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      • KCI등재

        교육기부 프로그램의 효과성에 대한 청소년 수혜자와 대학생 제공자의 인식:

        김윤정(Kim, Yunjung),전소정(Jeon, So-Jeong),우성범(Woo, Sung-bum),황수덕(Hwang, Soo-deok),이종은(Lee, Jong-eun),박선웅(Park, Sun W),양은주(Yang, Eunjoo) 한국열린교육학회 2016 열린교육연구 Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구는 교육기부 프로그램의 효과성을 개념도 연구법(concept mapping method)을 활용하여 연구함으로써 수혜자들과 제공자들이 프로그램 참여를 통해 어떠한 긍정적인 경험을 지각하는지 알아보고자하였다. 이를 위해 한국과학창의재단의 프로그램인 ‘함성소리’와 ‘알락달락’에 참여한 청소년 수혜자 16명과 대학생 제공자 15명의 각 집단을 대상으로 면접을 실시하여 연구를 진행하였다. 청소년 수혜자 집단으로부터는 39개의 핵심문장이, 대학생 제공자 집단으로부터는 63개의 핵심문장이 도출되었으며, 각 집단은 핵심문장을 유사성에 따라 분류하고 중요도를 평정하였다. 분류 자료에 대해 다차원 척도법과 위계 적 군집분석을 실시한 결과, 두 집단 모두 2차원의 5개 범주로 효과를 지각하고 있었다. 본 연구는 교육기부에 참여한 제공자와 수혜자 모두의 관점에서 교육기부 참여가 가지는 긍정적 효과의 구조적 특성과 기저차원을 경험적으로 검증하였다는 데 의의가 있다. This study investigated the positive experiences of the college students who served as teachers and adolescents who participated as students in donation for education programs by using concept mapping method. Participants were 16 adolescents and 15 college students who participated in ‘Hamsung-sori’ and ‘Alrak-Dalrak’, the programs of donation for education offered by Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity. The interviews yielded 39 core items from adolescent group and 63 items from college student group. Each group has categorized core items based on similarities and rated importance of them. The results of multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis showed five clusters on two dimensions for each group. This study uncovered the structure and underlying dimensions of the effectiveness of donation for education from the perspectives of both teacher group and student group.

      • KCI등재

        시각 문화로서의 한국 전쟁 사진

        김윤정(Kim Yunjung) 한국근현대미술사학회 2010 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.21 No.-

        Pictures was one of the easiest and most images for Koreans in the 1950’s. In particular, photographs has been used for propaganda during war because the media depicts the combat verisimilitudely. Reproduced photographs posted in mass media were circulated, which made people see and believe the war in their own eyes. In this regard, pictures was a powerful media in constructing visual culture during wartime. For three years of Korean War, people sought refuge in Busan, the city of southern Korea and kept publishing newspapers to deliver the progress of the battle. As a public and influential mass media, newspapers in the 1950’s had an effect on formation of visual culture at that time. Newspapers showed some images repeatedly to their readers: one is the latest war weapons and the other devastated landscapes. Even if the front line got stuck, photographs of war weapons symbolized the triumph of South Korea and the defeat of the North. Even if the photographs showed the ruins of war, texts in the article told the hope of life to reconstruct the city. While foreign press focused on miserably destructed Korea, Korean press tried to show war images with positive texts that the country can overcome the tragedy and rebuild their nation. During war all the articles and photographs were under the control of strict censorship of the Korean government. South Korean Army was considered as a government organization to decide which images should be seen or not as well as let the Signal Photographic Unit take war photographs. Looking into the establishment and activities of South Korean Signal Photographic Unit is imperative that we reveal a relationship between photographs and official subject that made them. This study is also a research about war photographers who documented the war in different areas of the Korean army. Korean war photographers not only obeyed the rules of army but took photographs of Korean war in their creative perspectives. It will include pictures of these war photographers who provided the foundation of development of documentary photographs which became the mainstream of postwar Korean photography. In conclusion, Korean war photography is an influential media that visualized the war for Koreans as one of the main source of visual culture in the 1950’s. This article is to study a close relationship between photographs and visual culture during Korean war.

