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      • KCI우수등재

        키토산으로 처리한 직물의 태의 변화에 관한 연구(II) -면/폴리에스테르 혼방직물과 폴리에스테르 직물을 중심으로-

        김종준,전동원,Kim, Jong-Jun,Jeon, Dong-Won 한국섬유공학회 1997 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.34 No.9

        Chitosan, one of the natural biodegradable polymers, has widely been investigated in diverse fields of textile application in addition to the food or medical applications. Three different molecular weight chitosan samples, 8, 46, 830 cp, were used for treating fabrics. Polyester/cotton spun yarn fabric and polyester filament yarn fabric were dipped in the chitosan solution, cured, neutralized in NaOH solution, and finally heat-set. Mechanical and physical properties of the chitosan treated fabric samples were investigated using KES (Kawabata Evaluation System) and other instruments.

      • KCI우수등재

        키토산으로 처리한 면직물의 때의 변화에 관한 연구

        김종준,김신희,전동원,Kim, Jong-Jun,Kim, Sin-Hui,Jeon, Dong-Won 한국섬유공학회 1995 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.32 No.8

        High purity chitosan, a natural biodegradable polymer, was used as a staling material for obtaining three di9:rent molecular weight chitosans(830, 46, 8 cP). From these three different chitosans, solutions were prepared using acetic acid as a solvent, changing treatment concentration(0.05%~ 1.0%). Conon woven fabric samples were dipped, pre-dried, neutralized, and heat-set. The mechanical, physical properties of the chitosan treated fabrics, including tensile, shear, bending compression, surface friction, air permeability, and white index, were determined. The increase in the chitosan viscosity and chitosan concentration lowered WT(tensile energy) reading of the treated fabrics, and increased shear rigidity, bending rigidity, bending hysteresis. Yellowing of the treated fabrics was not noticeable, since the purity of the chitosan was high enough.

      • KCI우수등재

        합섬필라멘트직물의 광학적 특성에 관한 연구 - 반사 및 투과 특성 -

        김종준,유민재,최수명,Kim, Jong Jun,Yu, Min Jae,Choe, Su Myeong 한국섬유공학회 1999 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.36 No.10

        Appearance of textile fabrics, such as natural fiber textiles including cotton and wool, and synthetic fiber textiles, including nylon and polyester, is one of the important properties along with the handle of fabrics that are closely related to the factors that govern the preferences of end-users. When light rays impinge upon the synthetic filament fiber surface, they are separated into reflected and refracted components whose intensities are reduced relative to that of the incident beam. The filament configuration in the yarn comprising the fabric has great influence on the reflected and refracted, or transmitted light of the fabric. Reflective properties of filament yarn were simulated based on a three-dimensional crimped filament model that reflects and refracts light rays. Transmissive properties were simulated like-wise based on a three-dimensional cylinder model. Images of nylon filament plain fabric were analyzed using image analysis methods for transmitted and reflected light and compared with the results from the three-dimensional models. The properties predicted by the three-dimensional models established in this work could explain the transmission and reflection of actual nylon filament fabric samples.

      • KCI우수등재

        키토산으로 처리한 직물의 태의 변화에 관한 연구(III) - 키토산 처리조건 변화에 따른 면직물의 태변화 -

        김종준,전동원,Kim, Jong-Jun,Jeon, Dong-Won 한국섬유공학회 1997 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.34 No.10

        Cotton fabric was treated with chitosan samples having high viscosity of 930 cps or low viscosity of 8 cps. The pick-up% levels by fabric samples of chitosan solution in 1% acetic acid were varied (80% and 110%). Effects of oven curing and room drying methods were also compared after chitosan solution treatment of the fabric. NaOH solution treatment and crosslinking by epichlorohydrine were also incorporated in the treatment procedure. Chitosan treatment increased bending rigidity of treated cotton fabrics and changed several other physical and mechanical properties of the fabric. The introduction of epichlorohydrine was effective with the NaOH solution process, while less effective with the oven-curing process. Tensile strength change was almost unnoticeable with the chitosan treatment.

