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        도시지역에서 토지피복 유형별 지표면 온도 예측 분석

        김근한 ( Geunhan Kim ) 대한원격탐사학회 2021 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.37 No.6

        도시 확장은 도시의 온도를 상승시키고, 이러한 도시의 온도 상승은 사회적, 경제적, 신체적 피해를 초래한다. 이러한 도시열섬을 예방하고 도시의 지표면 온도를 감소시키기 위해서는 도시 공간을 구성하는 지형지물들의 냉각 효과를 계량화하는 것이 중요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 서울을 대상으로 토지피복 각각의 객체들과 지표면 온도와의 관계를 파악하고자 토지피복지도 6개 클래스로 분류하여 지표면 온도와 객체들의 면적, 둘레/면적, 정규식생지수와의 상관분석과 다중회귀분석을 수행했다. 분석 결과 정규식생지수는 지표면 온도와 상관성이 높게 나타났다. 그리고 다중회귀분석에서도 지표면 온도 예측에 정규식생지수가 다른 계수보다 높은 영향력을 행사했다. 다만 다중회귀분석 결과 도출된 모델들의 설명력은 낮게 나타났는데, 향후 아리랑 3A의 고해상 중적외선 데이터를 연계 활용하여 지속적인 모니터링을 수행한다면 모델의 설명력을 한층 강화할 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 녹지공간의 식생 활력까지 고려한 토지피복 유형과 도시 공간 내 지표면 온도와의 관계를 기반으로 도시계획에 활용한다면 도시의 지표면 온도를 저감하는데 큰 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Urban expansion results in raising the temperature in the city, which can cause social, economic and physical damage. In order to prevent the urban heat island and reduce the urban land surface temperature, it is important to quantify the cooling effect of the features of the urban space. Therefore, in order to understand the relationship between each object of land cover and the land surface temperature in Seoul, the land cover map was classified into 6 classes. And the correlation and multiple regression analysis between land surface temperature and the area of objects, perimeter/area, and normalized difference vegetation index was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the normalized difference vegetation index showed a high correlation with the land surface temperature. Also, in multiple regression analysis, the normalized difference vegetation index exerted a higher influence on the land surface temperature prediction than other coefficients. However, the explanatory power of the derived models as a result of multiple regression analysis was low. In the future, if continuous monitoring is performed using high-resolution MIR Image from KOMPSAT-3A, it will be possible to improve the explanatory power of the model. By utilizing the relationship between such various land cover types considering vegetation vitality of green areas with that of land surface temperature within urban spaces for urban planning, it is expected to contribute in reducing the land surface temperature in urban spaces.

