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        日本語學,日本語敎育學 篇 : 新聞廣告文のヘッドラインにおけるルビの用法

        권익호 ( Ik Ho Kwon ),( Kitazawa Akihiko ) 한국일어일문학회 2011 日語日文學硏究 Vol.78 No.1


      • KCI등재

        일본 신문광고 캐치카피에 나타난 수사법에 대한 고찰 -반복표현을 중심으로-

        권익호 ( Ik Ho Kwon ),이유진 ( You Jin Lee ) 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        본 연구는 한정된 문장 안에 의도한 바를 간결하게 압축하여 주목을 끄는 신문광고 캐치카피를 통하여 대중의 관심을 유도하기 위해 업종별로 반복표현을 어떠한 형태로 사용하는지 어구, 음, 문장형태로 나누어 이에 해당하는 수사법들의 특징들을 살펴보고 각 수사법에 따른 사용률을 분석하여 다음과 같은 내용을 알 수 있었다. 우선, 업종별로 가장 많이 사용한 반복표현은 어구의 반복표현으로 첩어법, 첩점법, 수구법, 결구법, 수미어구법과 같은 수사법들을 사용하여 전달하고자 하는 메시지를 간결한 어구로 집약시켜 이를 부각시키고 있다. 어구의 반복표현 다음으로 많이 사용한 반복표현은 음의 반복표현으로 두운법, 각운법, 동음법과 같은 음율계통의 수사법을 통해 운율감을 형성하여 대중의 재미를 유발시킴과 동시에 기억에도 장기적으로 남기기 위한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 업종별로 사용률이 가장 저조한 반복표현은 문형의 반복표현으로 병행법, 대구법, 도치반복법과 같은 수사법을 통하여 평범한 문장형태를 벗어나 다른 캐치카피들보다 차별화되어 부각시키는데 유용하며 메시지 전달에도 효과적이 지만 캐치카피구성에 있어 필요한 요건들이 많아 사용률이 저조한 것으로 생각된다. Through a catch copy of a newspaper advertisement attracting a great deal of notice by a concise compression of intention within the limited sentence, I looked into characteristics of the rhetoric by classifying a phrase repetition with phrases, tone and form of sentence about the use of form in phrase repetition to the classification by industries to attract attention from the public and also I analyzed the rate of use of each rhetoric. Through the research, I could know of following facts. First of all, the phrase repetition that is on the highest rate of use to the classification by industries is rhetorics like epizeuxis, epanalesis, anaphora, epistrophe and symploce combined with epanadiplosis. These rhetorics convey the message by integrating into the concise words to give too much prominence. The next phrase repetition is tone. Through rhetorics of rhythmical systems like alliteration, rhyme and homophony, a rhythm feeling is formed. By forming a rhythm feeling, the interest of the public is caused and, at the same time, the long-term memory is also possible. Finally, the lowest rate of use in phrase repetition among the classification by industries is the phrase repetition of sentence structure. Through making the use of parallel method, antithesis and inversion-repetition, we can escape from the common form of sentence and can be more useful to differentiate and to give too much more prominence than any other copies. It is very effective to convey the message. But many necessary requirements to an organization of catch-copy are needed. For this reason, the rate of use of phrase repetition is very low.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        권익호(Kwon Ik-Ho),박혜자(Park Hye-Ja) 대한일어일문학회 2010 일어일문학 Vol.48 No.-

        Japanese language is known for its rich aesthetic words. The Tale of Genji offers varied collection of aesthetic words which makes it one of the most important writings in Japanese ancient literature. Different words play different roles in people's perception of the theme when they read literature written in a specific language; aesthetic words should create an emotional state of mind. This study categorizes 105 aesthetic words from ancient Japanese literature into five groups to develop a tentative scale of emotion called G-scale. Then the G-scale is paired with another scale called E-scale designed to show the degree of emotionality of the themes of chapters in the Tale of Genji. 1,756 pairs of G-scale and E-scale are mapped on the XY-plot to create a "cloud-map" for each of five different groups of ancient Japanese aesthetic words. The result shows that chapters with high emotion (i.e. high E-scale) have higher frequencies for groups of aesthetic words with high emotionality (i.e. high G-scale). This suggests that aesthetic words in Japanese language play a certain significant role in people's perceiving the themes of literature.

