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      • 메커니즘 관점을 적용한 스타트업(Start-up)의 지속적 성장에 관한 연구

        김장훈(Kim Janghoon),민완기(Min Wankee),최준(Choi Jun) 한국경영학회 2017 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.08

        본고는 스타트업의 지속적 성장에 관심을 갖고 연구에 착수하였다. 우선 창업 후 성장통을 극복하는데 영향을 미치는 요인을 도출하는 것에 초점을 맞췄다. 다음으로 조직을 성장으로 이끄는 동인이 있다면 그 동인을 도출하는데 주력하였다. 이를 위해 대학교 창업보육센터, 국책연구소 그리고 테크노파크에서 창업한 기업을 선정하였다. 즉 퓨어시스, 선바이오텍 및 선진이엔지를 대상으로 각각 사례연구를 수행하였다. 분석결과에 따르면 기업 특유의 독점적 우위로서 기술역량을 토대로 기술창업을 단행한 것으로 나타났다. 달리 말해 창업자이자 경영자는 동종분야에 대한 지식과 기술을 축적한 전문성을 바탕으로 창업을 주도하고 경영활동을 수행하였다. 다음으로 선바이오텍처럼 원활한 자본조달이 성장의 밑거름이 된다는 점에서 지배구조의 변화를 필요로 한다. 더욱이 창업보육센터는 교육과 육성이 시급한 반면, 연구소 및 테크노파크 기업은 자금 및 경영지원이 중요한 요인으로 보았다. 결국 기업의 유형과 성장단계에 따라 성공요인이 달라지는 것을 볼 때 맞춤형 지원과 촉진책이 중요할 것이다. 비록 복수기업 사례연구에도 불구하고 일반화 가능성을 제고할 수 있는 후속연구가 요구된다. This study starts from research question concerning the sustainability of start-up or spin-off company. First of all, it focused on elaborating key factors to overcome a kind of ‘death valley’. Next, we tried to identify some other factors to enhance a firm’s rapid growth. For this reason, business incubator, innopolis research institute spin-off and techno-park company were selected as representative sample. That is, this research conducted in-dept case study on Puresys, Kolmar BNH and Sunjin Eng. respectively. According to case analysis, technological resource is recognized as firm-specific advantage to start-up or spin-off firm under an early stage. In addition, chief executive as founder who is specialized in related technical field is basic factor to play key role to launch its own business. Like Kolmar BNH, change of corporate governance will be necessary to sustain rapid growth. Moreover, business incubator calls for education, information access as incubating mechanism, while capital financing, managerial skills like marketing or strategy are required to accelerate. Most but not least, incubating or accelerating programs should be tailored to start-up and spin-off company in terms of location and stage by stage. Even though multiple cases, follow-up research are indispensible to generalize result of present study.

      • KCI등재

        비즈니스 모델 관점에서 인터넷 신생기업의 지속성에 관한 연구: Amazon.com 사례 중심으로

        김장훈 ( Janghoon Kim ),김주태 ( Jootae Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2013 유라시아연구 Vol.10 No.1

