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      • 한국형 틸팅열차용 Flexible 소결 브레이크 패드 적용 연구

        구성모(Seong-Mo Ku),이동균(Dong-Kyun Lee),고태환(Tae-Hwan Ko),나종태(Jong-Tae Na),김상호(Sang-Ho Kim) 한국철도학회 2010 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.7

        Metallic sintered brake pads are often applied to Mid/High Speed Train due to its high strength and thermal characteristics. Because of its imbalance contact between discs and pads can greatly influence the life span, one sided wear, discs attack/crack and threat the safety of the train during operation. In this research, we analyzed pressure/temperature distribution between brake pads and disks. Analyzed data had been verified and modified to conduct further tests of Flexible brake pads with small/full-scale dynamo test. Flexible brake pads were installed to TTX train to conduct further tests to identify the differences between Rigid brake pads and Flexible brake pads. In result, Flexible brake pads showed outstanding disk thermal stability, one sided wear, noise and life of pad than rigid brake pad.

      • KCI등재

        이주민선교 사역자 육성의 실태와 훈련방법

        구성모 ( Ku Seong Mo ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2020 복음과 선교 Vol.51 No.-

        This paper is an attempt to find out the status of fostering migrant missionary workers and find alternatives in order to effectively cope with the continuous increase of migrants in Korean society. Korean society is changing into a steep immigrant society, with the number of migrants living in Korea reaching 4.9% of the total population, exceeding about 2.52 million at the end of December 2019. As the number of migrants increases, the number of missionary institutions, including churches, is also increasing, but the number of people who are suitable for migrant missionary work is still not organized. This is because migrant missions are special areas different from overseas missions and national missions. Until now, the types of migrant missions and pastoral services in Korean churches have been divided into assimilated multi-ethnic churches, multi-ethnic churches consisting of more than a plurality of peoples, and integrated multi-ethnic churches. However, the future migrant missions work is expected to be networked based on a complex form, so that more specialized training courses and methods are needed for migrant missions. Therefore, this study first compared formal, informal, and nonformal methods as educational or training methods for fostering ministers for migrant missions and examined the validity of them. And the actual condition of fostering migrant missions was analyzed focusing on the training process of theological(mission) graduate school and professional training institutes. Based on this, it is proposed to apply the existing Theological graduate school curriculum and T.E.E. principle to change the training method of migrant ministers.

