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      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Use of Animal Symbols for Healing of the Korean Traditional Medicine - Focusing on “Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)”

        김낭예 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2023 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.13 No.10

        Animal symbols exert a profound influence on humans. This can be likened to homeopathic magic, with its source tied to the symbol. It has been believed that consuming an animal or crafting items from its parts would imbue humans with the creature’s powers, thereby enhancing its symbolic significance over time. An animal can have various symbolic meanings, and among them, those related to healing have been adopted as folk remedies. Therefore, in this study, we would like to examine an example in which animals were used in folk therapy as a symbol of healing in traditional Korean medicine through “Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)”. In this context, ‘healing’ not only pertains to direct cures but also encompasses the use of amulets to fend off afflictions and bolster one’s immunity. By looking at animals that have traditionally been used in folk remedies, it is possible to reaffirm the role of animals as healing symbols and to find ways to effectively use animal symbols to enhance the healing effect in the future by recognizing their value.

      • KCI등재

        상징을 통한 한국 문화 교육 연구 -문화 상징 항목을 중심으로-

        김낭예 국제한국어교육학회 2011 한국어 교육 Vol.22 No.2

        The use of symbols in communication has not been discussed within Korean language education. This study aims to do just that. Symbols play an important role in improving the understanding of a language within a culture. Symbols are not universal; they are different according to nation and language. In a way, symbols become an important keyword. Understanding of symbols used by interlocutors not only enhances overall communication but achieves accuracy. But the symbolic system is too broad. This study is of two fold: first, it examines how symbols are organized within Korean language textbooks; second, it will outline ways of categorizing the symbolic system within Korean language education. From there, it aims to look at how symbols can be utilized within Korean language education from the intercultural communication stance. Symbols within Korean culture education will serve as a platform to discuss taboos and metaphors fundamental to Korean language education. This would help Korean language teachers understand various ideas that exist within the root of Korean culture and the cultures of learners.

      • KCI등재

        문화 간 의사소통을 위한 동물 상징 교육 내용 연구 - 중국인 학습자의 ‘처럼’ 인식을 중심으로 -

        김낭예 국제한국어교육학회 2013 한국어 교육 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is using symbols to support learners who study Korean to communicate smoothly between cultures. Especially, among symbols, it uses animal that are closely related to human life, and examines culture education contents that can prevent misunderstanding and enable for a more profound communication. For this, we have compared animal symbols expression of Korean language and animal symbols expression of Chinese people learning Korean language, and examined commonness and difference, to organize what is required when using animal symbols in Korean culture education. Throughout this study, Korean language teachers can forecast in advance, what errors are committed when learners who study Korean as a foreign language apply smile using animal symbols, and enable a more profound communication to them by using animal symbols effectively. (Kyung Hee University)

      • KCI등재

        학문 목적 외래어 목록 선정 연구

        김낭예 국제한국어교육학회 2010 한국어 교육 Vol.21 No.2

        The aim of this research is to select the list of borrowed words which are necessary and causes difficulties in studying for the most of learners for academic purpose and to help them for studying in the university. Borrowed words takes large part of Korean words and the weight is getting creased. Especially, since terminology for the major includes a lot of borrowed words, the learners have great difficulties in studying. Therefore, the research examined the text books for the academic purposes for foreign students, and selected borrowed words in terms of a established criteria and then investigated the frequency of these words of web sites. In addition, the characteristics of borrowed words for academic purpose are described. Given that there is no lists of borrowed words for academic purposes by each majors, the list of borrowed words would be effectively used for the learners who need to study those words which are differently used in their mother tongue, as well as English. Further, the research would be the basic work for developing dictionaries of borrowed words and textbooks for self-study for the academic purpose. (KyungHee University)