      • SCOPUS

        한국어 불규칙용언의 형태 정보

        김윤정(Yunjung Kim),정재범(Jaebum Jeong),남기춘(Kichun Nam) 한국언어청각임상학회 2001 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.5 No.2

        용언은 그 어간이 여러 문법소와 결합하면서 자동적 음운변동이 일어나는 경우를 제외하고 형태변동이 있는가, 없는가에 의해 전통적으로 규칙용언과 불규칙용언으로 구분하였다. 활용함에 따라 형태변동이 수반되는 불규칙용언과 규칙용언은 심성어휘집에 어떤 형태로 저장되어 있는지를 조사하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 이를 위해 이해성실어증 환자 한 명과 음어적실행증 현상을 동반한 경미한 정도의 실어증 환자를 피험자로 하였다. 실험과제는 단어채워넣기과제를 사용하였다. 즉 주어진 기본형 용언을 검사문장의 문맥에 맞게 활용하여 채워 넣는 것이다. 실험결과에 의하면 환자들은 규칙용언의 활용(예, 먹다/ 먹는)과 불규칙용언 중 형태를 유지한 채로 활용하는 경우(예, 줍다/ 줍고)에는 거의 오류가 없었으나, 불규칙용언이 형태변화를 겪어야 할 경우(예, 줍다/ 주워)에는 대부분 오류를 보였다. 또 이때는 기본형을 그대로 유지하는 오류 방향성을 관찰할 수 있었다. 이는 그간 문법적으로 구분되어 오던 규칙용언/ 불규칙용언의 구분보다는 형태유지/ 형태변화 정보처리의 영향이 크다는 것을 알 수 있다. 특히 이해성실어증 환자는 전체적인 오류율이 매우 높았는데, 규칙용언의 경우에도 오류를 보였다. 이때, 용언의 어간에 해당하는 부분에는 오류가 없고, 뒤에 따르는 내용과의 관계를 파악해야 하는 문법기능소, 즉 연결어미에서 오류를 보여 정보의 유지 및 통합에 문제가 있다는 기존의 연구와도 일치하는 결과를 나타냈다. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether Korean regular and irregular verbals are differently represented in the mental lexicon. Two aphasic patient s participated in this study as subject s. In order to examine the sentence generation processing, the sentence completion task was employed. The basic form of the Korean verbals were presented at the top of the experimental sentences, and the patient s were asked to conjugate the basic forms to be appropriate for the blank given in the experimental sentences. If the Korean regular verbs and adverbs have different lexical representation format s in the mental lexicon from the irregular verbals, it is expected that the patient s would produce different patterns of conjugation error s between the regular and irregular verbals. However , if the regular and irregular verbals are represented in the similar way, then the conjugation error patterns will be similar . It was found that the patient s made many error s in conjugating the irregular verbals only when conjugation involves the root form change, whereas patient s made a few error s in conjugating the regular words and irregular words not involving root form change, regardless of conjugation regularity. And the conjugation error s shown in the irregular verbals involving the root form change occurred due to the tendency to keep the root form in the unchanged form. This result implicates that Korean regular and irregular verbs and adverbs are represented similarly in the mental lexicon and the categorical separation between the regular and irregular words can be decided depending on whether the root (or word stem) form changes or not.

      • SCOPUS

        한국어 구문 중의성 해결과정

        김윤정(Yunjung Kim),김수정(Sujung Kim),정재범(Jaebum Jung),편성범(Sungbom Pyun),남기춘(Kichun Nam) 한국언어청각임상학회 2000 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.5 No.1

