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      • KCI등재

        특집논문 : 『통일문제연구』 논문에 나타나는 집필진의 특성과 사회과학방법론의 적용 및 활용 동향 분석

        김석향 ( Seok-hyang Kim ) 평화문제연구소 2015 統一問題硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        이 글은 통일 관련 전문학술지 『통일문제연구』 창간호인 1989년 제1권 제1호 이후 25년이 지난 시점인 2014년 제26권 제2호에 이르기까지 게재한 논문 총 621편을 대상으로 어떤 연구자가 글을 썼고 이들이 각각 자신의 논의 전개를 위해서 어떠한 방법론을 적용했는지 그 활용 동향을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그런 의미에서 이 글은 앞서 『통일문제연구』 2014년 제26권 2호에 나왔던 경제희?김재한의 논문 “탈냉전시대 통일문제 논의의 변천:『통일문제연구』 25년을 중심으로”의 후속편에 해당하는 성격을 지닌다. 이 글에서는 『통일문제연구』 논문의 집필자가 각자 자신의 글에서 자료 분석을 위해서 동원한 방법론이 무엇이었는지 서술하는 것을 목표로 삼는다. 이와 더불어 1989년 이후 사반세기가 지나는 동안 『통일문제연구』 게재 논문에서는 사회과학방법론 적용 및 활용에 어떤 변화가 나타나는지 전체적인 동향을 분석하는 작업도 병행하였다. 이런 방식을 선택함으로써 1989년 창간 이후 오늘날까지 『통일문제연구』 역사를 되돌아보면서 이 학술지에 등장하는 논문을 분석할 때 언제(when), 어디서(where), 누가(who), 무엇을(what), 어떻게(how) 논의해 왔는지 완결하는 의미를 부여하였다. This article aims to review those academic articles on the Korean Journal of Unification Affairs, 1989-2015 from a perspective of social scientific methodology. For the last 25 years, the Korean Journal of Unification Affairs printed 621 articles, written by 666 authors. This article assumes that each author wrote his or her own article(s) with some specific data and one or more methodologies. How do authors select one’s own data? How do authors one’s own data scientifically? These are the questions for this article to try to solve. This article, in that sense, shall be a serial follower of “Transition of Korean Unification Discourses during the Post-Cold War Era,” written by Kyung Jei-hee and Kim Chae-Han (2014). This article will show how each author utilizes social scientific methodology in his or her academic writing(s). It will also show if there would be any specific pattern(s) for those authors to use social scientific methodology from 1989 to 2015. By doing so, this article, with Kyung and Kim’s writing (2014), shall show “when, where, who, what, how” produced academic work for the Korean Journal of Unification Affairs, 1989-2015.

      • KCI등재

        『조선녀성』에 나타나는 남녀평등과 성 차별 및 여성의 권리 의식 연구

        김석향 ( Kim Seok Hyang ) 한국여성사학회 2005 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.3

        North Korean regime has argued that the North is a place where "gender equality is realized". However, many North Korean defectors believe that women are generally discriminated in the North. This study suggests that the North Korean official discourses, which explain how to realize gender equality in everyday life, might be one of the reasons behind this type of discrepancy. This study analyzes selected articles from 『Chosun Neosung』 (Korean Women), the only women`s magazine in North Korea. According to our analysis, initially, just after the division of 1945, the magazine was eager to argue that "gender equality" and/or ``women`s rights" had been realized in the North. At that early stage, this was presented as a result of the benevolent Soviet aid as well as of some other factors. Kim Il-sung`s leadership was shown as one such factors but clearly not as the only one. During the 1980s, however, the magazine began to argue that the only reasons why ``women`s rights" were realized in North Korea is the benign policies of the Kim family, i.e. Kim Il-sung, his first wife Kim Jung-suk, and their son Kim Jong-il. In the 1 990s, the concept of ``women`s right" has been replaced by that of ``women`s duty and their loyalty to the Kim family." After 2000, the magazine ceased to mention ``women`s rights" altogether and began to describe women`s enthusiastic and selfless work as a sign of their loyalty to the Kim family. In short, the study of the magazine articles demonstrates the gradual transformation of the North Korean official discourses in regard to the concepts of "gender equality" and ``women`s rights." This transformation shows what the regime expected from the women of North Korea at different stages of its history.

