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      • KCI등재

        차량 조향 장치용 중간축 어셈블리의 비틀림 강성 시험의 전산구조해석에 관한 연구

        김정섭(Jeong-Seop Kim),김민주(Min-Ju Kim),권오훈(O-Hun Kwon),오경진(Kyoung-Jin Oh),이병일(Byung-Il Lee),김산(San Kim) 한국기계가공학회 2022 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.21 No.12

        The intermediate shaft assembly of a vehicle steering system is an intermediate member that transmits steering torque to the gearbox. It is a critical member that affects the collision absorption, safety, and other vibration/noise absorption. In this study, a finite-element analysis model is developed to evaluate the torsional stiffness performance of an intermediate shaft assembly for vehicle steering. All components are omitted except for the main components that affect torsional stiffness. Contact conditions are applied between the components, including the yokes, shafts, needles, and spiders. The torsional stiffness calculated via finite element analysis is compared with experimental results. The finite-element model presented in this study can predict the torsional stiffness of an intermediate shaft assembly. Furthermore, it can be used to reduce the cost and time required for the design and fabrication of experimental prototypes. In the future, we will develop a finite element model that can predict various performance parameters, such as strength and fatigue.

      • KCI등재후보

        협동조합기본법 제정 및 시행의 시사점과 농촌 정책의 과제

        김정섭(Jeong Seop Kim),김미복(Mee Bok Kim),마상진(Sang Jin Ma) 한국농촌지도학회 2013 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.20 No.1

        The Cooperatives Act was enacted. This enabled people to establish easily cooperatives at various fields. A cooperative is an important vehicle for rural community development. Therefore, the enactment of the Cooperatives Act can be a significant chance for rural policy. The Cooperatives Act have made three significant changes. First, cooperatives can start businesses at all the fields except for financial and insurance business. Second, requisites for people to establish cooperatives have been alleviated exceptionaly. Third, the Cooperatives Act introduced a new cooperative organization, social cooperative which aims to serve the socially excluded class. The self-help approach places rural community members at the core of a development process with two goals: to improve the quality of life within the community and to facilitate the community`s capacity building. Community cooperatives contribute to accomplish those goals. One of the roles for cooperatives is to provide products and services at competitive prices. Providing a good or service at a competitive price bcomes increasingly important in some rural communities declines. Cooperative development processes have bic impacts on the ablility of community members to increase human asset and social capital. We conducted a survey targeting rural community businesses to grasp inclinations toward establishing cooperatives. The Cooperatives Act has gained low level of recognition. But so many community businesses wanted to establish cooperatives. This means there is a possibility for many community businesses to establish cooperatives without sufficient understanding. We suggested some policy issues for coping with this situation, as followings. First, the governments should provides rural community residents with opportunities to learn about cooperatives. Second, the current legal systems and regulations about business and social service should be reviewed to do away with the possible discrimination between the new cooperatives and the other forms of incoporation. Third, the cooperation of cooperatives should be encouraged and facilitated in rural communities. 2012년 12월 1일부로 시행된 협동조합기본법은 ``협동조합의 사업 분야 전면적 개방``, ``협동조합 설립 요건 완화``, ``사회적 협동조합 제도 도입`` 등의 특징을 갖고 있다. 협동조합은 농촌 지역사회의 경제적 지속가능성과 자조적 발전 역량 강화에 기여할 잠재력을 갖고 있다. 현재 농촌의 커뮤니티 비즈니스 조직 경영자 가운데 협동조합기본법을 인지하고 있는 이의 비율은 36.5%에 불과함에 비해 협동조합 설립 의향을 밝힌 이의 비율은 53.8%에 달했다. 협동조합기본법 시행에 상응한 농촌 정책 과제들을 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 첫째, 농촌 주민들이 협동조합을 학습할 기회를 확대해야 한다. 둘째, 여타의 법인에 비해 차별적인 처우를 받지 않도록 법규와 정책 사업 지침을 검토하고 개정해야 한다. 셋째, 농촌 지역의 사회 서비스 정책 추진체계에 사회적 협동조합이 자연스럽게 편입될 수 있게 법제와 정책을 정비해야 한다. 넷째, 장기적으로는 협동조합들의 협동이 촉진되도록 협동조합연합회 관련 법규를 개방적으로 바꾸어야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        귀농,귀촌 활성화를 위한 농촌 지방자치단체의 과제

        김정섭(Jeong Seop Kim) 한국농촌지도학회 2009 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.16 No.3

        Recently, the number of people who return to rural areas for farming is increasing rapidly. This attracted public attention so that the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced officially comprehensive countermeasures to help those returning to rural areas. But there is not sufficient consideration of the role of local governments in the above countermeasures. Policy package to help returning people establish themselves in rural area include many soft programs that requires governance, delicate implementation process and expertise to advise. Therefore, the local governments should have appropriate governance and perspectives.

