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      • 온라인 리뷰와 미니멀리즘

        김진화(Jinhwa Kim),변현수(Hyeonsu Byeon),이승훈(Seunghoon Lee) 한국전자거래학회 2008 한국전자거래학회 심포지움 및 기타간행물 Vol.- No.-

        전통적인 상거래 영역에 정보기술을 접목한 전자상거래는 그 규모와 성장면에서 계속적으로 증가하고 있다. 특히 기업과 소비자간 전자상거래를 의미하는 B2C는 그 종류와 규모면에서 계속 성장하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 기업과 소비간의 거래에 있어서 제품 구매에 중요한 영향을 미치는 온라인 리뷰의 정보제공능력에 대해 연구하고자 한다. 온라인 리뷰가 제공하는 정보의 양이 증가할수록 이는 처리해야 하는 판매자와 구매자에게는 부담이 된다. 기존의 온라인 리뷰에 대한 연구는 사용자의 구매 경험을 전달하는 방법에 주력하여 온라인 리뷰의 형태와 전달효과 등에 대한 연구가 부족하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 효과적으로 정보를 전달하기 위해 필요한 온라인 리뷰의 형태와 정보 전달 등에 대해 연구하고자 한다.

      • Product Development with Data Mining Techniques

        Jinhwa Kim(김진화),Jae Kwon Bae(배재권),Lu Pei Yong(페이용) 한국경영과학회 2009 한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.10

        Many enterprises have been devoting a significant portion of their budget to product development in order to distinguish their products from those of their competitors and to make them better fit the needs and wants of customers. Hence, businesses should develop product designing that could satisfy the customers’ requirements since this will increase the enterprise’s competitiveness and it is an essential criterion to earning higher loyalties and profits. This paper investigates the following research issues in the development of new digital camera products: (1) What exactly are the customers’ “needs” and “wants” for digital camera products? (2) What features is more importance than others? (3) Can product design and planning for product lines/product collection be integrated with the knowledge of customers? (4) How can the rules help us to make a strategy during we design new digital camera? To investigate these research issues, the Apriori and C4.5 algorithms are methodology of association rule and decision tree for data mining, which is implemented to mine customer’s needs. Knowledge extracted from data mining results is illustrated as knowledge patterns and rules on a product map in order to propose possible suggestions and solutions for product design and marketing.

      • 사용자와 제공자간의 웹사이트 서비스 평가차이 분석

        김진화(Jinhwa Kim),변현수(Hyeonsu Byeon),임옥선(Oksun Im) 한국전자거래학회 2008 한국전자거래학회 심포지움 및 기타간행물 Vol.- No.-

        본 연구는 웹사이트에 대한 사용자와 제공자의 인식의 차이를 확인하고 분석한 후 이를 데이터마이닝을 이용해 웹사이트의 개선을 위한 전략의 도출을 제시하고자 한다. 이 연구에서는 웹사이트 사용자와 제공자간의 인식차이 분석을 위하여 기존 문헌 연구를 통해서 웹사이트 개선을 위한 웹사이트의 평가 요인과 항목을 중심으로 인터넷 서점 사이트를 연구대상으로 한 설문지를 재구성하였다. 그 다음 동일한 문항으로 사용자와 제공자에게 각각 설문 조사를 실시하여 데이터를 수집하였다. 수집된 사용자와 제공자 각각의 응답을 통계분석을 통해 비교하고 그 차이를 확인한 후 조하리 창(Johari Window)을 바탕으로 인식차이에 대한 분석을 하였다. 웹사이트의 개선을 위한 전략을 도출하기 위해서 사용자와 제공자간 인식차이가 상이하게 나타난 설문 항목에 대해 데이터마이닝을 이용하여 응답 데이터에서 규칙을 도출해내고 이를 기반으로 웹사이트 사용자와 제공자간 인식차이 분석을 통한 웹사이트 개선전략을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        평생교육사의 직업적 전문성과 직무의 탐구