      • KCI등재

        황고둔(皇姑屯) 사건의 배경과 경과, 그리고 동북역치(東北易幟)

        권익호 ( Kwon Ik-ho ),이강범 ( Lee Kang-bum ) 한국중국학회 2018 중국학보 Vol.86 No.-

        이 논문은 1928년 6월 4일 일본 關東軍이 北洋政府 마지막 통치자인 奉系 수령 張作霖을 폭사시킨 ‘皇姑屯 사건’의 정치적 배경을 고찰했다. 우선 일본 關東軍이 자신의 이익을 대변할 것으로 기대했던 張作霖을 왜 이런 무리한 방법을 써서 제거해야 했는지 의구심에서 출발하여, 일본과 중국의 각국 내 정치적 배경을 검토했다. 그리고 北洋政府 통치를 종식시키고 통일을 이루려는 蔣介石의 北伐과 일본의 東北지배 야욕이 충돌하면서 東北으로 다시 철수할 수밖에 없었던 張作霖의 상황을 분석했다. 이를 바탕으로, 皇姑屯 사건의 모의와 실행, 그리고 당일의 상황에 대한 기록을 검토하면서, 關東軍의 소행을 가리기 위한 날조 시도까지 고찰했다. 마지막으로 皇姑屯 사건으로 비롯된 張學良의 ‘東北易幟’의 심층적인 원인으로, 孫文과 民族主義라는 두 요인을 들었다. 일본에서도 皇姑屯 사건의 여파로, 일본에서는 다나카 수상의 의도와 다르게 내각 총사퇴라는 풍파를 몰고 왔으며, 이미 통제 불능으로 치달은 일본의 군부는 더욱 침략의 야욕을 노골화 하면서 군국주의의 패망의 나락으로 떨어지게 되었다. This paper examined the political background of Huanggutun Incident(Zhang Zuolin Assassination Incident) on June 4, 1928, when Kantogun in Japan infused the northern warlords leader Zhang Zuolin, the last ruler of The Beiyang government. Starting from the suspicion of why Zhang Zuolin, which Japan Kantogun expected to represent his interests, had to be removed by such an unreasonable method, he reviewed the political backgrounds of Japan and China. And the situation of Zhang Zuolin, who was forced to withdraw to Northeast China after the collapse of Jiang Jieshi's Northern Expedition and Japan's Northeast China to end the rule of The Beiyang government and to achieve unification. Based on this, I reviewed the record of Huanggutun Incident's simulation and execution, and the situation of the day, and examined the attempt to fabricate Kantogun's actions. Lastly, we have heard two factors, namely, Sun Wen and nationalism, which are deeply rooted in Zhang Xueliang's ‘Chinese reunification'(the Northeast Flag Replacement) that originated with Huanggutun Inciden. In Japan, in the aftermath of Huanggutun Inciden, in Japan, unlike the intention of Prime Minister Tanaka, the Cabinet has been forced to reopen the Cabinet, and the Japanese military has become more vulnerable to the collapse of militarism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        일본 신문광고 캐치카피의 반복표현 양상에 관한 고찰