      • KCI등재

        남녀평등과 여성의 권리에 대한 북한당국의 공식담론 변화 -1950년 이전과 1979년 이후 『조선녀성』 기사를 중심으로-

        김석향 ( Seok Hyang Kim ) 북한연구학회 2006 북한연구학회보 Vol.10 No.1

        Since the Division of the Korean peninsula, North Korean regime has continuously argued that the North is a place where gender equality is realized. The South, however, has been depicted as a place where women are deprived of their rights. Yet, many of the North Korean defectors argue that discriminatory behaviors against women are pervasive in the North, and can be found everywhere including family, school, and work places. What would be the reason of this discrepancy? This study suggests that the North Korean official discourses, explaining how to realize gender equality in everyday life, would be one of the reasons to facilitate this type of discrepancy. As a channel of the North Korean official discourses, selected articles from 『Chosun Neosung(조선녀성)』are analyzed in this study. 『Chosun Neosung』is practically the only women`s magazine in North Korea. With the analysis, this study concludes that 『Chosun Neosung』was initially eager to argue that gender equality and/or women`s rights had realized in the North just after the division, thanks to many factors including Soviet army, various policies, and Kim Il-sung`s direction. During the 1980s, however, the magazine had argued that women`s rights are realized, thanks to the Kim family only, i.e., Kim Il-sung, Kim Jung-suk, Kim Jong-il. Then, in the 1990s, the concept of women`s right has been displaced with women`s responsibility and duty, and their loyalty to the Kim family. Finally, after 2000, the magazine mainly described women who are eagerly working as a sign of loyalty. In short, 『Chosun Neosung』shows the transformation of the North Korean official discourses, in regard to the concepts of gender equality and women`s rights. The official discourses transformation implies how the regime presents what it wants from the women of North Korea. This type of discourses transformation likely to force women in North Korea swallow the regime`s logic tacitly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한여성 연구의 동향과 과제

        김석향 ( Seok Hyang Kim ),이은주 ( Eun Ju Lee ) 북한연구학회 2012 北韓硏究學會報 Vol.16 No.2

        This paper will show the general trend of North Korean Women researches through the books, theses and dissertations since 1948 to 2012. At first, the trend with the change of times and with the change of themes shall be analyzed, and the points in dispute shall be analyzed at the aspects of the epistemology and the methodology. And then the limit and the task of the North Korean Women researches shall be shown. The North Korean Women researches had been begun since ``70s, and was flourished in ``90s, and after 2000, it was not only grown in quantity but also deepened in quality. This paper will categorize the theme of North Korean Women researches to 12 patterns ; the women general, the law · the policy · the institution, the family, the status and role, the ideology, the political socialization, the political culture, the character and image of woman, the childcare and nurture, the woman interaction between South and North Korea and unification of Korean Peninsula, the health and sanitation, the beauty art and fashion, the The Women`s Union and the life of the organization, the women`s economic activity, and the others. The North Korean Women researches are usually concentrated to 4 themes ; the women general, the law · the policy · the institution, the family, the features and image of women. We can know that the North Korean Woman researches have been concentrated to the special themes and studied as the level of general introduction. Thus we should study the more concrete themes as well as the more extensional and various themes. And we need to rebuild the epistemology of the North Korean Woman researches. Nowadays the perspective of the feminism is used in this researches, I think it is desirable. At the aspect of methodology, the non-existence of the theory, the tendency to the study for South Korean government`s policy, the insufficiency of the fundamental researches are the problem to solve for the development of North Korean Woman researches. And we need to diversify the methodology, too. At the end of this paper, I will propose to combine the North Korean Women researches and the North Korean Women defector researches at the long perspective and as the grand level of women researches.

