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      • 이야기 식 영어말하기 교수(Storytelling-focused Speaking Instruction)가 일 방향 영어말하기에 미치는 영향

        고미숙(Mi-Sook Ko) 한국영어교육연구학회 2012 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.43

        Based on the results of Ko(2010), this study investigated how learner strategies influenced on one-way speaking instruction in the setting of storytelling-focused speaking instruction. 80 college freshmen majoring English in 2 year college, presumably in novice-high speaking proficiency level, participated in the stroytelling-focused speaking instruction during the second semester and 22 of them took OPIc tests twice as a way of the limited evidence of the instructional effect. To investigate what kinds of strategies the learners used frequently and how far the strategies influenced the storytelling-focused speaking instruction, questionnaires and structured interviews were used. The strategy examples used in the research were adapted from SILL(Oxford, 1990). As a result of the research, the participants frequently used metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, rehearsal strategies, retrieval strategies, and communication strategies in order. As for the result of OPIc tests, the speaking proficiencies were improved by at least one level from novice high to intermediate low. Based on the results of this research, storytelling-focused speaking instruction with individual oral presentation task could activate and cultivate learners’ strategies such as metacognitive, cognitive, and rehearsal strategies, which can lead learners to be fluent English speakers in EFL.

      • KCI등재

        중급 하 수준을 위한 영어말하기 능력향상 토론수업모

        고미숙(Ko, Mi-Sook) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구는 중급 하 수준의 성인 영어 학습자의 말하기능력향상을 위한 토론수업모형을 제시하고 있다. 수업모형은 읽기, 쓰기, 듣기, 말하기의 네 가지 기술을 모두 사용하여 학습자의 스키마(schema)지식을 높이고 토론전략을 연습하는 단계로 구성한다. 토론주제는 학습자들의 인지능력에 적합하고 언어학습의 동기를 높이기 위해 학습자를 대상으로 설문을 통하여 10가지 주제를 선정한다. 토론식 수업모형의 교육적 효과를 살펴보기 위해 서울소재 영어과 2학년 26명을 대상으로 파일럿 실험을 한다. 공인영어말하기시험인 OPIc(Oral Proficiency Interview in computer)을 사용하여 사전, 사후시험을 실시하고 두 시험의 결과를 분석한다. 실험결과 참가자 대부분(82%)을 차지한 중급 하 수준이하의 학습자들은 실험 후 47%로 감소하였고, 실험 전 18%(5명)의 중급 중이상의 언어숙련도 분포는 실험 후 53%(14명)로 증가하였다. 전체적으로 한 단계 수준상승이 있었다. 토론식 수업모형은 학습자들의 언어숙련도 수준에 관계없이 토론수업을 할 수 있다는 가능성을 보여준다. 대학교 수준이상의 영어학습자들은 자신의 인지능력에 적합한 다양하고 창의적인 생각들을 좀 더 형식을 갖춘 지적인 언어로 표현할 필요가 있다. 토론식 수업모형은 종전의 대화식 영어회화와는 다른 새롭고 효과적인 교수법의 대안이 될 수 있다는 긍정적 평가가 기대된다. This paper suggests a class model to improve the English oral proficiency for intermediate low English speaking learners. Utilizing the four English skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), the class model focuses on the learners' schema and discussion strategies. To enhance the learners' motivation and match their cognitive capacity, 10 discussion topics were prepared by surveying the learners. A pilot experiment was conducted to investigate the teaching effects of the discussion class model with 26 college students majoring in English in Seoul. The participants' oral proficiency was measured both before, and after the instructions by OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview in computer). As a result of the experiment, the percentage of participants whose oral proficiency levels were lower than intermediate mid decreased from 82% to 47%. In addition, the percentage of participants with higher oral proficiency than intermediate low was increased dramatically from 18% to 53%, which supports the claim that through discussion, the class learners' diverse and creative ideas need to be expressed in a formal and intelligible language. Finally, through the findings of the study, the possibility of a discussion class can be expected, regardless of the learners' low level of oral proficiency.

      • 오픽(OPIc)말하기를 위한 교재 연구 - 자신에 관한 영어말하기를 위한 내용 구성과 작문연습 중심으로

        고미숙(Mi-sook Ko) 한국영어교육연구학회 2017 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.50

        In order to teach adult EFL speaking learners to develop their proficiency into more than Intermediate Mid 2 level in OPIc, this study suggests appropriate topics the learners should talk about, which are related with their daily lives and opinions. The topics related to the learners could be more appropriate for them easily to express their own thoughts and opinions than those in business contexts like TOEIC Speaking. In addition, lots of speaking contents and language control ability of speakers’ seem to guarantee their level-up in speaking. To speak about lots of stories related to the topic and have their language control in their speaking, the researcher introduces 12 storytelling strategies and writing practices in OPIc class. Through the example of textbook or workbook for speaking, this paper could show the positive effects of writing practices and using storytelling strategies on improving speaking proficiency to more than Intermediate Mid 2 level.

