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        노인 인구를 대상으로 한 미용복지 봉사활동 현황

        권정순 ( Jeoung Soon Kwon ),김민 ( Min Kim ),권오혁 ( Oh Hyuk Kwon ),최근희 ( Keun Hee Choi ) 한국미용학회 2009 한국미용학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        UN defines aging society if aged people who are above 65 years old take 7 percentage among total population. Korea is getting into aging society and facing aged people issues. Both developed and developing countries are experiencing population increase of aged people, Life expectancy has been increased owing to decrease of childbirth, advance in medical science and technology, approved living environment and income increase. Recent literatures consider aged people as important social plyer and refer to active life and new characteristics of aged people. The purpose of this paper is to increase the effectiveness and efficiencies of aged people beauty service. It does this by surveying 463 aged people above 65-years old in the wellness centers, halls for aged people, nursing home and outdoor parks located in Seoul and Gyunggi province. Survey results show that aged people picked financial problem among the concerns that they are experiencing. They have a lot of interest in appearance and hair style. A half of survey respondents are getting beauty service for hair cut and permanent per moth. Survey respondents show high satisfaction when there are separate place for beauty service and volunteers have a high skill and kindness. From survey results, it can infer that more training and education for professional humane resource, development of program, setup of network and separate service place are needed.

      • 국내 종합병원 간호부의 근거기반간호 수행 현황

        권정순(Kwon, Jeong Soon),정재심(Jeong, Jae Sim),김경숙(Kim, Kyeong Sug),김선경(Kim, Sun Kyung),김신미(Kim, Shin Mi),김은현(Kim, Eun Hyeon),서현주(Seo, Hyun Ju),이선희(Lee, Seon Heui),정영선(Jeong, Young Sun),정인숙(Jeong, Ihn Sook 한국근거기반간호학회 2016 근거와 간호 Vol.4 No.1

        Purpose: This study was performed to identify the current status of organization and education for evidence-based nursing (EBN) among acute care hospitals in Korea. Methods: Using a questionnaire, the data were collected from 60 acute general hospitals selected conveniently from October to November in 2016. Results: The response rate was 83.3% and the mean number of beds for responded hospitals were 977.83. Responded hospitals appeared to perceive the importance of EBN, though approximately 50% of hospitals showed insufficient status for EBN. EBN project implemented in accordance with institutional support. EBN education courses have operated within hospitals and also have attended at outside courses. Conclusion: The current status of EBN organization and education have identified and it is needed to monitor continuously to activate and expand EBN in clinical settings.

      • KCI등재

        노인 미용복지 봉사활동 만족도

        권정순 ( Jeoung Soon Kwon ),권오혁 ( Oh Hyuk Kwon ),최근희 ( Keun Hee Choi ) 대한미용학회 2009 대한미용학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Korean society is rethinking for aging society perception and has interest not only in the change of aged people population but also in the new culture like positive standpoint to aged people and thinking for better life in aged people. Society takes aged people as important player and refers to active life and new characteristics of aged people with increase interest in outward appearance. Aged people need to improve life to have ability for adapting themselves to current society and have to prepare successful retired life. In conclusion, rapid increase in population of aged people, especially physically and mentally weak and handicapped, need beauty care service for those people to satisfy their various demands and continuous service. However, needs for beauty care service for aged people are not recognized well so that backgrounds for beauty care service are still weak compared to demands from aged people. Thus needs for beauty care service for aged people should be recognized. Increase in service facility, more professional human source, development of service network and proper financial support for service providing should be provided.

