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      • KCI등재

        역관 崔性學의 생애와 문학 세계

        김홍매(Jin, Hong-mei) 대동한문학회 2017 大東漢文學 Vol.50 No.-

        崔性學은 조선 후기 한학 역관으로, 활발한 문학 활동을 했던 역관 문인이다. 유명한 역관 문인인 李尙迪의 문하에서 수학을 하였고 이상적의 문인인 김병선, 김석준 등 역관들과 교류를 하고 함께 문학 활동을 펼쳤다. 본인이 상당한 양의 시를 쓴 외에 조부인 崔昭의 문집을 편찬하였으며 海客詩鈔 를 포함한 여러 문집의 편찬에 참여하였고 동시대 문인들의 문집에 서 문을 썼다. 최성학은 1876년과 1881년에 청나라로 사행을 간 것이 확인된다. 그 중1881년의 사행에서는 領選使로 중국에 파견된 金允植을 보좌하는 중요한역할을 하였다. 본고에서는 최성학의 생애와 교유, 문집 편찬 활동을 살피고 해객시초에 실린 한시 작품을 위주로 그 문학적 특징을 고찰하였다. 해객시초 에 실린 한시 중에는 작품성이 뛰어난 秀作이 있는 반면 아직 예술적인 면에서 성숙되지 못한 작품도 섞여 있다. 청나라 문인인 許振椲는 최성학의 시가자구의 단련이 아직 부족하고 자연스럽지 못하다는 점을 지적하였고, 董文 渙은 최성학의 시가 담백하면서도 사람의 심금을 울린다고 높이 평가하였다. 최성학의 시는 자연에 대한 사랑과 삶의 가치에 대한 추구를 진솔한 감정을 담아 표현하였고 동시대 인물들과의 교유의 흔적을 담고 있어서 19세기 역관들의 문학과 삶에 대한 정보를 생생하게 전달하고 있다. Choi Seonghak, who was born in 1842, was one of the important translators who were active in the literary world of the Joseon Dynasty in the 19th century. He was one of the students of the well-known translator Lee Shangjeok, and carried out a wide range of literary creation with his friends Kim Byeongseon, Kim Soukjun, Byeon Wongyu, and others who were also translators. Choi Seonghak not only left a considerable number of Chinese poetry, but also edited the anthology of his grandfather Choi So and compiledf poetry Haike Poetry with his friends. Choi Seonghak went to China as a translator respectively in 1876 and 1881. In 1881, he was elected to assist the then leader Kim Yunsik. From 1887 to 1920, he served as a librarian in Jianghua Island. According to existing literature, Choi Seonghak had two anthologies, but both of them have been lost. This article mainly analyzes the characteristics and gains and losses of Choi Seonghak s poems through works collected in “Haike Poetry” and Qing people’s evaluation on his poems. He had 49 works included in “Haike Poetry”, among which, some of his words were masterpieces with just right words and beautiful mood; however some of his works are slightly inadequate in art skills. Scholar Xu Zhenwei is pertinent, and he believes that Choi s poems need to further improve his words and phrases in order to go beyond the predecessors to reach a new realm. Dong Wenhuan, a late Qing Dynasty scholar made an earnest evaluationon on Choi Seonghak’s poems, he thought Choi’s works had poetic dilution and moving words, he also cited Zhang Jiuling’s words “although they are not delicate, they are useful for the time”, which expressed positive attitude to Choi’s works, but also pointed out the lack of literature and art. Choi Seonghak’s poems show the love of nature and the pursuit of the meaning of life, express the true feelings on life and friendship, which were of great significance in translating literature of the 19th century.