        문장을 이해하기 위해서는 각 낱말들이 문장 내에서 어떠한 기능을 담당하고 있는지 그 구조를 파악해야 한다. 이해, 표현, 명칭실어증 환자는 각각 어떠한 방식으로 문장 구조를 파악하는지 정상인과의 비교를 통해 그 특성을 살펴보고자 하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 본 실험의 재료로는 구문 중의성 문장을 사용하였으며, 실험 과제로는 자기 조절 읽기 과제(self-paced reading task)를 사용하였다. 이때 종속변인으로 중의성 해결 지역의 읽기 시간(reading time)을 측정하였다. 정상인을 대상으로 했던 선행 연구에서는 한국인의 경우 용례 빈도가 높은 주어로 즉시적 해석을 내린다는 결론을 얻은 바 있는데, 본 연구의 연구 대상자였던 실어증 환자 3명 모두 정상인과 차이가 없어 즉시적인 정보처리에는 손상이 없는 것으로 보였다. 그러나 3명의 환자 모두 전체 문장을 읽는 시간이 오래 걸려 읽기 자체에 어려움을 겪는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 이해실어증 환자의 경우 마지막 어절을 읽는 시간이 유의하게 오래 걸려 최종적인 정보 통합 능력에 문제가 심한 것으로 나타났다. In order to understand a sentence, it is necessary to understand every word which make up the sentence and to understand how they function in the sentence structure. This study attempted to investigate the specific features that Broca, Wernicke and anomic aphasics show in their understanding of a sentence structure. The material used for the research was a syntactically ambiguous sentence. An example is ‘정치가’ which is ambiguous between the two meanings of ‘정치(politics) + 가(particle)’ and ‘정치가(politician)’. Reading time for resolving ambiguity in a self-paced reading task was measured. In the previous research for normals, there was no difference between ambiguous/unambiguous sentence when a sentence segment like ‘정치가’ was used as a subject, meaning ‘politics + particle’, but a significant difference was found when the sentence segment was analysed as ‘noun + affix’, meaning a politician. Therefore we concluded that Koreans analyze an ambiguous segment like ‘정치가’ as a subject (‘politician + particle’). It was also found that three patient subject s had no diffuculty in processing morpho- syntactic information campared with the normal subjects. However, all of the aphasic subject s took longer time than the normal subject s to read the sentence. Furthermore, in the case of Wernicke aphasic, she did not have difficulty in the processing of morpho- syntactic information, but had obvious difficulty in integrating information of the last segment of the sentence.

      • KCI등재후보

        말실행증 환자(Apraxia of Speech)의 AMR 수행 특성 : 사례 연구

        김윤정(Yunjung Kim) 한국언어청각임상학회 2003 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.8 No.1

        단음절반복과제(AMR)란 대상 단음절(monosyllable)을 빠르고, 안정적으로 반복하는 과제로, 운동말장애(motor speech disorder) 환자의 유형을 진단하고 증상의 정도를 판단하는 데 매우 유용한 과제 중 하나로 간주된다. 본 연구에서는 말실행증 환자의 ‘퍼, 터, 커’ 세 음절 AMR 결과를, 특히 시간에 따른 변화(temporal variability)에 초점을 맞추어 과제 수행 특성을 밝히고자 하였다. 실험 결과, 기존의 연구 결과와 같이 음절반복속도는 정상인보다 다소 느리고, 매우 불규칙한 것으로 나타났으나, 반복 횟수가 거듭될수록 음절 길이 및 음절간 길이 평균, 표준편차 등을 포함한 과제 수행 양상이 비정상적으로 변해, 점차 음절반복속도도 느려지고 불규칙 정도도 심해졌다. 특히 구간 1에서는 정상인보다도 더 빠른 음절반복속도를 보여, 마비말장애 환자와 손상의 기제가 다름을 알 수 있었다. 에너지 강도는 최대값과 최소값 모두 정상인보다 큰 표준편차를 보여 역시 에너지 강도도 불규칙적으로 변화하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 실험 결과를 바탕으로 말실행증 환자의 경우 시간, 즉 AMR 반복 횟수가 다른 환자군과 달리 과제 수행에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요소로서 기능하며, 따라서 말실행증 환자의 AMR 과제에서는 시간 영역(time domain)에 대한 고려가 필수적임을 밝혔다. AMR(Alternating Movement Rate) is routinely used in the assessment of motor speech disorders and is central to many efforts to classify various types of motor speech disorders and to rate their severity. This study presents AMR data of AOS, focusing on temporal variabilities. Acoustic analyses were used to obtain quantitative information on several parameters including syllable rates, means, and variability for syllable duration and intersyllable gap duration and energy intensity. Regarding duration of AMR, the following results were obtained: (1) the syllable rate was moderately slower than normal speech, and reached normal or even increased acceleration values, (2) when the whole duration was divided into three parts, AMR performance at part 1 was similar to that of normal speech, especially syllable rate was faster than that of normal speech, and (3) during the task, syllable duration showed to become shorter while intersyllable durations became longer, and simultaneously standard deviation of both of these two durations became greater. Observations of the energy patterns in the syllable AMR task revealed considerable variations in both the energy maxima and the energy minima across a syllable train. In addition, the variation of energy maxima was slightly greater than that of energy minima. These results are in many respects consistent with earlier findings, regarding slow speaking rate and maximum syllable repetition of AOS or the relation between syllable duration and intersyllable duration. Furthermore this study highlights the needs to consider temporal aspects of AMR, especially in case of AOS, because the time parameter considerably affects the results of AOS’s performance.