      • 『동다송(東茶頌)』에 나타난 차정신(茶精神)의 현대 차생활 적용방안 모색

        권정순 ( Kwon Jungsoon ) 원광대학교 한국예다학연구소 2017 한국예다학 Vol.4 No.-

        『동다송』은 한국차문화의 중흥조(中興祖)로 불리는 초의가 저술한 것으로 차에 대한 역사, 효능 등에 대한 전반적인 지식과 함께 한국 차의 우수성을 예찬하는 내용으로 이루어져 있다. 본문은 7언 한시 형식의 17송과, 근거를 밝히고 있는 협주 31개로 되어 있는데 원본은 발견되지 않은 가운데 몇 가지의 필사본이 전해지고 있다. 『동다송』에는 초의의 차정신과 함께 중국 문헌에 나오는 차에 대한 이론들을 창조적로 수용하여 소개하였고, 차를 대하는 자세로 중정(中正)의 정신을 강조하였으며, 평상심을 찾는 실천적인 차 생활을 강조하였다. 초의는 조선시대에 와서 쇠퇴한 차 문화를 크게 일으키는데 공헌을 하였으며, 무엇보다도 우리나라의 차가 중국의 차보다 우수하다고 주장하여 민족적인 자부심을 가질 수 있게 해주었다. 차는 인간의 건강을 증진시켜주는 것은 물론 정서적 안정과 사유의 지경을 넓혀주어 고매한 정신적 경지에 이르게 하는 기능이 있어 오랫동안 인격수양의 도구로도 사용되었다. 특히 평상심으로 행하는 실천적 차 생활은 오늘날 우리 사회에서 문제가 되고 있는 건강 문제와 각종 병리적 현상을 치유하기 위한 방안이 될 수 있으며, 나아가 행복한 사회를 건설하는 데에도 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 따라서 『동다송』에 나타난 차 정신을 현대의 차 생활 가운데 이해하고 적용할 것을 모색하는 일은 뜻깊은 일이 될 것이다. `DongDaSong`, a poem by ChoEui (a Tea Sage who revived Korean Tea Culture; also known as “The Saint of Korean Tea” or the “Father of Korean Tea”), provides general information, history and effects of tea, and celebrates the excellence of Korean tea. The text is written in Chinese characters and consists of seven-character lines, 17 stanzas, and 31 parts. Two manuscripts exist but the original copy has not yet been found. In `DongDaSong`, ChoEui creatively accepted and introduced the theories of tea found in Chinese literature and `tea spirits.` He emphasized that one should maintain his impartiality when drinking tea and that one should restore balance to his mind by having tea every day. ChoEui contributed greatly to the development of tea culture that had slowly declined during the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty. He also claimed that Korean tea was superior to Chinese tea, and thus increased the national pride. Tea has long been known for its many health benefits. It promotes stable emotion and broadens minds and perspectives that serve to nurture one`s spirit. Importantly, drinking tea daily may solve many health problems and may even contribute to building a happier society. Therefore, efforts to understand and apply the ideas and spirits of tea discussed in `DongDaSong` will prove meaningful.

      • 집회 · 시위의 자유 보고서 - 집회 · 시위 참가자에 대한 검찰 및 법원의 대응과 문제점 -

        권정순 ( Kwon Jung Soon ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 공공거버넌스와 법센터 2010 연세 공공거버넌스와 법 Vol.1 No.2

        Although freedom of assembly and demonstration is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution, recently the Prosecution and the Court are extending the scope of Criminal regulations. This raises questions as to whether the legal regulations and theory which they adopted were appropriate and reasonable. They applied Article 185(General Obstruction of Traffic) of the Criminal Act, on the ground that the participants in the assembly or demonstration had occupied traffic roads. They applied the theory of collusive co-principal derived from precedents, in order to hold the leaders and participants responsible for all the consequences of assemblies or demonstrations. First, looking into the crimes of traffic obstruction, assemblies and demonstrations usually involve occupying roads. The Prosecution and the Court claimed that Article 185 of the Criminal Act should apply as such occupations fall under the scope of “other methods provided on the article and have a risk of obstructing the road traffic. The Court requested the Constitutional Court to determine whether the expression “ obstructing the traffic by interrupting the land routes is a criminal offense” of Article 185 violates the rule of clarity in the principle of nulla poena sine lege. On March. 25. 2010, the Constitutional Court judged that it does not violate the Constitution. However, if we regard marching through the road in a demonstration as the “other method”, risk of violating the principle of clarity is quite high. Even comparing to foreign legislation cases the Court’s decision is highly exceptional. Furthemore, the Assembly and Demonstration Act bears the risk of giving too much discretion to the Prosecution and the Court compared to the Road Traffic Act. Hence, it is reasonable to say that Article 185 of the Criminal Act shall apply only if the assembly or demonstration is offensive and aggressive to the extent that it may lead to destruction or traffic interruption. By applying the theory of collusive co-principal the Prosecution and the Court punished the participants who did not directly obstruct the performance of official duties in assemblies or demonstrations. This theory was developed by precedents in order to punish the instigators of organized crimes. The idea of collusive co-principal is that even if one is not directly involved in committing the crime, he is liable for acts of the other accomplices. However, by applying this theory, this case overexpand the range of co-principals. In particular, if we apply the theory of collusive co-principal to participants of assemblies and demonstrations, they become liable for obstructing the performance of official duties and for assaults that they have never been involved in. As a theory which enables to accuse by only the intentions of joint execution, it burdens the risk of punishing the participants with other participants actions. Furthermore, it is a great concern that the theory can be misused to relieve the prosecutors’ burden of proof and to extend their discretion. Hence, the theory of collusive co-principal, developed by precedents, should either be abolished or be applied only within the provisions of Article 185 of the Criminal Act. In conclusion, the Prosecution and the Court should stop applying such a problematic theory to the participants in assemblies or demonstrations.