      • KCI등재

        역관 변원규(卞元圭)의 문화 활동과 작품 세계

        김홍매 ( Jin Hong-mei ),천금매 ( Qian Jin-mei ) 한국한시학회 2018 韓國漢詩硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        변원규(卞元圭, 1837-1896)는 조선 후기 유명한 역관이다. 지금까지 그의 정치업적은 어느 정도 연구가 되어 있으나 문인으로서의 면모에 대해서는 거의 연구가 없는 실정이다. 그러나 당시 사람들의 기록을 보면 그는 상당한 문학적 재능을 갖추고 있었으며 이런 문학적 재능은 그의 외교활동에도 크게 도움이 되었다. 변원규의 교유, 서적 유통활동, 작품세계 등은 『해객시초(海客詩鈔)』 및 동문환(董文渙)의 일기와 『한객시존(韓客詩存)』 등 자료들을 함께 활용하여 살펴볼 수 있다. 30대 이전의 변원규의 교유 대상은 주로 역관들이었던 것으로 보인다. 스승인 이상적을 비롯하여 변원규는 많은 동년배의 역관들과 교류하였는데 이들과 관련된 작품들은 대체적으로 세월의 덧없음을 한탄하는 내용과, 서로를 격려하는 내용, 만남의 소중함과 지음(知音)으로서의 공감대를 강조하는 내용들로 이루어져있다. 역관이 아니지만 현달하지 못했던 일반 문인들에게 보낸 시도 비슷한 내용을 보이고 있다. 변원규는 1866년부터 1881년까지 15년 동안 동문환과 다양한 서화 작품과 특산물 등을 주고받았는데, 이는 본인들의 시야와 학문의 영역을 넓히는 데 기여하였을 뿐 아니라 한중 문화교류에도 적지 않은 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 보인다. 변원규는 또 중국 문인 유지개(游智開)의 시집인 『장원시초(藏園詩鈔)』를 조선에서 간행하였다. 변원규와 동시기 사람인 김택영(金澤榮)과 김윤식(金允植)은 모두 변원규의 시를 높이 평가하였다. 두 사람의 평가를 종합해 보면 변원규는 빠르고 민첩하게 시를 짓는데 능하였으며, 시는 호방한 특징이 있다는 평가를 받았음을 알 수 있다. 본고에서 살펴본 『해객시초』의 시는 벗에 대한 그리움과 우정을 드러내는 내용과, 벗과 자신에 대한 격려의 내용, 불우한 벗들의 조우에 대한 슬픔과 인생무상에 대한 감개 등의 정서를 드러내는 내용이 주된 기조를 이루고 있다. Byeon WonGyu(卞元圭, 1837-1896) was a famous translator in late Joseon. Until now there are some research on his political achievements. But as a literati, there are few studies have yet been done on him. According to the records at that time we can see that Byeon WonGyu was a man of great literary talent. And his literary talent played a positive role in his diplomatic activities. We can learn about his social activities, circulation activities of books, literary creation activities through “HaeGekShiCho(海客詩鈔)”, Dong WenHuan(董文渙)’s diary, “HanKeShiCun(韓客詩存)” and so on. Before 30 years old Byeon WonGyu mainly interacts with translators in Joseon. Apart from his teacher Lee Sang Juk(李尙迪), he maintained friendly contacts with many people who were translation officer similar to his age. The literary works related to these people mainly include the following aspects. Sighing over the passage of time, encouraging each other, cherishing the opportunity to meet, stressing the resonance of bosom friend. Such content was also reflected in the poetries by Byeon WonGyu to the other people who were not translators. From 1866 to 1881 Byeon WonGyu exchanged lots of paintings and other specialties with Dong WenHuan. Such cultural exchange activities not only broaden the horizons of the two people, but also broaden their academic fields. At the same time, the cultural exchange activities also had a positive impact on cultural exchanges between China and Korea. Byeon WonGyu also took You Zhikai’s poetry anthology “ZangYuanShiChao(藏園詩鈔)” to Joseon and published it. Kim Yeongtaek(金澤榮) and Kim Yunsik(金允植) who were the people of Byeon WonGyu’s generation all praised his poems highly. Combined with the evaluation of these two people, we can find out a fact. That was Byeon WonGyu could write a poem so quickly. And his poems were rated as bold and unconstrained in style. Byeon WonGyu’s poems in “HaeGekShiCho(海客詩鈔)” mentioned in this paper have the following main characteristics. Yearning for friends, encouraging each other, the sad feeling for friend's misfortune, regretsing about life's impermanence and so on.