      • KCI등재

        선교적 영성의 신학적 토대에 관한 고찰

        구성모(Seong Mo Ku) 한국선교신학회 2016 선교신학 Vol.44 No.-

        본고는 선교사가 선교적 영성의 기초를 세워 건강한 선교를 실천할 수 있도록 선교적 영성의 독특성 기술한 후, 선교적 영성을 형성하는 신학적 토대의 체계화를 시도한 것이다. 하나님은 선교를 시작하신 분이다. 곧 성부 하나님께서는 그의 아들 예수 그리스도를 이 세상에 보내시고, 예수 그리스도는 다시 그의 사람들을 땅 끝까지 보내시어 선교하신다(요 20:21). 선교는 예수께서 지상에서 하신 그 일을 계속하는 것을 의미한다고 볼 수 있다. 그런 의미에서 선교사는 하나님께서 선교를 실천하시는 방법이며, 도구(instrument)이다. 그들에게 “성령이 임하시면” 하나님의 대사로서 모든 나라와 족속에게 복음을 증거하도록 부름을 받은 것이다. 그래서 타문화 선교에서 많은 연결점 중에서 선교사 자신이 가장 중요한 연결점이 된다. 선교에서 왜 영성이 중요한가? 선교사들이 그들의 사역을 중단하는 여려 요인이 있지만, 가장 중요한 요인은 영적인 힘의 고갈이다. 그러므로 선교적 영성에 대한 근본적인 이해와 훈련이 필요하다. 특히 선교사가 피선교지에서 선교사 모라토리움(moratorium)을 요구 받는 주요 원인 중의 하나가 선교사의 영성과 연관되어 있다고 볼 수 있다. 결국 건강한 선교사역은 건강한 선교적 영성을 갖도록 하는 방법 외에 다른 방법이 없다. 따라서 본고는 선교적 영성을 체계적으로 고찰하여 선교적 영적 훈련을 실천할 필요가 있다는 현실 인식에서 출발한다. 그리고 예수께서 보여주신 타인중심성(other-centeredness)을 주목하였다. 예수의 삶은 타인을 섬기는 삶으로 이루어져 있다. 뿐만 아니라 자신의 제자들을 통하여 역사 속에서 사람들을 구원하며, 하나님 나라를 확장하는 타자중심성으로 살도록 성령을 보내셨다. 이러한 맥락에서 본고는 예수의 타인중심성(other-centeredness)이 곧 선교적 영성이라 정의 하였다. 또한 선교적 영성의 신학적 토대는 삼위일체(the Trinity), 성육신(the Incarnation), 예수의 신조(the Jesus Creed), 만인제사장(the Priesthood of All Believers)으로 체계화를 시도하였다. 삼위일체 하나님은 선교의 주체가 되시고, 선교의 동력이 되시며, 선교의 목적이 된다. 선교적 삶은 이웃과 함께(with), 이웃 속에서(in), 이웃을 위하여(for) 존재하는 성육신을 통하여 이루어진다. 또한 선교는 사랑의 관계이다. 곧 하나님과 사람과의 사랑의 관계를 세워가는 것이다. 그리고 초대교회에서 사도들만의 사역이 아니라 흩어진 모든 성도들을 통하여 이루어졌다. This article will attempt to identify and describe the uniqueness of the missional spirituality, and consider the theological foundations that will support a missionary early on to practice healthy spirituality. God is the first to have done mission work. After God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this world, Christ sent his people to the ends of the earth to continue the mission (John 20:21). Therefore, we can view mission work as continuing the work Christ did on earth. In this sense, a missionary is God’s solution to fulfilling mission work. A missionary is God’s instrument. For them, “the Holy Spirit’s calling” is the calling to bear witness to the Gospel in every nation as an ambassador of God. Among the many junctions in cross-cultural missions, the missionaries themselves are the most important point of connection. So why is spirituality important for a missionary? Although there are many factors why missionaries have to halt their mission work, the most important factor lies in their depletion of spiritual strength. As a result, we need a fundamental understanding in and training for a missionary’s spirituality. We can also relate this to the demand by missionaries for the election of a mission moratorium. The cause of this demand can be a visual association to the spirituality of missionaries. In conclusion, a healthy missionary’s work cannot be obtained outside of a theologically healthy spirituality. It is within this context that this paper begins to consider the necessity of a missionary’s spirituality to be supported by a more systematic practice of spiritual training for missions. It is in this study that we find the unique character of the missional spirituality by the example set by Christ: an other-centeredness. Jesus’ other-centeredness is a discipline that missionaries should pursue for their spirituality. In addition, we can look to the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Jesus Creed, and the Priesthood of All Believers for the development of a theological foundation for a missional spirituality. After the Trinity becomes a subject of missions, and becomes a source of power for missions, it becomes a mission’s purpose. A missional life with, in, and for a neighbor manifest through the Incarnation. In addition, mission is a relationship of live. It nurtures a relationship of love between God and human. This was not just the ministry of the early church but also of the scattered leaders who went to the nations.