      • KCI등재

        1990년 이후 북한주민의 소비생활에 나타나는 추세 현상 연구: 북한이탈주민의 경험담을 중심으로

        김석향 ( Seok Hyang Kim ) 북한연구학회 2012 북한연구학회보 Vol.16 No.1

        North Korean society experienced a sort of paradigm shift in accordance with internal and external environmental changes. In this situation, many North Korean defectors claimed that there was a new trend in the North Korean`s appearances and consumption that corresponded to the phenomenon. This paper will recollect the experiences of the North Korean defectors and aim to meticulously depict and record the trend of the North Koreans` everyday life after 1990. In retrospective, North Korean society before 1990 remained relatively stable, and the residents generally lived in a unchanging environment as well. Many residents have predictably spent their entire lives in their hometowns with relatively little changes. However, the daily life after 1990 was no longer predictable due to collapse of the distribution system and the beginning of the Arduous March following the death of the Eternal Leader Kim Il Sung, the increasing number of defectors (defection becoming more and more common), the expansion of the market, and the proliferation of corruption and bribery. The situation affected the lifestyle of North Korean residents as well. Before 1990, there were little differences to distinguish the lifestyles of the residents. However, after 1990, social trends in women`s outfits and house decorations as well as bribed items and the excessive use of money have been observed. The emergence of trends in the North Koreans` daily life after 1990 can be perceived as the result of the changes that have already occurred. However, on the other hand, it can also be seen as a driving force towards eliciting greater changes.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 조선옷,민족옷 개념에 나타나는 여성 편중 및 남성 부재 현상

        김석향 ( Seok Hyang Kim ) 북한연구학회 2007 북한연구학회보 Vol.11 No.2

        In North Korea, women`s traditional customs are revered and promoted as a symbol of authentic Korean identity and self-reliance, whereas men`s traditional customs have been generally excluded from the public sphere. This study aims at investigating how pervasive this type of gender segregation is in North Korea and why has such a difference developed. This study is based on analyzes of all articles on people`s clothing which were published in Chollima (Flying Horse) monthly throughout the period from January 1991 to May 2005. As a result of this analysis, this study arrives at following conclusions: First, North Korean regime recommends Korean traditional customs to everyone, but in this case the concept of everyone practically includes women only while men are implicitly excluded. Second, the reason why North Korean regime recommends Korean customs to women is its perception of the women`s traditional custom is a way of expressing self-reliance and ethnic identity. When North Korean regime argues about the importance of ethnic identity, however, this concept implies that Koreans in general are Kim Il-sung`s descendants. Therefore, we Koreans need to think over the issue before taking North Korea`s logic of self-reliance and ethnic identity as it is.