      • 시공간을 고려한 환경생태적 우수지역과 환경성질환의 상관성 분석 연구 : 환경·국토계획 통합 계획에서의 활용방안을 중심으로

        김근한 ( Geunhan Kim ),강선아,윤정호,최희선,송영명 한국환경연구원 2019 수시연구보고서 Vol.2019 No.-

        국토의 환경성을 종합적으로 평가한 국토환경성평가지도의 환경생태적 평가 등급과 건강간의 관계를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 국토환경성지도의 환경생태적 평가가 1등급 지역인 환경생태적 우수 지역을 대상으로 심혈관 질환, 뇌혈관 질환, 인후두염, 환경성 질환 중 일부 대표 질환들을 선정하여 국토환경성 우수지역과 건강과의 관계를 살펴보았다. 특히 국토환경성 우수지역의 경우 사람들이 거주하고 활동하는 시가지로부터 거리별 환경생태적 우수지역이 건강에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 시가지로부터 300m, 500m, 1km, 3km, 5km 내의 환경생태적 우수지역을 추출하여 상관분석 하였다. 이러한 상관분석에는 Quasi-Poisson Regression을 활용하였고, 오염변인(confounding variables)으로 시군구의 평균소득수준, 전국 측정망으로부터 획득한 평균 대기오염물질의 농도 값을 전국단위로 보간법을 적용하여 전국단위의 대기오염물질 농도를 확보하고, 시군구별 평균 대기오염물질 농도를 계산하여 평가에 반영하였다. 분석은 전국의 시군구 단위로 각 질환별 진료건수를 활용하였으며, 이때 시군구별 인구로 나누어 원단위로 통일시킨 후 분석에 활용하였다. 환경생태적 평가 결과 또한 각 시군구별 면적으로 나누어 면적 비율로 원단위 변환 후 분석에 활용하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 우선 실험에 활용하고자 선정된 21개 질환 중 상관분석을 수행하여 환경생태적 우수지역의 면적 비율과 질환별 치료건수 비율과의 상관성 분석 결과 호흡기결핵, COPD, 폐렴, 고혈압, 뇌졸중, 심근경색, 협심증, 허혈성심질환, 비염, 아토피피부염, 천식과 같이 11개 질환에 음의 상관관계가 나타났으며, 해당 질환 중 고혈압, COPD, 폐렴, 심근경색, 허혈성심질환, 천식은 사람들이 거주 및 생활하는 시가지로부터 300m, 500m, 1km, 3km, 5km와 같이 일정거리 내의 환경생태적 평가 1등급 면적 비율과 음의 상관관계가 나타남을 확인하였다. 이러한 분석 결과 11개 질환의 경우 환경생태적으로 우수한 지역의 면적비율이 높을수록 질환별 치료건수의 비율이 낮게 나타났으며, 이중 6개 질환은 거리까지 고려하였을 때 거주 또는 활동하는 시가화지역으로부터 가까운 거리에 환경생태적 우수지역이 많이 분포할수록 질환별 치료건수의 비율이 낮게 나타났는데, 이는 더 강한 음의상관관계를 보여준 것이다. 추가적으로 이렇게 도출된 6개 질환에 대해 어떠한 평가 항목이 중요 인자인지를 파악하기 위해 의사결정트리와 랜덤포레스트를 수행한 결과 시군구의 주거지역, 상업지역, 공업지역의 면적 또한 건강과의 연관성이 높게 나타났으며, 시군구의 대기질 또한 건강과의 연관성이 높게 나타났다. 특히 NO<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>3</sub>, CO, PM10 등은 높은 연관성이 높게 나타났으며, 추가적인 상관관계 분석을 통해 대기오염물질의 농도 또한 환경생태적 평가 결과와 밀접한 연관성이 나타남을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 국민의 건강과 국토의 환경성과의 상관성 관련 분석결과를 기반으로 국토-환경계획 통합관리에서의 활용을 검토할 수 있으며, 특히 제5차 국가환경종합계획, 제5차 국가종합계획 등 다양한 계획에서 활용 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 특히 도시기본계획 및 도시관리계획 등 도시지역의 보전과 개발을 고려한 공간계획을 수립해야 하는 계획단계에서 시가화지역 인근에 분포한 환경생태적 우수지역을 보호해야 하며, 이러한 사람들이 거주하고 생활하는 지역 중 환경생태적 우수지역이 근처에 없는 도시지역들은 향후 도시재생 등 다양한 방법을 이용하여 녹지공간을 확보하고 이러한 녹지공간이 환경생태적 우수지역으로 변화할 수 있도록 관리해야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study analyzed the relationship between the environmental and ecological assessment grade of the Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM), which comprehensively assess the environmental impact of the national land, and health. It selected representative diseases among cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, pharyngitis, and environmental diseases in the areas with environmental and ecological grade 1 by the ECVAM and analyzed the relationship between the environmentally excellent region and the health. It extracted the environmentally and ecologically outstanding areas within 300 m, 500 m 1 km, 3 km, and 5 km from the downtown and analyzed the correlation to examine the effect of the environmentally and ecologically outstanding areas by distance from the downtown, where people live and work, on the health. The correlation analysis used the Quasi-Poisson regression with the average income level of municipalities and the