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      • 한국 SI산업에서 CBD사업의 장애 요인과 발전 가능성 : 한은 금융망 시스템 구축 사례

        김강석(Kang Suk Kim) 한국IT서비스학회 2004 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        Since Component-Based Development or CBD, struck Korea SI industry a heavy blow several years ago, many major SI companies in Korea have implemented the CBD practices in real world. leveraging supports from the government and academic world. The resul, however, falls short of their expectations. The major reason is that they have mainly focused on CBD processes and technical issues around it, although it is necessary as well to deal with other non-technical issues in order to make business values from CBD. This paper begins with reminding us what CBD tries to achieve indeed in terms of software development processes, then recognizes what we have achieved so far introducing a recent CBD project case, BOK-WIRE system. Thereafter, it reveals the chances that SI companies must take In order to make their CBD efforts succeed, pointing out what are the roadblocks really.

      • KCI등재

        이스라엘 변수와 냉전 초기 중동 다자안보체제의 쇠퇴

        김강석(Kim Kang Suk) 한국중동학회 2015 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.36 No.1

        The subject of this paper is about the failure of US efforts to create collective security system during the early Cold War due to Israeli influence. In other words, this article attempts to reveal that the Israeli variable was the reasons behind the failure of Eisenhower's containment policy in the Middle East. In this sense, Israel opposed to the Baghdad Pact due to the possibility that it could be used as a vehicle to counter against Israel itself not to contain the Soviet Union. Thus, Israel attempted to frustrate US efforts to establish multilateral security system in the Middle East. Despite the Eisenhower administration's efforts to keep the distance from Jewish influence, American policymakers were unable to restrict Israel's hard-line policy toward Arab nations. Furthermore, the principles of 'evenhandedness' were eroded and resulted in taking sides with Israel under the Jewish influence. Pro-Israeli figures at the American Congress objected US adherence to the Baghdad Pact, thereby resulting in US preference of bilateralism. In particular, Israel clandestinely tried to establish so called the 'Periphery Pact' with non Arab countries including Turkey, Iran, Ethiopia. Ben Gurion supported the idea of peripheral alliance in terms of security cooperation of non-Arab countries in the Middle East. The American government considered the Periphery Pact as favorable regional development. All things considered, reasons behind American failure to create Middle Eastern collective security system during the early Cold War had to do with Israeli influence. The implication of this research is to understand the limited impacts of the Early Cold war in the Middle East. In this senses, Israel opposed to the policy which its enemy, Egypt, was against as well. Thus, it can be said that regional actors including Egypt and Israel gave priority to their own interests rather than global interests of the Cold War.

      • KCI등재

        걸프 지역 영토주권의 한계와 갈등 양상 연구

        김강석(Kim Kang suk) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2017 중동문제연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Given the limitation of the concept of the modern territorial sovereign state which was mainly developed from European history since the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, this study attempts to examine the sovereignty dispute over the territory in the Gulf region. Thus, this research attempts to expose major controversial issues of the territorial conflicts among Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Iran from a historical point of view. In this context, it attempts to analyze territorial disputes over the islands of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs between the UAE and Iran. In addition, issue areas including the Buraimi Oasis, the treaty of Jeddah, and the Shaybah-Zarrarah oil fields were discussed for the purpose of illuminating territorial disputes between Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The findings contribute to the understanding of the limitations of Western-centered concept of the territorial sovereignty on the Gulf states.

      • KCI등재

        아이젠하워 행정부의 중동 집단방위체제 구상의 좌절

        김강석(Kim, Kang-suk) 한국중동학회 2014 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.34 No.4

