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        해창<SUP>海窓</SUP> 송기식<SUP>宋基植</SUP>의 현실인식과 대응방략의 변화

        김순석(Kim, Sun-seok) 한국국학진흥원 2020 국학연구 Vol.0 No.42

        송기식은 1878년 경북 안동에서 태어나 일제강점기를 살다가 1949년 세상을 떠난 유교개혁론자이며, 독립운동가이며, 교육자이다. 유교는 조선의 지배 이데올로기였던 까닭에 한말까지도 사회전반에 큰 영향력을 미치고 있었다. 그렇지만 문호개방 이후 밀려든 서구 문명 앞에서 유림의 대응 방략은 무력하기만 하였고, 유교는 구시대의 유물로 인식되어 개혁의 대상으로 인식되기도 하였다. 유교개혁론자들은 대부분 유교의 긍정적인 측면들을 이해하고 유교를 근본으로 삼고 서구 사상으로 그 단점을 보완하려 한 사람들이 많았다. 송기식 또한 그런 개혁론자 가운데 한 사람이었다. 송기식은 처음부터 유교개혁론자는 아니었고, 초기에는 위정척사계열의 유학자였다. 1895년 ‘명성황후 시해사건’을 규탄하는 의병이 일어났을 때 19세의 나이로 의병장 김도화 아래서 서기로 종군하였다. 이후 김흥락과 사제의 인연을 맺고, 퇴계 학맥의 주류를 계승한 그는 평생 두 가지 과제를 해결하고자 노력하였다. 그 하나는 상실된 국권을 회복하는 것이었고, 다른 하나는 세력을 상실하였던 유교를 부흥하는 일이었다. 송기식은 1895년 의병에 참가한 다음 1909년 이상룡이 대한협회안동지 회장이 되자 애국계몽운동에 나섰다. 이 무렵 송기식은 이상룡과 긴밀한 협의 끝에 봉양서숙을 설립하여 교육사업에 투신하게 된다. 그가 이렇듯 위정척사파에서 애국계몽운동가로 전환하게 된 계기는 서구 사상을 소개한 민주주의와 자유주의, 시민사상이 담긴 책들을 섭렵하였고, 이상룡의 권유가 큰 역할을 하였다. 그는 1919년 3.1운동이 발발하였다는 소식을 접하고 안동의 협동학교‧동화학교‧보문의숙‧봉양서숙 등의 학생들을 규합하여 만세 시위에 앞장섰다. 그 결과 그는 현장에서 체포되어 안동 옥사에 투옥되었고, 이후 대구 감옥으로 이감되어 있다가 다시 경성 감옥으로 옮겨졌다. 1920년 영친왕의 가례를 맞아 석방된 그는 출옥한 이듬해 유교혁신에 관한 생각들을 정리하여 『유교유신론』을 발간하였다. 1932년 송기식은 경성유교회 안순환으로부터 녹동서원 명교강습소 교수직으로 위촉받아 유교의 종교화운동에 참여하게 된다. 본고는 송기식이 어떤 계기를 통하여 사상적 전환이 일어났으며, 그것이 어떤 행동양식의 변화로 이어졌는지에 대한 연구이다. Song Ki-sik was born in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do in 1878, lived under the Japanese Colonial period and passed away after liberation. He was an independence activist and educator. Since Confucianism was the dominant ideology of Joseon, it had a great influence on society as a whole. Nevertheless, in the face of Western civilization, which was pushed out after the opening of the door, Confucian Scholar countermeasures were helpless, and Confucianism was recognized as a relic of the old days and the object of reform. Many Confucian reformers tried to understand the positive aspects of Confucianism, make Confucianism the basis, and try to make up for the shortcomings with Western ideas. Song Ki-sik was one of those reformists. Song Ki-sik was not a Confucian reformer from the beginning, but was a Conservative Confucian scholar. In 1895, at the age of 19, he joined the army under Kim Do-hwa. Since then, Kim Heung-Rak has a relationship with teacher and discipleship. Song Ki-shik, who succeeded the mainstream of Toegye, tried to solve two problems. One was to restore lost sovereignty, and the other was to revive Confucianism, which at that time lost power. Song Ki-sik participated in Voluntary army in 1895, and then in 1909, when Lee Sang-ryong became the chairman of Andong branch the Korean Association, he started the Patriot Enlightenment Movement. Around this time, Song Ki-sik established Bongyang Seosuk after close consultation with Lee Sang-ryong and started his business in education. The reason for his transition from Conservative Confucian scholar to patriotic enlightenment activists was through books on democracy, liberalism and civil ideology that introduced Western ideas, and Lee Sang-ryong’s invitation played a big role. When he heard of the outbreak of the March 1st Movement in 1919, he led students of Hyupdong schools, Donghwa School, Bomun Uisuk, and Bongyang Seosuk. As a result, he was arrested at the scene and imprisoned in Andong"s prison, then moved to Daegu jail and then moved back to Gyeongsung jail. In 1920, he was released on the rite of King Young Chin. The following year, he wrote Confucianism Reformed Theory and summarized his thoughts on Confucian innovation. In 1932, Song Ki-sik was appointed as a professor at Nokdongseowon Myeonggyo Campus by Ahn Sun-hwan from Kyungsung Confucian Church to participate in the Confucian religious movement. This thesis is a study on how the ideological transformation of Song Ki-sik led to the change of behavior and the change of behavior afterward.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        직장인의 스트레스가 가족관계에 미치는 영향

