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        Future directions of online learning environment design at medical schools: a transition towards a post-pandemic context

        김세진 고신대학교(의대) 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 2023 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.38 No.1

        Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had an extremely large impact on methods of teaching and learning, and the need for online learning has grown enormously during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because most professors and students adjusted their mode of teaching and learning to this new context, online learning seemed to be going well. The problem is that distance learning was abruptly adopted as an alternative method of classroom instruction. To increase the effectiveness of online learning, more consideration is needed to explore future directions of creating learning environments. Therefore, this study suggests seven design guidelines for designing learning environments at medical schools based on a theoretical background and experiences from the pandemic. Constructivism and situated learning theory are introduced as the theoretical background for learning environment design, and the basic principles of learning environment design with the paradigm shift to learner-centered classrooms and experiences using EdTech, including HyFlex learning, flipped learning, learning management systems, and interactive learning tools, were used to develop the design guidelines. Each design guideline is strategically matched with the basic principles: learner-centeredness, real-world tasks and contexts, problem-solving, new roles of professors as facilitators or tutors, collaboration, and new perspectives of evaluation and assessment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Relationship Between Self-assessed Health Condition and Depression Trajectory of Older Adults with Chronic Diseases

        김세진 연세대학교 사회복지연구소 2018 한국사회복지조사연구 Vol.59 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to look at the impact of changes in the self-assessed health condition of older adults chronic disease patients on the changes in depression, focusing on the utilization of medical examination. This study utilizes the 1st to 6th data of Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging(KLoSA), which was conducted by the Korea Employment Information Service. The study was conducted on older adults who responded that they have one of the chronic diseases in the Year1. This study is conducted on 2,714 older adults with at least one chronic disease and latent growth model analysis was used to handle the purpose of this research. The major research results are as follows. First, the depression of chronic disease patients decreases as time passes and the higher the recognition of one’s depression in initial score, than the slower the depression decreases as time passes. Second, chronic disease patients tend to be more negative on their self-assessed health condition of chronic disease as time elapses. Those who recognized their self-assessed health condition as bad in the initial score, the negative recognition on their self-assessed health condition improves relatively slowly. Third, the more positive thoughts on the self-assessed health condition as time passes, the more rapidly decrease depression. Fourth, the more medical examination, the slower decrease in the negative recognition on the self-assessed health condition. This study intend to confirm the relationship between psychological well being and medical examination of patients with chronic diseases based on longitudinal approach, and to provide the foundation for establishing policies to improve the psychological well being of chronic disease patients.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        土地去來規制 違反行爲의 私法的 效力에 관한 判例의 變遷 硏究