        The purpose of this article is to investigate the problem of American global strategy towards the Middle East without considering regional traits. In this sense, this article attempts to show the failure of American global cold war policy due to the conflicts between American global containment strategy and the unique aspects in the Middle East. The failure of the Baghdad Pact can be considered as a historical case in which American global cold war policy ended up failure after misperceiving regional traits of Nasserism, that is Arab nationalism led by Gamal Abdel Nasser. In this regard, the United States tried to manipulate Nasser's revolutionary government in order to make Egypt to join in the Middle East collective security system. However, this manipulation strategy can be seen as the outcome of misperceiving Nasser's intentions. With this in mind, after the Anglo-Egyptian treaty on the Suez Canal in 1954, Washington tried to establish good relations with the military junta through various strategies such as economic aid and the Alpha plan. However, Nasser participated in the Bandung conference and purchased weapons from the Communist bloc contrary to American expectation. Above all, it seems reasonable to assume that Eisenhower's idea of the Middle East collective security had fundamental limits stemming from the absence of collective identity and difference of threat perceptions among countries in the Middle East. With such inherit problems, it is difficult to bring Egypt into American sphere of influence in the context of the Cold War rivalry, thus resulting in the outbreak of the Suez War. On the other hand, the Eisenhower doctrine to contain Nasser's influence after the Suez War can also be regarded as the American strategy resulted from misperception of the influence of Nasserism. Contrary to American expectation, the authority of Khadim al-haramain (Keepers of the two holy places) in Saudi Arabia could not confront with Nasserism since Arab people more supported Nasser with his Arab nationalism particularly after the Suez War. Accordingly, after experiencing regional turmoil, Washington became aware of the Nasser's enormous influence and changed its coercive strategy into conciliatory one. Under this transformed strategy, the Baghdad Pact had to remain as the Northern Tier without expanding into the Middle East collective security system. After all, the idea of the Middle East collective security system ended in failure when the Baghdad Pact was dissolved into CENTO in 1959 after Iraqi withdrawal.

      • KCI등재

        닉슨 행정부의 걸프지역 균형정책 폐기와 역내 도서 영유권 갈등

        김강석(Kim Kang Suk) 한국이슬람학회 2016 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.26 No.1

        This article attempts to examine the impacts of power transition from the United Kingdom to the United States on regional stability of the Gulf on the basis of structural realism. In this regard, the Nixon administration terminated British balancing policy whose purpose was to maintain equilibrium between Iran and Saudi Arabia. American government supported Iranian preponderance under the Nixon Doctrine. However, this strategy instigated Iranian aspiration to dominate the Gulf region, thus resulting in the intensification of the territorial disputes over Islands such as the Tunbs and Abu Musa. To prevent conflicts among Iran, Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah, several proposals of mediation were presented. However, the agreement for peace couldn't be accomplished. Consequently, Iran occupied the Tunbs by dispatching military forces and dominated the northern parts of Abu Musa by dividing the Island into two sections. All things considered, the territorial disputes over the Islands during the Nixon administration can be seen as a historical case which reveals the impacts of structural changes on international relations in the Gulf.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간이식 후 발생한 급성 신부전의 임상상과 예후

        오윤규(Yoon Kyu Oh),한진석(Jin Suk Han),안규리(Cu Rie Ahn),김연수(Yon Su Kim),김성권(Suhng Gwon Kim),이정상(Jung Sang Lee),김강석(Kang Seock Kim),이상구(Sang Goo Lee),김성균(Seong Gyun Kim),서경석(Kyung Suk Suh) 대한신장학회 2002 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.21 No.1

