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        가곡 우조 편(編)계통 악곡 연구

        김화복 한국국악학회 2019 한국음악연구 Vol.65 No.-

        본 연구는 우조 ‘편(編)’ 계통 악곡이 처음 보이는 금보인 『소영집성(韶英集成)』(1822)의 <(우)편삭대엽>과 『희유(羲遺)』의 <편락>, 『방산한씨금보(芳山韓氏琴譜)』(1916)의 <우편>을 중심으로 19세기 초반부터 현행(現行)까지의 우조 ‘편’ 계통 악곡의 관련성 및 형성과정을 살펴본 결과 다음과 같다. 19세기 초반 『소영집성』의 우조 ‘편’ 악곡인 <(우)편삭대엽>을 ‘농(弄)․낙(樂)’에서 간점(間點)을 뺀 선율과 비교한 결과, <(우)편삭대엽>은 <(우)낙수조>와 다르고 <율당삭대엽>과 대부분 일치한다. 따라서 19세기 초반 우조 ‘편’은 ‘농’과 관련성이 큰 것을 알 수 있다. 19세기 중반 『희유』의 우조 ‘편’ 악곡인 <편락>을 ‘농․낙’과 비교한 결과, <편락>은 <우락>과 다르고 <우롱>과 대부분 일치한다. 따라서 19세기 중반의 ‘편’도 ‘농’과 관련성이 큰 것을 알 수 있다. 이렇듯 19세기 초반 『소영집성』의 <(우)편삭대엽>과 19세기 중반 『희유』의 <편락>은 모두 ‘농’과 관련성이 큰 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 『소영집성』의 <(우)편삭대엽>과 『희유』의 <편락>은 거의 모든 선율이 일치하여 동일한 악곡임을 알 수 있다. 따라서 19세기 초반에 처음 보이는 우조 ‘편’ 악곡은 악곡명만 변화하였을 뿐 19세기 중반까지 연주되었음을 알 수 있다. 한편, 19세기 중반 『희유』에는 악조별로 <(우)언편>과 <(계)언편>이 보이는데, <(우)언편>은 현행 <편락>에 해당하고 <(계)언편>은 현행 <언편>에 해당하며, 『희유』의 <편락>은 현행 <편락>과 다른 우조 ‘편’ 악곡임을 알 수 있다. 이렇듯 『희유』의 <(우)언편>과 <편락> 등이 다른 금보 및 현행의 악곡명과 다른 이유는 정확히 알 수 없으나, 악곡명이 잘못 기록되었을 가능성과 『희유』를 활용한 풍류 집단에서는 악곡명을 달리 불렀을 가능성을 배제할 수 없어 보인다. 20세기 초반의 우조 ‘편’ 악곡인 『방산한씨금보』 <우편>의 초장․2장은 『방산한씨금보』 <편락>의 초장․2장과 동일하고, <언락>의 초장․2장에서 간점을 뺀 선율과 유사하다. <우편>의 4장은 <우편> 2장과 동일하고, <우편>의 3장․중여음․5장․대여음은 <우락>에서 간점을 뺀 그것의 선율과 유사하다. 따라서 『방산한씨금보』의 <우편>은 <편락>, <언락>, <우락> 등 ‘낙’과 관련성이 큰 것을 알 수 있다. 현행 <우편>은 『방산한씨금보』 <우편>과 3장의 각(刻) 수만 다를 뿐 대부분의 선율이 동일하다. 따라서 현행 <우편>은 『방산한씨금보』 <우편>과 사설만 다를 뿐, 동일한 악곡임을 알 수 있다. 이와 같이 19세기의 우조 ‘편’ 악곡은 ‘농’과 관련 있고 20세기 ‘편’ 악곡은 ‘낙’과 관련 있어, 각각 서로 다르게 형성된 악곡임을 알 수 있다. 19세기의 우조 ‘편’ 악곡은 19세기 후반까지 편가(篇歌) 형식이 완성되고, 우조 ‘편’이 편가에서 소외되면서 점차 쇠퇴한 것으로 보인다. 또한 19세기 중반부터 20세기 초반까지 높은 선율을 연주하는 ‘쇠는 가락’의 악곡이 가곡에 정착되어 가는데, 비교적 낮은 선율인 19세기 우조 ‘편’ 악곡은 20세기 정서와 맞지 않아 자연스럽게 사라지고, 편가에서 주로 불리고 앞을 쇠는 <편락>, <언락>과 <우락> 등 ‘낙’의 영향은 받은 새로운 ‘편’ 악곡이 형성되었을 것으로 보인다. 본 연구로 우조 ‘편’ 악곡의 발생 시기를 19세기 초반까지 거슬러 올라갈 수 있게 되었고, 그 악곡이 그대로 남아있지 않고 20세기에는 19세기와는 다르... In this study, I have examined how pyeon 編 songs in ujo have developed from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day and how they relate to one another, as manifested by (U) Pyeonsakdaeyeop in Soyeongjipseong 韶英集成 (1822), a manuscript book that contains the first pyeon song in ujo; Pyeollak in Huiyu 羲遺; and Upyeon in Bangsanhanssigeumbo 芳山韓氏琴譜 (1916). The results are as follows: A comparison of (U) Pyeonsakdaeyeop from Soyeongjipseong, a pyeon song from the early 19th century, with melodies with their passing tones eliminated from nong 弄 and nak 樂 has proved that (U) Pyeonsakdaeyeop differs from (U) Naksujo, but is almost identical to Yuldangsakdaeyeop, which demonstrates that pyeon in ujo of the early 19th century is closely related to nong. A comparison of Pyeollak from Huiyu, a pyeon song in ujo from the mid-19th century, with nong and nak has proved that Pyeollak is different from Urak even though it corresponds to Urong for the most part, which in turn demonstrates that pyeon in the mid-19th century was also connected to nong. In short, (U) Pyeonsakdaeyeop of the early 19th century and Pyeollak of the mid-19th century are virtually identical as most of their melodies correspond and they both have a great deal to do with Nong. It is thus obvious that the pyeon music, which appeared in the beginning of the 19th century, lasted into the middle of the century but took on a different name. Incidentally, Huiyu also contains Eonpyeon in both keys (ujo and gyemyeonjo), and the former corresponds to the current version of Pyeollak while the latter corresponds to today’s Eonpyeon. It is clear that the version of Pyeollak in Huiyu is a different type of ujo pyeon music from its modern-day equivalent by the same name. It is uncertain why the songs (U) Eonpyeon and Pyeollak in Huiyu have different names in other manuscript books and in today’s repertoire, but they could possibly have been recorded under the wrong title or the pungnyu group that used Huiyu may have referred to them by different names. The first two sections of Upyeon from Bangsanhanssigeumbo, a pyeon song from the early 20th century, are identical to the first two sections of Pyeollak from the same book, and are similar to the first two sections of Eollak with passing tones removed. The fourth section of Upyeon is the same as its second section and the third section, the interlude, the fifth section, and the postlude of Upyeon are similar to Urak without passing tones. All of these show that Upyeon of Bangsanhanssigeumbo has a great deal to do with nak songs, such as Pyeollak, Eollak, and Urak. The current version of Upyeon is basically the same as its variation in Bangsanhanssigeumbo apart from the number of rhythms in the third section; they are practically the same except for their text. These findings demonstrate that the pyeon music in ujo of the early 19th century is related to nong, while pyeon of the following century is to do with nak and that they thus developed independently of each other. The ujo pyeon music of the 19th century seems to have declined as pyeonga (篇歌) evolved into a full form by the end of the century, leaving out ujo pyeon. Besides, it appears that as gagok was gradually raised by an octave from the middle of the 19th century to the early 20th century, the ujo pyeon music of the 19th century, which was in a relatively low range, naturally fell away as it did not go down well with the new generation, and the new pyeon music, influenced by nak songs like Pyeollak, Eollak, and Urak, which had been mainly sung in pyeonga and had a raised beginning, gradually came into being. This study has thus taken the beginning of the ujo pyeon music back to the early 19th century and has demonstrated that old form did not last; a new form replaced it with the same name in the 20th century and has since been in use.

