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        김귀분,신혜숙 慶熙大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        This study measures the subjectivity(opinions·attitudes)of the quality or life for middle-aged women. Identifing the schemata (structure of subjectivity) would be basic step for the nursing intervention program and promotion to alternative strategies of quality of life for middle aged women. More concretely, those following research questions are focused. 1) The subjective schemata: find out typologies based on the opinions and attitudes toward the quality of life. 2) Applications : describe the characteristics of each type. 3) Alternatives : provide suggestion of the promotion strategies for the quality of life in middle-aged women. Q-Methodology was used for that purpose. As for the research method, Q-statements were collected preliminarily to the study through in-depth interviews and a literature review. For the study 34 Q-statements were selected. There were 31 middle-aged women as subjects for the research. The 31 middle-aged women sorted the 34 statements using the principle of Forced Normal Distribution. The principle of Forced Normal Distribution, which has nine scales to measure the individual opinions, was called. Q-Factor Analysis by using PC Quanl Program to supply the material. According to the outcomes of this study, there were five categories of special opinions about the quality of life for middle-aged women. The first type is called Goal toward type. The second type is called Family center type. The third type is called Psychological wellbeing toward type. The fourth type called Health toward type. The fifth type is called Self-centered type. Through the results of this study, the quality of life could be identified by 5 type therefore the nurses they need to understand the each women's meaning to quality life and develop the appropriate nursing intervention based the typology of the quality of life this study explored. Finally, The result of the study will provide us clue for developing the nursing interventional program and alternative strategies for the quality of life for middle-aged women.

      • KCI등재

        시설 노인의 건강상태, 생활만족도 및 삶의 질에 대한 경락체조의 효과

        김귀분,이경호,석소현,오혜경 노인간호학회 2002 노인간호학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The research was designed as a nonequivalent control group pre-post experimental study. It was done to verify the effects of meridian exercise on health status, life-satisfaction and quality of life of elders. The research population included 40 participants, 65 years or older, institutionalized in the city of Seoul. Twenty participants made up the experimental group and 20 the control group. Data were collected between October 2000 and May 2001 and the experimental treatment in this study was meridian exercise, a total of 30 minutes per session, done 12 times over two weeks. The instruments used were the health status scale developed by Choi(1990), elders' life satisfaction scale (Yoon, 1982) and a quality of life scale (Rho, 1988). These were modified by the researchers for use with elders. Test for homogeneity of general characteristics was performed using the chi-sqaure test and verification of the effects of meridian exercise was done using the t-test. Scores for physical health status of the elders in the group which received the meridian exercise were significantly higher. Also the effects of meridian exercise were statistically significant for mental-mood health status, life satisfaction and quality of life. A study to measure the physical index in meridian exercise in elders is suggested to set up an independent nursing intervention for the management of the health of elders.


        암환자의 불안관리를 위한 이압요법 적용 효과

        김귀분 한국간호과학회 2002 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.4 No.3

        The purpose of this study wsa to necessitate auricular acupressure therapy as an independent nursing intervention on cancer paitents by confirming its effectiveness. Method: The experimental study was unequivalently controlled pre-post measure study. The subjects were 40 cancer patients who were hospitalized in K medical center in Seoul. The experimental group (20) and the control group (20) were randomly assigned. As measured tools, Spielberger's State-trait Anxiety (1976) measured tool by Kim's transplation (1978). The auricular acupressure therapy was applied to experimental group, and the pre-post measure was performed to both group. The data was analyzed by using SPSS computer program that included descriptive statistics, 2-test, and t-test. Result: 1) The experimental group with the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower trait anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 8.036, p=.000). 2) The experimental group which applied the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower state anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 19.616, p=.000). This result showed that cancer patients with the auricular acupressure therapy applied cancer patients decreased state anxiety and trait anxiety. Therefore , effectiveness of the auricular acupressure therapy was confirmed through this study. Conclusion: According to the result, anxiety of cancer pateint should be decreased and controlled by the auricular acupressure therapy as independent nursung intervension. In addition, the auricular acupressure therapy will provide effective independent nursing intervention that will decrease anxiety on patient with other disease and will improve quality of their lives.