        It has been interesting issues that find out the source of competitive advantage to create abnormal rate of return in strategic management. In other words, strategic management has been finding way to create sustain competitive advantage as a source of above-average rate of return. This study is to search for the source of sustainability of internet newcomer. In accordance with business model perspective, it was recognized that the sustainability could be resulted from business model evolution of dot.com player. According to the result of case analysis, Amazon.com could successfully extend online bookstore, online retailer, web service, and marketplace model to business model convergence, in due order. Early stage, online bookstore model is to sell books to target customers at a low price via Amazon.com site. The model could build favorable brand image as a result of carrying on viral marketing and cost reduction, i.e. first-mover advantage. Next, online retailer model is to build best practice as a low price, high volume that basic commodities, or consumer goods are heavily sold at cheap price. This one tried to apply online bookstore success formula to other product items. Unlike the first two models, Amazon Web Service(AWS) Model intends to rent its own IT assets like servers to external customers - individual and corporate. AWS could expand cloud computing which is a kind of sharing service to take out a lease on servers to corporate clients. Whereas, Amazon Marketplace is a unique business model in that agency service are offered to build, operate and sustain e-marketplace system for corporate clients to build e-Commerce platform. This model was designed to share business activities like buying, payment, shipping or after-service with external customers. At last, e-book business looks like simply business model to sell Amazon Kindle to the target customer. On the contrary, the model represents business convergence in that it was to sell digital hardware and contents simultaneously. Furthermore, it could lead to create business ecosystem to attract several participants such as customer, publisher, writer, manufacturer, retailer, and telecom service provider. However, business forecast of the e-Book is lingering issue to wait and see expected outcomes in the near future. Until now, as a result of business model evolution, Amazon.com has been capable of delivering individualized customer experience to target audience, integrating its own core competence into newly business model. That is, success or failure of business model evolution depends on resource building mechanism how to exploit existing competence or explore new resources. After all, internet newcomer can have ability to sustain competitive advantage to create total customer experience to individual customers. The study is to provide practical implications for firms or managers of e-business industry in Korea. Future research are required to carry on empirical study or multiple case studies in order to generalize the above results.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        도산법의 몇 가지 현안과 최근 동향

        김장훈(Kim, Janghoon) 한국법학원 2015 저스티스 Vol.- No.146_2

