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태양열 집열기의 월별 평균 집열효율 및 가용집열량 산정
김홍제(H. J. Kim),조덕기(D. K. Jo),이태규(T. K. Lee) 한국태양에너지학회 1996 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.4
본 연구에서는 건물의 냉ㆍ난방부하와 관련하여 집열기의 월별 평균 집열효율을 구하는 계산 기법을 제시하였다. 집열기는 건물의 냉방을 위하여 진공관식 집열기를 사용하는 것으로 고려하였으며, 급탕온도는 냉방시에 흡수식 냉동기의 운전에 필요한 90℃의 온수, 난방시에는 60℃의 온수가 각각 필요한 것으로 가정하였다. 계산 결과 영국 Thermomax사의 진공관식 집열기를 사용하였을 때 경사각이 30°인 경우에 대전 지방의 하절기(냉방시)의 평균 집열효율은 약 47% 이며, 동절기(난방시)에는 약 41% 정도이다. 한편 경사각이 90°인 경우에 하절기의 평균 집열효율은 약 33%이고, 동절기에는 약 31%인 것으로 나타난다. 따라서 집열기의 유효집열면적을 100㎡로 기준하였을 때, 월간 평균집열은 경사각이 30°인 경우에 약 4,200,000 ㎉/월이며, 경사각이 90°인 경우에는 약 2,200,000 ㎉/월인 것으로 나타난다. In this work, the predictions of the monthly collection efficiency of solar collector and the monthly average useful solar gain are investigated theoretically to estimate the heating & cooling load of a building. The evacuated tubular collector is considered to be used for cooling the building. When the evacuated tubular collector of Thermomax is installed at a tilt 30° toward south in Taejon, the monthly average collection efficiency is about 47% for the cooling period, while it is about 41% for the heating period. When the evacuated tubular collector was installed at a tilt 90°, the monthly average collection efficiency is about 33% for cooling, while it is about 31% for heating. As a result, the monthly average useful energy gain based on the effective collector area of 100 ㎡ is about 4,200,000 ㎉/month for a tilt 30°, which is almost twice than that for a tilt 90°.
김홍제,황기영,Kim, H.J.,Hwang, K.Y. 대한설비공학회 1997 설비공학 논문집 Vol.9 No.4
The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of conjugate forced and natural convection in the triple-glazed airflow window, where the outer air passes through a space contrived between the interior and exterior window panes, were studied numerically by a finite volume method for the elliptic form of the Navier-Stokes equations. The investigation focused on the influence of window geometry, ventilastion rate and solar energy on the temperature, velocity distribution and thermal performance of the airflow window. The comparison between the triple-glazed airflow window and the enclosed triple-glazed window was also made to evaluate the effect of buoyancy upon which the thermal performance of the window depended.
수직휜이 부착된 평행평판 채널내의 유동 및 열전달에 관한 수치해석
황기영,김홍제,모정하,Hwang, K.Y.,Kim, H.J.,Moh, J.H. 대한설비공학회 1995 설비공학 논문집 Vol.7 No.4
An analysis is made of the laminar fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in a parallel-plate channel to whose walls are fitted with a series of equidistant staggered fins placed transversely to the flow direction. The governing equations are solved numerically by a finite-volume method for elliptic flows. Based on the obtained solutions of flow and temperature fields, the effects of Reynolds number and various geometric parameters on the heat transfer performance and pressure drop are evaluated. A comparson of the heat transfer characteristics between the channels with and without staggered fins is also made.