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        2-계층 프록시 시스템 아키텍쳐

        김정락,서대화,Kim, Jung-Rock,Seo, Dae-Wha 한국정보처리학회 2003 정보처리학회논문지 A Vol.10 No.6

        본 논문에서는 이동 컴퓨팅 환경에서 실시간 멀티미디어 서비스를 무선 단말에 원활하게 제공하는 방법으로 2계층 프록시 시스템을 제안한다. 2계층 프록시는 미디어 캐쉬와 코드변환을 하는 미디어 프록시와 무선망 지원을 하는 모바일 프록시로 구성된다. 또한 모바일 컴퓨팅 환경에서 원활한 미디어 서비스를 제공하기 위한 Handoff protocol과 전송 메카니즘를 제안한다. 시뮬레이션의 결과는 2계층 프록시 시스템에서 미디어 서비스가 향상됨을 보여주고 있다. In this paper, we propose the two-tiered proxy system that offers a seamless media service to mobile nodes in mobile computing environment. This proxy system is composed of a media proxy and a mobile proxy. We also propose the handoff protocol and the transmission mechanism for the seamless media service. The simulation result shows that the media service is improved in the two-tiered proxy system.

      • KCI등재

        라오콘 논쟁과 에티엔 모리스 팔코네의 <크로토나의 밀로>

        김정락,Kim, Jung-Rak 한국미술이론학회 2003 미술이론과 현장 Vol.1 No.-

        Im 18. Jahrhundert stritt man urn allgemeing$\"{u}$ltige Kriterien f$\"{u}$r die Kunstkritik, welche ebenda aufzubl$\"{u}$hen begann. Im Zentrum dieser Auseinandersetzung, die uns als "Laokoon-streit" bekannt ist, befanden sich Johann Joachim Winckelmann einerseits und ein franz$\"{o}$sischer Bildhauer Etienne-Maurice Falconet(1716-1791) andererseits. Die beiden waren von ganz unterschiedlichen Kunstideen $\"{u}$berzeugt. Obwohl sie niemals zusammentraf, fielen sie in eine heftige schriftliche Diskussion. Wie bekannt, vertrat Winckelmann den aufkommenden Klassizismus. Er setzte die griechische Kunst auf die h$\"{o}$chste Rangstufe auf und bezeichnet sie als Tr$\"{a}$ger der sogenannten "edlen Einfalt und stillen Gr$\"{o}{\beta}$e, die sonst in der Natur verborgen bleibe. Nach Winckelmann sollte der K$\"{u}$nstler die griechischen Vorbilder wie Apollo von Belvedere und Laokoon nachahmen, um das wesentlich Sch$\"{o}$ne zu erlernen. Falconet $\"{u}$bte eine scharfe Kritik gegen die Meinung Winckelmanns und die Diletantismus in der Kunstkritik aus. Selbst als Theoretiker warf er vor, dass die Klassizisten um ihr dogmatisch struktuiertes Lehrgeb$\"{a}$ude willen alle andere Eigenschaften der Kunst sowie Kunstwerke $\"{u}$bersahen und ihre Apotheose der klassischen Kunst auf die Entwicklung der Kunst eher als Hindernis wirkte. Im besonderen Hinblick auf den Ausdruck der menschlichen Leidenschaft distanzierte Falconet sich von der Lehrmeinung des Klassizismus, n$\"{a}$mlich Zur$\"{u}$ckhaltung derselben Leidenschaft wegen der idealen Sch$\"{o}$nheit. Vor dem Laokoon teilten Falconet und die Klassizisten ihre Meinung un$\"{u}$berbr$\"{u}$ckbar voneinander. F$\"{u}$r diese war der Laokoon die Repr$\"{a}$sentation des erhabenen Menschen, der leidet, ohne seinen Affekt zu enth$\"{u}$llen. Im Gegensatz sah Falconet in demselben Werk einen erlungenen Ausdruck des menschlichen Gef$\"{u}$hls. Sein Deb$\"{u}$twerk <Milon von Croton> ist also die Visualisierung seiner Kunstauffassung. Unter Einfluss Pierre Pugets sowie seines Lehrers Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne bem$\"{u}$ht er sich darum, den Ausdruck der menschlichen Leidenschaft durch kunsttechnische Leistung und wissenschaftliche Forschung zu erstarken. Daraus ergab sich die expressive Ausdrucksform des Affekts. In diesem Fall verband sich Falconet mit der Tradition des barocken Kunstwollens, aber er ging einen Schritt weiter, indem er die Ausdrucksweise noch realistischer und lebendiger zu machen vermag. Faconet war vielleicht der einzige K$\"{u}$nstler, der Vorteile det barocken Kunst ausnut zen konnte, ohne dabei die klassische und realistische Formensprache zu verlieren. Dutch sein Werk und seine theoretischen Schriften er$\"{o}$ffnete er neue Prinzipien sowohl f$\"{u}$r die Kunstpraxis als auch f$\"{u}$r die Kunstkritik, deren wesentliche Sinn jedoch erst in der Romantik anerkannt wurde.