      • KCI등재

        일제 시기 ‘(일본)국사’의 ‘조선사’ 포섭 논리

        김종준 ( Kim Jong-jun ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2013 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.29

        이 글은 일제 시기 역사교육에서 국사와 조선사 간의 위상 및 관계 변화를 시기별로 정리해보았다. 먼저 역사교육이 시작된 1920년대 이래 1930년대 전반기까지는 국사의 조선사 포섭 논리가 모색되고 정리되어가는 과정이었다. 조선에 머물고 있는 일본인 교육자들에게는 역사와 구별되는 국사 체계를 정립시키는 것이 우선적 과제였다. 국사는 순수사학이 아니라 응용사학이라는 구분법이 말해주듯, 국사는 특정한 목적을 가지고 있는 것이었고, 그 특수 목적은 바로 교육이었다. 교육적 목적이라는 미명하에 역사의 보편적 가치 훼손이 용인되고 있다. 한편 1931년 만주사변이 발발하고 세계적으로 국가주의 추세가 확장되면서 국사의 위상을 높이자는 주장도 더 강화된다. 그 속에서 조선사를 국사 체계 안에 포섭시켜야 한다는 논리도 등장하고 있다. 1920년대에는 향토사라는 차원에서 조선사에 대한 접근이 존재했는데, 당대 교육자들은 조선과 일본과의 관계가 역사적으로 좋지 않았던 점과 조선인들의 자국 역사 인식이 강하다는 점 때문에 고충을 토로하고 있었다. 그러나 1930년대 들어 원칙적으로 조선사를 국사 체계 안에 포함시켜야 한다는 논의도 좀 더 뚜렷해지는데 조선총독부는 그전부터 이미 경성제대 교수 등을 동원한 조선사편수회 사업의 식민사학 연구, 즉 관학아카데미즘에 기반하여 조선사 연구를 통제하고자 했다. 조선학운동이 한창이던 1935년 총독부는 본격적으로 국사와 조선사가 결합된 교과서 편찬에 들어간다. 결과물이 나오는 것은 1938년 이후인데 침략전쟁을 개시한 일본은 사상적으로 더 경직되어 있었다. 총독부는 조선사편수회 사업이 마무리되는 시점에서 조선사 포섭은 물론 일본 내지의 국사 체계 자체의 혁신을 요구한다. 조선사의 국사 편입은 전시체제기 황국신민화 정책의 강제성에 의해 하루아침에 이루어진 것은 아니고, 그전까지 추진되어 오던 일련의 시도들이 특정 국면에서 실현된 것으로 보아야 할 것이다. This writing organized changes of the position and relation between Japanese national history and Joseon history in the historic education during Japanese occupation by times. First of all, the logic of assimilation of Joseon history in the national history was sought and organized during the period from 1920's to the early 1930's in which historical education started. To Japanese educations staying in Joseon, it was top priority to establish national historical system discriminated from the history. As said in the division method that the national history was not pure historical science but application history, the national history had special goals, which means the education itself. Under the pretext of educational goals, damage in historical universal value was allowed. In the meantime, as Manju War occurs in 1931 and nationalism tends to expand in the world, the assertion is more reinforced that national position needs to increase. In the midst of such trends, the logic Joseon history shall be included in the national history appears. In 1920's, Joseon history was dealt under the name of local history, and then-current educators were complaining about difficulty things owing to the facts that relation between Japan and Korea was not so good and that Joseon people's recognition of their history was strong. However, in 1930's, the assertion that Joseon history shall be basically included in the national history became more clear, and Japanese Government General of Korea tried to control Joseon history study, on the basis of colonial histories study of Joseonsa Pyeonsuhoe that used Gyeongseong Imperial University professors, etc., that is, national academism. In 1935 in which Joseon studies movement was at it peak, Japanese Government General of Korea in earnest starts to edit a textbook which combined the national history with Joseon history. The result is to come out after 1938, and Japan that started its war of aggression was more stiff ideologically. At the time of Joseon history editing business being finished, Japanese Government General of Korea demands renovation of the national history system including Joseon history. It would be considered that Incorporation of Joseon history into the national history has not been made in a day by colonial policy of subjecting to Japan, but has been made by a series of attempts, which have been carried out from the past, have been realized in a certain time and situation.

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