        김진화(Kim Jinhwa) 한국평생교육학회 2003 평생교육학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구는 평생교육의 대중화와 평생교육 기관 및 사설의 확대 속에서 평생교육사의 직업적 전문성이 평생교육발전의 중요한 과제라는 전제 아래 평생교육사의 직업적 전문성을 탐구하고 발전방안을 제시하는 목적이 있었다. 본 연구를 통해 밝혀진 내용은 다음과 같다. 평생교육사의 직업적 전문성은 전문직 사회학의 과정 이론에 비추어볼 때 직업적 전문성을 갖춘 직업으로 이행되고 있으며, 사회적 과제이론에서 볼 때 사회적 기능성과 유용성이 사회적으로 인정받기 시작하고 있으며, 특성이론에서 볼 때 컨설턴트, 연구분석가, 관리운영자, 설계자, 고수자 등으로 특성화되고 있음이 확인되었다. 평생교육사의 직무규정은 법·제도적 준거와 이론적 기준을 통합하여 (1)관리자, (2) 프로그램개발자, (3) 교수, (4) 상담자, (5) 조정자, (6) 평가 및 컨설팅 전문가로 규정되었고, 초기 전문직 단계에서 관용적 동의와 합의가 필요함이 제기되었다. 평생교육사가 갖추고 있어야할 자질은 교육내용 영역에 대한 탁월함만으로는 충분하지 않고, 대인 및 인간관계 기술과 친숙한 인성도 반드시 필요하다. 평생교육사의 직업적 전문성 향상을 위한 과제는 평생교육사 자격제도, 양성체계 및 교육과정, 재교육 등을 논의의 대상으로 끌어들여 통합적인 모델을 설정하여 전략화하는 것이 요청된다. The purposes of this study were to discuss on the occupational professionality of lifelong educators thought out reviewing the theories of the sociology of professions, to identify empirically the core duties and tasks of the lifelong educators, to explore the some elements related in the competencies and the qualifications, and to represent the some implications for improving the occupational professionality of lifelong educators in Korea. The findings of this study were as follows. Firstly, it was identified that the lifelong educators is transforming to the professionalism as a new occupation in terms of the process approach of sociology of profession because of regarding as a useful factors for performing social needs and functions in terms of the social assignment approach. Secondly, it was explored that the core duties of the lifelong educators in Korea were the managers of agencies and organizations, the program development specialists, the instructors and lecturers, the learning counsellors, the negotiator and coordinators, and educators and consultants. Thirdly, it was identified that the core competencies were the mastering educational contents, the developing interpersonal and human relation skills, and the improving comfortable character toward a learners.

      • KCI우수등재

        오프라인 구전과 온라인 리뷰간의 정보 캐스케이드 영향 분석

        김진화(Jinhwa Kim),배재권(Jae Kwon Bae),전한철(HanCheol Jeon) 한국전자거래학회 2010 한국전자거래학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 온라인 리뷰와 오프라인 구전효과가 무리행동의 원인이 되는 정보 캐스케이드에 어떠한 영향을 주는지 규명하고, 그 효과를 전통적인 오프라인 상에서 발생하는 정보 캐스케이드 현상과 비교하여 검증하고자 하였다. 또한 정보 캐스케이드 현상이 같은 종류의 제품일지라도 브랜드에 따라서 상이하게 나타나는지를 관찰하여 각 제품들이 가져야 할 전략을 모색해 보고자 하였다. 연구결과, 오프라인 구전과 온라인 리뷰를 제공하였을 경우 모두 정보 캐스케이드 현상이 발생한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이는 구매자의 의사결정이 선행구매자의 상품평가에 의해 매우 큰 영향을 받는다는 것을 의미한다. 또한 오프라인 구전과 온라인 리뷰는 정보 캐스케이드 효과에 있어 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 연구대상 제품으로 A사의 케녹스(KENOX)와 B사의 익서스(IXUS) 모두 온라인 리뷰에 의해 발생하는 정보 캐스케이드 효과가 오프라인 상에서 발생하는 정보 캐스케이드 현상보다 크다는것을 알 수 있었다. It becomes common thing that many customers buy the goods through the online shopping mall as internet grows very fast. The information cascades that happen when a person imitates the other’s acts also it occurs in online. Many people buy the goods referring on other people’s purchasing experiences and such cases are spreading more and more. Through numerous existing researches, the researches in association with this issue have been studied on the information cascades effect on offline or online separately. The research of comparing the information cascades effects from the offline word of mouth (WOM) and the online review has not studied yet. On that reason this study shows that the online review induces the information cascades. We also compared the effects with information cascades effects from traditional offline word of mouth. In result of this study, the following points have been concluded. Firstly, we examined that information cascades was occurred through both the online review and offline word of mouth. Secondly, the information cascades effect through the online review is greater than through the offline words of mouth. It means the company has to understand the importance of the online review and manage it. Thirdly, the information cascades effects are occurred differently in accordance with the goods brands. Therefore a company has to know whether its products is superior to the competitor’s one or not.