      • KCI등재

        학생운동선수의 학습권보장과 학생선수 e-스쿨 이용실태조사

        김화복 한국스포츠학회 2020 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 학생운동선수들의 학습권 보장을 위한 e-스쿨 참여 현황을 평가하기 위한 목적으로 진행되었 다. 이러한 목적에 따라 전국의 중학교 및 고등학교 학생운동선수를 모집단으로 설정한 다음 편의표집법을 이용하여 자료 를 수집하였다. 이러한 방법에 따라 402부의 자료가 수집되어 연구에 활용되었다. 수집된 자료는 spss 21.0을 이용하여 정규성 검증과 독립표본 t검중과 일원변량분석을 통해 분석하였으며 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 학생선수의 특성에 따른 학습활동에서는 성별, 소속, 성적수준에 따라 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 학생선수들의 특성 에 따른 e-스쿨의 참여현황을 평가한 결과 성별과 소속 및 성적수준에 따라 e-스쿨 참여활동에서는 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the participation status of e-schools to guarantee student athletes' right to study. For this purpose, middle and high school student athletes from all over the country were washed up as a population and then collected data using the convenience labeling method. According to this method, 402 copies of the data were collected and used for research. The collected data were analyzed through normality verification, independent sample t-examination, and one-way variable analysis using spss 21.0 and the following results were obtained: First, there were significant differences in learning activities according to the characteristics of student athletes, depending on gender, affiliation, and grade level. Second, the evaluation of the participation status of e-schools according to the characteristics of student athletes showed that there were significant differences in e-school participation activities depending on gender, affiliation and grade level.