municipality-level average atmospheric pollutant concentrations calculated from the national-level atmospheric pollutant concentrations, which interpolated the average atmospheric pollutant concentration obtained from the national measurement network to the national level, as the confounding variables. The analysis used the number of treatments for each disease in the municipality level divided by the population of the municipality to unify the basic unit. The environmental and ecological analysis results were also divided by the area of each municipality to convert it to the area ratio as the basic unit. The analysis results are described as follows: The correlation of 21 diseases selected for the analysis of the correlation between the area ratio of the environmentally and ecologically outstanding region and the treatment ratio of each disease. The analysis results showed that eleven diseases, such as respiratory tuberculosis, COPD, pneumonia, hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and asthma were negatively correlated. Of these diseases, hypertension, COPD, pneumonia, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, and asthma were negatively correlated with the area ratio of environmental and ecological grade 1 within a certain distance, such as 300 m, 500 m, 1 km, 3 km, and 5 km from the downtown. Such analysis results indicated that the treatment ratio of each of 11 diseases was low as the area ratio of the environmentally and ecologically outstanding region as high. Moreover, regarding the distance from the downtown, the treatment ratio of the six diseases was lower when environmentally and ecologically outstanding regions were larger within the shorter distance from the downtown, and the negative correlation was stronger in that case. Additionally, we conducted the decision-making tree and random forest regression to identify the evaluation factors of the additionally extracted six diseases. The results showed that residential region, commercial region, and industrial region in the municipalities were also correlated to the health, and the atmospheric quality of the municipality was also highly correlated to the health. NO2, O3, CO, and PM10, in particular, showed a high correlation, and the additional correlation analysis confirmed that the atmospheric pollutant concentration was also closely related to the environmental and ecological evaluation results. The analysis results of the relationship between the people’s health and the environmental factors of the land can be utilized by the integrated land-environmental management plan, such as the Fifth National Environmental Master Plan and the Fifth National Master Plan. The spatial plans, such as basic urban plan and urban management plan that consider both conservation and development of urban areas, must include measures to protect the environmentally and ecologically outstanding regions near the downtown area. Urban areas that do not have nearby environmentally and ecologically outstanding regions should secure green spaces using various methods such as urban regeneration and manage them to transform them into excellent environmental and ecological excellent regions in the future.

