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임수길,김정윤,임완령,손홍지,이기영,Lim, Soo-Gil,Kim, Joung-Yoon,Lim, Wan-Ryung,Sohn, Hong-Ji,Lee, Ki-Young 한국환경보건학회 2009 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.35 No.2
Secondhand smoke (SHS) is one of major public health threats. Since secondhand smoke is complex mixture of toxic chemicals, there has been no standardized method to measure SHS quantitatively. The purpose of this manuscript was to review various quantitative methods to measure SHS. There are two different methods: air monitoring and biological monitoring. Air monitoring methods include exhaled carbon monoxide level, ambient fine particulates, nicotine and 3-ethenylpyridine. Measurement of fine particulates has been utilized due to presence of real-time monitor, while fine particulates can have multiple indoor sources other than SHS. Ambient nicotine and 3-EP are more specific to SHS, although there is no real-time monitor for these chemicals. Biological monitoring methods include nicotine in hair, cotinine in urine, NNK in urine and DNA adducts. Nicotine in hair can provide chronic internal dose, while cotinine in urine can provide acute dose. Since biological monitoring can provide total internal dose, identification of specific exposure source may be difficult. NNK in urine can indicate carcinogenicity of the SHS exposure. DNA adducts can provide overall cancer causing exposure, but not specific to SHS. While there are many quantitative methods to measure SHS, selection of appropriate method should be based on purposes of assessment. Application of accurate and appropriate exposure assessment method is important for understanding health effects and establishing appropriate control measures.
정서적 정보처리 모델 기반 기능성 VR 게임 디자인 연구
권정흠(Joung Huem Kwon),김정윤(Jung Yoon Kim),남상훈(Sang Hun Nam) 한국컴퓨터게임학회 2017 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.30 No.1
본 논문은 가상환경 시스템을 통한 심리 진단기능성 VR 게임에 대한 실효성 검증으로 Emotional Processing Based Model를 근간으로 VR 환경을 통하여 사용자가 두려워하는 상황 또는 객체에 대한 환경을 VR 기술을 이용하여 구축하였다. 피험자 확보에 대한 어려움으로 실효성 검증을 통한 유의미한 통계적 결론에 도달 하지는 못했으나, 생리심리결과 데이터 기반 정서적 척도에 맵핑한 결과 자가 진단 시 증상을 보유하고 있는 피험자의 경우 부정적 흥분정도를 보여주는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여 심리 진단을 위한 기능성 VR 시스템 구축 및 시나리오 디자인에 대한 기여가 있다고 판단하며, 추후 연구를 통하여 실제 정신질환 치료센터와의 협업을 통해 각 시나리오에 대한 실증 데이터를 획득하고 VR 환경을 통한 두려움 유발 가능성의 통계적 유의성을 확보하고자 한다. 또한 심리치료에 실제로 적용함으로 그 효과에 대한 입증을 시행할 계획이다. Education based on synesthesia has been used to be applied for several years. Especially, We focused on the Coloured-hearing Synesthesia for music education for children who have difficulty in practicing pitch by using the serious game based on Coloured-hearing theory. Also, smart platform is flexible for several sort of video games so we expect good accessibility for children. For proving the effectiveness for education by using this technology and theory, we design the serious game for music called “Bunny’s Cave” based on Coloured-hearing theory and conduct the usability test aimed at 3rd grade student in elementary school.
현전감을 고려한 VR 방탈출 게임의 스토리텔링 사례 연구
김은정(Eun Joung Kim),김정윤(Jung Yoon Kim) 한국디지털콘텐츠학회 2022 한국디지털콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.23 No.11
This study aims to examine the interplay between presence and storytelling through an analysis of the top-listed three VR room-escape games. The player in the room-escape game interacts with objects placed in a closed virtual space for the single purpose of “escape the room” and experiences the inside of the intentionally created space. Therefore, VR room-escape games are the most suitable genre for studying the non-mediated state of mind or the sense of being there, that is, the presence. To analyze each game in detail, this study explored the three components of interaction including navigation, manipulation and communication with a virtual reality environment through literature research and identified what storytelling strategies were attempted for making meaningful interactions with the virtual space. This study will help to do further research on in-depth understanding virtual reality user experience and designing immersive VR contents by classifying the sense of place that was virtually mediated through the technologies.
실내금연법 실시가 실내환경, 건강, 흡연행태에 미치는 영향
이지연(Jiyeon Lee),임완령(Wanryung Lim),김정윤(Joung Yoon Kim),손홍지(Hongji Sohn),임수길(Soogil Lim),이기영(Kiyoung Lee) 한국실내환경학회 2008 한국실내환경학회지 Vol.5 No.3
Secondhand smoke (SHS) is one of major public health threats in morbidity and mortality. Several national and regional comprehensive smoke-free regulations have been implemented to prevent public health exposure, but not in Korea. The purpose of this manuscript was to review impacts of the national or regional smoke-free legislations on indoor air quality, health effects and smoking behaviors. Indoor air quality has been improved significantly after smoke free policy. Such improvement was measured by fine particulates and urinary cotinine. Respiratory and cardiovascular health effects were significantly improved after smoke free policy. This is an indirect evidence of association between secondhand smoke exposure and the health effects. Respiratory symptoms were improved as short as one month after smoke free policy. Smoke free policy was also associated with improved perception of danger of secondhand smoke. Reduction of smoking prevalence was also unexpected benefit of smoke free policy. As reviewed in this paper, smoke free policy can be beneficial to indoor air quality, health effects and smoking behaviors. Since Korea does not have comprehensive smoke free policy yet, it is strongly recommended to implement national comprehensive smoke free policy.