      • KCI등재

        버지니아 울프의 “인상주의”와 『제이콥의 방』의 공간적 구성

        김윤정 ( Yunjung Kim ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2016 제임스조이스저널 Vol.22 No.1

        This article seeks to explore “a new form for a new novel” experimented by Virginia Woolf through her 1922 novel Jacob’s Room. Most of Woolf’s fictions adopt a double-logic narrative; by exploiting impressionistic methods in her novel, this narrative categorizes Jacob’s various impressions into two different territories in the making of the character. The discrepancy in views on Jacob’s impressions is a representation of the empty room. This narrative form engenders Jacob’s Room, a self-reflexive novel epitomizing Woolf’s idea about new forms of writing, often analogized with life itself by Woolf, in the age of literary modernism and impressionism. To present how the novel’s narrative form is made different from the conventional one, which exclusively relies on verbal speeches in representing characters and plotting events, this article examines the novel’s use of the “empty room,” one spatial image embodied in the text. In doing so, this article shows that the spatial construction-the empty room-contributes to the making of the novel’s narrative form.

      • 거리두기와 아이러니

        김윤정 ( Kim Yunjung ) 국민대학교 어문학연구소 2019 語文學論叢 Vol.38 No.-

        I borrowed the title of this paper from Virginia Woolf’s essay about Ivan Turgenev, “the Novels of Turgenev”. Woolf’s several essays had read and interpreted many classic writers in a Woolfian way. In particular, she expressed great interest and respect for Russian writers, one of whom is Ivan Turgenev. Although he is known as a 19th-century realist writer, Woolf understands him as the starting point of a comtemporary writer with dual attributes. Jessie Matz also uses “literary impressionism” to describe Woolf, Russian and other writers, “Impression” did not intend only objective sight but subjectivity, a duality of real seeing and personal vision. Related dualities followed, as impressionism could seem to deliver appearance or reality; to require innocence or sophistication; to favor life or art, the natural or the aesthetic. Woolf often set up a parallel relationship between binary oppositeness such as form and content, the private and the public, major character and minor character, etc. Then she freely crossed their boundaries and translated a certain problem in the one world unto that of the other. Of course this ambivalence in Woolf and Turgenev does not resolve the real problem of war, nor does it conclude the tragic troubles of all human beings. It does enable us, however, to broaden our vision and envisage a possible common life.

      • KCI우수등재

        14세기 고려-원 관계 확장과 고려의 원 복식문화 수용

        김윤정(Yunjung, Kim) 역사학회 2017 역사학보 Vol.0 No.234

        The enthronement of King Ch’ungsŏn served as the momentum that expanded Mongolian custom in Koryŏ. By physically experiencing the authority of the emperor, Koryŏ began to wear purple robe (紫袍) instead of the royal robe (黃袍). Furthermore, as King Ch’ungsŏn began to participate in the Yuan politics, clothing of the Yuan imperial family such as kogo (罟罟) and taejŏnga (大頂兒) came to be incorporated in the Koryŏ attires. This close relationship between the two dynasties served as an opportunity in which various ritual and material cultures of the Yuan were incorporated into the Koryŏ society. In particular, various evidences of commerce in fashion shown in Pakt’ongsa and Nogŏltae as well as the archaeologically extracted artifacts exhibit that Mongolian clothing was expanded to the subjugated class. As a result, the conscience of not changing the national formalities and customs was greatly attenuated. Koryŏ also came to acknowledge the Yuan as a civilized country and became more open to their culture. However, at the same time, through the organization of the imperial ancestral temple and the process of writing history, Koryŏ was able to maintain its identity as a nation of its own name while accepting new cultures. This reflects the Koryŏ people’s acceptance of culture that expanded their cultural boundaries which they sought to adhere to their own customs in the past.

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