        화선(Hwa Sun Kim),최은정(Eun Jeung Choi),양정남(Jeoung Nam Yang) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2012 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        This study is intended to reveal how stress impact on family relationships, and on whether leisure satisfaction acts as a mediating role among Korean workers. Subjects for this study consisted of 484 workers in Junnam province. The results of this study are summarized as follows: Firstly, the study showed a correlation between variables which was a positive relationship between leisure satisfaction and family relationships. The study also highlighted that stress had a negative relationship between leisure satisfaction and family relationships. Secondly, during the process of looking at mediating effects, the outcome showed that stress significantly influenced leisure satisfaction and family relationships. The study also highlighted that stress and leisure satisfaction had a significant influence on family relationships. On analysing the input of leisure satisfaction, stress was shown to have a lesser influences on family relationships. This indicated that leisure satisfaction had a mediating role between stress and family relationships. Based on the result of this study, implications were discussed in terms of ways of improving leisure programmes for reducing worker`s stress.

      • KCI등재

        복합운송주선인의 화주에 대한 책임체계에 관한 연구 : 관련 한국법을 중심으로

        선철(Kim Sun-chul),이길남(Lee Kil-nam) 한국물류학회 2009 물류학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        우리나라는 복합운송을 통합적으로 규율하는 법규정이 없을 뿐만 아니라 복합운송을 구성하는 도로·철도·해상·항공 등 각종 운송구간에 적용되는 법제가 서로 다름으로 인하여 그 법률해석에 논란의 소지가 많다. 따라서 이를 통합하여 운영할 수 있는 규정을 신설할 필요성이 제기 되어, 복합운송의 이행과정에서 핵심적으로 역할을 수행하고 있는 복합운송주선인의 법적지위와 화주에 대한 책임체계를 중심으로 제기된 문제점에 관하여 화물유통촉진법, 상법, 민법, 구제조약 및 선행연구에 근거하여 논의를 하였다. 그 결과 이에 대한 당위성을 입법론적인 측면에서 논의하여, 그 필요성에 대한 근거를 제시하였다. 본 논문에서는 복합운송에 있어서 전 운송구간을 망라할 수 있는 복합운송주선인의 지위와 화주에 대한 책임 한계를 정의할 수 있는 규정들이 상법 총칙·상행위편에 신설되어야 한다는 근거를 제시하고 있다. A freight forwarder plays an important role in the modern international transportation under a contract of carriage as an intermediary between a shipper and an actual carrier. In Korea, the Act on the Promotion of Distribution of Goods incorporates as a business entity and its conduct of business from the administrative law perspective. However, freight forwarding is transport which means using at least two modes of transport under the Korean Commercial Code(called "KCC"). The purpose of this dissertation is to attempt to purpose reasonable solutions to the outstanding or future disputes resulted from the legal liabilities of a freight forwarder toward a shipper from the perspective of private laws. Although more than twenty years have elapsed since the establishment of the UN Convention on International Multimodal Transport of Goods 198-(called "UN Convention") the UN Convention has not yet come into force, and it appears highly unlikely that the construction of law as to the legal status of a freight forwarder and a multimodal transport operator(called "MTO") will be internationally unified in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        진지한 여가척도(SLIM)의 단일문항측정 적용검토