      • KCI등재

        한국 기독교 선교 사료 목록화와 디지털 아카이브 구축

        구성모 ( Ku Seong Mo ) 아신대학교 신학연구소 2020 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.43 No.-

        From the early Korean church to the present, Korean mission has had many missionaries in domestic and overseas mission sites. However, missionary records are scattered geographically, both in Korea and abroad. The systematic preservation and management of them has not received much attention. Therefore, this article intends to provide basic record and to justify for the efficient collection, utilization of missionary records, and the building of digital archives. Korean Christian missionary records are important as a historical material that can be reexamined in the political, economic and social aspects of Korean history beyond their meaning as religious records. Also, the historical of Korean missionary work should be illuminated and evaluated. It is valuable to find these precious heritages and systematically preserve and protect them, and to pass them on to the present generation as well as the descendants. Foreign missionaries their records who have worked in Korea are scattered in domestic and foreign research institutes, university libraries, and museums. However, there are no common standardized systems for collecting and preserving these records. The expected effects of the listing service of mission historical data are as follows: First, the standard for the efficient integrated management and the status of preservation and management of Korean Christian missionary records should be prepared. Second, this can raise interest in Christianity based on digital archiving of Christian mission historical data and free search through the Internet and contribute to the activation and popularization of related studies. Third, it will reduce the time and economic cost of redundant efforts such as data retrieval and utilization through the establishment of a record database. Lastly, building an archive of mission records will provide an effective direction of strategic mission.

      • KCI등재

        교회사에 나타난 선교유형과 교훈

        구성모 ( Ku Seong Mo ) 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2019 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.40 No.-

        최근 한국교회의 인적구성의 변화로 한국선교도 변곡점에 있다. 그동안 한국선교는 놀라운 성장과 함께 많은 단점들도 노출되어 비판도 받아 왔지만 장점도 많고 그 역할도 크다. 이제 한국선교는 지속적인 양적 성장과 함께 질적 성장의 균형을 가지도록 점검하고 미래 방향을 설정해야 할 실정이다. 이러한 시기에 교회사에 나타난 성공한 선교유형과 실패한 선교유형을 살펴보는 것은 중요하다. 선교역사에는 하나님의 뜻과 상관없이 불순한 동기로 출발한 개인이나 국가의 욕심을 이루는 차원에서 이루어진 선교가 의외로 많다. 그 당시에는 유효한 선교방법이었는지 모르지만 다음 세대에서 부작용을 낳았다. 전제주의적인 사고나 문화우월주의에 사로잡혀 자국문화를 피선교지에 심으려는 노력이나 상업적이고 경제적인 착취를 위한 선교, 현지인을 조정하려는 선교, 또는 선교지에 군림하는 형태는 선교가 아니다. 따라서 본고는 교회사에 나타난 다양한 선교유형 중에서 선교의 성공과 실패가 역설적인 결과로 나타난 유형들을 고찰하고 이를 성경에 비추어 교훈을 찾는데 있다. 이를 위하여 핍박 받는 선교, 포로 중에도 선교, 정복을 통한 강제적 선교, 비전투형 통치권 선교로 대별하여 논하였다. 또한 각 선교유형을 성경에 나타난 선교 원리로 비판하고 교훈을 찾았다. The Korean Mission has been criticized for its remarkable growth and many disadvantages, but it has many advantages and its role. Now, Korean missions should check for a balance of qualitative growth along with continuous quantitative growth and set future directions. It is important to look at successful missions and failed missions in church history at this time. There are surprisingly many missions in the history of mission, regardless of God's will, in order to achieve the desire of an individual or a nation that started with impure motives. At that time, it might have been a valid mission, but it had side effects in the next generation. It is not mission to try to plant its own culture in the missionary land, to make a commercial and economic exploitation, to coordinate the locals, or to reign in the missionary land, caught up in despotism or cultural supremacy. Therefore, this article examines the types of missions that have been paradoxical in the success and failure of missions among the various types of missions in the history of the church, and finds lessons in principle of the Bible. For this purpose, the types of persecuted mission, types of mission during prisonership, types of forced mission through conquest, and types of non-conforming governing power mission were discussed. Also, each mission type was criticized as the principle of mission in the Bible and learned lessons.

