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      • KCI등재

        지리산 구상나무림에서 타감작용이 치수형성에 미치는 영향

        김군보,이경준,현정오 ( Goon Bo Kim,Kyung Joon Lee,Jung Oh Hyun ) 한국산림과학회 1998 한국산림과학회지 Vol.87 No.2

        This study was conducted to compare the regeneration of the seedlings under different vegetation types and to identify the presence of allelopathy in Abies koreana(Ak) natural forest in Banyabong Peak(elevation, 1715m), of Mt. Chiri. Twenty quadrats(10m×10m) were placed in May. 1996 to classify vegetation structure using TWINSPAN. Water-soluble extracts from leaves and soil humus of different vegetation types were collected to test their effects on both seed germination of Ak and mycelial growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Phenolic compounds from soil humus were quantified using HPLC. Among the four vegetation types, Sasa borealis(Sb) was found in both Ak-Quercus mongolica(Qm) and Ak-Rhododendron schlippenbachii(Rs) communities. Natural seeding of Ak was 230,000±90,000 seeds/㏊ in 1995 and their germination rate was 25% in an ideal laboratory condition. Density of Ak seedlings less than 5㎝ in height was 52,000/㏊ in 1996, while that of seedlings taller than 5㎝ in height was only 4,000/㏊. In the case of Ak-Qm community, density of Ak seedlings with Sb understory was only 7% of the density of seedlings with Rs understary, suggesting the inhibitory effect of Sb. The germination rate of Ak seeds was significantly reduced by leaf extracts of Sb, and Rhododendron mucronulatum var. ciliatum(Rm) and Ak. Soil humus extract of Ak-Qm-Sb subcommunity reduced germination of Ak seeds by 81% and also reduced by 19% the respiration of mycelia of ectomycorrhizal fumgus, Lactarius sp. Among the seven phenolic compounds identified from the soil humus, extract, Ak-Qm-Sb subcommunity contained significantly high content of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, vanillic acid, and syringic acid. Particularly, p-hydroxybenzoic acid was present at 4.2ppm in the Sb roots and at 16.5ppm in the Sb humus, suggesting that it could be the primary allelopathic compound in Abies koreana forests with Sasa borealis understory.

      • KCI등재

        Open-Top chamber 내(內)에서 오존에 노출(露出)시킨 현사시 5개(個) 클론의 생장량(生長量)과 오존에 대(對)한 민감성(敏感性)과의 관계(關係)

        김태규,이경준,김군보,구영본,Kim, Tae Kyu,Lee, Kyung Joon,Kim, Goon Bo,Koo, Yong Bon 한국산림과학회 2000 한국산림과학회지 Vol.89 No.1

