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      • KCI등재후보

        빈곤층의 사회경제적 특성과 빈곤 이행 : 경제위기 이후의 시기를 중심으로

        구인회,Ku, In-Hoe 한국사회복지학회 2002 한국사회복지학 Vol.48 No.-

        This study investigates the causes of poverty in Korea since the 1997 Economic Crisis by analyzing the composition and characteristics of the poor by the types of families. While the poor largely consisted of disadvantaged groups, such as the aged, the disabled, or the female-headed families before the Crisis, families headed by working-aged and non-disabled adults have represented a larger portion of the entire poor since the Crisis. The higher overall poverty rate in 1998 mainly resulted from the rapid increase in the number of the unemployed and the high poverty rate of their families. In 1999, the larger number of the unemployed poor exited from poverty by getting a job in the labor market, contributing to the reduction in the overall poverty rate. The significant number of families headed by working adults were poor in 1998, and the size of these working poor was not reduced in 1999. The poverty among this group has been caused by lowered wage rates and deteriorating job security. The findings from this study suggest that anti-poverty policies in Korea be improved to provide better income and employment assistance to the non-working poor and, more importantly, be extended to effectively reduce poverty among the working low-income families.

      • KCI등재

        국민기초생활 보장제도의 근로유인효과 개선방안: 자활사업을 중심으로

        구인회 ( In Hoe Ku ) 한국사회보장학회 2005 사회보장연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This study examines various aspects of work activities and participation behaviors for the Self-Sufficiency program by the recipients of the National Basic Livelihood Protection program (NBLP). It also assesses various policy proposals for improving the Self-Sufficiency program. The 100% benefit reduction rate for the cash benefit of NBLP and the linkage between the cash benefit and the in-kind benefits, combined with the work requirement for able-bodied recipients, reduce work hours of some recipients. Among recipients required to participate in the Self-Sufficiency program, a significant share of a relatively capable group of people does not participate. A majority of participants are concentrated in programs requiring low labor intensity and/or only participate perfunctorily. According to an assessment of policy proposals in this study, an earnings disregard is expected to increase employment and work hours of recipients, although it may not increase exits from NBLP. Both introducing the Earned Income Tax Credit and severing the linkage between the cash benefit and the in-kind benefits would increase work and encourage exits from the NBLP cash program, while contributing to economic security for low-income families. Improving imposition of the work requirement, keeping benefit levels differentiated according to labor intensity, and extending differentials in financial reward would increase participation in the Self-Sufficiency program.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 빈곤, 왜 감소하지 않는가? - 1990년대 이후 빈곤 추이의 분석 -

