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      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        현대 영성학과 목회상담을 통한 영성 탐색에 대한 연구

        김태형(Tai Hyoung Kim) 연세대학교 신과대학(연합신학대학원) 2017 신학논단 Vol.87 No.-

        Paul Tillich understands a human as psychological and spiritual being. So when we try to understand a human truly, we need to get help with theological viewpoints along with psychological ones. Theological viewpoints supply various human experiences with the transcendent insights, and transcendent insights from life experiences tend to appear as a tendency of a modern spirituality which is different from traditional christian spiritual theology. As a branch of Applied Theology, Pastoral Counseling can explain the concept of Confessional Theology and Operational Theology about Modern Spirituality and a Pastoral Counselor can lead Pastoral Counseling in Search of a client’s Spirituality, by helping bridge the gap, and by connecting between the both theologies. I insist that Pastoral Counseling in Search of Spirituality is theologically-based and has merits over the psychology, because it can cover both psychological and spiritual traits of a human being. A Pastoral Counselor who lead Pastoral Counseling in Search of Spirituality, can help a client experience the Grace from God deeply, through his healthy Spirituality. Paul Tillich understands a human as psychological and spiritual being. So when we try to understand a human truly, we need to get help with theological viewpoints along with psychological ones. Theological viewpoints supply various human experiences with the transcendent insights, and transcendent insights from life experiences tend to appear as a tendency of a modern spirituality which is different from traditional christian spiritual theology. As a branch of Applied Theology, Pastoral Counseling can explain the concept of Confessional Theology and Operational Theology about Modern Spirituality and a Pastoral Counselor can lead Pastoral Counseling in Search of a client’s Spirituality, by helping bridge the gap, and by connecting between the both theologies. I insist that Pastoral Counseling in Search of Spirituality is theologically-based and has merits over the psychology, because it can cover both psychological and spiritual traits of a human being. A Pastoral Counselor who lead Pastoral Counseling in Search of Spirituality, can help a client experience the Grace from God deeply, through his healthy Spirituality.

      • KCI등재후보

        타자성으로의 접근 가능성을 시도한 상담 사례 연구 -라깡의 타자성을 중심으로-

        김태형 ( Tai Hyoung Kim ) 한국목회상담학회 2013 목회와 상담 Vol.20 No.-

        According to Jacque Lacan, a baby is born with “The Otherness” and experiences “it” in the relationship with its mother in the real. But as a baby gets through the individuation, the Otherness becomes alienated, from the Conscious. Afterward, a baby begins to form its “Subject” by identifying itself with outer objects, and tries to approach to alienated the Otherness, but only to fail. But the frustration leads a subject onto the state which characterized of using “Symbols”(including signified(meanings) and signifier(expressions)). A subject starts to use outer objects-supplying symbols, under the influences of circumstances and cultures. But out-sauced symbols cannot help to a subject to access The Otherness, because they are not originated from his(or her) own experiences. This means that a subject are to approach the Otherness, only by use of unique experiences- originated symbols. When the door opens to unique own symbols which are sprung up from the soil of own experiences, a subject will get the chance to approach to the Otherness. To do so, a subject needs a psychological empowerment from empathetic outer objects to get to self originated symbols. At this time, the outer object should stop forcing his(or her) own symbols toward a subject, but supply empathetic-psychological power to a subject, so that a subject create its self originated symbols and to use them. Lacan names this process as “Sublimation”, from the stage of using outer objects-supplying symbols to the stage of using subject`s own symbols. I`d like to depict Lacanian Sublimation as “Self-Generating Change leading Reframing”. I suggest that, as Jesus Christ has been accomplishing His mediator`s role in connecting and reconciling between God and human, so a counselor should help to clients to access his(or her) the Otherness, not by forcing counselor`s symbols, but by clients-created symbols. And I tries to achieve the possibility, through the case study.