        본 연구는 수목의 오존에 대한 피해정도가 수목 고유의 생장속도와 관련되어 있는지를 검증하기 위하여 실시하였다. 생장이 우수한 현사시(Populus alba ${\times}$ P. glandulosa) 4호 품종 중에서 두 개 클론(72-30, 72-16)과 생장이 비교적 저조한 현사시 2호 품종 중에서 3개 클론(72-28, 72-27, 72-19)을 본 실험에서 비교하였다. 위의 5개 클론의 삽수를 4월초 $2{\ell}$ 화분에 삽목하여 증식시킨 후, 8월 하순에 야외에서 3개의 open top chamber(직경 2.5m, 높이 2.0m) 내에서 30일 동안 70ppb와 130ppb의 오존에 1일 5시간씩 노출하였다. 대조구는 활성탄으로 여과하여 오존의 농도가 30ppb이하로 유지되도록 하였으며, 각 클론별, 처리별로 20개의 화분을 반복으로 사용하였다. 대조구에서 두 품종간의 생장비교는 현사시 4호가 현사시 2호보다 잎 건중량에서 73%, 뿌리 건중량에서 64%, 총건중량에서 38% 더 우수하여 현사시 4호의 생장속도가 2호보다 우수함을 입증하였다. 오존에 의한 가시적 피해는 70ppb 오존처리에서는 나타나지 않았으며, 130ppb 처리에서 현사시 4호에서만 관찰되었으며, 성숙잎에서 전형적인 작은 갈색 반점들로 나타났으며, 성숙잎의 조기낙엽을 가져왔다. 70과 130ppb 오존처리는 5개 모든 클론의 수고생장, 잎과 뿌리의 건중량과 총건중량을 감소시켰는데, 이 중에서 뿌리생장을 가장 크게 감소시켰다. 70ppb 오존에서 뿌리의 감소량은 현사시 4호가 39.7%이고, 현사시 2호는 13.8%이었다. 130ppb 오존에서도 현사시 4호의 뿌리감소량은 47.4%이고, 현사시 2호는 34.9%이었다. 이로 인하여 shoot/root율은 130ppb에서 현사시 4호는 63.4% 증가한 반면, 현사시 2호는 22.1% 증가에 그쳤다. 오존에 의한 가공전도도와 순광합성량의 변화에서도 현사시 4호가 현사시 2호보다 더 많이 감소하였다. 특히 130ppb 오존에서 현사시 4호의 순광합성량은 69.5% 감소한 반면에, 현사시 2호는 31.5% 감소하였다. 따라서 위의 여러 가지 생리적 반응을 근거로 하여 생장이 우수한 현사시 4호가 생장이 상대적으로 적은 현사시 2호보다 오존에 더 민감하다고 판단할 수 있으며, 수목의 오존에 대한 피해정도는 수목 고유의 생장속도가 관련되어 있다고 결론 짓는다. This study was conducted to test a hypothesis that sensitivity of trees to ozone exposure was related to their growth rates. Two cultivars of Populus alba ${\times}$ P. glandulosa with different genetic growth potential were used for the comparison. Two clones(72-30, 72-16) of cultivar No. 4 with fast growing potential and three clones(71-28, 72-27, 72-19) of cultivar No. 2 with slow growing potential were propagated in early spring by cutting in $2-{\ell}$ plastic pots. They were grown outdoor for 5 months and exposed in late August for 30 days to 70 and 130ppb ozone in a open-top chambers(2.5m in diameter and 2m in height). Ozone concentration in a control chamber was maintained below 30ppb by filtering with activated charcoal. Each treatment was replicated twenty times. In a control chamber, cultivar No. 4 grew 73%, 64%, and 38% faster than cultivar No. 2 in leaf weight, root weight, and total dry weight, respectively. Visible injury was observed only in cultivar No. 4 in 130ppb treatment. Ozone treatment at both 70 and 130ppb decreased height growth, dry weight of leaf, root, and entire plants in all five clones. Particularly root growth was reduced by 39.7% and 13.8% in cultivar No. 4 and No. 2, respectively, in 70ppb treatment. Consequently, shoot/root ratio of cultivar No.4 was increased by 63.4%, while that of cultivar No.2 was increased by 22.1%. Stomatal conductance decreased more in cultivar No.4 than in cultivar No.2. Net photosynthesis of cultivar No.4 at 130ppb ozone decreased by 69.5%, while that of cultivar No.2 decreased by 31.5%. Above mentioned physiological responses of two cultivars to ozone strongly suggested that fast growing cultivar No.4 was more sensitive to ozone than slow growing cultivar No.2. It was concluded that sensitivity of trees to ozone exposure was closely related to their growth rates.

      • KCI등재

        Open - Top chamber 내에서 오존에서 노출시킨 현사시 5 개 클론의 생장량과 오존에 대한 민감성과의 관계

        김태규(Tae Kyu Kim),이경준(Kyung Joon Lee),김군보(Goon Bo Kim),구영본(Yong Bon Koo) 한국산림과학회 2000 한국산림과학회지 Vol.89 No.1

        This study was conducted to test a hypothesis that sensitivity of trees to ozone exposure was related to their growth rates. Two cultivars of Populus alba × P. glandulosa with different genetic growth potential were used for the comparison. Two clones(72-30, 72-16) of cultivar No. 4 with fast growing potential and three clones(71-28, 72-27, 72-19) of cultivar No. 2 with slow growing potential were propagated in early spring by cutting in 2-ℓ plastic pots. They were grown outdoor for 5 months and exposed in late August for 30 days to 70 and 130ppb ozone in a open-top chambers(2.5m in diameter and 2m in height). Ozone concentration in a control chamber was maintained below 30ppb by filtering with activated charcoal. Each treatment was replicated twenty times. In a control chamber, cultivar No. 4 grew 73%, 64%, and 38% faster than cultivar No. 2 in leaf weight, root weight, and total dry weight, respectively. Visible injury was observed only in cultivar No. 4 in 130ppb treatment. Ozone treatment at both 70 and 130ppb decreased height growth, dry weight of leaf, root, and entire plants in all five clones. Particularly root growth was reduced by 39.7% and 13.8% in cultivar No. 4 and No. 2, respectively, in 70ppb treatment. Consequently, shoot/root ratio of cultivar No.4 was increased by 63.4%, while that of cultivar No.2 was increased by 22.1%. Stomatal conductance decreased more in cultivar No.4 than in cultivar No.2. Net photosynthesis of cultivar No.4 at 130ppb ozone decreased by 69.5%, while that of cultivar No.2 decreased by 31.5%. Above mentioned physiological responses of two cultivars to ozone strongly suggested that fast growing cultivar No.4 was more sensitive to ozone than slow growing cultivar No.2. It was concluded that sensitivity of trees to ozone exposure was closely related to their growth rates.