        구인회(Ku In-Hoe) 한국사회복지학회 2004 한국사회복지학 Vol.56 No.4

        외환위기와 함께 본격적으로 등장한 빈곤문제가 위기의 진정에도 불구하고 위기 이전 수준으로 대폭 감소되지 않을까? 본 연구는 가구소비실태조사 자료를 이용한 1990년대 이후 빈곤추이 분석을 통해 이러한 물음에 답한다. 1990년대 전반기는 급속한 빈곤 감소를 특징으로 한다. 이 시기의 빈곤 감소에는 경제성장이 결정적인 요인으로 작용하였고 소득불평등도의 완화 또한 영향을 미쳤다. 1990년 후반에는 빈곤율이 크게 높아졌다. 경제성장의 침체로 소득수준은 감소하거나 정체상태에 머무른 한편,<br/> 소득불평등도가 증대되고 빈곤취약가구가 증가하는 인구학적 변화가 일어나 빈곤 증대를 초래하였다.<br/> 이러한 추이에는 주로는 경제활동을 수행하는 성인의 소득격차 확대가, 부차적으로는 노인가구의 증대가 영향을 미쳤다. 절대빈곤의 추이에서는 경제성장의 영향이 주로 부각되고, 상대빈곤의 추이에서는 분배구조 변화의 역할이 크게 나타난다. 준절대빈곤의 경우 1990년대 전반부에는 경제성장으로 상당한 빈곤감소가 발생하고 후반부에는 소득불평등 악화와 경제성장 정체로 빈곤증가가 이루어진 것으로 나타났다. The economic crisis in 1997~1998 caused massive unemployment and<br/> unprecedentedly increased the number of the poor in Korea. As many unemployed families fell into poverty, the poverty rate skyrocketed to higher than 10 percent. Not later than 2000, unemployment late got back to normal and real average income among urban households approached to the income level prior to the economic crisis. Although the economic crisis has been passed through, poverty was not decreased to the low level prior to the crisis by 2000. Why does it remain high? This study attempts to provide an answer to this question by analysing the poverty trend over the 1990s. Data come from the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditures 1991, 1996, and 20001.<br/> Results show that poverty was rapidly reduced in the first half period of the 1990s. This reduction in poverty is largely explained by steady and rapid economic growth. Modest improvement in income inequality also contributed. In contrast, the poverty rate considerably increased in the latter half of the 1990s. Average income was not fully recovered to its prior level, which reflected the economic crisis and the subsequent economic stagnation. Worsened income inequality led to higher poverty rate too. In addition, demographic changes increased the share of economically<br/> vulnerable types of families, such as families headed by single parents and the elderly. The most significant factor in explaining the higher poverty rate was extended income differential among non-elderly adults, while the next was the increased number of the elderly families.<br/> Yet, findings a little differ depending on which concepts of poverty to adopt. In the analyses based on the concept of absolute poverty, economic growth the most significantly affected the poverty trends in the 1999s. Changes in income inequality played the most important role in explaining the trend in relative poverty. Adopting the concepts of quasi-absolute poverty, which is preferred in this study, results show that rapid economic growth significantly reduced poverty in the first half of the 1990s and both worsened income inequality and stagnated economic growth <br/> increased poverty in the latter 1990s.

      • The role of family behaviors in determining income distribution in Korea

        구인회 ( In Hoe Ku ),이원진 ( Won Jin Lee ),한경훈 ( Kyoung Hoon Han ),이서윤 ( Seo Yun Lee ) 한국사회보장학회 2015 한국사회보장학회 정기학술대회 Vol.2015 No.2

        This paper examined what contributes to the worsening income inequality and poverty since the 1990s in Korea. We assessed the roles of family behaviors, including female labor force participation and family structure, as well as men’s earnings. We used the 1996 National Survey of Family Income and Expenditure and the 2012 Survey of Household Finances and Living Conditions data to analyze the change in income distribution from 1996 to 2011. Adopting methods of rank-preserving distributional exchange and reweighting, similar to one used in Daly and Valletta (2006), we construct counterfactual income distributions to do decomposition analyses. Results show that the change in men’s earnings was a dominant factor in accounting for the worsening income distribution between 1996 and 2011. The change in age and education among household heads and spouses also contributed significantly to the increasing inequality and poverty. Changes in family behaviors such as women’s work and family structure did not exert large influence once changes in household characteristics were taken into account.