      • 탈북대학생 학교 적응력 향상 방안

        김석향 ( Kim Seok Hyang ),현인애,조영주 남북하나재단 2016 연구총서 Vol.2016 No.0

        This research analysed the characteristics of an existing mentoring project and a current pre-university life guidance project involving undergraduate students who defected from North Korea, in order to deduce a plan to improve their adaptability to university in South Korea. Additionally, this research investigated the students' experience of their difficulties with university life via a survey and in-depth interview, and analysed their academic essays to understand the standard of their Korean writing skills. Based on the results of these investigations, this research suggests a plan to improve North Korean students' adaptability to university in South Korea. The existing mentoring project and current pre-university life guidance projects showed the following five characteristics. Firstly, both projects placed emphasis mainly on career and employment support. Secondly, the projects were one-off projects and not systematic. Thirdly, although the students found it hard to keep up with their studies, support for their learning was very limited. Fourthly, both projects were not managed by time or stages therefore both projects were unable to maintain continuity. Fifthly, basic foundational studies and background knowledge, which are central to the students' studies, were overlooked as most of the emphasis in both projects was on career and language support. In view of these points, both the pre-university life guidance and mentoring projects will thus need to include support resources that can help to improve the students' basic academic abilities. Moreover, both projects will also need to consider carrying out their programmes in a timed or stage-wise manner. The results of a survey on the students' actual adjustment to their university are as follows. With regards to choosing a university and major, the main influencing factor for the students was The hope I had since I was in North Korea. As for the reason for choosing their particular university and major, the reason “It will be advantageous to me when I seek employment” took the largest percentage. A large proportion of students selected “satisfied” with regards to satisfaction with their university and major. The most common difficulty they encountered during their university life was “team activities”, and as for the people with whom the students share their difficulties with, “North Korean friends” were chosen the most. 17 of 59 students who participated in this research had an experience of a leave of absence from university and 10 students were currently considering to leave their university. When this research investigated the difficulties the students encountered during their studies and the causes of those difficulties, it was revealed that the students had greater difficulties with their main subjects than with other liberal arts subjects. Furthermore, the reasons for their difficulties in carrying out their learning were “a lack of English language skill”, “financial burdens” and “a lack of writing skills”, in order of the highest to lowest ranking. On the emotional side of the matter, “depression” and “loneliness” were the students' highest rated difficulties. In terms of the social network items, the item of “I have North Korean defector friends to whom I can disclose my true feelings” got the highest rating. On the participation activity item of this survey, “participation of voluntary services” received the most responses. This research also dealt with the students' participation in mentoring and pre-university life guidance projects. This research discovered that participation in the mentoring project was higher than that of pre-university life guidance projects and they mainly participated in the mentoring that was guided by their university junior and senior students or established, successful individuals in their society. The most frequently chosen reason for their satisfaction regarding the participation projects was “The assistance I received in choosing my university and major.” The highest proportion of the students participated in the projects due to suggestions by other North Korean defectors or South Koreans. When examining the students' satisfaction regarding policy support, there is greater satisfaction for university student-targeted policy support than overall policy support. Moreover, the stages of “submission of university application”, “from acceptance to attendance of university' and “from qualifying to before entering university” had student response rates in the order of highest to lowest. As a result of the in-depth interviews held in their universities, this research identified that the students had diverse motivations for selecting their majors, such as an acquaintance's suggestion, their experience in North Korea and the information they already possessed about the different majors. Some of the difficulties they faced include language difficulties with Korean and foreign languages, a lack of basic foundation education and background knowledge, financial burdens, the differences in the university system and culture between South Korea and North Korea, friendship network and the absence of information. These difficulties also showed a tendency to be alleviated or reinforced by the gap in support provided between regions. Notwithstanding there was one reported case that the projects were useful in helping students to decide their career pathway, the students' participations in mentoring and pre-university projects were generally low. Moreover there were several cases of students who did not participate in the projects but prepared for their university life by asking their individual personal connections for advice. From the students' experience, this research discovered that providing support by time periods or in stages through concrete and systematic projects would be required. This research also dealt with the students' perceptions towards adaptation during the interview. They had a tendency to believe that their financial independence would be an indicator to evaluate how well they are adapting or settling down in South Korea. On the other hand, the professionals who provided support to the students believed that despite the importance of financial independence, the students' emotional stability and hopes and dreams for the future are the chief indicators for evaluating how well they are adapting or settling down in South Korea. This perception gap between the students and professionals could cause a gap in the demands for support for the students. This research also discussed the priority of employment and entering a university during the interviews in relation to the direction that the students aim for the support policy. The majority believed that the entrance to university is more important. The reason was that they considered entrance to university as a condition that offers an expansion of their opportunities post-graduation, and a better life than present. Meanwhile, they believed that reinforcing their abilities through their university life would be more crucial than just entering university with no definite idea or just focusing on graduation. With regards to the lack of writing skills, which the students claimed as one of their difficulties, this research conducted content analysis of the students' academic essays in order to evaluate their writing skill levels. The results showed that their writing lacked completeness. Moreover, basic grammar, sentence construction, writing structure and formality were all unsatisfactory at university level. Based on the research findings, this research suggested a plan to improve the North Korean defectors' adaptability to their university life and organised the plan into four basic directions. Tasks were deduced for each direction to propel the plan forward. The four basic directions are the systematisation of the students' supports, the improvement of the effectiveness of the support, the reinforcement of pre-university life guidance and mentoring projects, and the concreteness and actualisation of these supports. The tasks to propel each direction forward are as follows. Firstly, in order to systematise the supports 1) Korea Hana Foundation and a council of university should be constituted, 2) the system for the students' entrance to university and the maintenance of their learning will require improvement, 3) the support system for the students should be formulated within universities and 4) it is necessary to provide an incentive for universities to support the students. Secondly, to enhance the effectiveness of the support provided to the students, 1) a road map and manual of the stage-wise support for the students should be prepared, 2) an institutional strategy should be provided to evaluate the academic ability of the North Korean defectors who hope to enter a university and 3) an opportunity to explore information on universities and their majors should be provided to North Korean defectors who hope to enter university. Thirdly, in order to reinforce the pre-university and mentoring projects, this research suggests that 1) an institutional strategy should be prepared to reinforce the pre-university project and 2) details of the stage-wise support for the students should be prepared. Lastly, concrete and realistic suggestions for supporting the students are 1) reinforcement of basic foundation studies and background knowledge education, 2) offering a university system experience programme, 3) financial support and 4) emotional and psychological support.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 가정외보호 아동정책에 대한 탐색적 분석

        김석향 ( Kim Seok Hyang ),정익중 ( Chung Ick Joong ),김미주 ( Kim Mi Ju ),오은찬 ( Oh Eun Chan ) 한국청소년복지학회 2017 청소년복지연구 Vol.19 No.1