      • 『임원경제지』 「정조지」의 차(茶)에 대한 고찰

        권정순 ( Kwon Jungsoon ) 원광대학교 한국예다학연구소 2017 한국예다학 Vol.5 No.-

        『임원경제지(林園經濟志)』는 서유구(1764~1845)가 40여 년에 걸쳐 저술한 백과사전적 성격의 유서(類書)이다. 여기에는 사대부가 향촌에서 살 때 필요한 지식들을 망라하여 의식주 생활 전반과 문화생활 및 건강관리법 등이 16개의 분야로 나누어져 있다. 그 중 제 8지 「정조지(鼎俎志)」는 음식에 대한 내용으로 여기에서 ‘차(茶)’에 대해 언급하고 있다. 필사본으로 전해지고 있는 『임원경제지』의 사본(寫本)은 크게 5종류이다. 그런데 백과사전 성격의 유서류는 기존의 지식들을 정리하고 편집하는 과정에서, 또 필사를 하는 과정에서 필연적으로 오류가 발생하게 된다. 따라서 정확한 원문 확정을 위해 저본(底本)이나 선본(善本)을 선정하여 이를 수정하여 교감본(校勘本)을 만드는 정본화(定本化) 작업이 반드시 필요하다. 본 논문은 가장 많이 보급되어 있는 규장각본을 저본(底本)으로 하여 「정조지」의 “음청지류(飮淸之類)” 가운데 ‘차(茶)’ 항목을 다른 필사본들을 참고하여 교감하여 해석하였다. ‘총론’에서 찻잎이 아닌 재료를 사용하여 만든 탕(湯)이나 장(漿) 등에 ‘차’라는 이름을 붙이는 것은 잘못이라고 지적했지만, 정작 16종 20가지 음료 가운데 찻잎이나 찻가루를 직접 사용한 음료는 9가지에 불과했다. 또 ‘누영춘’을 제외한 19가지 음료에 모두 차라는 명칭을 사용했는데 이것을 보면 조선시대에도 찻잎의 사용유무와 관계없이 많은 음료들에 차라는 명칭을 붙였음을 알 수 있다. Imwonkyengjeji is an encyclopedic book written by Seo, YooGu (1764~1845) for over forty years. It covers sixteen aspects of knowledge, such as food, shelter, costume, cultural life and healthcare, about the gentry’s lifestyle in rural areas. Among them, Volume 8 of Jeongjoji is the chapter about food and it mentions ‘tea’. There are five major kinds of copies reported as manuscripts of Imwonkyengjeji. The documents of the encyclopedia, however, are inevitably erroneous in the process of organizing, editing and transcription. Therefore, restoring manuscripts to the original text necessitates selecting a manuscript considered as a draft that involves the basics of the original text, or a well preserved script, and modifying it. In this study, as ‘Gyujanggak-Bon’ is the most well-known and widely spread book, it is considered as the basic draft of the original script. Other manuscripts are cross-referenced with the manuscript of King Jeongjo in pursuance of better interpreting Umcheongryu in Jeongjoji, while narrowing the discrepancies among different manuscripts. General essays on tea and sixteen different kinds of tea are examined first in the study.