      • KCI등재

        빈곤의 동태적 분석 : 빈곤지속기간과 그 결정요인

        구인회(Ku In-Hoe) 한국사회복지학회 2005 한국사회복지학 Vol.57 No.2

        본 연구는 한국노동패널조사, 1998-2003 자료를 이용하여 빈곤지속기간과 이에 관련된 요인을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 발견에 따르면 우리나라에서는 빈곤에 진입한 사람들의 4분의 3 정도가 2년 안에 빈곤을 탈피하는 정도로 매우 활발한 빈곤탈출양상이 나타난다. 그러나 한 시점에서의 빈곤층을 볼 경우에는 장기빈곤층이 무시할 수 없는 비중을 차지한다. 5년 이상의 장기 빈곤층이 전체 빈곤층의 50%를 차지하며 10년 이상의 최장기 빈곤층도 25%를 넘어선다. 반복빈곤을 분석에 포함하는 경우 장기빈곤층의 비중은 더욱 증가한다. 장기빈곤층의 대표적 집단은 노인가구이다. 장기빈곤의 경향이 강한 다음 집단은 비노인 여성가구주 가구이다. 90년대 후반 경제위기 이래로 근로빈곤층의 증가가 커다란 사회적 관심의 대상이 되었지만 이들의 주력을 차지하는 비노인 남성가구주 가구의 대다수는 일시적으로 빈곤을 경험하는 단기빈곤층인 것으로 보인다. This study examines dynamics of poverty in Korea, focusing on poverty duration and its determinants. Data come from Korean Labor and Income Panel Study(KLIPS), 1998-2003. KLIPS is a longitudinal survey of 5,000 families and their members which are representative of urban residents in Korea. Respondents of KLIPS annually report detailed information on their income, economic activities, and other socio-economic characteristics. This study use poverty exit probabilities to generate distributions of spell lengths, following Bane and Ellwood(1986)'s methodology. <br/> This study finds a high level of poverty exit rates in Korea. About three quarters of those beginning a poverty spell exit from poverty within two years. Only 14.3 percent of all the poverty spells consist of long spells which persists five years or more. Yet, a different picture emerges when spells of the poor persons at a given time are analysed. Persistent poor occupy a considerable share of all the poor. Almost 50 percent of those who would be in poverty at a given time are in the midst of poverty spells lasting five years or more. When repeat spells of poverty are also included in the analyses, the proportion of long-term poor increases further. 63 percent of persons poor at a given time are long-termers. <br/> The majority of long-term poor are members of families headed by the aged. They show both a low level of poverty exit rates and a high level of reentry rates, and thus are most likely to experience long-term poverty. In the first place, they occupy a substantial share of all the poor. The second who are likely to be poor longer is members of families headed by non-aged women. Researchers have recentlty paid much attention to the working poor who have increased since the economic crisis in 1997. Yet, it is very likely that families headed by non-aged male who largely consist of the working poor temporarily experience poverty. Findings for this study suggest that further studies and policy proposals addressing persistent poverty are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        참여정부 복지분권화에 대한 비판적 고찰

        구인회(Ku In-Hoe),양난주(Yang Nan-Joo),이원진(Lee Won-Jin) 한국사회복지학회 2009 한국사회복지학 Vol.61 No.2

        본 연구는 참여정부 복지분권화 개혁을 재정분권과 사무분권의 차원에서 평가하였다. 분권화 이후 복지분야 지방이양사업의 예산부족 현상이 발생하고 지방의 재정부담은 가중되는 한편, 서비스의 효율적 공급이나 지방의 자율성 신장 등의 긍정적 효과는 나타난다고 보기 어렵다. 재정분권의 측면에서, 분권교부세의 재원규모, 예산산정방식 등의 문제로 인해 지방비 부담이 크게 증가하였다. 사무분권의 측면에서, 지방이양 이후 노인, 장애인, 정신요양시설 등 생활시설 공급계획이 차질을 빚는 등의 문제가 발생하였다. 개선방안으로 사업 성격에 따른 국고보조/지방이양사업의 재분류, 서비스 사업의 장기적 지방이양, 소득보장과 취약계층 보호 목적 사업의 중앙정부 재정책임 강화 등을 제시하였다. There has been a continuous debate on decentralization of welfare. The proponents of decentralization argue that it will enhance the autonomy of local governments and the efficiency in the provision of service. However, the opponents argue that it will lead to the welfare reduction and the increased inequality among localities. This study attempts to deal with the question, focusing on the evaluation of decentralization reform of Roh Government. The main results are as follows: After the decentralization, local governments has undergone hardships in financing the welfare service, while there is no clear evidence that the local autonomy has enhanced. In respect of fiscal role-sharing, local duties has significantly increased because of the insufficient grants-in-aid for decentralization and inappropriate formula in assessing the grants. In respect of functional role-sharing, the decreased role of central government made it difficult for local governments to provide enough residential institution for the elderly and the disabled. To improve the decentralization reform, deliberate reclassification is needed to decide which item should be transferred to localities. Regarding the characteristic of the projects, social services could be transferred in the long run, while central government should take more responsibilities for the income guarantee and protection for the disadvantaged.