      • KCI등재

        초기수용자의 통합 마케팅 커뮤니케이션이 골프용품 사용자의 고객지향, 상호교감에 미치는 영향

        김정락(Kim, Jung-Lak),조태수(Cho, Tae-Soo) 한국사회체육학회 2017 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.68

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the process delivered to customers through integrated marketing communication exercised by an earl adopter in the sports market, and to inquire into the concrete relations required for accurately utilizing a product, not to mention an effective marketing strategy of sports goods. First, it was found that linguistic ability, spatial behavior and outward appearance among the sub-factors of an early adopter’s integrated marketing communication had a positive effect on customer orientation. Second, the body language and outward appearance were found to have a positive effect on mutual empathy(communion). This study drew the conclusion with such results as the center as follows. From the position of a golf articles company, when the proper time to utilize an early adopter comes in the communication process with a customer, the company will be consequently provided with the opportunity to elicit diverse communication with a customer through the early adopters. This might be a big merit in that the early adopter is an ordinary person other than an expert, whom a company uses as a model; further, as appears by this study, it is thought that if it should be possible to elicit a shift of the general paradigm towards early adopters, the effect thereof will be returned doubly. Accordingly, the study shows that it is time for a company to recognize that an early adopter can let the company know about lots of information & concern in various fields, and to provide an opportunity and effort to have a lot more connections with an early adopter.

      • 계몽주의의 이면(裏面): 고야의 <카프리초스>와 역사화에 대한 고찰

        김정락 ( Kim Jung Rak ) 한국방송통신대학교 통합인문학연구소 2019 통합인문학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        프란시스코 데 고야(Francisco de Goya: 1746-1822)의 생애는 계몽주의와 혁명이 이어지는 역사적 변혁기와 겹쳐있다. 그러므로 계몽주의와 관련된 해석은 미술사학적 연구에서 불가분하다. 하지만 고야를 모더니즘의 선구자로 보았을 때, 계몽주의와의 관계는 중층적이고 양가적이다. 본 연구는 계몽주의와 모더니즘의 긴장관계 속에서 고야의 예술에 접근하였다. 고야의 작품들은 근대 유럽의 역사화 발전에 있어서 몇 가지 획기적인 특징을 갖고 있다. 첫째, 고야의 그림은 기념할 만한 인물을 등장시키지 않은 점과 의인화된 개념들을 배제한 것으로 과거의 전통에서 벗어났다. 두 번째, 기존의 역사화는 대립하는 두 세력(혹은 인물)에 대해 당파성을 가지고 편중된 양상으로 그려지지만, 고야의 경우 대립적 상황은 극대화 하면서도 어느 한쪽에 윤리적 혹은 도덕적 무게를 두지는 않는다. 세 번째는, 앞의 근거를 두고서 인물이나 사건의 이상화를 지양하고, 사실적 재현을 이루었다는 것이다. 본 연구는 본문에서 살펴본 작품들이 지닌 형식적인 특성이 과거에 전례 없던 형상성과 더불어 다양한 의미의 층위를 형성하는 복합성이라고 보았으며, 화법 또한 전통을 극복한 새로운 형식으로 전개되었음을 밝혔다. The life of Francisco de Goya (1746-1822) overlaps with the historical transformation of Enlightenment and Revolution. Therefore, the interpretation associated with the Enlightenment is indissoluble in art historiography. But when we see Goya as a pioneer of modernism, the relationship with Enlightenment is moderate and ambivalent. This study approached the art of Goya in the tension between Enlightenment and Modernism. Goya's works have several breakthroughs in the development of historical Europe in modern Europe. First, in Goya's paintings, it excluded the concept of personification and the concept of monumentality, which led to a departure from the past tradition. Second, the traditional history painting is portrayed as a biased aspect of opposing forces (or characters), but in Goya the conflicting situation is maximized, but it does not place an ethical or moral weight on either side. The third is that the artist avoided the idealization of the person or event with the above grounds, and realized the factual reproduction. This study shows that the formal characteristics of the works are a combination of unprecedented forms and various layers of meaning, and that reference has developed into a new form overcoming tradition.

