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      • 한국전쟁에 사용된 피아 주요무기 비교

        나종남,Na, Jong-Nam 한국방위산업진흥회 2000 國防과 技術 Vol.- No.256

        한국전쟁 기간에 사용된 피아 무기들의 가장 큰 특징은 대부분 재래식 무기였다는 점이다. 한국전쟁이 시작된 1950년에는 이미 미국과 소련이 핵무기를 보유한 상태였으며, 그로 인한 냉전의 첨예한 긴장이 계속되던 시기였다. 그러나 한반도에서의 분쟁이 장차 제3차 세계대전의 불씨가 되는 것을 미.소가 서로 원치 않았기 때문에, 핵무기의 사용은 몇 차례 고려되었을 뿐 실현되지 않았다. 따라서 독일 및 일본의 급작스런 항복으로 인해 사용되지 못하고 몇 년간 재고로 쌓아두었던 많은 탄약과 장비들이 한국전쟁을 계기로 다시 빛을 보게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        북한지역 점령정책에 대한 평가

        나종남 陸軍士官學校 2000 한국군사학논집 Vol.56 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to overview the occupation policy of the UN-ROK toward North Korean territory. In particular, I'll examine the tension and discrepancy between the ROK and US during the occupation era. We can find a lot of evidences that show serious conflicts between ROK and US around the initiative of the occupation. After the 'Operation Chromite' and the ROK-UN troop's counterattack, North Korean army was scattered and their state system was dismantled. It was a good opportunity to the ROK to cross the 38th parallel and to occupy the Northern part of the peninsular. In fact, RDK army crossed the line earlier than any other UN troops and often on the ground in the North ahead of the US troops, and, meanwhile, took over lots of local governance. But they couldn't have any official authority to that area. Official authority was belonged to the UNC at first and UN Commission on the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK) later. Officially Korean army couldn't occupy any land at that time. Because international society, especially US, opposed ROK's occupation and authority to the North Korea's territory. Although ROK asserted their privilege to the North Korean territory according to the UN Resolution of Dec. 12, 1948, however their efforts were meaningless. US didn't want to stimulate Soviet Union and Communist Ching in the occupation of North, especially the border with Ching and Soviet Union. Particularly because US might need some buffer zone between the two tremendous enemies, it needed to deal the area directly. So, US might limit the ROK's authority in the North through the occupation policy.

      • KCI등재

        Carl von Clausewitz의 현실주의적 전쟁사상

        나종남 陸軍士官學校 1998 한국군사학논집 Vol.54 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the military thoughts of Carl von Clausewitz, the father of a western military tradition. In particular, I'll examine his attitudes on the relations between politics and violence from realistic viewpoint. On the basis of real war, I'll illuminate that Clausewitz was a student of Kantian philosophy and his logical system was practical and realistic. When we analyze Clausewitz's thoughts from the point of real war, his idea of, "War is only a continuation of politics by other means", can be newly interpreted. In fact, Clausewitz thought that politics controls war and war is just an instrument of politics. In other words, war is not an isolated phenomenon and is just a part of political action and a continuation of political relations. In this context, 'politics' means the policy which seeks national interest and nationalism. and 'war' means limited war controled by national policy.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보

        이라크 전쟁 중 대반란작전(COIN Operations) 사례 연구 - 1ㆍ2차 팔루자 전투(2004)를 중심으로 -

        나종남,박일송 육군군사연구소 2014 군사연구 Vol.- No.137

        The two battles at the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004 were the turning points in US efforts to stabilize the country during the Iraq War. Since the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime, various anti-American groups came to this small city that soon became a symbol of anti-American insurgency in the entire Iraq. US authorities in Iraq attempted to eliminate the treats before it became a serious matter. However, the insurgents that were controlled by Al Quader terrorists' organization made the initial move by killing four Americans in March 31, 2004. This incident soon fuzed to US responses to suppress the armed insurgents in Fallujah. Although two battalions from the 1st US Marine Division came to this city to solve the Fallujah Issue in early April, they failed to put the insurgents down. About 4,000 armed insurgents resisted fiercely against US forces who suffered from lack of intelligence on the enemy. The outcome of the first battle became favorable factors for the insurgents to maximize their power. However, US officials would not admit the existences of these threatening insurgents. They soon sent larger and stronger troops to the city in early November in order to solve the Fallujah Issue permanently. When Operation Al Fajr began, US troops were able to dissolve the insurgents from the city by successful combined operations with the new Iraq troops. With successful results from the second battle at Fallujah, the stabilization operation in Iraq received positive effects, along with significant momentum in the US policy towards the ‘Iraqization of the Iraq War.’ 이라크의 작은 도시 팔루자에서 2004년 4월과 11월에 발생한 두 차례의 전투는 이라크 전쟁 중 안정화 작전의 성공 여부가 달린 전환점이었다. 사담 후세인 정권이 붕괴한 이후 이라크 전역에서 반군 세력이 팔루자로 몰려들었고, 이들은 이후 알카에다 테러 조직과 연계하여 더욱 위협적인 세력으로 성장하였다. 미군은 이들을 해산시키려 하였으나, 오히려 2004년 3월 말에 반군 세력이 미국인 네 명을 살해하는 등 팔루자의 상황은 더욱 악화되었다. 팔루자에 집결한 반군 세력을 진압하기 위해 2004년 4월 초에 이 도시에 투입된 미 해병부대는 약 4천여 명에 달하는 반군의 저항에 부딪쳐 도시 장악에 실패하였다. 이후 미군의 공격을 막아내고 첫 번째 전투에서 승리한 팔루자의 반군 세력은 이라크 내부에서 강력한 반미 세력의 상징으로 부상하였다. 하지만 이들이 이라크 안정화 작전의 걸림돌이 될 수 있다고 판단한 미국은 2004년 11월에 두 번째 공세에 나섰다. 첫 번째 전투의 실패를 분석하여 압도적인 병력과 장비를 동원한 미군은 이라크 보안군과 원활한 연합작전을 수행하여 반군 세력 제압에 성공하였다. 이로써 이라크 안정화 작전 수행에서 최대 걸림돌이었던 팔루자 문제가 해결된 것이다. 두 차례의 전투에서 미군과 이라크 보안군이 반군을 성공적으로 진압한 것은 단순한 군사작전의 승리 이상의 함의를 갖는다. 모든 반군 세력이 축출된 팔루자는 2007년까지 연합군의 지원을 받아 전후복구에 매진하였고, 그 결과 이라크에서 가장 안정된 도시이자 ‘새로운 이라크’를 상징하는 도시로 성장하였다. 이러한 맥락에서 이라크 안정화 작전의 중요한 전환점이었던 팔루자 전투를 대반란작전과 4세대 전쟁의 한 양상이라는 측면에서 살펴보는 것은 중요하다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        미국 군인에게 수여된 대한민국 태극무공훈장 분석: 미국 명예훈장과 비교를 중심으로

