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        간의대(簡儀臺)의 어제와 오늘

        남문현(Nam Moon hyon) 국립고궁박물관 2008 古宮文化 Vol.- No.2

        조선조의 임금들에게 관상수시(觀象授時)는 경천근민(敬天勤民)의 책무를 수행하기 위한 실천적 지표였다. 이를 위해 세종은 즉위 후에 서운관(書雲觀)을 정비하여 역서(曆書)를 연구하도록 하였으며, 1432년 가올부터 간의대(簡儀臺) 건설에 착수하여 6년 동안 간의를 비롯하여 15종의 천문(天文)ㆍ계시(計時) 의기(儀器)를 제작하고 의기들을 설치할 대각(臺閣)을 건설하였다. 대부분의 시설과 의기는 경북궁 내에 설치하여 천문관측에 활용하고 계시와 시보도 발령하였다. 고려 말에 도입하여 사용해오던 수시력(授時曆)의 계산법을 확립하였으며, 1442년에는 한양을 중심으로 교정하여 『칠청산내편(七政算內篇)』을 편찬하고 한양의 일출입(日出入)시각을 확정하였다. 간의대 건설사업의 전말은 김돈(金墩)이 지은 「간의대기(簡儀臺記」(『세종실록』권81)에 상세하게 실려있으며, 간의대 의기는 15세기 당시 세계에서 사례를 찾기 어려울 만큼 훌륭한 것들이었다. 간의 (簡儀)와 소간의(小簡儀), 정방안(正方案),규표(圭表)와 영부(影符)가제작되어 대 위에 설치되었다, 일성정시의(日星定時儀)와 이것을 설치한 대(臺), 소정시의(小定時儀)가 제작되고, 보루각자격루[報漏閣漏], 수운의상(水遭儀象), 홈경각루(欽敬閣漏), 행루(行漏)가 제작되었다. 해시계인 앙부(仰釜), 현주(懸珠), 천평(天平), 청남(定南)일귀(日晷)도 제작되었다. 이러한 의기를 제작하는 데에는 주척(周尺)이 사용되었다. 이 논문에서는 간의대의 연혁과 의기들의 원류를 고찰하고, 조선조 초창기의 경복궁 지도를 바탕으로 대각(臺閣)의 위치를 고증하였다, 건축된 지 10년도 못되어 원래의 자리에서 이전한 간의대를 제외하면 대부분 대각의 위치는 「간의대기」의 기술과 일치하였다. 간의대 의기의 대부분은 임진왜란 중에 소실되었으며, 소실된 것 가운데 일부만 전후(戰後)에 복구되었다. 경복궁 서북쪽에 있던 간의대는 20세기 초에 유실된 이래 현재까지 복원되지 못하였다. 이 글에서는 간의대 의기와 대각의 복원 방법론을 제시하고, 아울러 간의대와 내서운관(內書雲觀)을 국립고궁박물관과 연계해 북원하여 간의대 의기를 전시에 활용하는 방안을 제안하였다. 뿐만 아니라고 종대에 건축한 종각(鐘閣)과 전둥소(電燈所)도 경복궁 과학기술 문화재의 복원과 활용 차원에서 복원할 것을 강조하였다. During the Joseon Dynasty(1392~1910), celestial observation was done to calculate and predict the major heavenly phenomena and seasonal changes so that the king could fulfill his duties to his people. To this end, King Sejong(1418~1450) reorganized Seoungwan (Astronomical and Meteorological Observatory Office) and had it study almanacs. In the autumn of 1432, construction of Ganuidae, an observatory that housed instruments for astronomical observation, began. During the six following years, fifteen types of astronomical and time measuring instrument including ganui(instruments for astronomical observation) were produced, and pavilions to house them were constructed. Most of the facilities and instruments were installed on the grounds of Gyeongbokgung Palace for use in astronomical observation, and to measure and tell time. Under King Sejong, the susi-ryeok(susi calendar) calculation method, which was used in Joseon since being introduced at the end of the Goryeo Dynasty(918~1392), was established. In 1442, Chiljeongsan naepyeon(Calculation of the Motions of the Seven Celestial Determinants) was revised to put the new capital of Hanyang(today s Seoul) at the center. It set specific times when entry into and departure from Hanyang were permitted. The whole process of the construction of Ganuidae is recorded in the section on Ganuidae-gi (Notes on Ganuidae) in the Annals of King Sejong, vol. 81, written by Kim Don. Instruments housed in Ganuidae were state-of-art in the fifteenth century, and very few such instruments were produced in other parts of the world. Ganui, so-ganui(small instrument for astronomical observation), jeongbang-an(instrument for compass direction), gyupo(gnomon), and yeongbu (shadow defining instrument in the middle of which is a pin-hole for the tiny optical image of the sun that tilted to face the incident sunlight) were produced and installed on pedestals. llseong jeongsiui(day-night clock) and the pedestal on which the clock was installed, so-jeongsiui (small day-night clock), Borugak jagyeongnu(water clock of Borugak Pavilion), suunuisang(waterdriven astronomical clock), Heumgyeonggaknu(water clock of Heumgyeonggak Pavilion), and haengnu(portable water clock) were produced. Various types of sundials called angbu, hyeonju, cheonpyeong, and jeongnam ilgwi were also produced. The Zhou-chi( chi is a Zhou measure of length) measuring system was used for the production of these instruments. This paper studied the history of Ganuidae and the origins of instruments, and ascertained the locations of observatory pavilions in reference to the map of Gyeongbokgung Palace from the early years of the Joseon Dynasty. Except for Ganuidae, which had been moved from its original place of construction in less than ten years, the locations of most pavilions for astronomical instruments match the locations described in Ganuidae-gi. Most of the devices and instruments installed in Ganuidae were destroyed by fire during the Japanese invasion of 1592, and only a few of them were restored after the war. Ganuidae used to stand in the northwest of Gyeongbokgung. It was destroyed in the early 20th century and has not yet been restored. This paper suggests how instruments of Ganuidae and the observatory pavilion can be restored. It also suggests how the instruments of Ganuidae can be used for exhibition by linking the restoration of Ganuidae and Naeseoungwan(Astronomical and Meteorological Observatory Office of Joseon) with the National Palace Museum. This paper also emphasizes that Jonggak (Bell Pavilion) and Jeondeungso(Electric Light Plant), which were constructed during the reign of King Gojong(l864~1907), should be restored as part of efforts to restore and utilize science and technology-related cultural heritage on the grounds of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

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