      • KCI등재

        성별에 따른 골프장 서비스와 고객행동에 대한 구인동등성 및 잠재평균분석

        김정락(Jung Lak Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2012 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.50

        This study intends to look into what difference arises in the behavior of a customer who perceives a golf links service by sex and to analyze what relationship exists between them; particularly, this study tries to look into a concrete scheme for problems that could potentially arise when carrying out a research on the customers visiting a golf links with focus on one scale. To fulfill the purpose like this, this study analyzed the characteristics arising according to the sex by confirming a latent mean after evaluating whether the measurement variables of golf links service and customer behavioral intention could be applied to males and females in common through the test of configural, metric, intercept invariance. As a result of the research, it was found that the internal fit by sub-factor of a scale according to the sex was at a fine level in golf links service and customer behavior scale, and this study secured configural, metric, intercept invariance through the test of the construct equivalence of a model. In addition, there arose a difference between golf links service and customer satisfaction at a low level in the difference in factor means by golf links service and customer behavior scale in a state where a measurement error is controlled. As a result of the analysis of path coefficient according to the study model, in case of males, customer satisfaction and loyalty were found to have a positive influence on loyalty and revisit intention, respectively while in case of females, golf links service was found to have a positive influence on customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction to have a positive influence on loyalty, and loyalty was found to have a positive influence on revisit intention.