      • 인공지능을 이용한 개인의 소득 예측 사례

        김진화(Jinhwa kim),Arun Doddapaneni 한국지능정보시스템학회 2011 한국지능정보시스템학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.5

        In this study customer income is predicted using U.S. census data employing data mining techniques. A comparative performance analysis of decision tree c5.0, back propagation neural networks, and linear regression models is conducted. This study also suggests the strategic implications of the results from the customer relations perspective for marketing strategy in practice and these results have various practical implications to retail banks with regards to decision making and strategic planning. This can also be applied for fraud detection of income gaps between predicted and actual incomes. The results show that decision tree c5.0 outperforms other models in predictability hence focusing more on decision tree and its advantages in lieu of prediction accuracy. In the mean time a set of decision rules are also extracted from the trained decision tree c5.0 in order to improve the clarity and explicability of the income prediction model.

      • KCI등재

        지식 누적을 이용한 실시간 주식시장 예측

        김진화(Jinhwa Kim),홍광헌(Kwang Hun Hong),민진영(Jin Young Min) 한국지능정보시스템학회 2011 지능정보연구 Vol.17 No.4

        One of the major problems in the area of data mining is the size of the data, as most data set has huge volume these days. Streams of data are normally accumulated into data storages or databases. Transactions in internet, mobile devices and ubiquitous environment produce streams of data continuously. Some data set are just buried un-used inside huge data storage due to its huge size. Some data set is quickly lost as soon as it is created as it is not saved due to many reasons. How to use this large size data and to use data on stream efficiently are challenging questions in the study of data mining. Stream data is a data set that is accumulated to the data storage from a data source continuously. The size of this data set, in many cases, becomes increasingly large over time. To mine information from this massive data, it takes too many resources such as storage, money and time. These unique characteristics of the stream data make it difficult and expensive to store all the stream data sets accumulated over time. Otherwise, if one uses only recent or partial of data to mine information or pattern, there can be losses of valuable information, which can be useful. To avoid these problems, this study suggests a method efficiently accumulates information or patterns in the form of rule set over time. A rule set is mined from a data set in stream and this rule set is accumulated into a master rule set storage, which is also a model for real-time decision making. One of the main advantages of this method is that it takes much smaller storage space compared to the traditional method, which saves the whole data set. Another advantage of using this method is that the accumulated rule set is used as a prediction model. Prompt response to the request from users is possible anytime as the rule set is ready anytime to be used to make decisions. This makes real-time decision making possible, which is the greatest advantage of this method. Based on theories of ensemble approaches, combination of many different models can produce better prediction model in performance. The consolidated rule set actually covers all the data set while the traditional sampling approach only covers part of the whole data set. This study uses a stock market data that has a heterogeneous data set as the characteristic of data varies over time. The indexes in stock market data can fluctuate in different situations whenever there is an event influencing the stock market index. Therefore the variance of the values in each variable is large compared to that of the homogeneous data set. Prediction with heterogeneous data set is naturally much more difficult, compared to that of homogeneous data set as it is more difficult to predict in unpredictable situation. This study tests two general mining approaches and compare prediction performances of these two suggested methods with the method we suggest in this study. The first approach is inducing a rule set from the recent data set to predict new data set. The seocnd one is inducing a rule set from all the data which have been accumulated from the beginning every time one has to predict new data set. We found neither of these two is as good as the method of accumulated rule set in its performance. Furthermore, the study shows experiments with different prediction models. The first approach is building a prediction model only with more important rule sets and the second approach is the method using all the rule sets by assigning weights on the rules based on their performance. The second approach shows better performance compared to the first one. The experiments also show that the suggested method in this study can be an efficient approach for mining information and pattern with stream data. This method has a limitation of bounding its application to stock market data. More dynamic real-time steam data set is desirable for the application of this method. There is also another problem in this study.

      • 박막 두께에 따른 열전도계수의 변화 측정

        김진화(Jinhwa Kim),정대식(Daesik Jeong),김현정(Hyunjung Kim),유재석(Jaisuk Yoo) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.5

        In these days, the importance of thermal properties measurement for many kinds of materials becomes increasing since those are applied to a vast range of industries. This study considered non-contact methods which could reduce the error like thermal resistance and was unnecessary destruction of samples. Among them, the method using photothermal effect was used to measure thermal properties. The photothermal deflection method is suited to thermal property measurement of thin film samples that have the multi layer structure since the probe beam is not directly reflected to samples. Aluminum film, TiO₂ film and Si₃N₄ film with micro/nanometer thickness were selected as the subject of study and thermal conductivities of them were measured. Samples with many kinds of thickness for each materials were prepared to measure thermal conductivities variation depending on their thickness. And it was observed that thermal conductivity was reduced as the thickness was reduced.

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