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        고영은(Young Eun Ko),박영욱(Young Wook Park),조영건(Young Gun Cho),김중주(Jung Ju Kim),이언구(Un Koo Lee) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This paper introduces a newly developed suspension system for new Elantra model of Hyundai Motor Company which will be on the market this year. The new chassis of Elantra has been developed to give more driving pleasure and confidence to a driver. To achieve these driving targets, the suspension has been changed and finely adjusted to achieve better ride and handling performance compared with the previous generation. Especially, a new multi-link suspension which has two upper links has been developed. The kinematics and compliance characteristics have been contrasted to those of the previous model. Also, the crashworthiness and package efficiency has been considered without limitation of suspension performance. Based on the customer's voice of market, the suspension of new Elantra has tried to fit the all kind of the customer's demand.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        Dextran Sodium Sulfate로 대장염을 유도한 흰쥐에서 캐피어 원말의 장보호 효과

        고영은(Ko Young Eun),김미경(Kim Mi Kyoung),조한영(Cho Han Young),이인영(Lee In Young),이선영(Ly Sun Yung) 韓國營養學會 2008 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.41 No.5

        캐피어 원말은 유산균, 효모, 다당 및 여러 영양성분을 다량 함유하고 있으며 장기능 개선 효능을 살펴보기 위하여 3주령의 수컷 흰쥐 (Sprague-Dawley)를 4군으로 나누어 정상대조군 (N군), DSS투여 대조군 (DC군)과 두 군의 캐피어 투여군으로 하여 대조군 사료와 캐피어 원말을 각각 1.5%와 3.0% 혼합한 사료로 3주간 사육하였다. 이 후 DSS 투여 대조군과 캐피어 투여군들에 5일간 2% DSS 음용수 동일한 양을 투여하여 경미한 대장염을 유도하였다. 대장염 유도 후 희생하여 소장 단백질 및 DNA 함량, 혈장 및 결장의 조직검사와 결장조직에서 TBARS와 MPO 활성, 혈장 백혈구에서의 DNA 손상 정도를 측정하였다. 실험 자료는 Windows용 SPSS package program version12.0을 이용하여 통계 처리하였고, 네 군간의 평균값의 차이를 검증하기 위하여 일원배치 분산분석 (one-way ANOVA)을 한 후, Duncan’s multiple range test로 변인간의 차이를 검증하였다. DSS 투여군 들에서 변 수분함량이 증가하고 음용수 섭취량이 증가하는 경향과 함께 결장의 조직검사 결과 DSS 투여군에서는 염증과 부종 증상을 관찰할 수 있었으며 식이무게의 3% 캐피어 원말 투여군에서는 재생성 변화를 볼 수 있었다. DSS를 투여받은 군들의 소장 점막 단백질 함량은 감소하는 경향을 보였으며 캐피어 3.0% 식이섭취한 군들에서는 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 DNA 함량에서는 차이를 볼 수 없었다. DSS 투여군에서는 결장조직의 TBARS 값이 유의적으로 증가하였으며 캐피어 투여군에서는 감소하였으나 캐피어 투여 용량에 따른 차이는 보이지 않았다. 혈장 TBARS와 결장조직의 MPO 활성은 군 간에 유의한 차이가 없었다. DSS 투여군에서는 혈액 백혈구 DNA의 tail length가 유의하게 증가하였으며 캐피어투여군에서는 감소하였다. 따라서 약 4주간 캐피어 원말의 투여는 2%의 DSS로 경미한 대장염을 유도한 흰쥐에서 결장 조직의 산화적 스트레스에 대한 저항력을 증가시켜 대장점막을 보호할 수 있는 기능이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. Probiotics have emerged as a potential treatment modality for numerous gastrointestinal disorders, including IBD. However, few probiotics have undergone appropriate preclinical screening in vivo. Kefir is considered a probiotic, benefiting the host through its effects in the intestinal tract. Despite numerous studies examining the action of probiotics on the host organism, few have analyzed the effects on intestinal environment. We assessed the protective effect of kefir for three weeks before inducing colitis with 2% dextran sodium sulfate for five days. The DSS loads were similar in all DSS treatment group. The results of the experiment are as follows. Food intake and FER of experimental groups were not significantly different each other, but water consumption tended to be higher in all DSS treatment groups as compared with the normal control. And visual inspection of feces revealed mild diarrhea in rat given 2% DSS. The anti-inflammatory activity of kefir was determined by myeloperoxidase activity during the DSS treatment, and there was no significant difference in any group. The levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) as a colonic lipid peroxidation were significantly lower in the kefir intake groups than in rats treated with 2% DSS alone. The DNA % in tail and tail moment values as a DNA damage level of the blood lymphocytes in kefir intake groups tended to be lower than 2% DSS treatment alone, especially tail lengths were significantly diminished. According to the colonic histopathological assay, there were a severe inflammation of lamina propria and submucosa and mild edema in mucosa and sub mucosa in DSS alone treated group. We found a slight regenerative change in kefir treatment groups. In our experiments, this means that ulcerative colitis related to oxidative injury might be prevented by kefir as a probiotic. Further studies of the potential benefits of kefir as a probiotic in inflammatory condition are encouraged. (Korean J Nutr 2008; 41(5): 391 ~ 401)

