorage period in Manila, Dinghai, Wusong was six months, the sailing period only took a month. The reason why Erigon anchored for such a long time was due to the Opium War. As Cécille rebuffed to go to Joseon, Kim Daegeon disembarked from Erigon on the 11<SUP>th</SUP> of September 1842 at Wusong. Albeit his primary boarding purpose of returning to the homeland foiled, the meaning of his embarkation is significantly consequential. Kim Daegeon was the first Korean to board a western warship, a symbol of modernity. While aboard, he witnessed a significant power change in the era ; The Chinese civilization, considered to be the most advanced, was overthrown helplessly just by the ‘British barbarian(英夷).’ This historical experience was invaluable to him, a knowledge that could not be attained within the boundaries of a seminary over four years in Macau and the Philippines. Through the experiences, Kim Daegeon greatly broadened his view of the world, and made a sizable progress physically and spiritually.

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