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        '근본주의적 생태주의'에 대한 비판적 분석

        김진석(Jin Sok Kim) 철학연구회 2012 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.99

        This article deals with ``ecological fundamentalism``, or ``fundamentalistic``Ecology. It can be a kind of ``Deep Ecology``, which considered the concept of sustainable development not satisfying and shallow, so rejected it. Of course, there are different and diverse types and dimensions of Deep Ecology. Deep Ecology focuses relatively on philosophical thoughts. In comparison to it, Fundamentalistc Ecology reaches political-economical terrains. The specific subject of this paper is a ecological fundamentalism which is represented by korean thinker Jong-Chul Kim. The radical characteristics of his ecological fundamentalism are these: First, it rejects every kind of development. Its assertion is therefore absolute incompatibility of development and ecology. Second, it tends to substantialize and mystify the natural order. And, the only lifestyle corresponding to this order seems to be agriculture, which, in its nature, would be cultivated by independent and mutually benefiting grassroots farmers. But this kind of farm romanticism is not only ideal, but can also be a part of eco-fascism(This doesn`t mean yet that Kim`s fundamentalism itself is politically fascism). Third, the``grassroots people``, which are the subjects of ecological fundamentalism,are lacking concrete and historical reality. But, despite some straight critics against ecological fundamentalism, this paper does not support conveniently the perspective of suitable development. Sure, this perspective cannot stand any more self-sufficiently.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사회적 배제에 대한 대답은사회적 내포인가?

        김진석(Jin Sok Kim) 철학연구회 2015 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.111

        ‘Social exclusion’ is a concept which is in recent times very much popular or even wanted. And it seems that it represents or designates a series of real experiences, especially social inequalities. But, in fact, as a concept, it faces a great deal of conceptual ambiguities. Usual understanding is that social exclusion is bad while social inclusion is good, that they are in simple opposite relation. Such a understanding could lead to serious misunderstanding, because since modern times people have not been simply excluded outside of society. The opposite is true. Modern societies have conducted several forms of social inclusion by relations of power or in terms of functional differentiations of system. And this paper proposes to differentiate first two different forms of inclusion/ exclusion. The one is that of social contract theory, the another refers to that which is constructed for example by relations of power or by functional differentiations of system. According to the former, exclusion occurs when inclusion fails. This difference of two different forms of inclusion/exclusion does not suggest that the model of social contract is wrong. On the contrary, this model has played great role and still plays its role. It need to be kept only from idealization. And to understand the complex effects of exclusion, these two forms together have to be taken into consideration.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        더러움을 무릅쓰는 담론

        김진석(Kim Jin-sok) 한국현상학회 2004 철학과 현상학 연구 Vol.22 No.-

        담론을 순수한 담론과 더럽거나 잡스러운 담론으로 구분하자면, 전자는 역사적 선험성을 담보한 담론, 후자는 그렇지 못한 비서구적 지역에서의 담론에 가깝다. 강한 권력담론을 소유하지 못한 곳에서는 담론이 그렇게 될 가능성이 많기 때 문이다. 그러나 후자의 내부에서도 다른 구분을 해야 할 필요가 있다. 주변적인 공간에서도 진보적언 지식인이나 근본주의적 지식인은 자신이 훌륭한 보편적 지식인의 자격을 갖추고 있고, 자신의 담론 역시 진리의 담론이며 따라서 순수한 담론이라고 여기기 십상이다. 이들은, 실제 행동에서는 그렇지 않더라도 최소한 그들이 의미하는 담론의 차원에서는, 모든 권력이나 권력관계가 나쁜 것이라고 말한다. 그와 달리 여러 차원의 권력관계를 인정하는 사람은 자신의 담론이 순수함을 요구하지도 않고 보편적 진리를 추구한다고 생각하지도 않는다. 이런 점에서 그의 담론은 더럽고 잡스럽다. 이 더러움과 잡스러움은 홈도 아니고 결합도 아니다. 마찬가지로 지식인의 어떤 담론이 순수하다는 것도 칭찬이 아니다. 다만 그것은 자신이 순수하다고 여길 뿐이며, 권력이나 권력관계를 초월한다고 생각할 뿐이다.

      • KCI등재

        인천 구도심의 비판적 재구축을 통한 지역 정체성 향상에 대한 연구

        구영민(Koo, Young-Min),권형표(Kwon, Hyoung-Pyo),최호준(Choi, Ho-Jun),김진석(Kim, Jin-Sok) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2003 인천학연구 Vol.2 No.2

        Incheon is a unique city with its history, regional culture, and geopolitics; nevertheless, the tendency toward extroverted urban development has kept the city from sustaining her own identity either regionally or urbanely. As the city grew to a metropolis while incorporating Ongjin County, Kang-Hwa County, and some part of Kyoung-Gi Province into Incheon, the peculiar character of the region has been diluted. Thereby, the city government of Incheon recently announced "A policy for improvement of urban scenery in the 9 scenic areas in Incheon" and "Multilateral exploration for the betterment of Incheon City" in order to maintain a balance between extroverted and introverted urban development, which has been criticized by the public. However, these kinds of result-oriented temporary measures usually miss the quintessence of urban development programs and end up with the ever-present tendency to regress into nostalgic historicism or the glibly decorative. The policy makers take superficial modern gesture in responding to the actual and serious regional development while neglecting fundamentals of regional and territorial approaches, which reflect the nature and geopolitics of Incheon. Incheon is characterized by her hybrid culture that has been implanted by foreign immigrants since late 19th century and by its chaotic and humdrum urban scene that has resulted from intense industrialization and rapid economic growth since 1960s. The urban scene of Incheon has been distorted by a rapid change in urban infrastructure and indiscreet expansion of the city. Seeking for the regional identity of Incheon is, therefore, initiated by an exploration toward montage of urban scene, experience and collective memories, and the city culture that can be explained with local identity or the sense of place and urban landscape. This study intends to understand a city in more fundamental manner with regard to the thesis how to represent cultural urban landscape in Incheon and to examine fundamental but direct elements that sustain the local character of Incheon. The argument is focused on the urban theories after the modernism and cultural identity of Incheon as an ocean city, in order to explore strategies to improve local environment that is encompassed by the ocean and waterfront.

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