        1912년 의용 파산법, 화의법으로부터 시작된 우리의 법정도산제도는 1997년말 외환위기, 2008년 국제금융위기 등 두 차례의 위기상황을 겪은 이후 급격히 증가하여 거래계에서는 도산상황을 맞은 거래 상대방을 접하지 않은 경제주체를 찾아보기 힘들게 되었을 뿐 아니라 대중적으로도 이제는 민사사건, 형사사건 못지않게 흔히 접할 수 있는 친숙하기까지 한 절차로 자리잡았다. 이 글은 현행 채무자 회생 및 파산에 관한 법률이 입법되기까지의 과정을 개관해 보고, 기업회생절차 전반의 효율성의 점검과 개선점에 관하여 다룬다. 세부적으로는 기존 개별 도산실체법과 도산절차법과 비교하여 현행법이 도입한 가장 근본적이고 획기적인 제도의 변화라고 할 수 있는 기존 경영자 제도, 임의적 파산선고제도와 관련하여서는 부실 기업의 경영진과 그 기업에게 제도이용의 진입장벽을 낮추고 적극적인 제도이용에 대한 유인을 제공하였다는 점에서 긍정적이지만, 부실에 중대한 책임이 있는 부도적한 지배주주 등의 제도남용 문제, 공회생회사의 대표자로서의 지위와 공적수탁자로서의 지위를 겸함으로 인하여 발생하는 이해충돌의 문제 등에 대하여는 여전히 해결하기 어려운 과제가 남아 있으므로, 제도의 운용상의 보완과 입법을 통한 개선이 필요하다고 본다. 또한 법원 주도의 회생기업에 대한 계속기업가치 평가 방식과 이를 기초로 한 절차의 조기 폐지 여부를 결정하는 실무는 시급히 보완, 개선되어야 할 부분으로 보이고, 기업가치의 분배문제에 있어서도 채권자와 주주 사이에서 기업의 영구가치를 합리하게 분배하는 방식에 대한 보다 공정하고 구체적인 기준의 마련이 필요하다고 본다. 마지막으로 기업회생절차에 있어 최근 실무상 새로이 시도되고 있는 패스트트랙 회생절차, 기업구조조정임원, 회생컨설팅 등의 제도들은 나름대로의 성과를 보이고 있으나, 의결권의 왜곡 문제, 공정성 문제 등의 단점들을 보완하는 노력들이 계속되어야 할 것으로 보이고, 무엇보다도 기업구조조정촉진법에 의한 기업개선절차가 가진 절차의 유연성, 신속성, 효율성 및 채권금융기관들의 신규자금 지원 등의 장점들을 흡수, 접목하여 법정의 도산절차가 제도의 이용자에게 한층 더 활용할 만하고 효율적인 방향으로 작동하도록 개선, 발전되어 나가야 할 것이다. The cases of legal insolvency proceedings, which began with the enforcement of the Bankruptcy Act and the Composition Act adopted from Japan in 1912, increased dramatically after the domestic financial crisis in 1997 and the international financial crisis in 2008. Not only is it difficult to find an economic entity in the market which never faces insolvency of its transaction partner, but the insolvency proceeding has become as common as civil and criminal proceedings. This article deals with how the current Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act (“RehabilitationAct”)waslegislated,evaluationoftheefficiencyoftheoverallcorporaterehabilitationprocessand suggestionsforimprovements. In particular, the ‘Debtor-in-Possession (DIP)’ and ‘Voluntary Declaration of Bankruptcy’, which are the fundamental and ground-breaking changes introduced by the current Rehabilitation Act compared to the previous laws (individual laws regulating the substance of insolvency and the procedure of insolvency), are viewed positively in that it made the insolvency proceedings more accessible for the of insolvent company and its management and encouraged the use of such proceedings. On the other hand, considering that there still remains many unresolved issues such as (i) potential abuse of the proceedings by immoral majority shareholders, etc. who are greatly liable for the insolvency and (ii) conflict of interest resulting from holding concurrent positions as the representative and the trustee of rehabilitation company, further remedy in terms of the enforcement of the system and improvement through legislation are necessary. In addition, the method of the Court’s evaluation of the going concern value of the rehabilitation company and the determination of the early cancellation of procedure based thereon requires immediate remedy and improvement. With regards to the allocation of the enterprise value, it is necessary to come up with fair and concrete standards for allocating the permanent enterprise value among creditors and shareholders. Lastly, while the fast-track rehabilitation procedure, chief restructuring officer (CRO), rehabilitation consulting, etc., which are currently being tried out in practice, are successful to some extent, continued efforts to remedy their shortcomings such as the distortion of voting right and issues regarding fairness, etc. should be exerted. In particular, the court insolvency proceedings should be improved to become a more accessible and effective way for the applicants of court insolvency proceedings through adopting the merits of the corporate improvement procedure under the Corporate Restructuring Promotion Act such as the procedural flexibility, immediacy, and effectiveness as well as the possibility of funding from credit financial institutions.