      • KCI등재

        다문화사회로 진전에 따른 한국교회의 선교적 방향 모색

        구성모 ( Seong Mo Ku ) 성결대학교 다문화평화연구소 2015 다문화와 평화 Vol.9 No.1

        이 논문은 한국의 다문화사회로 진전에 따른 교회의 선교적 방향을 모색하는데 있다. 이를 위하여 성서의 이주민의 배경과 한국사회의 이주민의 증가로 변화된 다문화의 현황과 이 로 인하여 파생된 종교적 문제와 한국교회의 선교 실태를 살피고, 이를 통하여 한국교회의 선교적 방향을 제시하였다. 한국은 이주민이 2014년 12월 말로 약 180만명에 이르렀다. 이는 한국 사회가 빠른 속도 로 다문화사회로 진입하고 있음을 보여주는 것이다. 국민 구성원의 다양화도 눈에 띄게 이루어지고 있다. 우리 사회는 다문화 사회로 인한 장점도 있지만, 그로 인한 문제도 발생 하여 해결해야 할 과제도 다양해지고 있다. 특히 이주민의 유형이 다양하고 다종교 현상이뚜렷해짐에 따라 종교 간의 긴장이 우려되고 있다. 이러한 현실에서 한국교회가 감당해야 할 역할은 확장되고 전문화되어야 한다. 본 연구는 II장에서 이주민선교가 성서에 흐르고 있는 중요한 과제라는 것과 한국 사회의 이주민이 거주지별, 유형별, 국적별로 지속적인 증가됨을 확인하였다. III장에서 이주민의 증가로 인하여 다종교가 강화되고 있으며, 이를 향한 한국교회의 선교실태의 고찰을 통하 여 보다 이주민선교의 시급성과 전문성을 필요함을 발견하였다. 그리고 IV장에서 다문화 사회의 미래를 위하여 한국교회가 감당해야 할 선교적 방향을 교회와 범교단적 네트워크 를 통합 협력을 통한 방향, 사역방법을 제안하였다. This article seeks to find a missional direction for the evolving church of South Korea``s multicultural society. I accomplish this through studying the biblical migrants, the present situation in Korean society with the influx of migrants and its effect of increasing religious tensions, and the conditions of Korea``s missions ministry. By the end of 2014, there was reportedly 1.8 million migrants in South Korea-proving the rapid speed in which it became a multicultural community. The citizens of South Korea are noticing their transforming society. They are realizing that while there are advantages of a multicultural society, there are also a vast array of challenges. In particular, there is the growing tension between various migrants as their respective religions are marking their presence. Therefore, it is crucial the church of Korea clearly establishes its role. In chapter two of this paper, I expand on the biblical perspective of migrant missions and pre sent how the migrants in Korea increase their influence through their residential conditions, status category, and numbers of nationality. In chapter three, I unravel my analysis of Korea``s missions and my discovery of increasingly pluralistic nature of Korean society. In chapter four, I made my suggestion for the Korean church``s missional direction in a multicultural society; and it is divided in the church and partnership from an interdenominational network. My propositions included migrant-specific ministries, the attention of the migrant-rights activists, approaching the situation of diverse religions with a strategic mission, and creating ministry methods for migrants for institutions to use.

      • KCI등재

        선교사의 훈련과 파송 실태와 제언: 영성을 중심으로

        구성모 ( Ku Seong Mo ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2021 복음과 선교 Vol.53 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to analyze the actual condition of spiritual training in missionary training institutions, sending agencies, and mission graduate schools of missionary and to suggest alternatives to enhance spirituality. For this purpose, first, the actual condition of spiritual training was examined in the missionary training institutions process of missionary. And the study examined how the institutions that send missionaries deal with spirituality, and also analyzed the curriculum of mission graduate schools, which are likely to become potential missionary, from the perspective of spiritual education. The findings of this study are that even though all the institutions related to missionary recognize the importance of spirituality to missionary, efficient training and management are not applied. As a result, missionary training institutions and sending agencies need to check and supplement spiritual training from the overall perspective of missionary training. Therefore, this study proposed the followings in relation to spiritual training in missionary training and sending based on the actual state of spiritual training of institutions related to the training and sending of missionary. It is first, the mission graduate schools needs a change in the curriculum to open spiritual subjects that include theory and training. Second, it is necessary to prepare and utilize objective procedures to check spirituality in the selection process of missionary and to operate a program to supplement them if it is insufficient. Finally, mission training institutions should conduct specific spiritual training to try customized training for each missionary rather than running a general spiritual time program.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회 목회자의 해외선교 기초역량 고찰