        배 경 : 간이식 후 급성 신부전은 빈도가 높고 수술 후 예후 변화가 큰 것으로 알려져 있으나 국내 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 저자들은 간이식 수술 후 발생한 급성 신부전의 빈도, 임상양상, 예후에 미치는 영향 등을 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법 : 1992년에서 2001년 6월까지 서울대학교병원에서 간이식 수술을 받은 만 15세 이상의 환자 중 후향적 연구가 가능한 35명(사체 간이식 19명, 생체 부분 간이식 16명)을 대상으로 하였다. 결 과 : 환자군의 성별은 남자 22명, 여자 13명, 나이는 49세(median, range; 18- 65세)였다. 간질환의 원인은 간경변 18명, 간경변과 간암이 같이 있던 경우 10명, 간암 3명, 전격성 간염 3명 그리고 선천성 담도폐쇄증이 1명이었다. 전체 환자 35명 중 사망 환자는 10명이었다. 35명 중 간이식 후 급성 신부전은 25명(71%)에서 발생하였고 이 중 7명(28%)이 사망하였다. 중증(혈청 크레아티닌 ≥2 ㎎/ dL)의 급성 신부전 환자 9명이었고 이 중 7명(77.8%)이 사망하였으나 경증의 급성 신부전 16명에서 사망 환자는 없었다. 투석을 시행 받은 2명은 모두 사망하였다. 수술 후 급성 신부전의 발생 시기는 1일(0- 39일)이었다. 급성 신부전이 발생한 25명 중 수술 중 장시간 지속된 저혈압 21명, 자발성 세균성 복막염의 병력 10명, 대량수혈 8명, 급성거부반응 6명이었다. 급성 신부전 병발 후 생존한 18명은 신기능이 완전히 회복되었거나 경한 정도의 신기능 감소만이 있었다. 결 론 : 급성 신부전은 간이식 후 흔한 합병증이며 심한 급성 신부전이 있는 경우 예후가 불량함을 알 수 있다. 간이식 후 병발하는 급성 신부전의 적절한 치료 및 예방이 필수적임을 나타낸다고 할 수 있다. Background : One of the major complications of liver transplantation is acute renal failure(ARF ). The outcome in patients who develop postoperative renal failure has been dismal. But there are few reports on ARF after liver transplantation in Korea. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence, clinical characteristics, and prognosis of ARF in patients undergoing liver transplantation. Methods : The records of 35 adult patients who received liver transplantation at the Seoul National University Hospital between october 1992 and June 2001 were reviewed retrospectively. Results : 22 patients were male and 13 were female, with an age range of 15 years to 65 years (median, 49 years). The 35 recipients included 18 with liver cirrhosis, 10 with liver cirrhosis and hepatoma, 3 with hepatoma, 3 with fulminant hepatitis, and 1 with biliary atresia. Death occurred in 10 patients (29%) overall. ARF was developed in 25 cases (71%), and 8 cases (32%) expired. Among the 9 patients with peak serum creatinine level ≥ 2.0 ㎎/dL, 7 patients expired. 2 patients required hemodialysis following liver transplantation and all of them expired. ARF was developed within 1day (0-39 days ). Of 25 ARF cases, 21 cases of hypotension, 6 acute rejection, 10 spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP ), and 8 massive packed RBC transfusion were associated. Renal function at latest follow-up w as improved in patients who were suffered with ARF. Conclusion : ARF is a frequent complication of liver transplantation, and the strategy of management and prevention of ARF needs to be developed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Oxytocin에 의한 내수질집합관의 cAMP 생성 및 요배설의 변화

        한진석(Jin Suk Han),이정상(Jung Sang Lee),김강석(Kang Seock Kim),허우성(Woo Seong Huh),김연수(Yon Su Kim),전은실(Un Sil Jeon),주권욱(Kwon Wook Joo),안규리(Curie Ahn),김성권(Suhnggwon Kim),이중건(Jung Geon Lee),나기영(Ki Young Na),정우경 대한신장학회 2000 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.19 No.1

        N/A Oxytocin, like vasopressin, has been known to act in the IMCD by the activation of adenylyl cyclase through V2 receptor, but the exact mechanism of its action remains to be elucidated. To prove whether oxytocin is involved in the activation of adenylyl cyclase in the renal collecting duct, we measured the cAMP production and urinary cAMP excretion rate. After single IMCD segments of Sprague-Dawley rats were microdissected and treated with different con- centrations of vasopressin(10pM, 10nM) and oxytocin (10pM, 10nM), cAMP production was measured. Urinary cAMP excretion rate was measured after dehydration and intraperitoneal injection of vasopressin and oxytocin. The results are as follows. 1) cAMP production in single IMCD was significantly increased in vasopressin group(10pM: 48,9±4.7(mean±SE), 10nM:94.6±5.3fmol/mm) and oxy-tocin group(10pM: 11.3±2.9, 10nM: 65.7±6.1fmol/mm) compared with that in the control(3.2±0.2fmol/ mm). 2) Urine volume was significantly decreased in dehydration group(40±7μl/hour) and vasopressin group(420±120μl/hour), but urine volume of oxytocin group(1,480±230μl/hour) was not different from that of control(1,550±120μl/hour). Urine osmolality was significantly increased in all experimental groups(control: 737.0±132.6, dehydration group : 2,463.9± 412.5, vasopressin group : 1,702±412.5, oxytocin group 1,293.4±117.9mOsm/kg). Urinary cAMP excretion rate was significantly increased in dehydration group(4,149.5±1,072.3pmol/hour) and oxytocin group(4,843.3±2,341.8pmol/hour), but not in vasopressin group(1,358.1±690.2pmol/hour), compared with that in control(49±10.7pmoVhour). These results suggest that oxytacin has anti-diuretic effect by the activation of adenylyl cyclase through V2 receptor.