        권익호(Kwon, Ik-Ho),송숙정(Song, Sook-Jeong) 대한일어일문학회 2016 일어일문학 Vol.69 No.-

        The present study was intended to consider the aspects of the phrase repetitive used on the catchphrases presented on the Japanese newspaper advertisements from a text linguistic point of view, and to observe the aspects of its usage by industry. As a result, the alliteration accounted for 3.6% of the total phrase repetitive used for the catchphrases of the newspaper ads, and the rhyme accounted for 2.6%, given little weight. The noun phrase repetitive was used the most, accounting for 42.5% of the total, for the morphologic cohesion method. For the syntactic cohesion method, the number of the sentences having a perfect syntactic structure was 95 out of total 583 phrases repetitive, accounting only for 16.3%. Such a result reflects a nature of the texts used for newspaper ads; using non-syntactic short phrases rather helps draw interests of the consumers by making a strong impressive point. The parallelism, one of the semantic cohesion methods, repeats a phrase in the following sentence in a different form such as affirmative, negative, possible, or causative statement, providing stability for the consumers, thereby emphasizing the meaning to be delivered. The anaphora, using a word or concise phrase that has the same reference as the sentence previously used, put more weight on the following sentence. The inversion, changing the arrangement of the sentence that is previously arranged in normal order and using it in the following sentence, causes consumers’ interests and makes it easy to remember with a sense of rhythm. A play on words is utilized as the cohesion method that lasts long in a consumer’s memory by calculating the exact position of the repetitive homonym which is a nature of newspaper ads, enabling recognizing the text visually as well as repeating the sound. As a result of investigating the aspects of usage of the phrase repetitive by industry, among the targeted 6,352 catchphrases presented on the newspaper advertisements 583 catchphrases included phrases repetitive, accounting for 9.2%. The industry that uses a phrase repetitive the most was a public institution; 20 out of 95 catchphrases included phrases repetitive, accounting for 21.1%. On the other hand, the industry that uses a phrase repetitive the least was a media; 87 out of 1,572 catchphrases used phrases repetitive, accounting only for 5.5%. It is considered due to a nature of media industry using phrases repetitive may lose trust on the text. The most used cohesion method in general was the parallelism accounting for 43.9% of the total, and the morphologic cohesion method also accounted for high percentage as 34.3%. The least used cohesion method was the inversion which accounted for 1.2 %. From the above mentioned, it can be learned the phrase repetitive used for the catchphrase of the newspaper advertisement, plays each different role accordingly as a phonological, a morphological, a syntactic, or a semantic cohesion method.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        권익호(Kwon Ik-Ho),박혜자(Park Hye-Ja) 대한일어일문학회 2011 일어일문학 Vol.50 No.-

        Imbalance of meanings among different languages leads to difficulties in convening the proper meanings of the words in consideration. This study investigates the multi-layer structure of meaning of Japanese aesthetic words that appear in the Tale of Genji. Aesthetic words are categorized into five different groups on a spectrum based on their characteristics: the first group representing external attributes, and the fifth group representing internal emotionality. Through a thorough examination of 90 aesthetic words of the Tale of Genji, this study finds that aesthetic words with higher emotionality tend to be associated with a wider meaning strap. In particular, itohoshi and kanashi (Group Ⅳ), sugoshi, yuyushi, and wabishi (Group Ⅴ) are chosen among the ninety aesthetic words to reveal the hidden structure of meaning of the Tale of Genji's aesthetic words. These words show hierarchical structures of multiple meanings according to the degree of internal emotionality. Understanding of the multi-layer structure of meaning of Japanese aesthetic words can be conducive to translate properly these words into other languages.

      • KCI등재

        인쇄광고 헤드카피의 한 · 일 대조고찰

        權益湖(Kwon, Ik Ho),洪敏憙(Hong, Min Hee) 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2017 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.44

        In this study, print advertisements issued in both countries were compared and analyzed in terms of four types of rhetoric such as Antithesis, Inversion, Hhyperbole, Interrogative method. In the case of the food industry, Korean showed the usage patterns in the order of hyperbole > Antithesis > interrogative method> Inversion among the four types of rhetoric, and Japanese showed the actual usage in the order of the Inversion > Antithesis > thyperbole > In the case of the retail industry, the research shows that the order of use was in the order of hyperbole > interrogative method > Antithesis > Inversion in the order of the rhetoric law, and Japanese was used in the order of the Inversion > Antithesis > hyperbole > interrogative method. Noteworthy here is that in the case of the retail industry, hyperbole accounted for more than half of the total (60.4%), while in Japanese it was 15.5%. In addition, in the case of Japanese, it was confirmed in this study that the use of the doctrine in the retail industry was 53.5% of the total, while that of Korean was only 4.5%. In this paper, the analytical industries were limited to the Antithesis, Inversion, hyperbole, and interrogative method in the food industry, the retail industry, and the rhetoric. However, in the future, We will attempt to do a comparative study on the advertising.

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