      • KCI등재

        조바니 바티스타 피라네시의 델라 만니피첸차(Della Magnificenza) : 고대 로마건축기술에 대한 열망과 환상 그리고 공포

        김정락(Kim Jungrak),조은정 한국미술사교육학회 2010 美術史學 Vol.- No.24

        18세기 중엽 로마의 신고전주의를 선행했던 역사적 사건은 고대 그리스-로마간의 우월논쟁이었다. 빈켈만이나 르루아 등이 중심이 되어 고대 그리스는 미술에 있어서 가장 모범적인 이상으로 설정되었으며, 이와는 반대로 고대 로마미술은 그리스의 퇴행적인 모방으로 간주되기에 이르렀다. 이것에 가장 극렬히 저항했던 예술가는 조바니 바티스타 피라네시(Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1720-1778)였다. 당시부터 현재에 이르기까지 그는 18세기에 가장 뛰어난 판화가로 추앙받고 있지만, 그는 스스로를 항상 건축가로서 지칭하였다. 그의 가계에서부터 이어받은 소질과 열망은 건축에 있었다. 그리하여 그가 제작한 거의 모든 판화는 건축에 관한 것이었다. 그는 두 개의 대표적인 판화집을 출간하면서 우월논쟁의 최전선에 뛰어들었다. 『안티키타 로마네 Antichit? Romane』(1756)와 『델라 만니피첸차 Della Magnificenza』(1761)를 출판한 시기는 신고전주의자들에 의해 그리스의 모범을 따르는 새로운 경향이 점차 대세를 이루게 되었다. 이에 반하여 이탈리아에서도 수많은 학자들이 고대 로마미술의 고유성과 자율적인 위치를 알리려고 노력하였으며, 피라네시는 스스로 그를 지원하는 학자들의 대변인이 되어 우월논쟁에 나갔다. 『안티키타 로마네』는 고대 그리스-로마간의 우월논쟁의 포문을 열었고, 『델라 만니피첸차』는 신고전주의자들의 주장에 대한 피라네시의 최종 반론으로 정의할 수 있겠다. 피라네시는 고고학적 경험주의와 과학적 합리주의를 바탕으로 하는 이탈리아 계몽주의적인 학계로부터 역사와 건축에 대한 것을 배웠으며, 이것들을 자신의 주관적인 상상력 속에서 거대한 이슈로 키워나갔다. 그는 외삼촌인 루케시로부터 건축기술에 대한 경험을 얻었으며, 당대의 석학들인 폴레니로부터는 고대 로마건축의 과학적인 성과를 배웠고, 베네치아의 신고전주의 건축이론의 창시자 로돌리로부터는 건축의 현상학적 순수주의를 전수받았다. 그로 인한 첫 결과물인 『안티키타 로마네』에서 피라네시는 고대 로마건축의 우수성을 다양하고 견고한 축조방식과 거대한 토목공학적인 업적에 대해서 선전하였다. 피라네시는 고대 로마건축의 가장 큰 특징인 축조기술의 발달에 접근하였고, 이것은 당시까지 건축에 대한 관념론적인 이론을 극복하고 새로운 지평을 여는 계기를 마련한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 다시 말해 토목공학의 성과를 고대 로마건축의 본질로 정의할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 고대의 다른 건축들과 비교하려고 한 것이다. 피라네시는 기술의 우위를 기초로 하여 미학적인 우위로 주장을 옮겨갔다. 『델라 만니피첸차』에서 피라네시는 르루아와 다른 프랑스의 신고전주의자들이 주창했던 그리스건축의 이상성에 대해 개별적이고 비판적으로 분석하였으며, 이를 토대로 그리스건축이 목조건축을 석조로 계승함으로써 건축재의 본질이 현상학적으로 왜곡되었음을 밝혔다. 동시에 이것으로 인해 파생되었던 여러 축성적인 문제들을 제기하기에 이르렀다. 무엇보다도 피라네시는 신고전주의자들이 이론적 근거로 삼았던 비트루비우스의 원리를 재정리하여 로마의 건축이 오히려 더 원리적인 것이며, 건축 미학적인 측면에서도 더 우수한 것이라고 평가하고 있다. 피라네시는 에트루리아의 엄격하고 숭고한 전통을 이어받은 고대 로마건축이 자율적인 것임을 명시했으며, 또한 열악한 자연환경 속에서 이룩한 초인적인 건축유산을 공포에 가까운 경외심으로 재현해내었다. 그의 상상력이 재현한 지하의 구조물이나 내부의 거대한 석조구축물은 동시대에 에드먼드 버크가 숭고미의 특징으로 들었던 여러 조형적 요소들을 그대로 반영하고 있다. 피라네시는 고대 로마건축의 우수성을 그리스의 우아함에 비견되는 숭고함에서 찾았으며, 이 숭고함은, 피라네시에게는, 환경에 맞선 고대 로마의 건축기술에 의해서 이룩된 것이다. In the middle of the 18th century in Rome, there was a historical incident, so-called 'the quarrel between ancient Greece and Rome' that was ahead of the Neo-classicism. A few scholars like Winckelmann and LeRoy sat up the ancient Greece as the best canon for the art. On contrary the art of the ancient Rome began to be regarded as a regressive imitation. Piranesi was the extreme one of keen Antagonists against that movement. Although from that time till today Piranesi is known as the best printmaker of the 18th century, he called himself rather as architect. Earning from his familiar profession he was almost passionately interest in architecture. Therefore his almost works related with the architecture. With two representative works Piranesi ran in the frontline of the debate. At that time, when he published Antichit? Romane (1756) and Della Msgniticenza (1761), the trend of philhellenism became more and more general. On the other side many italian scholars tried to announce the originality and the independency of the ancient roman art and Piranesi became their spokesperson in the quarrel. Antichit? Romane started with the quarrel and Della Magnificenza was Piranesi's ultimate argument against to the phil-hellenist. Piranesi learned ancient history and architecture from scholars of Italian Enlightenment which was based on the archeological empiricism and scientific rationalism. Piranesi brought up all he acquired to great issue in his subjective imagination. He got the experience about the architectural technic from his uncle Matteo Lucchesi. From Giovanni Poleni, a famous polymath at the time, he learned the technical achievements of the ancient Rome and Carlo Lodoli, a franciscan Monk and a founder of the venetian Neo-classicism, teach him the phenomenological purism of the architecture. Antichit? Romane was the first result from these education and with this work Piranesi propagated the superiority of the Roman architecture which had various and durable methode of building and leaved great achievement of civil engineering. So Piranesi accessed to the development of the architectural technic that is the best character for the ancient Roman architecture. This opened him new horizon beyond the ideal theories dominated until that time. In other words he define the achievement of civil engineering as the essence of the roman architecture and with this criteria he would compare the other ancient architectures with the roman. For Piranesi the superiority of the technic means the same of aesthetic. Through the Della Msgnificenza Piranesi analyzed critically and concretely the ideality of the Greek architecture which LeRoy and other french Neo-classicists insisted. On the basis of this analysis he revealed that the Greek architecture was phenomenological distortion of the essence of material by mere inheriting of the wooden architecture in the stone. At the same time he pointed out a few Problems on the architectural construction. Above all Piranesi redefined the architectural principles of Vitruvius, on which the Neo-classicists theoretically depended on, and he qualified the Roman architecture more principal and aesthetically better then the Greek. Piranesi stated through his two opus magnum, that the ancient Roman architecture was born in the lofty and sublime tradition of the Etruscan architecture and therefore authentic. For that object he reproduced the superhuman architectural heritage with awesome admiration. The substructure presented or the hugh stonewall by his imagination accord with many elements which belong to character of the sublime that Edmund Burke mentioned in the same period. Piranesi found the superiority of the Roman architecture in the sublime on contrary to the grace of the Greek architecture. And this sublime, for Piranesi, was established by the technology with which the ancient Roman struggled to the rough nature.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 프랑스 왕립 미술아카데미의 강연(Confèrence) : 근대 미술이념의 형성