      • KCI등재

        상징을 활용한 한국 문화 교육 내용 연구-신문 기사 제목을 중심으로-

        김낭예 한국언어문화교육학회 2017 언어와 문화 Vol.13 No.1

        This study is aimed at helping Korean learners in understanding Korean symbol and then Korean culture more deeply, by examining the cultural meaning of the headlines and how symbols are being used in contemporary culture of Korea, focused on expressions of the headlines. As symbols imply cultural heritage that underlies Korean thought and emotion, we can understand the identity of Korea and Koreans through symbols. Such symbols may be efficiently utilized in intercultural communication, because it is possible to communicate thoughtfully only when properly understanding symbols of other’s culture. Symbols are expressed by metaphor in contemporary culture in many cases. In addition, as headlines implicitly present the contents of the entire article by means of omission and metaphor, we might misunderstand the whole contents of an article if we don’t properly understand symbols used for the headline. Accordingly, it is very important for Korean learners to grasp what meaning the symbols have in Korean culture, which are mainly used for the headlines, for the purpose of understanding contemporary culture of Korea. Therefore, this study examined advanced researches to divide symbols in four categories such as ‘animal, color, number, and plant’, and reviewed how each symbol is presented in specific headlines on portal sites. It is expected, through this, to provide significant education regarding symbols, that help Korean learners in understanding contemporary culture of Korea through the newspaper articles. Furthermore, it may contribute to expansion of Korean teachers’ background knowledge about the Korean culture.

      • KCI등재

        여성결혼이민자를 위한 한국 금기 문화 읽기 자료 개발 연구

        김낭예 한국언어문화교육학회 2022 언어와 문화 Vol.18 No.2

        This study focused on the importance of Korean taboo culture education for female marriage immigrants, and searched for an improvement of female marriage immigrants' intercultural competence through the development of reading materials from a intercultural perspective, as well as their smooth adaptation to life in Korea. This study analyzed first, with regard to the taboo culture education for international marriage immigrants, the current status of taboos presented in Korean textbooks, and compiled taboo items that should be dealt with in Korean culture education by supplementing the taboos missing here. Classified taboo items were divided into taboos related to pregnancy and childbirth and taboos related to daily life, according to the female immigrants' life cycle. In addition, in order to solve the issues of peculiarities of female immigrants who experience pregnancy and childbirth upon entry into Korea, and of differences of their Korean language ability, this study proposed a step-by-step method of how to effectively provide taboo cultural reading materials according to their Korean linguistic level. The reading materials developed in this study will be useful not only to improve the intercultural competence of international marriage immigrants, but also to help them communicate with their family members, Korean teachers and Korean neighbors, and are expected to be utilized in raising their children in the future. .

      • KCI등재

        미얀마 불복종 운동 시기 한국어 교육 현황 및 지원 방안 연구

        김낭예,조현용 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2022 東南亞硏究 Vol.32 No.1