        미량(Mi Lyang Kim),재운(Chae Woon Kim),황선환(Sun Hwan Hwang) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2010 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        Measurement of serious leisure is an important issue to researchers in the area of leisure studies. Researchers in disciplines other than sport have attempted to make a case for single-item measures of cognitive and affective dimensions in instances when simplicity, brevity, or global measurement are paramountly important. It was determined that multiple-item scale had the advantage of breadth of measurement and scale, and that single-item scale had advantages of simplicity and brevity or ease of use. The study also examined one of the greatest criticisms of single-item measures and one of the greatest advantages of the multiple-item scale: reliability and concurrent validity. The purpose of this study was to provide leisure studies researcher with a simple and convenient tool for collecting information on serious leisure. This study developed and tested a single-item measures of Gould, Moore, McGuire & Stebbins`s(2009) serious leisure inventory and measure(SLIM), which was originally composed of 72 items to measure 18 different aspects in the SLIM. The results of data analyses suggested that the single item measure fairly represented 18 sub-dimensions of the SLIM. And then, future suggestions and implications for were presented.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        러시아어 이동동사 구문에서의 공간구조

        군선(Kim Kun Sun) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2001 슬라브학보 Vol.16 No.1

        This article is to investigate how space is structured in Russian motional verbal phrases. The study adopts a cognitive linguistic approach to deal with how we perceive an event in space and make a linguistic representation of it. It is characteristic of Russian verbal phrases that the cognitive aspect of spatial elements in events is structured. We assume that events occur in a spatial continuum of path which consists of a starting point, intermediate points and an ending point. In Gestalt psychology, events are perceived in a saliency relationship between the participants of figure and ground, where an agent or theme stands as figure with regard to a reference object as ground. Now the spatial structural framework of events is postulated as follows: [event V ([ X ], [path PREF [place PREP [ Y ] ] ] ) ] where X refers to the cognitive ontological category of agent or theme, Y to the ontological category of reference object and V is the head of the verbal phrase, the quintessential element of the predicate, PREF is prefix and PREP is preposition. Events are organized as a path along a spatial continuum in which the figure moves to or towards the ground. The path involves primarily an overall spatial view of the whole event and then within it a partial view of the event, where the figure is in contact or noncontact with the ground. We call the overall view of the event headed by PREF a macro-spatial perspective and the partial view headed by PREP a micro-spatial perspective. In this spatial framework, the event is organized so that the macro- perspective of prefixes functions as an overall view of path from the starting point to the ending point and the micro perspective of prepositions as a detailed view of the culminating point of the path. The macro-perspective is relatively more encompassing inasmuch as it includes a variety of micro-perspectives, while the micro-perspective is a concrete representation of the event at the culminating point. This shows the functional distribution and structuring of the spatial perspectives representing the spatial continuum of the event. The parameter of macro-perspective is orientation in terms of which macro-perspectives are classified into horizontal, vertical or circular ones. The parameter of micro-perspective is contact or noncontact of the figure with the ground, where prepositions represent a dimensional character of the reference object or a relative location of the figure with regard to the object. The two spatial perspectives are organized in a structural hierarchy to represent four classes of event paths: route path, origin path, goal path and direction path.

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