      • 바이오 벤처기업의 기술사업화 성공요인 연구: 동적역량과 환경분석의 통합

        김장훈(Janghoon Kim),조기현(Ki-Hyun Jo) 한국경영학회 2019 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2019 No.8

        본 연구는 바이오 벤처기업의 기술사업화 과정에서 외부 환경변화에서 기회를 포착하고 내부 동적역량을 축적 · 활용하여 상업적 제품개발의 성공사례를 분석한 연구이다. 기술사업화 성공요인을 규명하고자 2개의 바이오기업을 선정하여 1차 인터뷰와 2차 문헌조사를 통해 사례연구를 실시하였다. 비교연구를 통해 환경분석과 동적역량을 통합하고자 시도했으며, 복수기업 대상 사례분석의 결과 유의미한 연구가설을 도출하여 제시하고자 한다. 사례 A 기업은 동물용 의약품 제조업체로서 코스닥에 등록된 바이오 벤처기업으로, 2014년 C 연구기관으로부터 돼지의 세균성 호흡기 질병 예방백신을 위한 항원단백질 생산기술을 도입하여 제품개발을 완료하였다. 각종 임상시험과 정부의 허가 절차를 거쳐 2016년 중반부터 돼지 호흡기 질병 예방용 백신을 판매함으로써 기술사업화에 성공하였다. 한편 사례 B기업은 의약품/화장품/식품 소재 등이 주력제품인 또 다른 바이오 벤처기업으로 2016년 설립된 연구소기업이다. 설립 당시 미생물 유래 바이오계면활성제 기술과 이를 활용한 난용성 물질의 가용화 기술을 C 연구기관으로부터 출자 받아 기술사업화를 추진하였다. 결과적으로 2017년부터 바이오계면활성제 원료제품과 자외선 차단원료 가용화 제품을 생산 · 판매함으로써 기술사업화에 성공하였다. 분석결과에 따르면 두 기업의 공통된 성공요인은 우수한 기술역량 확보를 바탕으로 수요에 맞는 차별화된 제품개발이 중요한 요인으로 분석되었다. 다만 기술사업화 성공 관련 두 기업의 차이점으로는, A 기업은 외부의 기회 포착을 위해 사전 준비과정과 체계적 환경감지와 기회파악이 중요했던 반면, B 기업은 외부와의 마케팅 협력 네트워크 확보가 중요한 요인으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 복수기업 사례연구를 통해 성공적 기술사업화에서 의미 있는 연구가설로서 ① 외부환경의 감지와 이를 통한 기회파악, ② 신속한 기회포착을 위한 우수기술역량의 확보, ③ 신생기업의 기술사업화 과정에서의 협력을 통한 외부역량 확보, ④ 수요에 맞는 차별화된 제품개발에 대한 중요성의 4개를 제시한 점에서 연구의의를 찾을 수 있겠다. This study mainly investigates key factors that influence on successful commercialization by the real-life case studies, which seized new business opportunities coping with external factors and internal dynamic capabilities. Interviews with two selected life science companies, which concentrates in veterinary drugs and biomaterials for food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, followed by detailed literature search took place to underpin the thesis that lead to the final results analysis, which was implemented based on the integrative perspective combining external factors and internal dynamic capabilities and analysis comparing the two companies. It has come to conclusion that securing outstanding technology and demand-oriented product development are crucial points in regards of successful commercialization. Noticeable differences between the two companies’ success factors are that one of them focused on the advance preparation process for seizing new opportunities based on systematical sensing of external factors whereas the other company concentrated on securing collaborative network for external marketing. Based on analysis on the two companies’ specific case studies, four research propositions are drawn up as follows: 1. Importance of pursuit of new business opportunity over sensing external factors 2. Importance of securing excellent technology in order to seize new business opportunity 3. Importance of securing business capabilities from outside by collaboration with new ventures during commercialization process 4. Importance of product development that meets the market demand.

      • KCI등재

        대전지역 중소 부품업체의 경쟁력 결정요인에 관한 연구

        김장훈 ( Janghoon Kim ),장민 ( Min Zhang ),주지훈 ( Jihoon Joo ) KNU기업경영연구소 2021 기업경영리뷰 Vol.12 No.1

        This study is a study to analyze the effect of dynamic capabilities of small and medium-sized parts makers in Daejeon on the business performance of companies. In particular, the purpose of this study was to analyze whether corporate competency has a mediating effect on the effect of individual dynamic competency on management performance, or whether government support policies have a moderating effect on the relationship between corporate competency and management performance. To analyze the above purpose, data was collected through a questionnaire survey targeting small and medium- sized parts manufacturers in Daejeon, and the results of empirical analysis through multiple regression analysis based on the collected 78 corporate questionnaires are summarized as follows. First, it was analyzed that the exploration and absorption ability of the employees of small and medium-sized parts makers in Daejeon region had a positive effect on the non-financial performance of the company, and the ability of individual transformation and convergence was analyzed to have a positive effect on the financial performance. Or, it was analyzed that the individual’s exploration and absorption ability had a positive effect on the company’s competence, but it was analyzed that the individual’s ability to transform and fusion did not have a positive effect on the company’s competence. Second, it was found that managerial competency had a partial mediating effect between the individual’s exploration and absorption ability and the non-financial performance of the company. Third, it was found that the government support policy has a moderating effect between manager capacity and financial performance. The results of this study confirmed that the dynamic capability of employees is a very important competency for corporate growth for small and medium-sized parts manufacturers, or it can be suggested the importance of designing and implementing customized support measures that technology-led small and medium-sized parts manufacturers can experience.

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