      • KCI등재

        농업 노동력 실태와 농업 노동시장 정책의 과제

        김정섭(Jeong Seop Kim) 한국농촌지도학회 2015 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation of farm labor and to propose directions to define government policies. First, present condition of family and employed agricultural workforce is analyzed. Second, characteristics in demand of agricultural workforce are analyzed in the consideration of distinctive types of each entity such as crop area. Third, currently existing agricultural workforce employment mechanism is researched and analyzed. Fourth, the policies and system related to agricultural labor market that have already been in practice are analyzed and tasks and direction in establishing those policies are proposed. This study will be helpful for policy makers to understand the agricultural labor markets and to build the institutional system for labor market services.

      • KCI등재

        농촌 지역사회의 자율성과 협동조합: 홍동면 사례 연구

        김정섭(Jeong Seop Kim) 한국농촌사회학회 2013 農村社會 Vol.23 No.2

        협동조합을 ‘농촌 지역사회 발전에 활용할 수 있는 수단’으로 보는 도구주의적 관점이 아니라 ‘주민들의 생활세계에서 이루어지는 상호작용의 일종’으로 이해하려는 해석학적 관점에서, 충남 홍성군 홍동면의 협동조합운동을 고찰하였다. 시장 실패와 정부 실패로부터 연원하는 사회적 배제에 대한 농촌 주민들의 자율적 대응이자 ‘체계가 생활세계를 식민지화’하는 자본주의 사회에서 농촌 지역사회의 생활세계를 회복하려는 운동으로, 지역사회 발전을 위한 자조적 활동으로 홍동면의 협동조합 및 유사한 협동조직 운동을 독해할 수 있다. 그 과정을 주민 스스로의 ‘문제제기-학습-조직화’라는 3단계로 구성하고 개념화할 수 있다. 홍동면 지역사회의 협동 운동 배경에는 ‘이상촌’ 또는 ‘지역사회’라는 언표들로 대표되는 주민들의 담론이 있다. 이 담론은 지역사회의 밀도 높은 사회 연결망에 배태된 공식적·비공식적 비판적 학습의 계기들 속에서 재생산되고 전승된다. 지역사회의 인적 자원과 사회 자본은 협동조합운동의 결과이자 그 지속에 영향을 주는 요인이다. In this study, I reviewed the cooperative movement that have continued during the last 10 years at Hong-dong Myeon in rural South Korea, with not an instrumentalistic but a hermeneutical perspective. With an instrumentalisic perspective, we can see coopertives as the means to mobilize for rural community development. However, in the point of hermeneutical view, cooperatives are social interactions in rural residents` lifeworld. The cooperative movement in Hong-dong Myeon can be interpreted as an autonomous action to fight against social exclusions, which were originated from the market failure and the government failure. I tried to conceptualize the sequence of many events related to cooperative organization as three-staged process; problem-posing, critical learning, and establishing organization. There always has been the discourse about ‘ideal village’ or ‘cooperative community’, in the historical background of the cooperative movement in this rural community. Residents’ critical learning activities, which were embedded in formal and informal social networks in the community, have gave residents impetus to regenerate and to inherit the discourse of ‘cooperative community’. The human resources and social capital in Hong-Dong community are not only the results of cooperative movement but also the important factors influencing its regeneration.

