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        한국체육학 50년의 오늘과 내일 : 인문사회과학 분야를 중심으로 In the area of liberal art and social science

        나영일 한국체육사학회 1996 체육사학회지 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this article was to review the previous 50 year's history of Korean physical education. The phase and achievement of physical education were perspected and the problems were identified to promote the development in the area of physical education. I have focused on the philosophy and history of physical education to structure the honor and phase of Korean physical education. The all areas of physical education are found in the academic association of physical education. The system of physical education is very similar to those of America and Japan. However, the present situation meets the lack of agreement among the scholars related to the many areas of physical education. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a new scientific area as an integrated part in history, philosophy, sociology, and pedagogy. The generations of the study groups in physical education could be classified as three generations for the past 50 years in Korea. The first generation can be regarded as the generation studies under the Japanese reign. They have showed their endevor to establish the foundation of physical education. The second generation can be reagarded as the generation who studied in oversea during seventies and eighties. The have fired on the frame of researches in physical education as well as the contributions for the 88 olympic game. The third generation can be regarded as the generation who studied with criticism toward physical education and participated actively in the researches during eighties and nineties. They have been seemed to think more seriously in establishing Physical education in Korea. Amnesia is a kind of disease forgetting the past. We call the person who forgets his /her identity, destiny, and duty as the patient with amnesia. The situation that the history and philosophy are isolated and neglected in the area of Korean physical education can be seemed an amnesia patient. Therefore, the history and philosophy of physical deucation fortelling and indicating the way to go in the future on the road of physical education must be re-recognized as an important area. The importance should be recognized after 50 years from the present, too.

      • KCI등재후보

        하인리히 왕자의 대한제국 방문과 전통 활쏘기의 부활

        나영일 국립무형유산원 2019 무형유산 Vol.- No.7

        Korean traditional archery has been passed down for centuries. Korea is an archerypowerhouse with 39 medals only in Olympic archery events. In the Joseon Dynasty (1392~1910),archery was conducted in the military service examination for 500 years. In 1894, the militaryservice examination system was abolished and the basis of archery collapsed, but it is said thatin 1899 Prince Heinrich of Prussia visited Korean Empire and made it possible for the traditionalarchery to be resurrected. The purpose of this article is to examine the influence of the visit of the Heinrich Princeof Prussia to the resurrection of traditional archery and to confirm the facts. To this end, Iexamined the articles from newspaper, the diplomatic documents between the Korean andGerman governments on the visit of Prince Heinrich to Korea Empire , and the letter from PrinceHeinrich to Wilhelm II. It can be seen that, at such a time, Prince Heinrich's visit in 1899 made the momentum ofthe activation of archery fraternities and the traditional archery fields. Although exactly whatPrince Heinrich told King Gojong it could not be identified, the records on which archery fieldPrince Heinrich visited, which could not be found in data in Korea, could be identified throughinterpreter Reinsdorf 's report. It could be seen that the archery field visited by Prince Heinrichwas not the Western palace, but Jungilgak , the site of current Cheongwadae (Blue House), whichwas called the Northern palace at that time. In addition, through the fact that HwanghakjeongArchery Fraternity and Cheongryongjeong Archery Fraternity were resurrected centering onMin Yeong-hwan and Lee Jae-sun , who received Prince Heinrich when he visited Korea Empire ,and King Gojong granted congratulatory money, it could be seen that the environment wherethe traditional archery fields and archery field organizations could be activated was prepared. 전통 활쏘기는 오랫동안 전승되어 온 우리나라의 대표적 무형유산이다. 조선왕조 500년 동안 무과시험에서 다양한 활쏘기가 행해지면서 전통 활쏘기는 우리나라의 장기로 인식되었다. 그러나 1894년 무과제도가폐지되면서 신분 상승의 수단으로서 전통 활쏘기의 수단적 가치와 효용성이 없어지면서 사라질 위기에 처해 있었다. 이때 1899년 프러시아 왕자인 하인리히(Prinz Heinrich, 1862~1929)가 대한제국을 방문하면서 전통 활쏘기의 부활이 가능하였다고 선행연구들을 언급하고 있으나 구체적인 증거가 없었다. 이 글의 목적은 프러시아의 하인리히 왕자가 전통 활쏘기의 부활에 미친 영향을 조사하고 구체적인 사실관계를 확인하는 것이다. 이를 위해 신문 기사와 하인리히 왕자의 방한에 관한 대한제국과 독일 정부 간의외교 문서, 그리고 하인리히 왕자가 빌헬름 2세(Wilhelm II, 1859 ~ 1941)에게 보낸 편지 등 관련 자료들을 조사하였다. 한국의 자료에서는 확인할 수 없었던 하인리히 왕자의 활터 방문에 대한 기록은 통역관 라인스도르프(L.W.F. Reinsdorf)의 보고서를 통해 확인할 수 있었다. 하인리히 왕자가 방문하여 활쏘기를 본 곳은 서궐(西闕)이 아니라 당시에 북궐(北闕)이라 불리던 현재의 청와대 자리인 중일각(中日閣)임을 알 수 있었다. 또 하인리히 왕자의 방문 시에 영접하였던 민영환(閔泳煥)과 이재순(李載純)을 주축으로 황학정 사계와 청룡정사계가 부활되고, 고종이 내하전(來賀錢)을 후원하였다는 사실을 통해 전통 활터와 활터 조직이 활성화될수 있는 환경이 마련되었음을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • 朝鮮朝의 武士體育에 關한 硏究 : 武士試取制度를 中心으로 with a focus on the Military Service Seletion System