      • 일 방향(One-way) 영어말하기 수업모형

        고미숙(Mi-Sook Ko) 한국영어교육연구학회 2012 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.44

        The current study aimed to present a specific class model for teaching English speaking, especially one-way speaking based on the research findings in the field and to investigate its pedagogical effectiveness. Despite the fact that EFL learners need to achieve high speaking proficiency with ample stories and intelligible pronunciation, speaking classes have focused on the communicative skills, discourse analysis, or linguistic expressions due to the lack of research of one-way speaking. With using one-way speaking class model including web-community, the instruction presented in the current study focused on story focused strategies, vocabularies, pronunciation, structures and class presentations for a better storyteller and communicator, which are the major goals of speaking instruction. Each topic and step for class procedure to achieve the goals were presented in detail. For investigating the effectiveness of the instruction, the students" OPIc results and survey were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that the students made a significant progress in the speaking proficiency after the instruction. An additional students" survey with the online peer feedback and student reflections showed that the class presentation and recording process were most helpful in speaking English.

      • KCI등재

        초급 상 수준을 위한 스토리텔링 중심의 영어 말하기 교수 전략

        고미숙(Ko, Mi-Sook) 한국산학기술학회 2015 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.16 No.5

        본 연구는 성인 영어 학습자의 말하기 숙련도 향상을 위한 영어교수법을 제안하고 있다. 패턴 위주의 문장암기나 문법 규칙 중심의 대화식 영어회화 교육 방법을 탈피하여 스토리텔링 기법을 적용한 영어 말하기 교수 방법론을 소개하고 있다. 스토리텔링 중심의 영어 말하기 교수법의 이론적 타당도를 세 가지 측면에서 살펴본다. 말하기의 목적 즉, 자신의 생각 을 적절히 설득적으로 표현하고 자신의 의견을 나눌 수 있기 위해서는 먼저 풍부한 담화량의 확보가 관건이다. 이를 위하여 이야기 구성요소 중심의 말하기 전략 12가지를 소개하고, 말하기 학습에 적용해 보고 있다. 다음으로, 수사학적 차원에서 설득적인 말하기를 위한 전략을 살펴본다. 아리스토텔레스의 설득적인 말하기를 위한 수사학적 5대 영역을 중심으로 스토리 텔링 기법의 말하기와의 관련성을 찾아본다. 끝으로, 교육 현장에서 스토리텔링 중심의 영어 교수법 적용의 가능성을 살펴본 다. 외국어 학습자로서의 언어 숙련도가 모국어 수준과 다르다는 이유만으로 위와 같은 스토리텔링 기법의 영어 말하기 교수 가 교육 현장에서 실현될 수 있을까에 관한 의문에 학습자 전략 사용 양상을 살펴봄으로써 이에 대한 실현 가능성을 긍정적으로 기대한다. This study suggests one of English teaching methods to improve English speaking proficiency for adult English learners. Contrary to the traditional English conversation teaching trends such as memorization of specific patterns or grammar-focused practices, the study introduces a storytelling based teaching of English speaking. To theoretically support the storytelling based English speaking teaching, the study investigates the possibility of the teaching method in three ways. First, the 12 speaking strategies focusing on contents of a story are introduced in the way of securing speech amounts as much as possible. Next, the five rhetoric components by Aristotle are introduced to relate to the storytelling teaching for the purpose of achieving the goal of speaking, which is to deliver what a speaker want to say more persuasively. Finally, through the investigation of the learner strategy uses, the possibility of storytelling English speaking teaching can be expected regardless of learners’ low level of English proficiency.

      • KCI등재

        아우구스티누스의 인간론과 교육사상

        고미숙(Ko Mi-Sook),홍경희(Hong Kyung-Hee) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문학논총 Vol.25 No.-