      • KCI등재

        대학 운동선수의 진로 불안과 팀 신뢰, 인지된 경기력의 관계

        김화복,김애랑 한국사회체육학회 2020 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.79

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between career anxiety and the perceived athletic performance of collegiate athletes. This study also assessed the role of team trust as mediating effect between career anxiety and the perceived athletic performance of collegiate athletes. Method: In this study, 364 samples were collected, but 36 of them were excluded due to incomplete and insufficient answers. Therefore, 328 questionnaires were used for the final data analysis. SPSS WIN 25.0 was used for data analysis including an exploratory factor analysis, reliability test and regression analysis. Results & Conclusion: The following are the results obtained from the final data analysis. Firstly, career anxiety had a positive effect on the perceived athletic performance of collegiate athletes. Secondly, all team trust factors partially mediated the relationship between career anxiety and the perceived athletic performance of collegiate athletes.

      • KCI등재

        가곡 편(編)계통 악곡의 ‘각(刻)’선율 연구

        김화복 국립국악원 2020 국악원논문집 Vol.41 No.-

        This study has examined how gak (刻 melodic line) is manifested in melodies of pyeon (編) variations of gagok (classical lyrical songs) by looking at geomungo (six stringed plucked zither) scores and has come to understand how variations of gagok, a genre of pungnyubang music of the late Joseon period, were developed and established. Gak melodies in a pyeon are found in Samjukgeumbo, Geumbo (from the Ogura 小倉 collection), Uheon-geumbo, Hyeongeum Oeumtongnon. Melodies within those scores can be divided into four types: 1) Those that can be applied to any text whatever words are added to the text 2) Those that are applied only to words added to particular lyrics specified in the song 3) some of those in 1) that include gak melodies assigned to specific lyrics 4) gak melodies within those of 2). In some cases, the number of gak varies depending on whether the score, and respective songs, are older or written according to current practices. For example, in the song Pyeollak, Type 2) is the most common. In Hyeongeum Oeumtongnon, Namudo is notated in two ways: first, with the same number of gak as the current version, but in Suseongjo, it is curtailed to a fewer number of gak. Horarae Pyeollak, Sorarae Pyeollak in Suseongjo and the third section of Sorarae Pyeollak in Bangsan Hanssigeumbo lack one gak compared to the current practice. This is probably because the three versions adopted their text from the version in Cheongguyeongeon, which has one less gak than the current versions, and the three old versions are not significantly affected by the position of half gak. Type 2) is also the most common type for Eonpyeon as well, as seen in Hyeongeum Oeumtongnon, Hakpogeumbo, and Bangsan Hanssigeumbo, which contain all the three current lyrics. In Hyeongeum