        나영일 師範大學 體育硏究所 1999 서울大學校 體育硏究所論集 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study are, first, to clarify the substance of military classification, second, to investigate the changes in the military service selection system, third, to reveal the content and method of military arts and the physical fitness testing system and to investigate the content of the military education and it's institutions. And finally to investigate the possibility of a connection between physical education of military men in the Chosun dynasty and today's physical education. In order to meet the purposes of this study, the records relating to the military service selection system among the primary references in the Chosun dynasty were investigated and analyzed. The main refernces are a code of laws and official as well as private documments such as Kyungguk-taejoen( ≪經國大典≫ 1485), Sog-taejoen( ≪續大典≫ 1744), Mukya-chongyeo( ≪武科總要≫ 1810), Mooyedo-botonggi( ≪武藝圖譜通志≫ 1790), Kwansemusa-sichibang( ≪關西武士試取榜≫ 1792), Chosun-wangcho-silok( ≪朝鮮王朝實錄≫ (1392-1910)), Nanjung-ilgi( ≪亂中日記≫ (1592-1598) ), Mubi-yhoram( ≪武備要覽≫ 1855). The results are as follows. 1. The meaning of a Musa(武士) in the Chosun dynasty is different from the meaning the Musa of in Japan. In the Chosun dynasty, military men and Han Rhang(閑良) who were applicants for military service were refered to as Musa. So in this paper this term's meaning is prescribed as "Sunbi(a classical scholar) who serves in military affairs". The Musa were required to train diligently in order to not only obtain a government position, but to advance in that position as well, and to shorten the length of one's service and to avoid being dismissed. 2. The military service selection system as a system of law lasted about 400 years. This selection system underwent constant change due to questions regarding the rationality of the test item selection and the effectiveness of the enforcement methods. The military service selection system was outwardly a test of military arts and physical strength. But it was not simply a contest of military arts and physical strength in the Chosun dynasty. It was a reflection of the doctrine of the government, especially carrying a strong Confucian influence. The change and the content of the military service selection system could be comprehended through the various laws and documents of the time. 3. The military service selection system was not related with the school system. Accordingly, the education for the Musa was non-systemetic more than systemetic, and somewhat extemporaneous before the examination. In the examination system for government service(科擧), the higher civil service examination(文科) was linked with Songkyun kwan and Hyang kyo(鄕校 a local school annexed to the Confucian shrine), but the military service examination was not related to either. To make matters worse, it was requested that the Confucian classics be added on top of the exsistng items of the military service selection system exam. While this system existed outside of the formal school system there were many codes of law regulating such things as training rules for archery(習射), training rules for martial arts(習藝), rules for reading the martial classics(講書), and many kinds of rules regarding the taking of tests. These kinds of rules had a scholastic function and disciplinary function for the Musa. And shooting clubs(射亭) functioned as preparatory institutions for the examination. 4. Recently, we are confronted with many problems in physical education; which subject of physical education are and should be taught in the school and community, what kinds of subjects should be used to measure physical strength, and in reality should the current systems be maintained in the future?. Among the subjects of the Military service selection exam, running(走), running with weight(力), physical make up(身手), and weight lifting(여력) were similar to today's various physical fitness tests items, and martial arts and reading the classics were similar to today's practice and theory in the field of physical education. It is clear from examining the overall significance of the military service selection system that this system must be preserved as an important historical influence in Korea's heritage.