        Based on the analytical framework for social welfare policy (Gilbert & Terrell, 1998), this exploratory research aims to understand North Korean children in out-of-home care, to formulate policies, and to analyze their management process. North Korea asserts that comprehensive welfare benefits are being widely provided to all who require protection under out-of-home care policies, emphasizing their ideology of universality. That is, children in need of protection are paid in kind and given a priority of the allocation. There happens the disparity between principles of the regime and the reality in North Korea. Namely, in principle, the payroll system of North Korea is conducted through the cooperation with the central government, local government agencies, and social cooperative organizations and the costs of the corresponding resources are paid by the national budget, local government budget, and social welfare fees. However, in reality, North Korea is given by international community assistance due to its severe economy. Therefore, these social welfare benefits are still unstable and unsustainable. Policies for North Korean children in out-of-home care needs to be thoroughly assessed and to be promptly executed because there is a gap between existing policies and their execution.

      • KCI등재

        북한 내 재생산 영역의 사회구조와 여성의 실천

        김석향(Seok Hyang Kim),박민주(Min Ju Park) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2016 여성학논집 Vol.33 No.1

        이 연구는 북한의 임신·출산 관련 법제를 분석하고 북한이탈주민의 증언 자료를 토대로 여성경험을 치밀하게 묘사하였다. 재생산 영역에서 북한당국이 고안한 사회구조와 실질적 사회구조의 양상, 구조의 영향권 내에서의 여성의 실천을 드러내어 구조와 개인의 관계를 읽어내고자 했다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 북한당국은 법제를 통해 여성의 권리를 보장한다고 주장했지만 ‘정상 태아’를 임신한 ‘직장여성’을 기본모델로 상정하여 주부, 장사하는 여성, ‘비정상 태아’ 임신 여성은 법제에서 소외를 당하고 피임 · 임신중절의 권리는 아예 논외로 밀려나는 결과를 초래했다. 둘째, 연구 과정에 참여한 면담 대상자의 임신·출산 관련 경험은 개인별로 고유의 스펙트럼을 보였고 신분과 경제력은 경험의 차이와 차등을 직조해내는 주요 요인이었다. 1990년대 중반 이후 북한당국을 대신하여 여성이 가구 생계를 책임지면서 출산의 기회 비용이 증가했다. 또한 보장제도의 작동이 멈추면서 임신·출산의 사회구조는 비공식 의료시장으로 무게중심을 옮겨갔다. 이러한 상황에서 개인별로 가동 가능한 자원을 동원하여 재생산을 조절하려는 경향이 뚜렷하게 드러났다. 셋째, 면담 대상자 여성은 북한 사회구조 내에 위치해 있었지만 개인의 행위성(agency)을 잃지 않고 그 구조를 대상으로 순응과 협상, 저항을 시도해 왔던 것으로 나타난다. 특히 피임 · 인공중절 부문에서 북한당국과 개별 여성 사이에 긴장관계가 두드러졌다. 면담 대상자는 북한식 성별불평등을 일부 내면화하거나 어느 정도 순응하기도 하고 때로 적극적인 방식으로 현실에 대처하기도 했다. This thesis focuses on pregnancy and childbirth of North Korean women to discuss the behavior of the North Korean residents, the social structure of the North Korean Society, and the dynamics between social structure and personal behavior. The authors reconstructs testimonies from North Korean defectors and analyzes the legislations related in the pregnancy and the childbirth in North Korea. The results are listed below. First, as regards the pregnancy and the childbirth of women, The laws of DPRK limits the subject of rights to ‘the Career Woman in Normal Pregnancy.’ Housewife, business women, and abnormal pregnant woman are excluded from exercising her right. It is the ultimate purpose of the legislations to prohibit the childbirth of handicapped baby and to secure labor power of women. Second, the experience of the participants show a common characteristic of patriarchy affecting women in North Korean society, but Each of them has a unique spectrum. Pregnancy-and-childbirth experiences of participants showed a different spectrum depending on the individual context. Socio-economic status of individual is the main factor that determines the different experience. However, since economic crisis of the mid-90’s, Women in DPRK tried to control over the pregnancy and childbirth. The tendency of refusal to having children has been steadily increasing. Third, despite the influence of social structure, participants had attempted to negotiate, conform and resistance without losing their agency. The social structure and women sometimes strained relationship, sometimes build partnerships. In particular, the tension was mounting when woman tried to have an abortion or birth control.

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