      • 全國 主要 都市에 錄陰樹로 植栽된 느티나무의 健康度 測定과 이를 利用한 大氣汚染狀態 推定

        金君保,韓心熙,李景俊 서울大學校 農業生命科學大學 附屬樹木園 1995 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.15

        本 調査는 大都市 및 工團地域에 綠陰樹로 植栽된 느티나무의 健康狀態를 測定하고, 이를 利用하여 大氣汚染狀態를 推定하기 위하여 實施되었다. 健康 診斷에 利用된 內容은 生長量, 잎의 可視的 被害, 葉綠素 含量, 카로테노이드 含量, 樹木 活力度이다. 1995年 8月 15日부터 21日까지 實施된 全國 調査에서는 3個의 山岳地域을 對照區(淸淨地域)로 하여, 6個의 大都市와 3個의 工團地域을 汚染地로 調査하였고, 서울市 調査에서는 總 19個 地域을 調査하였다. 生長量으로써 新梢 길이, 節間 길이, 잎의 크기 및 갯수, 그리고 잎의 可視的 被害와 樹皮酸度를 測定하였으며, 葉綠素와 카로테노이드 含量은 DMSO(dimethyl sulphoxide)로 抽出 후 分光分析器를 利用하여 測定하였다. 樹木 活力度는 Shigometer를 利用하여 形成層의 電氣 抵抗度로 表示하였다. 新梢生長量, 節間 길이, 잎의 개수의 測定 結果는 地域間 有意性이 認定되었으나 地域間, 個體間 變異가 심하여 일정한 傾向을 볼 수 없었으며, 樹皮 pH는 工團地域에서 가장 낮았다. 對照區를 제외한 全地域에서 可視的 被害가 나타났으며 특히 工團地域에서 심하였다. 葉綠素와 카로테노이드 含量, 樹木活力度는 山岳地域과 比較하여 大都市에서 낮고, 大氣汚染이 심한 工團地域에서 가장 낮았으며 統計的인 差異가 認定되었다. 樹木活力度는 葉綠素나 카로테노이드 含量과 높은 相關 關係를 보였으며, 특히 서울 地域에서 높은 相關係數(葉綠素 : r²=0.58, 카로테노이드 : r²=0.55)를 보였다. 健康度는 可視的 被害, 葉綠素와 카로테노이드 含量과 電氣 抵抗度의 네 가지 項目을 사용할 때 가장 信憑性 있게 測定할 수 있었다. 서울市 調査에서는 江南地域이 江北보다 被害 症狀이 컸으며, 특히 大氣汚染이 심한 구로 工團과 永登浦驛을 포함한 江南 西部 地域이 가장 심한 症狀을 보였다. 全國 느티나무의 健康度는 大氣汚染이 심할수록 낮게 나타났으며, 느티나무는 大氣汚染을 間接的으로 測定하는 指標植物로 活用할 수 있다고 結論 짓는다. This study was conducted to measure shade tree health in major cities and to test the possibility of using the health data to indirectly estimate status of air pollution in the same areas. Zelkova serrata Makino planted as a shade tree in six largest cities and three industrial complexes was measured in mid August for growth increment, visible leaf damage, bark pH, chlorophyll and β-carotene contents, and tree vitality. The results were compared with those of healthy trees in three mountain areas as a control. Cholorophyll and β-carotene were extracted in dimethyl sulphoxide solution and quantified by spectrophotometry, while tree vitality was estimated by measuring electrical resistance in the cambium using Shigometer. Growth parameters such as new shoot length, number of leaves, or width of annual rings varied widely in various locations. Visible leaf damage was observed in most of the sites except mountain areas, with heaviest damage in industrial complexes. Chlorophyll and β-carotene contents, bark pH, and tree vitality were lower in six major cities and lowest in industrial complexes, compared to those in mountain areas. Tree vitality was positively correlated with chlorophyll(r²=0.58) and β-carotene content(r²=0.55), and negatively correlated with degree of leaf damage. Tree health can be estimated most successfully by combining data on visible leaf damage, chlorophyll and β-carotene contents and electrical resistance. Among the 19 sites surveyed in Seoul metropolitan areas, west side of Kangnam(south of River Han) where Kuro and Yongdungpo industrial complexes were located showed lowest tree health and Kangnam showed lower tree health than Kangpuk(north of River Han). It is concluded that Zelkova serrata trees are sensitive to air pollution and can be used as a bioindicator to indirectly monitor air pollution status in large cities and industrial complexes.