Oeumtongnon, however, the third section seems to have been edited out and curtailed as it has three less gak than the current versions. We can thus infer that half gak and words could be placed fairly freely in this era as in the example of Sorarae Pyeollak. As for Pyeonsakdaeyeop, Type 1) is found in all geomungo scores that contain gak melodies derived from pyeon. These gak melodies of pyeon seem to have become simplified over time with the publication of Samjukgeumbo and Bangsan Hanssigeumbo. Type 2) is seen in Hyeongeum Oeumtongnon and Hakpogeumbo, the text of Jingungmyeongsan was also reduced so that it has fewer gak. Incidentally, melodies corresponding to the current version of Eonpyeon existed in variations of Pyeonsakdaeyeop even before the title Eonpyeon appeared. These indicate that The melodies are predecessors of Eonpyeon and that Hansongjeong used to be part of Pyeonsakdaeyeop but became established as the text for Eonpyeon as Eonpyeon derived from Pyeonsakdaeyeop in the 19th century. The above findings suggest that the variations of pyeon came into being mostly between the late 19th century and the early 20th century and that the fast tempi of many of the variations called for a variety of forms. This study has demonstrated that gak melodies were not only varied within existing songs, but played a part in developing the old songs into new ones. 본 연구는 가곡 중 ‘편’계통 악곡의 ‘각’이 어떻게 활용되고 있는지 ‘각’ 선율이 기보된 금보를 중심으로 그 양상을 살핀 후 ‘편’계통 악곡별 ‘각’ 선율의 특징을 찾아보고, 이를 통해 조선 후기 풍류방 음악인 가곡 선율의 다양화 및 고착 과정을 살펴보았다. ‘편’계통 악곡의 ‘각’ 선율은 처음 19세기 전반 『삼죽금보』에서 볼 수 있다. 이후 『금보(소창본)』ㆍ『우헌금보』ㆍ『현금오음통론』ㆍ『학포금보』ㆍ『방산한씨금보』 등에서 볼 수 있으며, ‘각’ 선율을 몇 개의 유형으로 나눌 수 있다. ①어느 사설에서라도 늘어난 가사에 따라 활용할 수 있는 ‘각 선율’과 ②악곡에 사설이 명시되어 그 사설의 늘어난 가사에 사용되는 ‘각’ 선율을 볼 수 있다. 또한 ③어느 사설에서라도 늘어난 가사에 따라 활용할 수 있는 ‘각 선율’ 중에 정해진 사설의 가사에 대한 ‘각’ 선율이 포함된 것, ④악곡에 사설이 명시되어 그 사설의 늘어난 가사에 사용되는 ‘각’ 선율 안에 활용할 수 있는 ‘각 선율’이 포함된 것 등 4개의 유형을 볼 수 있다. 대부분 금보에서 ①과 ②유형을 볼 수 있고, ③유형은 『삼죽금보』에서 ④유형은 『학포금보』와 『방산한씨금보』에서 볼 수 있다. <편락>은 ②유형의 분포도가 가장 많고, 현행 <편락> 6개의 사설 중 ‘목붉은’만 금보에서 볼 수 없다. 『현금오음통론』의 ‘나무도’는 두 종류가 기보되어 있는데, 하나는 현행과 ‘각’ 수가 같고, 다른 하나인 ‘수성조’의 ‘나무도’는 사설의 내용을 편집하고 축소하여 ‘각’ 수를 줄여 연주한 것으로 보인다. 『현금오음통론』 ‘수성조’의 ‘홀아’<편락>ㆍ‘솔아’<편락>과 『방산한씨금보』의 ‘솔아’<편락> 3장은 현행보다 1각 모자라고, 붙임새와 반각의 위치가 각각 다르다. 이는 현행보다 1각 정도의 가사가 없는 『청구영언』의 ‘솔아레’ 사설을 사용했을 것으로 보이고, 반각의 위치에 크게 구애받지 않는 것을 알 수 있다. <언편>은 ②유형이 가장 많고, 『현금오음통론』ㆍ『학포금보』ㆍ『방산한씨금보』 등에 기보되어 있으며, 현행 3개의 사설이 모두 기보되어 있다. 이 중 『현금오음통론』 ‘한송정’ 3장의 ‘각’ 수는 현행보다 3개 부족하여 사설의 내용을 편집하고 축소하여 연주한 것으로 보인다. 『방산한씨금보』 ‘한송정’의 3장 ‘각’ 수는 현행보다 1개 부족하고, 3장 제4째 ‘각’의 가사 붙임새와 반각 위치가 현행과 다르다. 따라서 ‘솔아래’<편락>의 예처럼 이 시기에는 반각의 위치 변화와 붙임새를 어느 정도 자유롭게 할 수 있었던 것으로 보인다. <편삭대엽>에서 ①유형은 ‘편’계통의 ‘각’ 선율이 보이는 모든 금보에서 볼 수 있는데, ‘편’의 ‘각 선율’은 『삼죽금보』에서 『방산한씨금보』까지 시대가 지나올수록 단순화된 듯하다. ②유형은 『현금오음통론』과 『학포금보』에서 볼 수 있고, 이 중 『현금오음통론』의 ‘진국명산’ 3장의 ‘각’ 수가 현행보다 부족하다. 따라서 『현금오음통론』의 ‘진국명산’<편>도 사설의 내용을 편집하고 축소하여 ‘각’ 수를 줄여 연주한 것으로 보인다. 한편, <언편>의 악곡명이 보이기 이전 금보의 <편삭대엽>에서 현행 <언편>에 해당하는 선율을 볼 수 있다. 『삼죽금보』 <편삭대엽> 7괘 선율과 『금보(소창본)』의 현행 <편삭대엽>에 해당하는 악곡 우측에 ‘7괘 부록선율’ㆍ『우헌금보』 <...

