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        무구조충(無鉤條蟲)과 유구조충(有鉤條蟲) 감염(感染)에 대(對)한 역학적조사(疫學的調査)

        김기숙 ( Kee Suk Kim ),기호일 ( Ho Ill Kee ),양용석 ( Yong Suk Ryang ) 대한임상검사과학회 1979 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.11 No.1

        1977年 8月부터 1978年 12月 사이에 서울市 地域에서 條蟲에 感染된 中高等學生 219名(男學生90名, 女學生 129名)에 對하여 條蟲感染에 對한 ``疫學的調査를 說問을 通하여 실시하고 그 成績을 比較檢討한 바 그 結果는 마음과 같다. 1. 219名의 條蟲感染患者中에서 條蟲片節의 體外排出율 經驗한 學生은 27.3% (男學生11.8% 女學生15.5%)였다. 2. 좋아하는 肉類와 食餌習性에서는 소고기가23.3%로 제일 높았고 肉類生食의 經驗으로는 소의 生肝섭취가 7.7%로 제일 높았다. 3. 條蟲感染學生 家族中에서 條蟲症을 經驗하거냐 進行中이라고 답변한 學生은 10.0%였다. 4. 條蟲症 感梁으로 治療의 經驗이 있다고 답변한 學生은 23.7%였으며 全部治爆에 실패하였다. An epidemiological study on infections of ``Taeniasis in Seoul area was conducted from August 1977 to December 1978. Questionnaires were distributed to two-hundred and nineteen students(90 male, 129 female) who had been found to be infected with Taeniasis, and the answers were collected and analysed. The results are as follows: 1. Sixty students of them (27.3%) had experience of excreting segments of Taenia spp. in feces 2. Fifty one students of them (23.3%) are greatly fond of beef, and seventeen (7.7%) of them had have experience eating raw cow livers 3. Twenty two of them (10.0%) have or had one or more of his family infected with Taenia spp. 4. Only fifty two of them (23.7%) have received treatment for the parasitosis.

      • KCI등재

        평화지향적 통일 교육을 위한 기독교교육의 방향성 고찰

        김기숙(Ki-sook Kim) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2013 기독교교육정보 Vol.37 No.-

        본 연구는 코메니우스의 전 사상을 관통하는 핵심개념인 평화사상을 재발견하여 현대사회에 적용하는데 목적이 있다. 본 논문에서는 코메니우스의 평화의 특징을 첫째, 그리스도의 은혜에 토대를 둔 평화, 둘째, 전체와의 관계 속에 있는 평화, 셋째, 만들어가는 것으로서의 평화로 이해하고 있다. 이러한 코메니우스의 평화의 특징이 시사하는 바는 첫째, 코메니우스의 평화사상은 인간세계의 모든 갈등과 분열과 오류의 근원이 어디에 있고, 그 해결점이 어디에 있는지 밝힌다. 둘째, 그의 평화사상은 현대의 부분적이며 파편적 평화연구와 운동으로부터 우주적이며 보편적 평화이해로 전환하게 하며 평화이해에 있어서 관용이 무엇을 의미하는지 생각하게 한다. 셋째, 그의 평화사상은 평화가 결코 정태적이 아니라 실천적이며 인간의 삶의 영역의 개선과 관계가 있음을 알게 한다. The purpose of this study is to find directions for the unification of South Korea and North Korea through Christian education in South Korea. It emphasizes the needs of making peace-oriented unification through Christian education and taking a proper and righteous procedure which is different from just pursuing unification that has been carried nationally. This study suggests identity education, political education, and education for international understanding is what the Christian education should teach in peace oriented unification education. Things we can teach with identity education are tolerance and reconciliation. Through political education, we can teach community consciousness that narrows the gap and conflicts attributed to differences and discrepancies in society. And through education for international understanding, we can teach reconciliation and trust in a non-coercive way such as pax Romana or pax Americana.