      • KCI등재

        Group Separation 알고리듬을 적용한 RFID system의 구현

        고영은(Young-Eun Ko),이석희(Suk-Hui Lee),오경욱(Kyoung-Wook Oh),방성일(Sung-Il Bang) 대한전자공학회 2007 電子工學會論文誌-TC (Telecommunications) Vol.44 No.11

        본 논문에서는 RFID Tag 충돌방지를 위한 Group Separation 알고리듬에 대해 연구 하였다. 이를 위해 기존의 RFID Tag 충돌방지 기법인 ALOHA기반의 기법과 이진 검색 충돌방지 기반의 알고리듬을 먼저 비교ㆍ분석하였다. 기존 알고리듬은 태그를 인식하기 위한 탐색횟수와 전송하는 데이터량을 감소시키는데 한계점을 가지고 있었다. 제안한 Group Separation 알고리듬은 인식범위 내의 태그를 구별하기 위해, 태그 ID의 1의 개수에 따라 그룹을 나누어 검색한다. 검색 초기에 식별 그룹을 세분화하였으므로 각 그룹의 호출에 응답 가능한 태그 ID의 개수는 크게 줄어들 뿐만 아니라 간단한 연산과정으로 쉽게 예상이 가능하다. 리더는 검색 이전에 각 그룹에서 발생 가능한 충돌 지점과 그에 따른 태그 ID를 산출하여 테이블로 구성하여 메모리에 저장하고, 충돌이 발생하면 메모리의 충돌 테이블에서 충돌 지점에 따른 태그 ID를 검색한다. 알고리듬의 성능평가는 태그를 인식하기 위한 리더의 반복횟수와 전송 데이터 량으로 나타내었다. 성능평가 결과, 기존의 알고리듬과 비교하여 Group Separation 알고리듬의 반복횟수가 최대 20.4% 감소되었고, 전송 데이터 량도 1/4.5배 감소된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. in this paper, we propose the Group Separation Algorithm for RFID Tag Anti-Collision. We study the RFID Tag anti-collision technique of ALOHA and the anti-collision algorithm of binary search. The existing technique is several problems; the transmitted data rate included of data, the recognition time and energy efficiency. For distinction of all tags, the Group Separation algorithm identify each Tag_ID bit's sum of bit '1'. In other words, Group Separation algorithm had standard of selection by collision table, the algorithm can reduce unnecessary number of search even than the exisiting algorithm. The Group Separation algorithm had performance test that criterions were reader's number of repetition and number of transmitted bits for understanding tag. We showed the good performance of Group Separation algorithm better than exisiting algorithm.