        구성모 ( Ku¸ Seong Mo ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2021 복음과 선교 Vol.55 No.-

        This article is to investigate and analyze the basic capacity of overseas missions for pastors for sustainable growth of Korean churches and to find the energy of future missions. The following are the surveys and analysiss for this purpose. First, the study examined the things that are prioritized in the ministry area. Second, the reason why the church could not practice healthy missions. Third, the pastors’ knowledge of missions was ex- amined. Fourth, this study examined how pastors practice missions in church. Finally, the contents to be supplemented for future Korean missions were examined. The survey method was conducted using a mobile phone. The collected data were analyzed and reviewed using the SPSS program 17. The analyzed results are as follows. First, mission administration lacked systematization. Second, pastors had low reliability of missionaries. Third, pastors had weak basic knowledge of missions. Finally, pastors had high enthusiasm for missions, but their goals and missional vision were not clear. In addition, based on the results of this study, the following suggestions were made the energy of future of Korean missions. First, the seminarys, missional institutions, and missionaries need to provide continuous mission information so that the church can participate in missions. Second, missionary training institutions, missionary dispatch agencies and missionaries should continue to make various efforts to resolve the concerns of missionaries’ qualities. Third, R&D for the future of changing Korean mission is required. Finally, it is necessary to establish concrete measures to improve the constitution of Korean churches with weak foundation of missions and to establish a clear missional vision for each church and to share it with its members.