      • KCI등재

        독일에서의 인간대상 의학연구에 있어 윤리위원회의 역할과 기능

        구인회(Ku In-Hoe) 한국생명윤리학회 2004 생명윤리 Vol.5 No.1

        In the field of medical research on humans, the ethics committees have an important role. They ensure the necessary protection of the subjects and contribute to quality assurance in medical research. Opinions of the Committee do not have the force and effect of law and may not be relied upon as an absolute defense to a charge of ethical misconduct. Originally established as an instrument of ethical self-guard in the medical profession, the ethics committee soon advanced to a statutory institution and is now on the way to becoming the body charged with judicial control in medical research. This development implies the need for changes in both position and function of the ethics committee, but these have not been made with due consideration for all the developments there have been. The existing uncertainties are hampering medical research, which is in the interests of neither the public nor the actual medical research. Owing to the different and obscure legal arguments used, it has not been possible to make any definitive decision on the legal standing of decisions made by ethics committees. It seems obvious that these problems cannot be solved unless the work of ethics committees can be based on a clear and reliable legal basis regulating the judicial nature of the committees' decisions, the composition of the actual committees and the procedures they are to follow in reaching their decisions. With regard to the existing regulations, this might be best achieved by integrating the work of the ethics committees into the approval procedures of an administrative authority. When a committee member has a conflict of interest in relation to a project under review, or could be seen to have a conflict of interest, that member should withdraw from the meeting.

      • KCI등재후보

        외국인 이주자의 사회통합 방안 탐색: 영주권자에 대한 사회복지제도 적용을 중심으로

        구인회 ( Ku In-hoe ),손병돈 ( Shon Byong-don ),엄기욱 ( Um Ki-wook ),정재훈 ( Jung Jae-hoon ),이수연 ( Lee Soo-youn ) 한국보건사회연구원 2009 保健社會硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구에서는 미국, 일본, 독일에서 이루어지고 있는 일반 체류외국인, 영주권자 등에 대한 다양한 사회복지정책을 소개하고 이를 한국의 예와 비교분석하였다. 기여적 급여제도 (contributory benefit programs)인 사회보험에서는 대부분의 선진 국가에서 일반적으로 내외국인의 구분 없이 가입자격을 부여한다. 우리나라의 경우에도 외국인을 사회보험의 대상으로 포함하고 있으나 국민연금의 경우에는 상호주의 원칙에 따라 적용을 제한하고 있다. 그러나 근로시기의 기여금 납부를 통해 은퇴시기의 노후소득을 보장한다는 국민연금의 목적을 고려할 때 이러한 상호주의 원칙의 유지에 대해서 재검토할 필요가 있다. 사회복지서비스나 공공부조와 같은 비기여적 복지급여의 경우에는 미국, 독일 등의 제도는 영주권자를 시민권 자와 동등하게 대우하는 원리에서 있다. 우리나라도 시민권자에게만 한정하는 비기여적 급여를 영주권자에게까지 확대하는 방향으로 정책 개선이 필요하다. 영주권자의 사회복지급여 적용은 영주권자에 대한 인센티브로 작용하여 영주권자의 확대에 기여할 것이며, 이를 통해 외국 이주자의 사회통합을 촉진할 것이다. This study compares social welfare policies for foreign residents in Korea to their counterparts in the United States, Germany, and Japan. To contributory benefit programs like social insurance programs, all the residents in most advanced countries are eligible regardless of nationality. This is also true for most social insurance programs in Korea, but the exception is the National Pension which a principle of mutuality applies to. Considering that the National Pension aims to secure old-age income by contribution of participants during working periods, the eligibility needs to be expanded to all the foreign residents in Korea. For non-contributory benefits such as social services and public assistance benefits, permanent residents are treated basically in the same way as citizens are in advanced countries. Non-contributory benefits, currently restricted to citizens, need to be expanded to permanent residents in Korea. The expansion may function as incentives to permanent residency and contributes to integrating foreign residents to Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        복지에서 근로로 : 미국 사회정책의 이행과 그 교훈