      • KCI등재

        노인 안심주택에 관한연구* - 주거안전사고 예방을 중심으로 -

        고영아(KO, Young Ah)홍은표(HONG, Eun-Pyo) 대한부동산학회 2019 大韓不動産學會誌 Vol.37 No.2

        한국소비자원 보고서(2017)에 따르면 우리나라 내 노인안전사고 발생지역의 67.2%는 가정이고, 가정 내에서 안전사고가 발생하는 장소는 욕실, 주방, 거실, 침실, 계단 등의 순인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 노령화가 심화되어 가는 우리나라의 현실에서 노인을 위한 안심주택의 주거모델에 관한 포괄적 연구가 필요하다. 연구목적은 독거노인들의 주거 및 주거안전사고실태를 분석하고, 주거안전사고 예방을 위한 노인 안심주택 에 대한 주거모델의 기초자료를 제시하는 것이다. 연구를 위해 국토교통부의 ‘주거실태조사(2017)’, 보건복지부의 ‘노인실태조사(2017)’ 및 한국보건사회연구원의 ‘노 인의 지역사회 계속 거주를 위한 장기요양제도 개편 방안(이윤경, 2017)’을 활용한다. 또한 한국소비자원의 ‘고령자 안전사고 심층 분석(2017)’ 및 통계청의 ‘가계 동향조사(2016)’도 분석에 활용한다. 연구결과는 크게 5가지로 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 주거 공간 내 구조 및 공적 공간 배치의 개선. 둘째, ICT를 활용한 노인주거시스템 구축. 셋째, 건강 수준과 가족구조에 따른 주거의 다양성 확보. 넷째, 세대 공존형 코하우징 모델 개발. 다섯째, 노인층에 대한 주택개조 비용 지원확대가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. According to the Korea Consumer Reports (2017), 67.2 percent of the elderly safety accidents in Korea are at home, while the number of safety accidents in the home is in the order of bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms and staircases. Therefore, a comprehensive study on the residential model of safe house for the elderly is needed in the face of the deepening aging population in Korea. The purpose of the research is to analyze the actual conditions of residential and residential safety accidents of the elderly living alone and present basic data on the old safe house for prevention of housing safety accidents. For the research, the ministry will utilize the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry s Residence Survey (2017), the Ministry of Health and Welfare s A Survey on the Actual Conditions of the Elderly (2017) and the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs Plans to Reform the Long-Term Care System for Continuing Elderly Community (Lee Yoon-kyung, 2017). Further, it will use the Korea Consumer Agency s In-depth analysis of safety accidents (2017) and the National Statistical Office s Household Trend Survey (2016) in its analysis. The findings can be summarized into five main categories. First, improvement in structure and public space layout in residential space. Second, the establishment of a housing system for the elderly using ICT. Third, securing diversity of residence according to health level and family structure. Fourth, development of generation-friendly co-housing model. Fifth, it was found that more support for housing refurbishment was needed for the elderly.

      • 미중 패권 갈등이 한반도 평화에 미치는 영향

        고영은(Young-Eun Ko) 영남신학대학교 2020 신학과 목회 Vol.54 No.-

        The rise of China in the 21st century emerged as a force to break down the phenomenon that threatens the existing order in terms of the balance of power in the Northeast Asian region, and the emergence of China threatens peace through the power of the United States to envision the existing order and hegemony strategy in Northeast Asia. It appeared as an enemy. The realization of the “China Dream” proclaimed by China will inevitably lead to conflict with the US strategy for supremacy in Northeast Asia. The conflict for supremacy between the US and China in Northeast Asia appears in two main directions, and the first is the economic conflict. The US has been building economic cooperation with China so far, but has been pursuing a strategy of “decoupling” since 2019 to break away from economic closeness with China and promote economic separation. The US is now China’s high-tech industry. In addition to sanctions on Huawei, it is economically imposing sanctions on China by imposing sanctions on SMIC, a foundry company that is fostering as a key national industry in China. It is struggling with China over time. In particular, the Taiwan issue is related to the core interests of China. After the diplomatic relations between China and the United States were established, the United States has played a role in the mediator of the conflict from China against Taiwan in this region through the Taiwan Relations Act. Accordingly, tensions surrounding Taiwan are increasing by strengthening relations with Taiwan and projecting military power into the region. As a situation in Korea, the conflict for supremacy between the US and China in Northeast Asia is a burdensome situation in that it is divided into the Korean peninsula. In particular, if a long-term strategy is not devised for the reunification issue as well as the inter-Korean issue, in the issue of the US-China hegemony conflict, a major change can come in the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula. In terms of peace and unification on the Korean peninsula, as well as in the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, the issue of hegemony conflict between the United States and China, and the drive for unification on the Korean peninsula can be a factor of rapid geopolitical changes in countries in Northeast Asia. In the end, the journey for peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula, diplomatic environment, and problem-solving process for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula are inevitably great challenges for us. Therefore, it can be said that Korea"s strategy is to form diverse networks based on the ROK-US alliance and maintain a flexible balanced relationship.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

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