        A one-year state of emergency was declared in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, when high-ranking government officials were detained in a military coup. Massive demonstrations by the Myanmar people in protest against the military coup began across the nation, and the protests continue to this day without an active intervention of the international community. At the same time, civil disobedience movement against the military regime is unfolding, and academic learners who are learning Korean at the Korean language department at Myanmar University are currently joining the CDM, refusing to attend school or take classes. In addition, most of teachers in charge of Korean language education have been fired for not cooperating with the military regime. Korean language education in Myanmar is actually paralyzed. Based on this situation, this study examined the current status of Korean language education in Myanmar, which is undergoing civil disobedience movement, focusing on the Korean language department, for the purpose of urging the Korean language education community on the current situation and looking for practical ways to help solve the local situation in Myanmar. For this purpose, written interviews have been conducted with professors and learners attending two universities, Yangon University of Foreign Studies (YUFL) and Mandalay University of Foreign Studies (MUFL), which have Korean language departments in Myanmar. Through the interview, this study presented opinions on material support for professors of Korean language department in Myanmar as well as support for teachers’ training. In addition, it is considered for Korean language students that practical research would be necessary to develop Myanmar-specific educational contents and to provide them online. AS the university education in Myanmar has been stopped, official research cooperation through the universities was impossible and communication with the local area was not smooth. It is a limitation of this study that large-scale quantitative research or precise qualitative research could not be conducted under such circumstances. The significance of this study, however, is that it grasped the reality of Myanmar through the interview responses, and prepared measures to support teachers and learners by reflecting local demands. The support plan presented in this study might be used to support Korea language education in other countries in a similar situation in the future. 미얀마는 지난 2021년 2월 1일 미얀마 군부가 일으킨 쿠데타로 정부 고위 인사들이 구금되고 1년간의 비상사태가 선포되었다. 이 에 군부 쿠데타에 항의하는 미얀마 국민들의 대규모 시위가 미얀마 전역에서 시작되었고 국제사회의 적극적인 개입 없이 현재까지도 시위가 이어지고 있다. 이와 함께 군부 정권에 대항하는 불복종 운 동이 펼쳐지고 있으며 미얀마 대학의 한국어과에서 한국어를 배우 는 학문 목적 학습자들도 현재 불복종 운동에 참여하여 등교 및 수 업을 거부하고 있다. 또한 이들의 한국어 교육을 담당하고 있는 한 국어 교원의 대부분은 군부 정권에 협력하지 않아 해직을 당한 상 태이다. 실제적으로 미얀마의 한국어 교육은 마비된 상태라고 할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 미얀마의 현 상황에 대한 한국어 교육계의 관심을 촉구하고 미얀마 현지 상황 해결에 도움을 줄 수 있는 실질 적인 방법을 모색하기 위해 불복종 운동 중인 미얀마의 현재 한국 어 교육 현황을 한국어과를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 미얀 마에 한국어과가 설치되어 있는 두 대학, 양곤외국어대학(YUFL)과 만달레이외국어대학교(MUFL)의 교수자와 학습자를 대상으로 서면 인터뷰를 실시하였다. 인터뷰를 통해 미얀마의 한국어과 교수를 위한 물질적 지원 방안 과 함께 교원 연수 지원 방안에 대하여 의견을 제시하였다. 또한 미얀마 한국어과 학생들을 위해서도 미얀마에 특화된 교육 내용을 개 발하고, 이를 온라인으로 제공할 수 있도록 실제적인 연구가 필요 할 것으로 보았다. 대학 교육 자체가 중단되어 대학을 통한 공식적인 연구 협조가 불가능하고 현지와의 연락도 원활하지 않은 현 상황에서 대규모의 양적 연구나 정밀한 질적 연구를 수행하지 못한 점은 본 연구의 한 계이나 인터뷰 답변 내용을 통해 미얀마 현지의 실상을 파악하고 현지의 요구를 반영하여 교수자 및 학습자 지원 대책을 마련하였다 는 데에 본 연구의 의의가 있다. 본 연구에서 제안한 지원 방안은 향후 유사한 상황에 처한 다른 국가의 한국어 교육 지원에도 활용 할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Psychological Healing for Japanese Korean Learners through Korean Food

        김낭예 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2024 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.14 No.2

        Food is a fundamental aspect of human life, encompassing the cultural essentials of clothing, shelter, andsustenance. Experiencing the culture of individuals who speak the language one is learning through foodhas proven to be an effective means of enhancing learners' motivation. It can be presumed that directexposure to Korean cuisine, either through consumption or preparation, will exert a profoundly positivepsychological impact on Korean learners, contributing to psychological healing, indirectly evidenced bystress reduction. Therefore, this study conducted a survey among Korean learners in Japan to investigatethe potential for psychological healing through engagement with Korean food.