        교육은 인간을 어떻게 이해하느냐에 따라 그 목적과 방법이 크게 달라지게 된다. 아우구스티누스는 플라톤이 그러했듯이 인간을 근본적으로 사유하면서도 성서의 가르침을 절대적으로 신봉하고 거기에서만 답을 찾으려 하고 있다. 인간은 영혼을 가진 존재이기에 선을 행하고 궁극적인 행복을 추구하고 싶어 한다. 우리는 선을 행하고 악을 행하고 하는 문제가 전적으로 각자의 자유의지에 의한 선택으로 결정되는 것이라고 믿고 있다. 아우구스티누스 자신도 마니교도로 있었을 때는 그렇게 믿고 있었으나 그리스도교로 개종하면서 이 신념이 완전히 바뀌었다. 원조가 에덴동산에서 선악과를 따먹고 범죄자가 되기 전에는 그랬지만 자유의지로 악을 선택하여 범죄자의 신분이 된 후로는 인간이 자유의지만으로는 그 힘이 너무 미약하여 신의 은총 없이는 선을 충분히 행하기가 어렵고 죄인의 신분에서 탈피할 수 없다고 믿는다. 인간이란 무엇이며, 우리가 바라는 행복을 얻기 위해 찾아야만 하는 진리는 무엇인가? 그리고 그것은 어떻게 알 수 있고 가르칠 수 있는가? 이 문제를 규명하는 것이 철학의 과제이자 교육의 과제일 것이다. 성서의 가르침 그대로 아우구스티누스는 우리가 찾으려는 선과 진리와 행복은 그 근원이 창조주 하느님이시기에 그리고 인간은 이 하느님의 모상이기에 우리가 진리를 찾기 위해 행하는 철학도 그 진리를 가르치는 교육도 모두 하느님을 알아 믿고 실천함으로써만 충족되는 것이라고 생각한다. 본 연구에서는 이와 같은 그의 주장을 그의 주요 저작들을 통해 추적해 보았다. The purpose of education and educating methods depends on the way how human being have been understood. Augustinus, as plato did, thought about human being fundamentally and also he had an absolute faith about the bible, and he tried to find an answer only in the bible. Human beings have a sprit, and that's why they do good to persuade the ultimate happiness. We do believe that the problems when people act good or act bad are completely decided by each others own volition. Augustinus himself also believed the same way when he had faith in Manicheism but after he had converted to christianity his faith had completely changed. Before Adam and Eve took the fruit of the tree of knowledge and became a criminal they did have a own volition as well but after when they chosen bad and had the identity of a criminal, people started to believed that human beings own volition is too weak so they can't act good and shed themselves from the identity of criminal without god's blessing. What is a human being? And what is the truth that we can gain the happiness we really want? And how can it be known and can be taught? This would be the challenges to the philosophy and education to solve this problem. The good and the truth, the happiness we are trying to find out, as the bible taught us Augustinus thought the creator, god is the root of those things. And human beings are the imitation of god so the things that we do philosophy to find the truth and the education that taughts the truth we have found are both can be filled up when they have knowledge about god and have a true faith with him and act his words. In this study, the opinions that Augustinus had raised have traced through his major writings.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effects of Learning Conditions and Task Types on EFL Learning of Grammatical Rules

        Mi-Sook Ko(고미숙) 한국외국어교육학회 2006 Foreign languages education Vol.13 No.3

          This study examines the effects of learning conditions (implicit learning condition and explicit learning condition) and task types (comprehension and production task) on the learning of an easy rule (subject-verb inversion in the sentence with location adverbial) and a hard rule (pseudo-cleft clause). One hundred thirty first-year university EFL students with low proficiency were divided into four groups based on the combination of learning conditions and task types. After that, pre-and post-test data on the grammaticality judgement test and controlled written test were analyzed by using the two-way Multiple Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). Results showed that the effects of learning conditions are not statistically different on the comprehension of easy and hard grammatical rules whereas the explicit learning condition has more effects on producing easy and hard rules than the implicit learning condition does. They also revealed that the effects of task types are statistically different on the learning of an easy and a hard rule. In addition, production task has more effects on the learning of both an easy and a hard rule than the comprehension task. It could be suggested that the results of this study could be applied in designing more effective instructional condition for the EFL adult learners with low proficiency.

      • 영어말하기 교수에 대한 수사학적 고찰

        고미숙(Mi-Sook Ko) 한국영어교육연구학회 2014 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.46

        This study aims to investigate what kind of English speaking teaching approach could be more effective to reach the goal of English speaking for Korean English learners. Compared to the current English conversation teaching with stressing linguistic features or sentence-level expressions, this study applied one-way storytelling English speaking teaching based on the five rhetoric components including invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. Each step in the five components related to teaching storytelling English speaking was suggested in detail. Through the pilot study to compare the teaching effects of two English speaking teaching approaches, the storytelling speaking group with the rhetoric five components told the stories more than twice as much as the conversation group. In addition, the stories that the storytelling group produced included more story elements than those the conversation group did. Contrary to the conversation group focusing on some linguistic features, situational expressions or patterned sentences, focused-storytelling group developed five components and activated learners’ stories, which could lead them to provide ample stories and make the stories more persuasive and interesting. Regardless of learners’ low level of English proficiency, this study suggests the possibility that storytelling English speaking teaching based on the five rhetoric components or well organized story elements could accelerate for English learners to be more fluent English speakers.

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