        구인회(In Hoe Ku) 한국사회보장학회 2000 사회보장연구 Vol.16 No.2

        This paper reviews relevant literature to examine welfare reform in America and its driving force. The welfare reform which replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children(AFDC) with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF) is a radical break with the past U.S. welfare policy. The past policy was mainly based on an income support strategy. The primary goal of the reform is to move welfare recipients into the work force by severely restricting welfare eligibilities and expanding employment support. At the same time. the federal role in guaranteeing the poor minimum income retreated. The transition in the welfare policy reflects an unfavorably changing societal attitude toward the poor. The anti-welfare sentiment is associated with the changes in the poor`s characteristics, such as reducing labor force participation and increasing nonmarital births, which may be explained by increasing wage inequality and deteriorating labor market conditions for low-skilled workers. In the conclusion, the implications of the U.S. welfare reform for Korea are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        연구윤리심의 표준화 필요성에 관한 제고찰

        구인회(Ku In-hoe) 가톨릭대학교(성심교정) 인간학연구소 2007 인간연구 Vol.- No.13

        인간을 대상으로 임상연구를 하려는 연구자는 병원에 설치되어 있는 IRB로부터 연구계획에 대해 심의를 받아야 한다. IRB는 체계적이고 과학적인 임상연구를 위해 연구윤리 심의권을 가지며, 임상연구에서 윤리적 법률적 지침이 존중되는지, 연구대상자들이 충분한 설명을 듣도록 배려되는지 여부를 심의절차에서 확인한다. 어떤 임상연구에서든 가장 중요한 것은 연구대상자의 안전이다. IRB의 주된 임무는 인간에 관련된 임상시험의 윤리적 법적 문제들을 인식시켜 피험자의 이익을 보호하는 데 있다. 그러나 법적 발달과 운용에 있어 IRB 역할의 변화는 아직 완성되지 않았으며, 발전의 도상에 있다. 질적으로 양호하지 못한 연구는 연구에 참여한 피험자와 환자에게 불필요한 위험을 초래한다. 그러므로 의학에 대한 불신과 생의학적 기술발달에 대한 불안으로 각인된 사회적 환경에서는 연구에 참여한 환자와 피험자의 보호 의무뿐만 아니라, 의미가 커지고 있는 의학연구자와 연구기관의 보호기능도 IRB에 부과된다. 이러한 목표들은 IRB 역할을 법제화함으로써 이루어질 것이며, 법제화를 통해 결과적으로 그 역할이 강화될 것이다. 윤리심의의 투명성을 위해 어떤 연구에 직접적이든 간접적이든 관련되어 이익의 충돌을 일으킬 수 있는 위원은 그 연구에 관한 심의에 참여해서는 안 될 것이며, 다른 심의 위원들에게 영향력을 행사해서도 안 된다는 것이 기본사항이다. The Institutional Review Board for Human Research (IRB) has elected to implement a formalized quality assurance system to improve the Human Research process. In the field of medical research on humans, the IRBs have an important role. They ensure the necessary protection of the subjects and contribute to quality assurance in medical research. But opinions of the IRB do not have the force and effect of law and may not be relied upon as an absolute defense to a charge of ethical misconduct. The existing uncertainties are hampering medical research, which is in the interests of neither the public nor the actual medical research. Owing to the different and obscure legal arguments used, it has not been possible to make any definitive decision on the legal standing of decisions made by IRBs. In this article I discuss the ethical, regulatory and policy concerns with human subjects research. I strive to create a standard guideline for the operation of various IRBs. As with the review of all recruitment materials, IRBs should pay particular attention to risk and potential benefit information to ensure it is presented in a balanced and fair manner. The information presented should not mislead, for example, by promising benefits or implying a benefit beyond that potentially provided by the research. When a IRB member has a conflict of interest in relation to a project under review, or could be seen to have a conflict of interest, that member should withdraw from the meeting.

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