      • KCI등재

        창조적 영성을 위한 기독교교육의 과제

        김기숙(Ki-Sook Kim) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2009 기독교교육정보 Vol.23 No.-

        The last two centuries can be characterized as the age of uncertainty. The purpose of this study is to propose an answer for the question: what are the tasks of christian education in this age of uncertainty? The answer lies in the creative education. To explore the creative education, it is crucial to ponder upon what the creativity would mean in christian theology. In this article, the creativity is studied in the perspective of reformed theology. Three characteristics of the creativity are discussed here: 1) vitality, 2) relationship, and 3) aesthetic. The implementation tasks in nurturing the creative spirituality should aim at 1) the identity education that helps the student keep his/her identity in the life of Jesus Christ, 2) the community education which lets the student acquire the vitality of Jesus Christ in full having relationships with others, and 3) the aesthetic education that purifies human emotion and communicates ideas in an aesthetic context.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        코메니우스의 평화사상의 현대적 의미

        김기숙(Ki-Sook Kim) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2013 기독교교육정보 Vol.39 No.-

        코메니우스에게 있어서 평화는 그의 전 사상을 관통하는 핵심개념이다. 본 연구의 목적은 코메니우스가 추구했던 평화가 무엇을 의미하는지 개념적으로 파악한 후, 그의 평화의 특징을 분석함으로써 오늘 세계 도처에서 일어나고 있는 전쟁과 폭력과 갈등 상황에서 그의 평화사상이 우리에게 시사하는 바를 얻는 것이다. 먼저 본 논문에서는 코메니우스의 평화사상의 특징을 그리스도의 은혜에 토대를 둔 평화, 전체와의 관계 속에 있는 평화, 만들어져 가는 것으로서의 평화라는 틀로 구성하고 있다. 나아가 그의 평화개념과 평화사상의 특징을 통해서 본 그의 평화사상의 현대적 의미를 첫째, 삶의 기초를 제공한다. 둘째, 관계의 회복을 가져다 준다. 셋째, 실천적 삶을 살게 한다는 것으로 요약하고 있다. 결론적으로 코메니우스의 평화사상은 이 시대의 문제를 근원적으로 볼 수 있는 눈과 분석의 틀을 제공해줄 뿐 아니라, 전체적이고 통전적인 기독교 평화이론을 제공해주며, 현대사회에서 그리스도 예수 안에 있는 복음을 통해서 우리시대의 문제를 해결할 수 있다는 희망과 기쁨을 다시 찾을 수 있게 한다. The purpose of this study is to rediscover Comenius" idea of peace with suggestions for how to apply his principles in our contemporary society. My paper will consist of four parts: Part 1 describes the scope and the preoccupations of peace studies established by Comenius. Part 2 will discuss Comenius’ concept of peace. It will consider the foundations and roots of peace, and will ask how the peace which Comenius describes can be implemented in our daily lives. This chapter will seek to give Comenius’ answer to the simple question, “what is the path to peace?” Comenius identifies three parts of the answer: first, peace is based on the grace of Christ; secondly, peace cannot be realized piecemeal, and must rather permeate the whole; thirdly, peace is an ongoing process of building and edification. Part 3 will deal with the ways in which Comenius’ ideas of peace can speak to today"s post-modern society. First, Comenius describes the origins and solutions for all conflicts and divisions of the human world. Second Comenius deals both with the issue of tolerance, as well as how to move away from fragmentary peace studies toward cosmic and universal peace. Third, Comenius’ peace idea is not static, but is instead highly practical. It away from personal and religious reform, outward to social, political, academic, and cultural reform. Part 4 challenges all people of our age, in all fields and disciplines, to understand the origins of peace thoroughly and within an idiom that can be adopted by Christians and secular pluralists alike. Conceptual ease and a common linguistic idiom is not only possible, but it is also necessary, in accordance with the principles characterizing Comenius" pedagogical thought.