      • 재일한국인 한센병환자‧회복자의 인생과 역사: 가인 김하일의 단카 작품을 중심으로

        김귀분 숙명여자대학교 인문학 연구소 2019 횡단인문학 Vol.2 No.1

        There are currently 14 sanatoria in Japan (13 national, 1 private). At one time, more than 700 Korean people living in Japan were living in Japan’s Hansen’s disease sanatoria. There was a high infection rate among Korean people living in Japan because the disease is more easily transmitted in areas with poor nutrition and sanitation, and Japan’s colonial rule of Korea resulted in a low standard of living for Korean people living in Japan. What, then, was life like for Korean persons in Japan affected by Hansen’s disease living in Japanese sanatoria, when they were both “Korean” and “persons affected by Hansen’s disease”? This exhibit explores these issues through the life and works of the poet Kim Ha Il, who lived at the National Sanatorium Kuriu-Rakusenen for many years. Kim Ha Il passed on his thoughts by composing poems in the traditional Japanese literary style of tanka. In addition to dealing with the fight of Korean residents of Japanese Hansen’s disease sanatoria against the disease, his works strongly convey to us how these people survived harsh conditions as they also battled discrimination and stigma against persons affected by Hansen’s disease and against ethnic discrimination, while also dealing with the repercussions of the division of the Korean Peninsula into North and South Korea. Thinking about the paths taken and lives lived by Korean persons in Japan affected by Hansen’s disease, who were forced into a position between Japan and the Korean Peninsula, we need to continue to question the compound structure of discrimination in society. 일본에는 현재 전국에 14개 한센병요양소(국립 13개, 사립 1개)가 있다. 일본 국내 한센병요양소에는 가장 많을 때는 700명 이상의 재일한국인이 입소해 있었다. 재일한국인 한센병자의 발병률이 높은 것은 영양 및 위생 상태가 열악한 환경에서 한센병이 발병할 가능성이 높은데다 식민지 지배하의 재일조선인의 전반적 생활수준이 낮았던 것에 기인한다. 과연 ‘한국인’인 동시에 ‘한센병환자’인 재일한국인 한센병환자․회복자들은 일본의 한센병요양소에서 어떻게 살아왔을까? 본고에서는 이러한 과제를 한센병요양소 구리오 낙천원(栗生楽泉園)에서 오랫동안 살아온 가인 김하일의 인생과 작품을 통해 살펴보았다. 김하일은 일본의 전통적 문학형식인 단가에 마음을 담아 작품을 창작해 왔다. 그의 작품은 한센병요양소의 한국인 입소자는 한센병과의 투쟁뿐만 아니라 한센병환자에 대한 차별․편견과의 투쟁, 민족차별과의 투쟁, 동포 사이의 남북 분단 상황 등과 같은 중층의 가혹한 환경을 헤치고 살아왔음을 강렬히 호소한다. 일본과 한반도의 경계에 놓인 재일한국인 한센병환자․회복자가 걸어온 도정과 삶을 고찰함으로써 현대 사회에 엄존하는 복합차별 구조를 지속적으로 문제시할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        고혈압 환자의 건강과 관련된 자기조절 경험