      • 국내 간호대학의 근거기반간호 교과목 운영 현황 및 활성화 방안

        최미영(Choi, Miyoung),정재심(Jeong, Jae Sim),권정순(Kwon, Jeong Soon),김경숙(Kim, Kyeng Sug)이선희(Lee, Seon Heui),서현주(Seo, Hyun Ju),정영선(Jeong, Young Sun),정인숙(Jeong, Ihn Sook),이현희(Lee, Hyun Hee),김은현(Kim, Eun Hyeon) 한국근거기반간호학회 2017 근거와 간호 Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose: This study aims to identify current status of evidence-based nursing education to nursing students and strategies for dissemination. Methods: For investigation of current education status of evidence-based nursing, a searching for websites of 204 nursing colleges in Korea. And a focus-group interview was performed. Ten participants were faculties working at college of nursing. Interview data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Nineteen (9.3%) colleges were running evidence-based nursing (EBN) course in the undergraduate course and 29 colleges opened EBN course in the graduate school. Five topics regarding experience on teaching EBN were as follows, 1) there are need to teaching EBN in nursing colleges 2) EBN education leads to improvement in professional perception and research, but low level of feed-back also indicated. 3) Barriers were lack of faculty ability, difficulty in course management, limitation of resource and gaps in practice. 4) Facilitators were changes in clinical nursing practice, teaching faculty and developing teaching program. 5) Educational strategies for dissemination were changes on external evaluation and strengthening of academic society activities. Conclusion: EBN education for nursing students are effective in improving critical thinking and nursing research. Developing strategies for dissemination of EBN to nursing students are needed.

      • 국내 병원의 근거기반간호 수행 현황과 한국근거기반간호학회의 역할

        박경희(Park, Kyung Hee),정재심(Jeong, Jae Sim),김주현(Kim, Joo-Hyun),권정순(Kwon, Jeong Soon),김경숙(Kim, Kyeong Sug),홍은영(Hong, Eun-Young),이현희(Lee, Hyun Hee),정영선(Jung, Young Sun),류재금(Ryu, Jae Geum),정인숙(Jeong, Ihn So 한국근거기반간호학회 2018 근거와 간호 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: This qualitative study was done to identify the current status for evidence-based nursing (EBN) and the roles of the Korean Society of EBN (KEBN) for facilitating EBN. Methods: The participants were 7 female nurses who have worked in the acute care hospitals. Data were collected through focused group interviews. Collected data were analyzed with content analysis method. Results: The findings can be categorized into five main themes. 1) Background for introducing of EBN. 2) Facilitators to spread EBN. 3) Barriers to spread EBN. 4) Changes after introducing EBN into clinical practice. 5) Roles of the KEBN. Conclusion: The current status of EBN is that awareness about the importance of EBN is high and knowledge with skills are improving gradually. However, it is necessary to acquire solid knowledge and skills to facilitate their own EBN within the institutions. Therefore, we expect the roles of the KEBN in sharing and standardizing information of EBN with other organizations. The KEBN specifically may consider to operate a EBN program for mentors and it is necessary to seek strategies to plan a platform that can build a standardized system through cooperation with department of nursing to share and spread EBN related research.

      • 임상기반 간호학 실험논문의 질 평가

        정재심(Jeong, Jae Sim),임경춘(Lim, Kyung Choon),권정순(Kwon, Jeong Soon),곽찬영(Kwak, Chan Yeong),김경희(Kim, Kyung Hee),김성재(Kim, Sung Jae),이경숙(Lee, Kyung-Sook),박광옥(Park, Kwang Ok),김주현(Kim, Joo Hun),김금순(Kim, Keum So 한국근거기반간호학회 2018 근거와 간호 Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted in order to explore quality assessment tools applicable to research in the nursing area and to suggest the results of applying such tools in assessing the quality of experimental studies in nursing. Methods: We selected three experimental and 119 quasi-experimental studies with control groups in the Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research. We applied Cochran collaboration’s tool for assessing the quality of randomized controlled studies. Also, items developed by researchers were applied for assessing the quality of experimental studies in nursing. Results: Three studies (2.5%) used an adequate randomized sequence generation and two of them concealed the allocation sequence. The 63.1% of the studies applied blinding and 51% of the studies did not have missing values, or had insignificant missing values. In addition, 85.2% were not likely to report selectively, and 36.1% were assessed to have raised the risk of bias. Conclusion: Many studies had too a high risk of bias to be used as evidence-based data in the designs and methods of experimental studies. We found that it is necessary to inquire into research designs, methods, and quality assessment tools desirable for evidence-based practice in nursing.

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