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        The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among emotional intelligence, sport psychological skill, and performance of volleyball player. In compliance with the purpose, 401 copies of data were collected utilized in study, using of purposives sampling method. To comply with the purpose, the construct validity and the reliability of measured data were verified by using of SPSS 18.0 & AMOS 18.0 program. In addition, for the relationships among the related factors were analyzed by covariance structure analysis. The results were as follows: First, for the relationship between emotional intelligence and sport psychological skill of volleyball player, emotional intelligence of volleyball player had positive effect on sport psychological skill. Second, for the relationship between emotional intelligence and performance of volleyball player, emotional intelligence of volleyball player had positive effect on performance. Third, for the relationship between sport psychological skill and performance of volleyball player, sport psychological skill of volleyball player had positive effect on performance.

      • KCI등재

        프로배구 팬-팀 관계의 질이 팀 동일시 및 충성도에 미치는 영향

        김화복(Kim, Wha-Bok),김애랑(Kim, Ae-Rang) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of pro-volleyball fan-team relationship quality on team identification and fan loyalty. The fans who watched at least twice of the pro-volleyball games in 2014-15 season were selected as samples of this study. Through the data screening process, 82 responses were eliminated and a total of 246 responses were analyzed as the final data. The statistical methods such as frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis were used to examine the collected data. The findings of this study were as follows. First, there was statistically significant difference in fan-team relationship quality between different gender. Second, statistical differences were found in fan-team relationship quality, team identification and fan loyalty between the people with different age group. Third, there were statistically significant differences in fan-team relationship quality and fan loyalty between the people with different frequency of watching pro-volleyball games. Fourth, fan-team relationship quality was found to affect team identification. Fifth, fan-team relationship quality also found to affect the fan loyalty. Lastly, team identification was found to affect the fan loyalty.

      • KCI등재

        배구선수의 선수성숙과 자기관리 및 자신감의 관계

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        The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among maturity, self-management and sport confidence on Volleyball player. In compliance with the purpose, the nationwide volleyball players were set as population, and 425 copies of data were collected utilized in study, using of random sampling method. To comply with the purpose, the construct validity and the reliability of measured data were verified by using of SPSS 18.0 & AMOS 18.0 program. In addition, for the relationship among maturity, self-management and sport confidence, the difference between self-management and sport confidence according to the level of maturity were analyzed by Independent T test and One way ANOVA with SPSS 18.0 program, and the relationships among the related factors were analyzed by covariance structure analysis. The results were as follows: First, for the difference between self-management and sport confidence, according to the level of maturity. Second, maturity had positive effect on self-management. Third, maturity had positive effect on sport confidence. Forth, self-management had positive effect on sport confidence.

      • KCI등재

        대학스포츠리그 관람제약 요인에 따른 시장 세분화

        김화복(Kim, Wha-Bok),김애랑(Kim, Ae-Rang) 한국체육과학회 2017 한국체육과학회지 Vol.26 No.6

        This study aims mainly to conduct a market segmentation depending on the spectating constraints of college sports leagues. The second purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of each segment. The last purpose was to examine the differences of re-spectating intentions of each cluster. In order to measure spectating constraints, 12 items divided into 3 factors, which were 6 items for product constraint, 3 items for information constraint, and 3 items for time constraint were used. This study collected 702 college students with convenience sampling method, and among which, 24 questionnaires were excluded by data screening, therefore, a total of 678 questionnaires were used finally. The statistical methods used for this study were frequency analysis, K-average cluster analysis, chi-square test, and one-way analysis of variance. The findings for this study were as follows. First, the three clusters were identified based on spectating constraints. Second, each cluster was explained by the personal characteristics and spectating behaviors of college students. Lastly, statistically significant differences in re-spectating intentions was found among clusters.

      • 스포츠조직 지도자와 관리자의 리더십이 조직효율성과의 관계

        김화복 ( Wh Bok Kim ),송은일 ( Eun Il Song ) 국제통합대체의학협회 2013 국제통합대체의학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        he purpose of this study is to identify the effect of leadership of leader and manager in sports organization on organizational efficiency. A total of 375 people including 175 leader and 200 manager in sports organization were collected through cluster random sampling. Data acquired in this study were analyzed through ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The results are as follows. First, leadership and organizational effectiveness showed the partially significant difference depending on the background variables. Second, leadership of leader and manager in sports organization affected the relationship with organizational efficiency. Therefore, it was confirmed that leadership of leader and manager in sports organization was the important factor affecting job performance of organizational efficiency, job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

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