      • 소재변종운(소齋卞鍾運)의 교유양상 -사대부 문인과의 교유를 중심으로-

        김홍매 ( Hong Mei Jin ) 우리한문학회 2014 漢文學報 Vol.30 No.-

        소齋 卞鍾運은 19세기 중요한 역관 문인으로, 중인문학사에서 간과할 수 없는 인물이다. 본고에서는 변종운의 가계와 생애를 살피고, 중국과 한국의 사대부들을 위주로 변종운의 교유관계를 살펴보았다. 변종운은 중국 사행 시 紀樹유, 葉志詵등 중국문인과 洪敬謨사이에서 서찰을 전달하였으며 陳用光의 시에 차운하였다. 또 만주족 고관인 容照의 집에 초대되어 함께 술을 마셨고, 계門에서 만난 중국 문인들과 함께 모임을 갖고 시를 짓기도 하였다. 변종운은 문학적인 성취 면에서 국내 사대부 문인들에게 높은 평가를 받았다. 남공철은 자신이 변종운의 글을 좋아한다는 말을 남겼고 윤정현과 이유원은 『소재집』에 서문을 써서 변종운의 문장을 높이 평가하였다. 高宗의 종형인 이재원도 어릴 적에 변종운에게 수학한 인연으로 오래도록 좋은 관계를 유지했으며 『소재집』에 서문을 썼다. 변종운은 金正喜, 金興根등 사대부 문인들과도 교유가 있어 그들이 유배되어 갈 때는 송별의 序를 써 주었고 김흥근과 조두순의 환갑에는 송축문을 썼다. 이외에도 그는 沈魯崇, 金命根, 李敦榮, 尹正鎭, 金夔淳등이 지방관으로 부임되어 갈 때 모두 序를 써서 관리의 소임을 다하고 백성들을 사랑하는 훌륭한 관리가 될 것을 권면하였다. 특히 이들 중 김명근과는 절친한 관계를 유지하며, 만년을 함께 보내고 싶다는 생각을 보이기도 하였다. SOJAE Jong-Woon Byun is an important interpreter officer in the nineteenth century who cannot be overlooked in the Literature History of Chinese Writers. This report reviews Jong-Woon Byun’s family and life and examines his association relationship focusing on Sadaebu of China and Korea. On his envoy trips to China, Jong-Woon Byun used to deliver letters between Chinese writers including 紀樹유(Shu-Rui Ji), 葉志詵(Zhi-Xian Ye) and Gyeong-Mo Hong and borrowed rhyming from 陳用光(Yong-Guang Chen)’s poems. Also, he was invited to the house of 容照(Zhao Rong), high official of Manchuria to have drinks together and held gatherings with Chinese writers he meet in JI MEN to write poems together. Jong-Woon Byun was highly appreciated by domestic Sadaebue writers due to his literary achievements. Gong-Cheol Nam said he likes Jong-Woon Byu’s writing and Jung-Hyun Yoon and Yoo-Won Lee paid high respect to Jong-Woon Byun in the preface of <<SOJAE collection>>. Jae-Won Lee, a cousin of Emperor Gojong, who learned from Jong-Woon Byun in his early days, maintained a good relationship with him for a long time, and also wrote a preface of <<SOJAE collection>>. Jong-Woon Byun’s association included other Sadaebu writers and he wrote letters of farewell to Jeong-Hee Kim and Heung-Geun Kim when they were exiled, and letters of blessing to Heung-Geun Kim and Doo-Soon Cho on their 60thbirthdays. He would write letters of farewell to Noh-Soong Shim, Myung-Geun Kim, Don-Young Lee, Jung-Jin Yoon, Gye-Soon Kim and others when they got appointed to regional offices, encouraging them to take full accountability as an officer and to love the people. Myung-Geun Kim was very close with Jong-Woon Byun to the extent that he had the thought of spending later years together.

      • KCI등재

        옹방강(翁方綱)과의 비교를 통해 본 김정희 <실사구시설(實事求是說)>의 학문적 경향

        김홍매(Hong-mei Jin) 국문학회 2022 국문학연구 Vol.- No.46

        김정희가 살았던 19세기의 청나라는 고증학이 전성기에 처해 있던 시점이었다. 김정희는 청나라를 방문하고 당시 유명한 학자였던 옹방강(翁方綱), 완원(阮元)과 사승관계를 맺었고, 청대의 학술성과를 적극적으로 수용하였다. <실사구시설(實事求是說)>은 김정희의 학문적 경향을 보여주는 중요한 작품으로, 지금까지 많은 연구가 이루어졌으나 청대 학술과의 영향 관계가 제대로 구명되지 않았다는 아쉬움이 있다. 특히 김정희의 경학 연구를 직접적으로 지도한 옹방강이 청대 고증학에서 어느 정도 지점에 있었던 사람인지, 김정희의 학문이 당시의 조선 학문 및 청나라의 학문과 어떤 면에서 계승관계 혹은 영향관계에 놓여 있는지에 대해서는 선행연구에서 아직 깊이 있게 논의되지는 않은 것으로 생각된다. 본고에서는 이런 문제의식을 가지고 김정희의 고증학 경향을 보여주는 글로 평가되는 <실사구시설>을 중심으로 고증학에 대한 김정희의 관점을 옹방강과의 비교 및 청대 학술과의 관련성 속에서 살펴보았다. 옹방강은 청대 고증학이 전성기에 처한 시기에 생활하였던 사람으로, 고증학의 영향을 깊이 받기는 하였지만 청대 학술에서 그의 위치는 고증학 학자가 아니라 이학자이며, 고증학을 의리지학을 밝히기 위한 수단으로 보는 입장에서 고증학의 대표적인 학자들을 비판하고 배격하는 모습을 보였다. 김정희는 고증학의 연구 성과를 적극적으로 수용하려는 태도를 보였지만, 훈고와 의리에 대한 그의 태도는 기본적으로 옹방강과 다르지 않다. 그의 <실사구시설>은 훈고를 중시하되 그것은 의리를 밝히기 위한 방편에 불과하다는 입장을 드러낸 글이다. 또한 사승과 가학을 강조하면서 경전과 한대 학자인 정현(鄭玄)의 주석의 정통적 지위를 수호하려는 태도는 진정한 실사구시적 태도라고 보기 어려우며, 고증학보다는 성리학에 치우치는 경향을 보여준다. The Qing Dynasty of the 19th century, where Kim, Jeong-hee, lived, was at the height of textual criticism. Kim, Jeong-hee, visited the Qing Dynasty and established a private relationship with Weng, Fang-gang(翁方綱) and Ruan, Yuan(阮元), who were famous scholars at the time, and actively accepted the academic achievements of the Qing Dynasty. Silsagusisheol(實事求是說) is an important work that shows Kim, Jeong-hee’s academic tendency, and many studies have been conducted so far, but it is regrettable that the influence relationship with Qing Dynasty scholarship has not been properly investigated. In particular, it is thought that previous studies have not yet discussed in depth how Weng, fang-gang, who directly guided Kim Jeong-hee’s study, was a person in Qing Dynasty textual criticism, and in what ways Kim Jeong-hee’s studies lie in succession or influence with Joseon studies and Qing studies at the time. With this awareness of the problem, this paper examined Kim, Jeong-hee’s perspective on historical studies in comparison with Weng, Fang-gang and its relevance to Qingdai Studies, focusing on the Silsagusisheol, which is evaluated as an article that shows Kim, Jeong-hee’s tendency to historical studies. Weng, Fang-gang was a person who lived in the heyday of Qing Dynasty textual criticism, and although he was deeply influenced by it, his position in Qing Dynasty academia was not a historical scholar, but a Neo-Confucianism scholar, and he criticized and rejected representative scholars of textual criticism. Kim, Jeong-hee, showed an attitude to actively accept the research results of textual criticism, but his attitude toward explanations of words in ancient books and loyalty is basically no different from Weng, Fang-gang. His Silsagusisheol is an article that emphasizes explanations of words in ancient books, but reveals that it is only a way to express loyalty. In addition, it is difficult to say that the attitude of presiding over the orthodox status of Confucian classics and oriental scholar Zheng, Xuan(鄭玄) while emphasizing Neo-Confucianism is a true practical attitude, and it tends to be biased toward Neo-Confucianism rather than textual criticism.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국 역사드라마의 중국어 자막번역 오류 분석: 「옷소매 붉은 끝동」의 사례를 중심으로