      • 재일 3세대의 탈중심적 글쓰기

        김낭예 慶熙大學校 大學院 2010 高凰論集 Vol.46 No.-

        재일 조선인문학이 획득한 새로운 위상은 기존 재일 조선인문학의 성격을 변혁하려 는 내부로부터 다양한 모색의 결과이다. 모색의 큰 줄기는 민족적 정체성과 저항의 주 제로부터의 탈피다. 그리고 ‘재일’이라는 특수한 삶의 조건을 새롭게 해석하고 대응하 려는 경향이 뚜렷하게 나타난다. 이제 재일 조선인문학은 인간 내면을 통찰하고 현 대 사회가 안고 있는 병리적 현상에도 주목하기 시작했다. 민족을 내포하면서 민족을 초월할 수 있는 가능성이 재일 조선인문학에서 발견되고 있다는 것이다. 이러한 경 향을 탈중심이라 할 때 유미리와 가네시로 가즈키의 작품에서 보여지는 탈중심적 글 쓰기의 완성도는 각자의 영역에서 인정받고 있으며 대중들에게도 높이 평가받고 있다. 이 두 작가의 탈중심성은 작품 속에서 전혀 다른 방식으로 표출되고 있지만 공통적으 로는 적극적으로 ‘재일’하고 있는 모습을 보여주고 있다고 할 수 있다. 이제 현재 진행형인 두 작가의 걸음이 어떠한 보폭으로 어떠한 발자국을 남기며 진 행해 나아갈 것인지 초기작을 중심으로 살펴본 본 논의를 통해 이 두 작가가 나가갈 방향, 혹은 나아가야 할 방향을 조심스럽게 점쳐볼 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        상징을 활용한 한국어 비유 교육 내용 연구

        김낭예(Kim, Nang-ye) 우리말글학회 2016 우리말 글 Vol.70 No.-

        이 연구는 비유 표현에 사용되는 어휘의 상징 의미를 통해 외국인 학습자들이 비유 표현의 배경이 되는 한국 문화를 이해하고, 비유 표현의 의미를 더욱 정확히 파악하여 의사소통 상황에서 자연스럽게 활용하는데에 도움을 주는 것을 목표로 한다. 비유는 한국의 언어문화에서 매우 중요한 요소로 대상을 무엇에 비유하느냐는 문화적 배경에 따라 다르게 나타나므로 한국 문화 교육에서 효과적으로 활용할 수 있다. 이때 비유 표현에 사용된 어휘의 상징 의미와 비유 의미가 일치하는 경우 상징 의미를 가르치는 것이 비유 표현 이해뿐만 아니라 한국 문화 이해에도 도움이 된다. 이에 본 연구에서는 『한국문화 상징사전』에 제시된 표제어 중 『표준국어대사전』에 비유 의미가 명시된 목록을 대상으로 상징 의미와 비유 의미를 정리하고, 의미의 일치정도를 ‘대부분 일치, 부분 일치, 불일치’의 3가지 유형으로 구분, 제시하였다. 그리고 각 유형을 어느 단계에서 활용할 것인지 한국어 학습 단계별로 비유 교육 항목을 정리하였는데, 이를 통해 그동안 한국어 교육에서 문법 연습의 하나로 소홀이 다루어져 온 비유 표현 교육에 적극적으로 활용할 수 있는 한국 문화 교육 내용이 마련될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study is aimed at utilizing symbols for metaphor education for more positive Korean culture education, not a simple grammar practice or rhetoric expression. That is, it attempts to help foreigners in understanding Korean culture that is a background of metaphoric expression, by means of a symbolic meaning of a vocabulary used for metaphor, and in grasping the meaning of metaphoric expression more correctly, so that they can utilize it naturally for their communications. As metaphor, a very important element in Korean linguistic culture, appears differently from the cultural background in which an object is compared to what, it may be utilized efficiently in Korean culture education. In the case, at this time, a symbolic meaning and metaphoric meaning of a word that was used for a metaphoric expression is identical, teaching a symbolic meaning is helpful for understanding metaphoric expression and Korean culture. Thus, this study organized the symbolic meaning and metaphoric one for the list of which metaphoric meaning is specified in the 『Standard Korean Dictionary』, among the items suggested in the 『Dictionary of Korean Myths and Symbols』, and divided the degree of conformity into three types such as ‘mostly correspond, partially correspond, and non-conformity’. Among them, ‘mostly correspond’ examples that are likely to need education are organized for metaphor education contents, through which it is expected to prepare contents for Korean culture education that may be positively utilized for metaphor education, which has been so far negligently treated as one of grammar practice in Korean language education.

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