      • KCI등재

        커뮤니티 비즈니스와 집합적 학습 -조력 집단에 대한 성찰-

        김정섭 ( Jeong Seop Kim ) 한국농촌지도학회 2013 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.20 No.3

        이 연구에서는 커뮤니티 비즈니스의 개념 정의, 커뮤니티 비즈니스 현장에서 지역사회 주민과 조력자들 사이에 이루어지는 상호작용이 근거해야 할 실천 윤리, 커뮤니티 비즈니스 활동의 과정적 요소에 관한 사례 분석, 관련 정책 사업의 문제점 등을 논의하였다. 커뮤니티 비즈니스는 지역사회가 직면한 문제를 해결하려고 주민들 스스로 실천하는 비즈니스 형식의 활동으로, 주민의 자발성에 기초한 ‘문제 제기-집합적 학습-조직화’의 과정적 요소로 이뤄진다. 현재의 커뮤니티 비즈니스 관련 중간지원조직은 유연한 조력 활동이 아니라 정책 사업 관리의 역할을 부여받고 있다. 정부의 관련 정책 사업은 주민들 스스로의 문제 제기와 학습이라는 선행 과정을 건너뛰어 충분한 준비 없는 커뮤니티 비즈니스 실천을 조장하는 측면도 있다. 관련된 정부 보조금 정책 사업의 틀이나 중간지원조직의 역할은 지역사회 주민들이 주도하는 과정에 유연하게 조력할 수 있도록 재편되어야 한다. Community Business is defined as profit-making enterprise for which a community residents can take to solve their own problems. It is comprised of some sequential activities: identifying problems, collective learning, organization. In rural South Korea, the central and local governments are promoting Community Businesses. However, the related policy programs are missing the very important perspective that self-help approach be essential in Community Business. Therefore, the policy programs should be changed so that they could effectively help community`s autonomous practice.

      • KCI등재

        농촌의 사회적 경제 조직, 실태와 과제

        김정섭(Jeong seop Kim),임지은(Ji Eun Lim) 한국농촌지도학회 2016 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.23 No.1

        Our main concerns in this paper are with the several kinds of social economy organization in rural South Korea, inwhere social exclusion is likely to be prevalent over time. Approximately, there are 2,500~3,000 social economy organ-izations which have been set up from 1990s. Most of their operational social aims are either to offer jobs or to provide social services for the vulnerable social groups in rural communities. They have several normative principles as a socialeconomy organization. But the two principles were less supported than the others; 1) the community’s initiative and partic-ipation, and 2) sharing surplus with community. The social economy organizations are involved in various types of business. The greatest number of social economy organizations are doing businesses in agriculture and agro-industry.On average, their value of asset is worth of 300 million wons. They are indebted for 130 million wons, averagely. Their average surplus is 110 million wons. Most of them are small businesses. It is enough to say that the social economyis at an early stage in rural South Korea. The social economy is confronted with some challenges, as follows. Firstly,the social economy organizers should be based on the needs of community in both setting up a new social economy organization and managing businesses. Secondly, networking and cooperation between social economy organizations should be expanded and strengthened. Thirdly, the sound governance with public sector should be built.

      • 협동조합기본법 제정의 시사점과 농업ㆍ농촌 정책의 과제

        김정섭(Jeong-Seop Kim),마상진(Sang-Jin Ma),김미복(Mee-Bok Kim) 한국농촌경제연구원 2012 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        The Cooperatives Act was enacted. This enabled people to establish easily cooperatives in various fields. A cooperative is an important vehicle for rural community development. Therefore, the enactment of the Cooperatives Act can be an important stepping stone for implementing rural policy. The Cooperatives Act has made three significant changes. First, cooperatives can start businesses in all fields except for financial and insurance businesses. Second, the requisites for people to establish cooperatives have been alleviated exceptionally. Third, the Cooperatives Act introduced a new cooperative organization which aims to serve the socially excluded class. The self-help approach places rural community members at the core of the development process with two goals: to improve the quality of life within the community and to facilitate the community’s capacity building. Community cooperatives contribute to accomplish those goals. One of the roles for the cooperatives is to provide products and services at competitive prices. Providing a good or service at a competitive price becomes increasingly important in some rural communities, and cooperative development processes have big impacts on the ability of community members to increase human assets and social capital. We conducted a survey targeting rural community businesses to grasp their inclinations toward establishing cooperatives. According to the survey results, the Cooperatives Act has gained a low level of recognition, but so many of the community businesses wanted to establish cooperatives. This means that there is a possibility for many community businesses to establish cooperatives without sufficient understanding. We suggested some policy tasks to cope with this situation. First, the central and local governments should provide rural residents with opportunities to learn about cooperatives. Second, the current legal systems and regulations about businesses and social services should be reviewed to do away with possible discrimination against new cooperatives. Third, the cooperation of cooperatives should be encouraged and facilitated in rural communities.

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