      • KCI등재

        여성적 가치의 관점에서 본 평화지향적 통일교육의 기독교교육적 함의

        김기숙(Ki-Sook Kim) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2016 기독교교육정보 Vol.0 No.50

        본 논문은 경제주의적 통일론의 대안적 담론으로 한반도 통일에 필요한 역량을 여성적 가치의 관점에서 검토한 것이다. 본 논문이 가지는 기독교교육의 의미는 다음에서 찾을 수 있다. 첫째, 통일교육의 지향점인 평화적 이상이 근본적으로 기독교교육의 근본적으로 추구하는 하나님 나라의 본질과 나아가 여성주의의 핵심적 가치에서 파생되는 덕목들, 즉 공감, 배려, 돌봄, 보살핌 등과 맥락을 같이 한다는 것을 밝힌다. 둘째, 이러한 덕목들은 단지 생물학적인 여성의 속성에 국한된 것이 아니라, 보편적 사회적 가치로 전환될 수 있음을 밝힌다. 셋째, 거시적 담론의 통일교육에서 일상적 삶 중심의 통일교육을 위한 새로운 프로그램을 제시할 수 있다. 넷째, 이러한 시도는 국가적 차원에 머무는 것이 아니라 세계적이며 동시에 지역적인 측면에서 구현될 수 있다. This thesis is an alternative argument for theory of Korean unification based on economism. Using the perspective of feminine values, the thesis analyzes conditions required for the unification of the Korean Peninsula, and argues that there are three crucial reasons why Christian Education is important for Korean unification. Firstly, the thesis argues that the peace ideal within unification education is fundamentally aligned with the Kingdom of God to which Christian education aspires, and that this peace ideal furthers virtues such as empathy, consideration, care, ministration, and others which are seen as core values of feminism. Secondly, those virtues are not essentially the property of women but are, in fact, universal values. Thirdly, even unification education which takes a macroscopic view can be not only theoretically sound, but can also become a practical unification education for everyday life. Finally, the thesis argues that such educational initiatives can be implemented not only, not only at the state level, but internationally and also regionally.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        일개 종합병원 중환자실에서의 병원성 혈류감염에 관한 연구

        김기숙(Ki Sook Kim),순덕(Soonduck Kim),지선미(Sunmi Ji),이제숙(Jesuk Lee) 한국역학회 2007 Epidemiology and Health Vol.29 No.1

          Purpose: Despite of the development of recent medical technology, bloodstream infection (BSI) still has significant influences on mortality and morbidity of patients admitted to the ICU. The BSI has the second most frequent site. Especially BSI in ICU have higher infection rate than general ward. This study was investigated the incidence rate of the nosocomial BSI, risk factors and bacterial pathogens of BSI in ICU for a general hospital.<BR>  Methods: This study was carried out for those 443 patients in ICU of general hospital during the period from March 2002 to February 2003. The definition for BSI was based on that of CDC. Data was collected by questionnaire, medical record review. The statistical SPSS(ver. 10.0) was used to analyze data that included chi-square, t-test and logistic regression.<BR>  Results: In the incidence rates of the BSI were 76.7 in 1,000 per patients, 7.0 in per 1,000 patients days and 32.1 in per 1,000 patients with central lines, 3.2 in per 1,000 cental line days. In the incidence rates of the BSI by type of ICU showed MICU 10.1, SICU 2.9 in per 1,000 patients days. The significant risk factors were identified as type of ICU(OR=5.119, p=0.001), length of stay(OR=1.039, p=0.001). The causal microbes of the BSI were CNS 35.5%, MRSA 23.6%. The bacterial pathogens of central catheter-related BSI were CNS 50%, MRSA 50%.<BR>  Conclusion: The occurrence of ICU-acquired infection was significantly related to the increase in morbidity and mortality. Ongoing targeted surveillance and infection control strategies is necessary to control this problem.

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