        김홍매 ( Jin Hong Mei ) 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2023 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.21 No.0

        In this paper, we analyzed the errors in the translation of Chinese subtitles in the Korean historical drama 'The Red Sleeve' and discussed the cause of the error and ways to improve it. The subject of the investigation in this paper is the Chinese subtitle translation provided by Korean Fan Subtitle Translation Team, which belongs to the fan sub translation. According to my observation, the translation of Korean drama fan sub subtitles in China has the following three characteristics. First, the translation takes place in a short time. Second, it is a inter semiotic translation that have the characteristics of spoken and written translation at the same time.. Third, it is the result of group work. Due to these characteristics, translation of Korean dramas into Chinese subtitles is bound to cause much more errors than general translation. Based on these characteristics of Korean drama fansub subtitle translation, this paper proposes the framework for error analysis of Korean drama subtitle translation as follows. Subtitle translation errors are divided into two types: errors caused by lack of competence by individual translators and errors caused by lack of teamwork, and the former is divided into speech identification errors, semantic judgment errors, grammar and contextual errors, and cultural custom errors. The latter is divided into errors due to lack of list sharing and errors due to lack of translation guidance. Based on this framework, we analyzed errors in Chinese subtitle translation of 'The Red Sleeve' and suggested ways to improve individual voice identification, vocabulary and grammar, culture and context identification, and translation guidance and inspection through teamwork.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 기업정책 변화에 따른 물류시장 영향

        이성우(Lee Sung Woo),김홍매(Jin Hong Mei) 한국해양수산개발원 2007 해양정책연구 Vol.22 No.1

        Due to growth of international trade of China, China logistics market is quickly increasing and China becomes a center of global logistics network. Recently, the change of China enterprise policy through establishing new legal in order to improve their industry structure and calm down their overheating economy, has influenced the logistics market. It expects to give positive or negative impact to their market in terms of market economy and foreign direct investment. Having the aforementioned in mind, purpose of this paper are to investigate the change of China enterprise policy and analyse opinion of enterprises, which do business in China, for impact of China logistics market. In addition, it is to presume the change of China logistics market in near future and suggest appropriate response of Korea government and logistics companies. According to analysing of the survey for logistics companies in China, its logistics market will be the level-up and major players whichever Chinese companies or foreign companies will get competitiveness related to scale of economies and wide network. In terms of market economy, global and Korea enterprises have more negative influence than those of China. On the other hand, in respect of business cost, Korea enterprises are more negative than those of global and China. Therefore Korea logistics enterprises have to improve their scale and scope of business and extend international network as soon as possible they can. It is only way for surviving in the fierce competition market.

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