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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        담헌 홍대용의 행정개혁론 연구

        김권집 ( Kwon Jeep Kim ) 한국행정사학회 2012 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.30 No.-

        이 논문은 담헌 홍대용(1731-1783)의 학문관과 개혁론을 고찰한 것이다. 홍대용은 조선 영·정조 때의 실학자로 박지원과 함께 북학파를 대표하는 사상가이다. 그는 성리학·천문학·수학·음악·정치·경제등 다양한 분야에서 높은 전문성을 가진 학자로, 그의 학문관은 후배 실학자들 에게 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 홍대용은 북학파의 선구자로 지구의 자전설을 설파하였고, 균전제·부병제를 토대로 하는 경제정책의 개혁, 과거제도를 폐지하여 공거제에 의한 인재 등용, 신분의 차이 없이 8세 이상의 모든 아동에게 교육시켜야 한다는 혁신적인 개혁사상을 제창하였다. 저서에 주해수용, 담헌연기, 임하경륜, 사서문변, 항전척독, 삼경문변 등이 있다. This research studies the discipline and reform policies of Hong Dae Yong(1731-1783) who wrote under the pseudonym of Dam Hun. Hong Dae Yong is a pragmatic theorist during the reign of Young Jo and Jung Jo. Along with Park Ji Won, he represents Buk Hack, a study of Qing culture. He is a scholar with expertise in many areas such as Neo-Confucianism, astronomy, music, politics, and economics. His discipline had great influence on later scholars. Hong Dae Yong, established his theory based on a continuing research and a knowledge he gained from many trips to China. He analyzed the nature`s birth, rise and fall in terms of empiricism. This was a break away from a rationalistic perspective of Confucianism. To him, a wisdom not only involves a moral theory but also a practical knowledge. A practice was more important than a knowledge. In terms of an administrative reform, he insisted on the division of sovereign and regional power, a media reform, and an abolition of national examination linking it with an education system. In terms of a policy making, he was a pioneer in Buk Hak insisting on a land reform linking it with a national defense, the importance of commerce as means to promote a public welfare.

      • KCI등재

        서계 박세당의 행정개혁론 연구

        김권집 ( Kwon Jeep Kim ) 한국행정사학회 2014 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.35 No.-

        본 논문은 조선조 후기 새로운 조선사회를 건설하려는 방안을 제시 하였던 서계 박세당의 행정개혁사상에 대한 연구이다. 서계의 사회 정치적 목표는 유학 본래의 정신에 입각한 조선의 재건이었다. 그는 이것을 수성(守成)이라 하고, 구래 문물제도의 누적된 폐단을 제거하여 사회 정치기강을 바로 세우는 일이었다. 이를 위한 당면과제는 보민(保民)이고 이는 민의 항산을 보장하는 민생의 안정이었다. 이를 위하여 국왕의 친정과 대신의 책임을 강조하였다. 또한 외교에 있어서 실리의 추구, 조세제도의 개혁, 병제의 개혁, 왕실 재정의 개혁을 주장하였다. In the late Chosun, doubts and realizations over ruling Confucian principles intensified in the 17th century due to many factors. Among them were the destruction of land caused bytwo wars: one with the Japan and the other with Qing Dynasty, a weakening governance due to conflicts among aristocrats and an inequality among social classes. Because Confucianism did not offer new directions to improve the lives of the common people, 17th century revolutionists considered Confucianism as theoretically false and unable. Park also criticized confucianism in comparison to Taoism. The political ambition of Park was to revitalize Chosun dynasty based on the core principles of Confucianism. He labeled it as “keeping the legacy alive”. He intended to reform an ancient political system and create a new one. In order to achieve his goal, heput the improvement of common people’s lives as his foremost priority. He emphasized the importance of righteous ruling of the King and the responsibilities of public servants. Also, he insisted on pursuing practicality in foreign policies as well as reforming taxation, military system, and finances of the monarchy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        모택동의 생애와 사상

        김권집 ( Kwon Jeep Kim ) 한국행정사학회 2011 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.29 No.-

