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        다문화적 특성의 혼합분포군집 유형에 따른 초국적 이주자 자녀의 심리사회적 요소 분류예측 - 혼합분포군집분석과 CARET 중심 -

        강해순,김현옥,김소형 한국사회복지학회 2022 한국사회복지학 Vol.74 No.1

        This study was conducted to analyze the importance of psychosocial variables involved in classification prediction models and classification prediction related to multicultural characteristic factors of children of transnational migrants. Data data from the 8th year of the Multicultural Youth Panel Survey (MAPS 2018) (1,197 high 2 years, 587 men, 610 women) were analyzed using multiple substitution methods, mixed distribution clusters, and R's CARET analysis tools. The research results are as follows. First, through mixed distribution cluster analysis, multicultural characteristic types were largely classified into transnational characteristic clusters and monolithic characteristic clusters, and transnational characteristic clusters showed lower national identity and higher bicultural acceptance and multicultural acceptance. Second, as a result of the t-test, there were significant differences in body satisfaction, self-esteem, life satisfaction, depression, social withdrawal, current concerns and concerns. Third, psychosocial important variables affecting multicultural characteristics were found in the order of depression, self-esteem, and current concerns and concerns. Based on these analysis results, discussions and suggestions were presented.

      • KCI등재

        중화인민공화국 반가정폭력법의 특징 및 그 과제

        강해순 전북대학교 동북아법연구소 2016 동북아법연구 Vol.10 No.2

        중국 「가정폭력법」은 2015년 12월 전국인민대표대회 상무위원회 제12기 제18차 회의에서 심의·통과되었으며, 2016년 3월1일부터 정식으로 시행되었다. 본 법은 총칙, 가정폭력의 예방, 가정폭력의 처벌, 인신안전보호령, 법률책임과 부칙 등 6장 38조로 구성되었다. 해당 법률의 제정으로 인하여, 중국은 가정폭력을 예방하고 가정폭력을 처벌할 수 있는 법률제도를 구축하였으며, 오랫동안 사회적 문제로 제기되어 왔던 가정폭력을 법률적 차원에서 해결하게 됨으로서, 가족 구성원들 사이의 인권을 존중하고 보장하려는 헌법정신과 남녀평등이라는 새로운 남녀문화도 구현하였다. 「가정폭력법」은 가정폭력의 규제 대상을 신체적 폭력뿐만 아니라 정신적 폭력도 포함시키고 있고, 가정폭력의 주체 범위를 가족 구성원 이외에도 동거관계, 부양관계와 고용관계에 있는 공동생활자까지 확대하였다. 가정폭력에 대한 예방 및 피해자의 의사를 중요시하는 것을 기반으로 하여, 인신안정보호령 제도 이외에 주민위원회, 촌민위원회, 학교나 의료기관의 강제신고의무와 공안기관의 훈계제도를 규정함으로써, 가정폭력의 예방, 제지와 처벌에 대한 다양한 차원의 협력체계를 구축하였다. 「가정폭력법」은 여성연합회를 비롯한 조직과 전문가들의 장기간의 노력 끝에 탄생된 법률이며, 사회적인 화두이고 국민들이 기대가 큰 한편, 아직도 여러 가지 향후 과제들이 남아 있다. 예컨대, 「혼인법」, 「민사소송법」, 「치안관리처벌조례」 등 관련 법규들과 저촉되거나 중복되는 등 문제들이 존재하여 관련 법규들을 개정 할 필요가 있고, 또한 불고불리의 원칙이나 피해자의 입증책임 등 문제를 일반적인 민사사건이나 형사 자소사건과 구분할 필요가 있다. 아울러 긴급보호령과 일반보호령의 입증책임이나 절차도 구분되어야 할 것이다. Anti-domestic violence law in China was deliberated and adopted at the 18th meeting of Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress in December 2015, and officially implemented in May 1st, 2016. The law including 6 chapters – general rules, prevention of domestic violence, penalty of domestic violence, personal safety protection order, legal responsibilities and supplementary provisions - and 38 articles. Due to the legislation of the law, now China has built a legal system that can prevent and penalize domestic violence, and can also solve the domestic violence social in the legal way, which have been raised for a long time as the social issues. Furthermore, it also realize the spirit of the constitution that respect and guarantee the human rights among the family members, and the new cultural of general equality. Anti-domestic violence law is not only regulated physical violence, but also psychological violence, and the range of subject of domestic violence including family members, cohabitation relationship, support relationship and employment relationship, etc. Based on the prevention of domestic violence and importance of victims’ intention, in addition to personal safety protection order, the law establish different levels of cooperation system for the prevention, restraint and punishment of domestic violence, by regulating the obligation to compulsory declaration of residents' committees, villagers’ committees, schools or hospitals and discipline system of public security organization. Anti-domestic violence law is a law born at the end of the long-term efforts of organizations and experts, including the Women's Union, which is a social topic and people have great expectations on it, but there still have a number of future challenges. For example, it is necessary to amend the laws such as "marriage law", "Civil Procedure Law", "public security administration punishment regulation" etc. which regulations conflict or overlap the Anti-domestic violence law. Furthermore, it is necessary to separate the problems like nemo iudex sine actore or burden of proof of victims, etc. from the general civil cases or criminal private prosecution cases. In addition, it is also need for separate burden of proof and procedure of emergency protection order and general protection order.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        강해순(Jiang HaiShun)(姜海顺,) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2019 圓光法學 Vol.35 No.4