      • KCI등재

        보웬의 가족치료에 근거한 자아분화의 시도를 통한 불안극복에 대한 목회상담적 연구

        김태형 ( Kim Tai Hyoung ) 한국목회상담학회 2017 목회와 상담 Vol.28 No.-

        현대 가족 치료 이론은 내담자의 문제를 개인적인 측면에서 뿐만 아니라 가족이라는 더 큰 체계(system)의 관점에서 보고, 특정 개인이 보이는 문제가 가족의 체계 안에서 구성원들이 영향을 주고 받는 가운데에 문제가 발생한다고 보는 경향이 있다. 체계론적 관점에서 볼 때에 머레이 보웬(Murray Bowen)의 이론은 특정 세대의 불안 등의 문제가 삼각관계등의 부정적 정서적 융합의 과정을 통하여 다음 세대로 전수될 수 있음을 설명한다. 부정적 정서에 연루된 개인은 가족이라는 체계 내에서 미분화되어서 살아가며, 반대로 부정적 정서에서 벗어난 개인은 스스로 삶을 결정하고 살아가도록 자아분화를 이룬다. 한편 도널드 리차드슨(Ronald Richardson)은 교회내에서도 성장기에 건강한 자아 분화를 경험하지 못한 성도는 다른 이들을 자신의 편으로 끌어들여서 자신을 지지하도록 만들어서 불안을 극복하려는 경향을 보이지만, 그 효과는 매우 일시적이라고 말한다. 그는 목회자가 공동체내의 다양한 갈등에 대처하기 위해서 구성원들이 건강한 자아 분화를 이루도록 이끌 필요가 있음을 강조한다. 도널드 캡스(Donald Capps)는 불안을 견딜 수 있는 근본적인 심리적 힘은 하나님의 현존(The Presence of God)을 경험하게 될 때에 가능하다고 말한다. 목회상담자는 미분화된 내담자가 일으키는 정서적 융합을 경험할 때에, 감정적 동요에 휩싸이지 않으면서도 안정된 태도를 유지하면서 지지와 격려를 반복해서 제공해서, 서서히 내담자가 하나님의 현존의 경험을 형성하면서 자아 분화를 이루게 되도록 도울 수 있다. Modern Family Therapy regards a client`s problem not only individually but also from the perspective of a family-based system. Systemically, a client`s problems arise from interactions among family members. Murray Bowen explains that anxieties of a generation of a family descend in the process of negatively emotional fusions, such as triangles. He also said that a person who is entangled with negatively emotional fusions, is likely to have a lack of individuation in the family system; on the contrary, an adequately individuated person lives by his own decisions, free from negative emotional fusions. Ronald Richardson explains that a person who failed in experiencing healthy individuation, has a tendency to make others supply comfort for himself to overcome anxieties in church, that but its effect perishes soon. So he emphasizes that pastors need to help people to achieve a higher level of healthy individuation so they can cope with various struggles in community. Donald Capps insists that it`s psychologically possible to overcome when a person ultimately experiences the presence of God. He also says that even when pastoral counselors experience emotional fusions with underindividuated clients, if they keep stably supportive attitudes, in spite of anxious psychic states, clients can get stability to endure anxieties, step by step. In that process, pastoral counselors can help clients experience the presence of God.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 토지관리의 환경변화와 대응

        김태형(Kim Tai Hyoung),김영학(Kim Young Hak) 한국지적정보학회 2004 한국지적정보학회지 Vol.6 No.2

        토지관리를 둘러싼 환경의 변화는 거시적인 환경변화와 미시적인 환경변화로 구분할 수 있고, 이러한 환경변화에 부합하기 위하여 토지관리분야는 새로운 사회환경에 맞는 토지관리의 개혁을 추진하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 21세기의 토지관리에 관련된 환경변화의 내용을 이해하고 환경변화에 부합한 바람직한 토지관리방향을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 토지관리 환경의 변화에 대한 토지관리의 미래상을 지적행정의 역동성, 고객중심의 지적행정, 총체적 서비스 질 관리, 지식가치창조형 토지관리체계, 현세대와 미래세대의 공존 등으로 제시하였다. Land Management Systems are confronted with many macro and micro factors that impose a need for change. In order to overcome these environments, Land Management Reform is being undertaken in many and diverse parts of environmental change. The purpose of this study is to provide alternatives that reinforce the role of land management in the 21st century by understanding and analyzing the contents of environmental change. As the implications of the changing land management environment that can achieve this purpose, we have described the cadastral administration dynamics, the customer-oriented cadastral administration, the total quality management, the land management system of knowledge-value creation, and the sustainable development.

      • KCI등재후보

        미학적 목회상담학의 가능성에 대한 연구

        이상억 ( Sang Uk Lee ),유영순 ( Young Soon Yoo ),김태형 ( Tai Hyoung Kim ) 한국목회상담학회 2011 목회와 상담 Vol.17 No.-

        Isn`t pastoral counseling aesthetical? For its whole process is intrinsically based on a weltanschauung of aesthetical ideas and attitudes. In this regards, the researchers try to define why pastoral counseling might be aesthetical. In particular, we focus on a point that pastoral counseling can be understood in a ground of interpretation. It is because interpretational tasks are the main procedure of pastoral counseling as well as the process of rapport. What we assert and introduce, for pastoral counseling as an interpretational task, is a term, appreciation comparing with Gadamerian concept of application and Ricoeurian description of appropriation. Furthermore, the researchers study how pastoral counseling can produce meaningful changes in the process of pastoral counseling by means of Cappsian term, reframing, which is also, we assert, aesthetical. For Capps argues aesthetical changes out of counselees` first and second order changes. And the researchers maintain that pastoral counselors ought to sustain a concept of beauty, that is, the manners of aesthetical praxis in their actual counseling sessions. What we mean by beauty is not beauty itself as expression of something pretty but a generative power of change, that is also interpreted as a Christian concept of repentance, the encounter of the Divine in this secular world of human agony.