        김귀분,김숙영,전은영 노인간호학회 2001 노인간호학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        This research was an attempt to provide nursing care and health education meeting the need of patients by identifying the nature of patients' self-regulation experiences. The specific objective of this study was: to explore self- regulation experiences of patients with hypertension. The phenomenological approach in qualitative studies are used to serve this purpose. Colaizzi's method is used for the phenomenological analysis of the data in this study, which were collected from 15 patients hospitalized in the K medical center located in Daegu, suffering from hypertension. The research was conducted over a period of December. 2000 to March. 2001. The investigator conducted participated observations and in-depth unstructured interviews which were audio-taped under the permission of patients. The investigator read the data repeatedly to identify and categorize significant statements, formulating meanings, themes and theme clusters. Fifteen theme clusters of self regulation activities related to health identified were 「Self-strengthening」 - 1) Maintaining social support 2) Having a sound goal 3) Tempering mind 4) Maintaining religious life : 「Health management of behavior」 - 5) Receiving medical treatment 6) Doing alternative-complementary treatment 7) Maintaining exercise 8) Maintaining diet regimen 9) Being sensitive in daily life 10) Keeping the natural life style : 「Self-evaluation」 - 11) Pursuing knowledge 12) Evaluation of blood pressure : 「Endure of barrier」 - 13) Endure of psychological conflict 14) Endure of socio-environmental barrier 15) Endure of physical barrier.

      • KCI등재

        암환자의 불안관리를 위한 이압요법 적용 효과

        김귀분 한국간호과학회 2002 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.32 No.7

        -The Effect of Auricular Acupressure Therapy on Anxiety of Cancer Pateint Purpose: The purpose of this study wsa to necessitate auricular acupressure therapy as an independent nursing intervention on cancer paitents by confirming its effectiveness. Method: The experimental study was unequivalently controlled pre-post measure study. The subjects were 40 cancer patients who were hospitalized in K medical center in Seoul. The experimental group (20) and the control group (20) were randomly assigned. As measured tools, Spielberger's State-trait Anxiety (1976) measured tool by Kim's transplation (1978). The auricular acupressure therapy was applied to experimental group, and the pre-post measure was performed to both group. The data was analyzed by using SPSS computer program that included descriptive statistics, χ2-test, and t-test. Result: 1) The experimental group with the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower trait anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 8.036, p=.000). 2) The experimental group which applied the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower state anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 19.616, p=.000). * Professor, College of Nursing Science. Kyung Hee University This result showed that cancer patients with the auricular acupressure therapy applied cancer patients decreased state anxiety and trait anxiety. Therefore , effectiveness of the auricular acupressure therapy was confirmed through this study. Conclusion: According to the result, anxiety of cancer pateint should be decreased and controlled by the auricular acupressure therapy as independent nursung intervension. In addition, the auricular acupressure therapy will provide effective independent nursing intervention that will decrease anxiety on patient with other disease and will improve quality of their lives.

      • 아동사고에 대한 어머니의 예방행위 영향요인

        김귀분,손인아 한국응급구조학회 2002 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Injury has now replaced disease as the biggest single cause of death in children after their first birthday. Each day child dies from preventable, unintentional injury and the medical cost of these injury is increasing remarkably. It is necessary to develope injury prevention models to explain, predict, manage, evaluate and analyze the information about accident. The purpose of this paper is, firstly, to investigate parent's actions regarding safety measures at home and secondly, to identify the influencing factors of parent's safety behaviors. The selection of such factors is guided by the theoretical framework of the Pender's Health Promotion Model. Method ; The questionnaire was developed on the basis of other investigation, through pilot testing, peer review, and review by field health workers. The questionnaire was completed by 231 mothers of young children. Data was collected between April and May 2002. Variables Use of three different domains of safety behavior ; safety habits, supervision and perception of safety devices, were listed. Mothers were self reported on internal locus of control, mother & child relationships, and marital intimacy. Also the elements of the Health Promotion Model: perceived benefit, barrier, threat, and self-efficacy, were surveyed. Results & discussion The results indicate that most parents take considerable action to reduce household hazards. The constructs derived from the Model were statistically significant differences for a small part of the variables on parental behavior to reduce hazards in the home, such as age, education, economic status, self-efficacy, perceived benefit, internal locus of control. Future studies ought to include social influences, such as expectation, perceive norms, knowledge, and child-related variables, relevant to parental safety measures in their home.

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