        1893년 12월 26일 호남성의 농부의 아들로 태어나 1921년에는 중국공산당 창당에 참여했고, 대장정 이후 중국 공산당을 이끌며 항일전쟁과 국공내전을 거쳐, 1949년 이후에는 중국의 가장 강력한 지도자로서 현재의 중국에 대한 기초를 닦아 놓고, 1976년 9월 9일에 사망한 모택동에 대하여는 여러 가지 평가가 있을 수 있다. 모택동사상은 모순론과 실천론을 근간으로 하고 신민주주의론, 인민민주전정론으로 국정관리사상을 이루고 있다. 중국 사상계에서는 모택동에 대하여 공보다 과가 많은 사람이라고 비판하기도 하고 개혁개방정책 이후에 나타난 새로운 인민 내부의 문제를 치유하는 면에서 모택동의 사상을 통해 지혜의 실마리를 찾고자 하는 사람이 증가하고 있기도 하다. 특히 1990년대 이후 중국 사회는 개혁개방의 부작용이 확산되면서 모택동과 그 사상의 가치를 재발견하게 되었다. Born on December 26, 1893, in Hunan Province as a son to a peasant father, attended the first session of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1921, led the party during Sino-Japanese War and Chinese Civil War after commanding Long March, the strongest leader who was an architect and founding father of the People`s Republic of China from its establishment in 1949, died on September 9, 1976, Mao Ze Dong is a controversial figure. The thought of Mao consists of the theory of contradiction, the theory of activism, the new democracy, the popular sovereignty and the Party-state system. Mao`s military strategies and brand of policies, collectively known as Maoism played a foundation to the establishment of Communist China. Maoism reveals that Mao himself was deeply concerned with social issues and studied enormously in order to find solutions and actively took actions to revolutionize the country. The Maoism provided ideological background in establishing the Communist China. Also, it had a great influence on many communists in European Countries. However, the Community party made comments during 11th National Congress on Mao`s legacy in 1981, 5 years after the Mao`s death. Deng Xiao Ping famously said that Mao was "70% right and 30% wrong". There continue to be disagreements on Mao`s legacy among chinese scholars. On one side, Mao is criticized for having done more wrong than good. However, others argue that the ideology of Maoism offers many wisdoms to solve societal problems that appeared since the chinese reform took place. After the 90`s, Chinese society rediscovered the value of Mao and his ideology as the side effects of the reform appeared. This study covers the life of Mao Ze Dong and his ideology is an effort to understand China as a rising superpower. Especially after the financial crisis of 2008, China has become synonomous with the world economy.

      • KCI등재

        최한기의 행정개혁사상 연구

        김권집 ( Kwon Jeep Kim ) 한국행정사학회 2009 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.25 No.-

        이 논문은 조선 말기 기철학을 바탕으로 새로운 조선사회를 건설하려는 방안을 제시하였던 최한기의 행정개혁사상에 대한 연구이다. 독창적인 운화기론은 학문관, 인식론, 사회사상을 연결해주는 고리이며, 이러한 토대위에서 최한기의 개혁사상은 변통에 의한 점진적 개혁론이었고, 인도주의, 민본주의, 사민평등주의를 주장하였다. 또한 이와 관련된 인사행정개혁안은 현대의 우리사회에 적용하여도 손색이 없는 혜안이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. Choi Han-gi is known to be a `Ki`(energy) philosopher. In his theory, Ki does not refer to `Ri(reason) Ki` as in Confucianism but rather `Sin Ki` as a knowledgeable individual or `Unwha Ki` as a changing force. His creative `Unwha Ki` theory is the link that connects his academic point of view, theory of knowledge, and social ideas. Upon his theoretical foundations, Choi Han-gi emphasized the significance of subjective efforts of human race in the process of history. Also, he emphasized the significance of the age that he is situated. With his `Unwha Ki` theory, Choi Han-gi is a realist who criticized social systems and called for social reforms in order to establish a new order in Chosun Dynasty full of consciousness of crisis due to various factors. The administrative reform theory of Choi Han-gi is considered to be one that is progressive reforms, humanism, democracy, and egalitarianism. Also, his strategies regarding the education of the mass as well as evaluation, selection, and appointment of the elite could still be applied to today`s societies.

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