      • KCI등재

        전통무예의 문제점과 과제

        나영일,최복규,김성재 대한무도학회 2001 대한무도학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study was first, to examine the developmental aspect and problems of Traditional Martial Arts, especially Taekkyon organizations were exampled due to be one of the Korean cultural assets, second, to suggest the project of it. We are confronted with many problems in traditional martial arts weakness in traditionalism, exhibitionism, unconsidered commercialism, extreme nationalism, and the problems about appointment of cultural assets and so on. There are lots of Traditional Martial Arts organizations in Korea today called Traditional Martial Arts. But it is too hard to distinguish which one is true Traditional Martial Arts organization. So, we need to systemize some standards about tradition to be named Traditional Martial Arts truly. First, it should have changeability, continuality, peculiarity and presence. Second, it is to be systemized on the theory of Traditional Martial Arts. Third, it is to be taken popularity. In namely, the direction for Traditional Martial Arts development should be converted the discourse on tradition of Traditional Marti al Arts into the discourse on legitimacy. The assignments of Traditional Martial Arts in Korea were as follows. First, it should be organized and modernized a lot of Traditional Martial Arts organizations such as titled 'The Council of Korean Traditional Martial Arts'. Second, it is obtained the identity of Traditional Martial Arts. Third, it is utilized for commercial profits. The essence of tradition is to be creative on the basis of assets of a past tense. The most important thing about the discourse on legitimacy of Traditional Martial Arts is also related to the life of modem society. That is to say, the real Traditional Martial Arts should be with the life of people today. The concept of Traditional Martial Arts included lots of rising martial arts or ganization should be called 'Korean Martial Arts' widely.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『무과총요』 연구

        나영일 한국체육사학회 2004 체육사학회지 Vol.13 No.-

        「Mukwa-chongyo」 is the records on military service examination from the Chosen dynasty of Tae-cho(太祖, the first emperor of the dynasty) first year (1392) up to Sun-chong (純宗)20 years(1820). It is a transcriptional book that consist of three volumes. 「Mukwa-chongyo」 is owned by the Cultural Properties Administration's collection as precious book and carried out the photo print by the Asia culture company in 1974. The general civil and military affairs of the records of successful candidates are simply consist of a successful candidate's status, the full name. But this 「Mukwa-chongyo」 is different. It was put in like as examination subjects and its regulations and its place, etc. This book is very important data in order to study the military service examination. Lim yin-muk(林仁默) who is the junior government official of a selection section of the military edited 「Mukwa-chongyo」. He explained the reason to edit the book that is because of no reference in the selection section of the military. He gathered the example of matters connected with its regulations and execution rules and clarified with having recorded civil and military of the list successful candidates and published this book. In the first volume of this book, it had the examples rules of the legal system and detail regulations. In the second and third volume, the civil and military affairs of the list of successful candidates are recorded. The recording system of the list of successful candidates firstly wrote down the kind and the name of the military service examination on each dynasty and a successful candidate's position, rank and the total. And next it had recorded the detail examination's regulations and lastly described about a person who won the first place in the examination. There are concrete 447 records of the military service examination in all 647 records in 「Mukwa-chongyo」 and only 390 records are described about successful candidate. In this research, I would like to clarify the concrete and the whole contents of the military examination of Chosen dynasty through systematic analysis and organized arrangement on 「Mukwa-chongyo」.

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