        나종남(Jongnam Na) 한국아메리카학회 2021 美國學論集 Vol.53 No.1

        This paper analyzes Republic of Korea(ROK) s records of the Taegeuk Military Merit awarded to American soldiers for the first twenty-five years since the medal was introduced. Specifically, it examines the criteria that ROK government considered to award the highest medal to American soldiers, and analyzes how the criteria differed from those applied to Korean soldiers. In addition, comparing these with the criteria of awarding the Medal of Honor awarded by the US government to its own soldiers, this paper examines the differences between the two countries’ military medal systems. According to official records on the highest medal from two governments, American Medal of Honors were awarded to United States soldiers who made achievement through heroic combat actions or who showed a sublime spirit of sacrifice regardless of their rank. On the other hand, most of Korean Taegeuk Military Merit were given to American soldiers based on their ranks and positions, without considering their combat achievement and/or sacrifice.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        "공화국수비대는 격파되었는가?"

        나종남(Jongnam Na) 한국아메리카학회 2013 美國學論集 Vol.45 No.2

        This paper deals with the final stages of Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War(1990~1991), focusing on the Coalition Forces' joint operations and combined operations. Since the early 1990s, Operation Desert Storm has been known as the most advanced and superbly organized military operation in the history of warfare. And military historians concluded that the success of Operation Desert Storm was the outcome of the accumulated efforts of US military in the pervious several decades. The actual outcomes of Operation Desert Storm, however, were quite different from what has been known since the war ended. According to various sources from the inside of each service and veterans who participated in the operations, there were lots of puzzles in the final stage of Operation Desert Storm, and the existed stories should be checked with reliable sources. And, more than anything else, two-thirds of the Republic Guard, Iraqi Army, escaped from Kuwait successfully before the coalition forces close the encirclement gap. They were able to survive from turmoils because of the unexpected problems in joint operations between US troops and Arab forces and troubled combined operations between air forces and ground troops. While tracing the detail stories of the final stage of the Gulf War, this paper tries to suggest a new perspective on what exactly happened and why the coalition forces were not able to destroy the Republican Guard successfully.

      • KCI등재

        6ㆍ25전쟁 초기 육사 생도 참전전투 연구

        나종남(Na, Jong-nam) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2013 군사 Vol.- No.87

        Korea Military Academy(KMA), opened in May 1946, was the major institution that educated leaders of the ROK Army in its early days. At the very first day of the Korean War in June1950, however, ROK Army Chief of Staff ordered to send cadets who were studying at KMA to the front line in order to delay North Korean troops advance toward Seoul. With this controversial decision, some 530 cadets were sent to the front line as an individual soldier. Although they fought hard and were able to delay enemy"s attack at several places even including at their own campus at Taerung, KMA cadets had to retreat to the south of the Han River with the collapse of ROK Army in June 28th. And after one more bloody battle against North Korean troops in early July, KMA cadets moved to Daejeon where the members of the senior class were commissioned. While fighting against the enemy as an individual soldier for more than ten days, some 200 cadets were killed and missed in action. This paper also introduces a guerilla force that ran by some cadets. Right after the Taerung Battle in June 28th, thirteen cadets who refused to retreat decided to form a guerilla force around the Bul-am Mountain near the KMA, and resisted to the enemy furiously for almost three months until all members were killed in action. By analogizing KMA cadets" battles during the first ten days of the Korean War, this paper argues that this story should be a symbolic foundation of KMA"s current educational values. This paper tries to find how this recently known stories has been adopted as a part of the official history of the Korean War. Also this paper suggests to learn some precious lessons from this unknown case: whether Army Chief of Staff"s decision to send KMA cadets to the front line was inevitable or not; why the Superintendent of KMA was hesitate to move cadets to a safer place early; and soon. And, finally, this paper argues that this tragic history should not be repeated in the future and we should prepare for that.

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