      • KCI등재

        일반 : 재미 한인 사회 세대 간의 문화적 갈등과 선교적 케어

        구성모 ( Seong Mo Ku ) 한국개혁신학회 2015 한국개혁신학 Vol.45 No.-

        본고의 목적은 재미 한인사회 세대 간의 문화 적응의 차이로 인한 갈등의 원인과 선교적 케어를 통한 해결 방안을 찾는데 있다. 이를 위하여 이민자 가족과 교회에 관련한 1세대와 2세대 한국계 미국인 세대 간의 문화적 갈등과 2세대들의 문화적 갈등에 대한 대응을 살피고, 재미 한인들이 문화적응의 과정에서 문화 적응과 미주 이민자 사회의 중심인 종교 참여를 살펴보았다. 이를 통하여 세대 간의 조화로운 관계로 증진할 수 있는 방법을 발견하였다. 이민 1세대는 미국에서 태어난 자녀들과 문화적 갈등이 크다. 그것은 문화의 적응 속도가 서로 다르고 한국 문화와 미국 문화의 배경을 가지고 있기 때문이다. 세대 간의 갈등을 해결하지 못하면 같은 피부, 같은 가정, 같은 교회이면서도 서로가 이방인으로 살게 된다. 그러므로 이민 사회에 많은 과제가 있겠지만 세대 간의 문화적 갈등을 극복하기 위한 노력은 우선적이고 지속적으로 이루어져야 한다. 1세대와 2세대가 세대 간의 갈등을 넘어 상생하기 위한 선교적 케어방안을 다음과 같이 제안한다. 첫째, 부모가 언어능력과 타문화의 적응을 향상시키기 위하여 적극적인 배움이 필요하다. 둘째, 세대 간의 공유할수 있는 문화를 형성하기 위하여 기독교의 가치관으로 전통적 가치관을 강화시키는 것 보다 이민교회 지도자들이 전통적 가치관을 넘어 성서를 재해석하여 기독교의 가르침과 일치하는 가치관을 두 세대에게 가르쳐 세대 간의 간격을 줄이는 노력이 필요하다. 셋째, 교회는 1세대와 2세대가 세대 간의 간격을 줄이는 목회 구조와 프로그램을 개발하고 실행이 중요하다. 마지막으로 이민 2세대들이 가진 문화적 적응과 언어, 네트워크의 장점을 활용할수 있는 영역을 제공함으로써 나눔의 문화를 만들어 가야 한다. The objective of this article is to discuss the inter-generational cultural conf lict in the American family and church context. I will examine how the second-generation are reacting to the cultural conflict and make propositions for how the two generations can peacefully interact. The inter-generational cultural conf lict at home arises from the contradiction of Korean culture, which revolves around collectivism and Confucianism, and the individualistic culture of America. Other reasons can include communication barriers between parent and child as most Korean parents lack English proficiency, and the parents’ emphasis on education which can become a major cause for stress and pressure for children. At church, the inter-generational conflict appears from the first generation’s traditional values that may be contrary to the Bible teachings given to children. Without communicative channels to clearly voice their concerns, the second generation clash with the first. The second generation’s response to the inter-generational cultural conflict mainly lies in the action of leaving the immigrant church and joining another church with less intergenerational conflicts. As a result, the Korean ethnic churches divide into two separate bodies according to the language they speak. Also, the second-generation tends to turn to evangelical Christian movements that engage with the world and move beyond ethnic borders. This can be seen as a move to de-emphasize cultural or racial differences and place importance on the shared Christian identity. For the two generations to have positive interactions, it is crucial that community-based organizations are set up for children to learn their parent’s culture and language. However, because cultural conflicts are still prone to occur, I propose the steps in missional care: educate parents to develop effective parenting skills and strengthen communication skills, reinterpret traditional values through Christian teaching to reach a middle ground between parent and child, and finally, allow second generation to participate in the church to create a shared culture between the two generations.

      • KCI등재

        탈북청소년의 선교적 목회

        구성모 ( Seong Mo Ku ) 성결대학교 다문화평화연구소 2017 다문화와 평화 Vol.11 No.2

        본 논문은 탈북청소년들이 학교생활에 적응하는 과정에서 발생되는 문제들을 중심으로 교회의 선교적 목회를 위한 영역을 다루고 있다. 국내에 정착한 북한이탈주민은 2017년 3월 기준으로 3만명을 넘어서고 있다. 탈북청소년도 약 3천여명에 이르고 있다. 특히 탈북청소년들은 북한출생 탈북청소년, 무연고 탈북청소년, 제3국에서 출생한 청소년, 북한이탈주민의 남한출생 자녀 등 다양한 배경으로 형성되어 있다. 이들의 국내 교육과정에 성공적인 적응은 한국사회의 사회문제 예방과 미래의 통일사회 대비를 위하여 요청되는 실정이다. 이를 위한 정부의 탈북청소년지원은 남한사회 정착에 초점이 맞추어져 있다. 이와 달리 교회는 하나님 나라의 예비된 백성이라는 입장에서 접근하는 선교적 목회가 필요하다. 따라서 본 논문은 탈북청소년들의 선교적 목회를 위한 케어방안들을 모색하였다. This paper deals with how the Care for missional ministry of the church in the problems that arise for North Korean adolescent Refugees when they integrate themselves into school life. The number of North Korean defectors settled in the country has exceeded about 30,000, and the number of North Korean teenage defectors has reached about 3,000 in March 2017. North Korean adolescent defectors are from various backgrounds such as those born in North Korea, North Korean youth defectors without family, juveniles born in third countries, and South Korean children of North Korean defectors. Their successful adaptation to the domestic curriculum is a necessity for the prevention of social problems in Korea and for the future of unification. For this end, the government focuses on supporting the well-being of North Korean defectors. On the other hand, the church should approach and care from the standpoint as prepared people of the kingdom. As is such, this paper seeks to find measures of care for the missional ministry of North Korean adolescent defectors.

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