        김정락(Kim Jung Rak),이현애 서양미술사학회 2010 서양미술사학회논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        The french art of the 17th century could be defined as result from political quarrels between the traditional guild and the academy that was coming up. The royal academy of art founded in 1648 had been systematized treading in the steps of the italian model, At same time it developed the modern system of art that overcame the method of guild to produce and to educate the art. It was fundamental subject and purpose of the academy, that the theory of art must belong to the realm of science and the basic principles for art critic have to be established. For these purposes the conference was a very effective event. The conference offered a place where all members of the academy took apart to state his own art theory in depend on a exemplary work in the past and eventually to bring it to discourse. The conference of the academy which was the most political event among many organizing principles hold for ca. 10 years since 1664. This conference became a important method with which the art could be raising from the manufactural state of the guild to the scientifical one. Namely the conference promoted the members of academy to get more intellectual and theoretical attitude and corresponded to the fundamental idea of academy almost perfectly, Furthermore it was a kind of strategy with which the academy intended to confirm its exclusive authority against to guild or any other institutions. Charles Le Brun himself argued the rigid theory of painting based on the Classicism in the conference. Works of Raffaello and Poussin for example are selected for this purpose. Le Brun made a rank of genres and he chose most of all the historia for the conference. He maintained the possibility of the unifying historical text and the pictorial representation and established a strict dogma in that he conceptualized disposition of picture, correctness of dessin, clarity and harmony of colors as differentaited principles. Though the conference has been established institutionally, problems that emerged during the organizing and the publication of references of the conference become object for the critical study of art history The references to establish the doctrine have been recorded generally by amateur or dilettante. Therefore opinions of those could be involved more or less. Therefore the texts of the french academy which are handed down up to now and regarded as important sources for the art history do not inform original references by the artists, but had became book of regulation with which and taking adventage of their position a few scholars like Testelin or Felibien would give a prominence to the theoretical part of art. The principles and cannons of art acquired by the conference played a important roll obviously to raise the art to the scientific era. And these principles and cannons provided scholars and artists a background for the upcoming of the classicism. In other words for the birth of the Neo-Classicism the academy and its main event, namely the conference, have a most important status. But many problems were caused also by the conference. Above all the armchair character of the reference stressed more principal standpoint then practice of the art and consequently the other diverse styles and phenomenons of art were disregarded. The Quarrel between the Rubenist and the Poussinist since 1667 is a noticeable topic which reveals pros and cons of the conference.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 이벤트 환경이 만족도, 경영성과, 재방문에 미치는 구조적 관계

        김정락(Jung Lak Kim),조태수(Tae Soo Cho) 한국사회체육학회 2014 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.56

        The purpose of this study is to help stimulate sports-driven tourism and suggest basic development measures for stimulating the sports industry. To accomplish the objective, the structural relationship between sporting events conducted by local governments for stimulating sports tourism and the satisfaction, business performance of venues, and revisit was analyzed through the following methods. The research target was selected among those who had participated in sporting events held in Gangwon province from June to August 2013 for boosting sports tourism. The researcher and 3 assistants distributed and collected the questionnaires on the spot, and 234 of them were used for this research. Collected data was processed using Smart PLS 2.0 program to conduct validity analysis, reliability analysis, factor-specific correlation analysis, and covariance structure analysis for hypothesis testing. The findings are as follows. First, in terms of relationship between sporting events and satisfaction of hypothesis 1, the atmosphere (t=2.676, p<.001) and convenience (t=3.622, p<.001) had a positive impact. Second, in terms of relationship between sporting events and business performance of hypothesis 2, the convenience (t=2.627, p<.001) and accessibility (t=2.702, p<.001) had a positive impact. Third, in terms of relationship between sporting events and revisit of hypothesis 3, the atmosphere (t=2.379, p<.01), convenience (t=3.251, p<.001), and accessibility (t=2.498, p<.01) had a positive impact. Fourth, in terms of relationship between satisfaction and business performance of sporting events and revisit of hypothesis 4, satisfaction had a positive impact on business performance (t=2.557, p<.01) and revisit (t=4.740, p<.001).

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