      • KCI등재

        국토환경성평가지도와 용도지역의 행위제한을 이용한 국토 관리 등급 제시

        김근한 ( Geunhan Kim ),이은정 ( Eun Jung Lee ),윤정호 ( Jeong Ho Yoon ),이정호 ( Jung Ho Lee ),황소영 ( So-young Hwang ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        To prevent imprudent land development and damages in natural environment regions, it is essential to establish environmental plan based on scientific analysis. In order to build such environmental planning, environmental spatial information such as Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) is important. However, ECVAM does not reflect realistic land use and related use district. Therefore it is necessary to set the land use management grade based on the restriction on acts of use district and the ECVAM grade. In this study, we proposed land use management grade considering the environmental-ecological assessment of ECVAM and the Restriction on Acts of Use District. To do this, we set up the grade from the viewpoint of utilization considering the land use restrictions. And we derive the land management grade that overlaps this grade and the grade of environmental-ecological assessment ECVAM. As a result of land use management grade, the first level area to be absolutely conserved occupied 20.29% of the land and the second level of conservation buffer zone covered 23.40%. It is considered that the derived land use management grade can contribute as a base data in integrated land environment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        도시지역에서의 토지피복 유형별 지표면 온도 현황 분석

        김근한 ( Geunhan Kim ),김동범 ( Dongbeom Kim ),송영명 ( Yongmyong Song ),최희선 ( Hee-sun Choi ) 한국지리학회 2021 한국지리학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        This study aimed at extracting the land cover, land surface temperature, normalized difference vegetation index, and altitude for the sub-divided land cover map for all of Seoul City, and to investigate the relationship between the corresponding objects and land surface temperature. Upon examining the sub-divided land cover type, land surface temperature, normalized difference vegetation index, and altitude for all objects of the sub-divided land cover map, urbanized dry areas had higher land surface temperature compared to mountain areas such as mountainous regions with broad leaf tree forests, coniferous forests and mixed forests, as well as farmlands, natural grasslands, other grasslands, and cultural/sports facilities, and it was also found that land surface temperature lowered when altitude was higher. There was also a tendency for land surface temperature to be lower in other grasslands with a high vegetation index. Furthermore, among forests, farmlands, natural grasslands, other grasslands, and cultural/sports facilities with higher normalized difference vegetation index compared to other land cover types, upon examining the land surface temperature distribution of other grasslands, residential facilities including single homes and apartment facilities, and commercial and work facilities within 50 m of for objects having an area of more than 10,000 ㎡, there was a tendency for land surface temperature to be lower than land cover objects in nearby areas with a high normalized difference vegetation index. And when comparing the value of the same normalized difference vegetation index, there was a tendency for land surface temperature to be lower in land cover objects near regions with a high normalized difference vegetation index.

      • KCI등재
      • 레이저레이더 시뮬레이션을 위한 3차원 데이터 모델 성능비교

        김근한(Geunhan Kim),김혜영(Hyeyoung Kim),이현진(Hyunjin Yi),전철민(Chulmin Jun) 대한공간정보학회 2009 한국지형공간정보학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.9

        본 연구에서는 레이저레이더 시뮬레이션에 공간 데이터베이스의 적용과 이를 위한 3차원 데이터 모델링 기법을 제시하였다. 기존에 연구되었던 3차원 모델은 서로 다른 목적에 맞도록 모델링 되었기 때문에 어떠한 모델이 레이저레이더 시뮬레이션에 가장 적합한 모델인지 알 수 없다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 레이저레이더 시뮬레이션을 위한 네 가지 종류의 3차원 데이터 모델을 정의하고 각각의 모델들에 대하여 성능 테스트를 수행하여 테스트 결과를 획득하였다. 네 가지 모델 중 레이저레이더 시뮬레이션에 가장 적합하다고 판단되는 Body-Face 모델을 선정하였다.

      • KCI등재

        정밀 임상도를 이용한 1:5,000 국토환경성평가지도 구축 가능성 검토

        김유훈 ( Yu Hoon Kim ),최재용 ( Jaeyong Choi ),윤정호 ( Jeong Ho Yoon ),김오석 ( Oh Seok Kim ),김근한 ( Geunhan Kim ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        As the necessity of producing 1:5,000 Environmental Conservation Value Assessment Map (ECVAM) has increased especially in fields of national land and environmental planning, 1:5,000 ECVAM has been established starting from Boryeong city in 2013. Among the 8 environmental-ecological assessment items consisting ECVAM, ‘Naturalness’ and ‘Stability’ are based on the Biotope map created by each local governments. However, only 88 out of 230 local government have constructed the Biotope map, urging an alternative assessment approach for the rest 142 local governments to assess ‘Naturalness’ and ‘Stability’ of 1:5,000 ECVAM. Therefore in this study, we examined the applicability of 1:5,000 precise forest type map by comparing results using 1:25,000 5th forest type map, 1:5,000 actual vegetation map of Biotope Map, and 1:5,000 Precise Forest Type Map as an alternative layer in assessing ‘Naturalness’ and ‘Stability’ of environmental-ecological assessment. As a result of comparing the result of ‘Naturalness’ and ‘Stability’ using 1:5,000 actual vegetation map and 1:5,000 precise forest type map, the area remaining the same assessment grade occupied 44.99% and 58.77%, respectively. Areas showing differences in grades were because it resulted with either forest areas and non-vegetation area or vegetation area and non forest area. To assess such areas, we suggested to apply the high-level land cover classification. Areas showing difference in grades between results using actual vegetation map and precise forest type map, the applicability were reviewed by comparing the results of using the 1:25,000 5th forest type map. Through the comparison of assessment results, we concluded that the precise forest type map is suitable for an alternative of biotope map in assessing the ‘Naturalness’ and ‘Stability’.

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