      • 일반(一般) 정기(定期) 건강진단자(健康診斷者)의 T.P.H.A양성율(陽性率)

        이화숙,이수영,김강석,Lee, Hoa-Suk,Lee, Soo-Young,Kim, Kang-Seuck 한국생명보험의학회 1985 保險醫學會誌 Vol.2 No.1

        In medical selection of Daehan Education Insurance, for 6 months from June 1st, 1984 to November 30th, 1984 we examined 2523 persons, who were supposed to receive general test and Normal subject test Then we did syphilis test by selecting the way of R.P.R. card test and repeatedly confirming the examination serologically. The results are as follows: 1) As results of R.P.R. card test, 30 out of 1592 males are positive(1.89%) and 10 out of 931 females are positive(1.1%). 40 out of total 2523 persons are positive(1.6%). 2) As results of T.P.H.A, 28 out of 1592 males are positive(1.76%) and 9 out of 931 females are positive. 37 out of total 2523 persons are positive(1.47%). 3) When R.P.R. card test is compared with T.P.H.A test, 40 persons by R.P.R. showed that 2 males and female are negative and only 37 persons are positive in T.P.H.A test. And so the result agreement rate of R.P.R. card test and T.P.H.A test showed 92.5%. 4) In the age-distribution males have high positive rates in 30's and 40's and females have high positive rates in 20's and 40's when the subjects are normal.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        만성신부전에서 염류코르티코이드 투여가 포타시움 평형과 요 암모늄 배설에 미치는 효과

        한진석(Jin Suk Han),이정상(Jung Sang Lee),김강석(Kang Seock Kim),허우성(Woo Seong Huh),전은실(Un Sil Jeon),이서진(Seo Jin Lee),주권욱(Kwon Wook Joo),김성권(Suhnggwon Kim),진호준(Ho Jun Chin),조윤숙(Yun Suk Cho) 대한신장학회 2000 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.19 No.2

        N/A Mineralocorticoids influences on acid-base homeo-stasis by the regulation of urine acidification. But its mechanism of acion is not well known in human. This study compared the acid-base status and the indices of urine acidification before and after mineralocorticoid administration in human, and analyzed the effect of mineralocorticoids on human acid-base homeostasis. We administered 9a-fludrocortisone in 6 chronic renal failure patients and 6 normal controls 0.5mg daily for 7 days. The results were as following ' 1) After administration of 9a-fludrocortisone in patients group, serum aldosterone level changed from 120.2±71.0pg/mL to 44.8±32.2pg/mL(mean±SD, p< 0.05). Serum HCO- level was not changed. Urine ammonium excretion was incresed from 24.6±12.3 mmol/day to 43.7±19.0(p<0.05), but there were no change in urine pH and urine anion gap, Serum potassium level decreased from 5.5±0.7mBq/L to 4.1±0.5mEq/L(p<0.05), and TTKG increased from 3.9 to 8.9(p<0.05). 2) After administration of 9a-fludrocortisone in control group, serum aldosterone level changed from 99.7±44.5pg/mL to 25.1±3 mL(p<0.05). Serum HCO- level was not changed. Urine ammonium ex-cretion was incresed from 44.3±21.6mmoVday to 76.3±19.6(p<0.05), but there were no change in urine pH and urine anion gap. Serum potassium level decreased from 4.8±0.5mEq/L to 3.9±0.2mHq/L(p< 0.05), but there was no change in TTKG. 3) No patient or control showed any discomfort after 9-fludrocortisoneadministration, and there was no elevation in diastolic blood pressure, increase in body weight, electrolyte abnormality. In summary, after 9α-fludrocortisane administration, urinary ammonium excretion increased in both patients and control group, and this phenomenon occured with correction of hyperkalemia without urine pH change. This result implies urinary ammonium excretion increase by mineralocorticoid. In human increase in renal distal acidification by mineralocorticoid is due to increase in renal ammo- niagenesis rather than stimulation on proton excretion.

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