      • KCI등재

        원재료로부터 분리된 α-, β-, γ-키틴의 물리화학적 특성과 약물 방출

        장미경 ( Mi Kyeong Jang ),최창용 ( Chang Yong Choi ),최혜영 ( Hey Young Choi ),김태형 ( Tai Hyoung Kim ),손소희 ( So Hee Son ),장지태 ( Ji Tae Jang ),양현필 ( Hyun Pil Yang ),정특래 ( Teok Rae Jung ),강성구 ( Seong Koo Kang ), 한국키틴키토산학회 2003 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        α-, β-, γ-키틴이 천연 재료로부터 분리되었고 이의 특성이 FT-IR spectrophotometer, solid state CP/MAS ^(13)C NMR spectrophotometer, TGA, XRD에 의해 확인되었다. 또한, 본 연구에서 분리한 키틴을 이용하여 서방성 제제로서의 가능성을 알아보기 위하여 약물전달체를 제조하였다. α-, β-, and γ-chitin의 점도평균분자량(Mvis)이 점도계를 이용하여 측정하였으며, 결과로써 각각의 분자량이 701, 612, and 524 kDa임을 확인하였다. FT-IR스펙트럼에서 아마이드 Ⅰ에서의 흡수밴드가 α-키틴에 있어서는 이중선으로, β-키틴에서는 단일선으로 나타났으며 γ-키틴에서는 α-, β-키틴의 중간형태로 나타났음을 확인하였다. Solid state CP/MAS ^(13) NMR 스펙트럼결과에서 α-키틴의 경우 C3과 C5의 피크가 각각 73과 75ppm에서 나타났으며 β-키틴은 74 ppm에서 단일선으로 나타났고, γ-키틴의 경우 C3과 C5의 흡수 피크가 α-키틴과 유사한 형태의 피크를 나타냈었다. X-ray회절 분석에서는 α-키틴의 경우 9.6, 19.6, 21.1, 23.7에서 4개의 결정면을 확인할 수 있었고, β-키틴의 경우 9.1, 20.3에서 2개의 결정면을 나타내었다. 또한 역평행의 구조와 평행의 구조가 혼재되어 있는 γ-키틴의 경우 β-키틴 보다 오히려 α-키틴에 가까운 결정성을 나타내었다. 그러나 400℃까지 가열하였을 경우 5°~35°에서 나타나던 of α-, β- and γ-chitin의 결정면이 사라졌음을 알 수 있었다. DSC 측정결과로써, α-, β-, γ-chitin의 구조적 특성으로 인해 각각 다른 발열 피크를 나타내었으며, 결과로써 α-chitin의 경우 330, β-chitin은 220 그리고 γ-chitin은 300℃임을 확인하였다. 또한, 본 연구에서 제조한 키틴을 사용하여, 약물전달체를 제조하고, 약물의 방출 거동을 살펴 본 결과, β<γ<α순으로 β-키틴이 서방성의 방출 거동을 나타내었다. 이는 분자간 수소결합이 존재하지 않은 β-키틴 분자 내로 약물이 도입되고 또한 이들간의 상호 인력에 의해 약물 방출이 지연되는 것으로 사료되며, 따라서 본 연구에서 제조된 α-β-γ-chitin의 서방성 약물 전달체로써의 가능성을 확인하였다. α-, β-, and y-chitin were isolated from natural resources by chemical method to investigate the crystalline structure of chitin. Their characterization was identified by FT-IR spectrophotometer, solid state CPMAS ^(13)C NMR spectrophotometer, DSC and XRD. A molecular weight (M_(vis)) of α- , β-, and y-chitin were determined by viscometer resulting in 701, 612, and 524 kDa, respectively. And we have prepared the drug carrier according to the α- , β-, and y-chitin and release profile was investigated. At FT-IR spectra, α-, β-chitin showed doublet and singlet at amide I band, respectively, and y-chitin showed intermediate form between α- and β-chitin. From solid state CP/MAS ^(13)C NMR spectra, two signals appeared at around 73 and 75 ppm assigned to C3 and C5 carbon atoms in a-chitin are sharply separated, the signals of C3 and C5 in β-chitin shows singlet at around 74 ppm. In case of y-chitin, two signals show at around 73 and 75 ppm assigned to C3 and C5 carbon atoms. From the X-ray diffraction results, a-chitin was observed four crystalline reflections, shown at 9.6, 19.6, 21.1, and 23.7 by crystalline structure. Also, β-chitin showed two crystalline reflections as indicated at 9.1˚, and 20.3˚ in the crystalline structure spectroscopy. y-chitin with structure of both antiparallel and parallel was close to X-ray diffraction patterns of a-chitin. As the result of DSC, due to difference in structural characteristics, remarkable differences in the exothermic transition for α-, β-, and y-chitin were observed. However, four crystalline reflections observed in the 28 range of 5 - 35˚ were disappeared in case of α-, β- and y-chitin after heating up to 400℃. The exothermic peak in α-, β-, and y-chitin were shows at 330, 220, and 300℃, respectively. The drug carrier were prepared by using α-, β-, and y-chitin, and the behavior of drug release were investigated by PBS 7.4 at 37±0.5℃. As the result, the drug release behavior was order of y-chitin > a-chitin > β-chitin.

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