      • 서울에 植栽된 느티나무 街路樹의 健康度와 大氣 오존 濃度와의 相關 關係 硏究

        李景俊,金君保,韓心熙,金兌奎 서울大學校 農業生命科學大學 附屬樹木園 1999 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.19

        느티나무와 포플러와 같은 속성수는 오존가스에 예민한 반응을 보인다는 사실이 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 서울에 가로수로 식재된 느티나무의 건강도와 대기 중 오존 농도와의 상관관계를 조사하여, 느티나무가 오존의 오염 상태를 나타내는 생물적 지표식물로 사용될 수 있는지를 검증하기 위하여 실시하였다. 서울시의 20곳에 설치된 대기오염 자동 측정소에서 반경 300 m 이내에 식재 되어 있는 느티나무를 대상으로 1996년 8월 15일부터 17일 사이에 잎의 가시적 피해, 엽록소와 카로테노이드 함량, 형성층의 전기저항도를 측정하여 느티나무의 건강도를 구하고, 1996년 6월 1일부터 8월15일까지 대기중 오존농도와의 상관 관계를 구명하였다. 서울시 전 지역의 3 개월 간 오존농도의 일일평균치는 0.02ppm 으로써 낮게 나타났으나, 3 개월간 10회에 걸쳐서 오존주의보 (0.12ppm 이상)가 발령되었으며, 20개 전지역에서 1회 이상 오존주의보가 발령되었다. 수목에게 생리적 피해를 주는 0.08ppm을 초과한 횟수는 쌍문동이 107회로써 가장 높았다. 서울의 동쪽에 위치한 지역, 즉 쌍문동, 구의동, 성수동, 방이동, 대치동, 잠실동의 일중 최고치나 0.08ppm 이상 적산 농도가 다른 지역보다 높았다. 따라서 오존가스가 편서풍에 의하여 동쪽으로 이동하면서, 특히 주변 산악지대에 의하여 공기가 정체된 곳에서 더 높은 농도를 보여 주었다고 판단된다. 잎의 가시적 피해는 불규칙하면서 정량하기가 어렵고, 형성층의 전기저항치는 수목간에 큰 차이가 없어서 제외하였다. 잎의 광합성 색소와 오존 농도와의 상관 관계에서는 엽록소 a의 함량과 6월중 일일 평균 오존농도와 통계상 10% 유의 수준에서 부의 상관 (상관계수, -0.43)을 나타내서, 오존 농도가 높을수록 엽록소의 함량이 감소하는 것으로 조사되었다. 결론적으로 느티나무는 오존에 예민하게 반응하여 대도시에서 가로수로 식재하기에 적당하지 않으나, 오히려 이러한 특성을 이용한다면, 오존에 대한 생물적 지표식물로 식재할 수 있다고 판단한다. The objectives of this study were to understand the correlation between ambient ozone concentration and health of street trees in Seoul, and to examine the possibility of using Zelkova serrata trees as a potential bioindicator for ozone pollution in large cities. Five Zelkova serrata street trees each growing within 300m radius from each ozone monitoring station were selected. The chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in the leaves and cambial electrical resistance of the selected trees were measured in mid August at the 20 stations in Seoul, and above date were analyzed for correlction with ambient ozone concentration from June through August. The ozone data at the 20 stations were obtained from Department of Environment. The daily average concentration of ozone from June through August was 0.02ppm, while ozone warning (issued whenever hourly ozone concentration was above 0.12ppm) was announced 10 times in Seoul during the three months. The highest number of incidences of the hourly ozone concentration above 0.08ppm was 107 times in Sangmoon-dong which was surrounded by mountains in three sides and located northeastern part of Seoul. Eastern part of Seoul showed higher concentration of ozone than western parts, suggesting the possibilities of movement of ozone by prevailing westerly wind. Among the tested ozone data, such as overall or monthly daily ozone concentration, hourly maximum concentration, and the number of incidences of hourly concentration of above 0.08ppm, chlorophyll a content in the leaves was negatively correlated (correlation coefficient -0.42) with daily ozone concentration in June. However, it was significant only at 10% statistical level. It was concluded that Zelkova serrata street trees might be used as a potential bioindicator for ozone pollution in large cities.

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