        김세진 한국토지법학회 2010 土地法學 Vol.26 No.1

        토지거래에 대한 법적 규제는 그 방식에 있어서 구 농지개혁법상의 농지매매증명을 비롯하여 특정한 목적의 토지보전을 위하여 그 권리의 이전을 규제함에 그치는 경우(사립학교법, 구 외국인토지법 등)도 있었으나, 구 국토이용관리법에 이르러서는 허가를 받아야 계약을 체결할 수 있는 것처럼 규정하여 당사자 간에 의사의 합치만 있으면 계약이 성립하는 사법질서에 대하여 과도한 행정개입을 허용하기도 하였다. 이와 같은 토지거래에 대한 규제의 변천에 따라 이를 위반한 행위의 사법적 효력에 관하여 판례는 그때그때의 사안에 대하여 다양한 판시를 하여 왔다. 즉, 규제규정을 단속규정으로 보아 그 효력을 인정하기도 하고(구 외국환관리법 위반의 경우 등), 소재지관서의 증명이 없는 농지매매의 효력에 관하여는 물권계약으로는 무효이지만 채권계약으로는 유효라는 독특한 이론을 전개하기도 하였다(대법원 1964. 10. 1. 선고 64다563 판결 등 주류적인 판례). 이러한 판례의 태도는 대부분의 거래현실이 소재지관서의 증명 없이 매매나 교환이 이루어지고 그에 기하여 대금의 지급과 농지의 인도까지 행한 채 소유권이전등기만을 경료하지 못하고 있는 것임을 용인하면서 그렇다고 하여 강행법규인 농지개혁법을 적용하지 않을 수도 없어 그 양자의 조화점을 찾으려고 노력한 결과의 산물이라고 볼 수도 있으나, 이러한 이론은 하나의 계약을 물권계약과 채권계약으로 나누어 규제규정을 위반한 행위의 물권적 효력은 부정하면서 채권적 효력은 인정하는 것으로 물권행위의 독자성과 무인성을 인정하지 않고(대법원 1977. 5. 24. 선고 75다1394 판결), 등기청구권을 채권적 청구권 파악하고 있는(대법원 1976. 11. 6. 선고 76다148 전원합의체 판결) 판례와 일관성이 없을 뿐만 아니라, 그 결과에 있어서도 소작제도가 다시 부추겨지는 폐단이 노정되는 등 입법목적의 달성에도 실패하였다. 따라서 판례의 일관성을 유지하고 입법목적을 달성하기 위해서는 채권행위까지 무효라고 했어야 하고(구 농지개혁법 위반행위의 효력에 관한 일부 대법원 판결, 주무관청의 허가 없는 재단법인 기본재산 처분행위의 효력에 관한 대법원 판결, 허가 없는 사찰재산 처분행위의 효력에 관한 초기의 대법원 판결들은 이러한 태도를 보였다), 이러한 해석이 계약체결 전에 허가를 받도록 한 법문에 충실한 것이라고 할 수 있다(허가 없는 국토이용관리법상의 규제구역 내의 토지거래행위의 효력에 관한 헌법재판소 결정 및 초기의 대법원 판결들). 그러나 그렇게 해석할 경우 이론적으로는 당사자 간의 합의만으로 계약의 성립을 인정하는 사법질서를 부정하는 것이 될 뿐만 아니라 현실적으로도 계약부터 체결하고 나중에 허가신청절차를 밟는 관행과는 다른 것이어서 이러한 계약을 전면적으로 무효로 취급할 경우 현실의 거래에 있어 상당한 혼란이 초래될 염려가 있었다. 여기서 대법원은 1991. 12. 24. 선고 90다12243 전원합의체 판결에서 양자를 조화시키는 획기적인 판시를 하였다. 즉, “토지의 소유권 등 권리를 이전 또는 설정하는 내용의 거래계약은 관할관청의 허가를 받아야만 그 효력이 발생하고, 허가를 받기 전에는 물권적 효력은 물론 채권적 효력도 발생하지 아니하여 무효라고 보아야 할 것이나, 허가받을 것을 전제로 한 거래계약일 경우에는 허가를 받을 때까지는 법률상 미완성의 법률행위로서 소유권 등 권 ... The land transaction regulation has changed their methods and purposes several times by changing the central subject of the contract. This agricultural land transaction regulation started with restrict the transfer of ownership for the purpose of land protection.; however, the land transaction regulation permits excessive administrative intervention on the judicial order by accepting both parties' agreement. Though those changes of the land transaction regulation, the courts have decided several various cases on the private effect of the violating action from case by case. There are some cases, such as 64다563, Supreme court 1964. 10. 1, which recognized the effect of the crackdown regulation and developed the unique theory. In the case '64다563, Supreme court 1964. 10. 1' the courts depict those agricultural land trading as contract that generates a credit, not a real estimate (land) contract, on trading the agricultural land without the location institute's recognition. That case tells us when people made a land transaction contract without prove from direct institution previously; People couldn't find solution between whether they should the apply the transfer registration of ownership and a farmland reform regulation. The theory actually divided the one simple contract into two different kinds of contracts; a contract that generates a credit, and a real estimate (land) contract. We can see from the case like 75다1394 for the fact that the court denied the identity of the real rights, and the case like 76다148 show that the court still accepted the claim for registration as claim for the obligation. However, it made courts to lose their consistency in carrying out a theory, and have also failed to achieve their legislation goals. Therefore, in order to keep the cases' consistency and to accomplish the purpose of the legislation, the courts are devoted to one regulation, that ask to get permission before making contract, by invaliding the obligee's claim performances. (According to Korean constitutional courts decision on the restricted land transaction law and early supreme courts cases) However, if the court interpret like this case, this may lead our land transaction market into a confusion. People are used to make a contract before proceeding an actual permission work. If the courts decided to invalid these kinds of contracts, then our land transaction market will be in chaos. At this point, the supreme court decided one unanimous consent case that balanced both sides by the case 90다12243 on 1991. 12. 24. With saying, the ownership of land occur when one party accept the permission at one certain institution. Therefore, before one party get the permission, those contracts still are invalid contract, even though those contracts aren't different from a void contract. Which mean, without permission from institution, the contract is under current invalidation condition. Those current invalidation principles is not a new created legal principle; Our civil law considers those principles already. Those current invalidation principle accomplishes the purpose of land transaction regulation and doesn't harm the judicial order at the same time; however, on that unanimous consent case, the court has recognized the cooperate duty on the application for the permission. Also, When we have look at the later cases, the courts recognized the compensation of failure in cooperate duty on the application for the permission, but they don't recognize the revocation of the contract. Because of case like 96다27988, the court permit the revocation of contract due to violation of co-operate duty. This reasoning might be the useful tools to depict about the violating action on the land transaction regulation. This is why people have to consider the fact that the courts started to apply the current invalidation theory not only to the land transaction's case, but also to other cases. There are three main cases which shows the current i...

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