        《继承法》中没有共同遗嘱相关的法律条文,有关共同遗嘱的唯一规定就是2000年司法部颁布的《遗嘱公证细则》第15条。根据第15条的规定,公证机关不支持当事人之间设立共同遗嘱,但是对坚持设立的当事人要求明确约定遗嘱的生效,变更和撤销的条件。由于共同遗嘱的实际存在和法律缺位的矛盾,人民法院的审判陷入无法可依的困境,出现了同案不同判的审判结果。 本文通过法律审判文书网公布的有关共同遗嘱案件的近几年统计和两个具有代表性案件的分析,总结出我国设立共同遗嘱制度的必要性和可行性,并在夫妻共同遗嘱的效力、生效时间的认定、变更和撤销的问题上进行了较为详细的分析。通过限制共同遗嘱的主体和财产范围,有条件地肯定共同遗嘱的效力;共同立遗嘱的双方均死亡之后,才发生遗产分割的效力;一方死亡后当事人之间没有约定的前提下,生存一方只能变更和撤销属于个人财产范围内的遗嘱内容等规定是构建共同遗嘱制度时,必须参考的重要事项。 China s Law of Succession promulgated and implemented in 1985, based on China s social reality, stipulates its testamentary succession system. However, there is no legal provision related to the common will in the “Law of Succession”. The only provision concerning the common will is Article 15 of the “Detailed Regulation on the notarization of the will” promulgated by the Ministry of Justice in 2000. According to the provisions of Article 15, the notary office does not support the establishment of a common will between the parties, but requires the parties who insist on the establishment to clearly stipulate the conditions for go into effect, change and withdrawal of the will. Due to the contradiction between the actual existence of the common will and the lack of law, the trial of the people s court fell into a difficult situation that could not be relied upon, and the trial results of different judgments in the same case appeared. Through the statistics of recent cases of common wills published by the China Judgements Online and analysis two representative cases, this paper summarizes the necessity and feasibility of establishing a common will system in China and carried out a more detailed analysis on the effect of the husband and wife s common will, identification of the effective time and the change and withdrawal of the common will. The following provisions are important mattes that must be considered when constructing a common will system: Conditionally affirming the effect of the common will by limiting the scope of the subject and property of the common will; The effect of the division of the estate occurs only after the death of both parties to the common will; Under the premise that there is no agreement between the parties after the death of one party, the surviving party can only change and withdrawal the content of the will belonging to the personal property, etc.

      • KCI등재후보

        다문화가족 어머니와 자녀의 한국 정착에 따른 역경과 강점인식에 관한 질적 사례연구

        강해순 ( Kang Hae-soon ),김현옥 ( Kim Hyun-ok ) 한국아동교육학회 2021 아동교육 Vol.30 No.2

        본 연구는 국제결혼이주여성으로 구성된 다문화가족이 한국사회의 정착 과정에서, 다문화어머니와 아동의 일상생활 경험을 토대로 그들이 마주하는 역경과 강점을 어떻게 상호 인식하고 성장해 나가는지를 살펴보기 위해 이루어졌다. 다문화가족 어머니 4명 아동 5명 총 9명을 대상으로 심층 인터뷰한 자료를 분석한 결과 우수한 학습태도, 관심 영역에 몰입, 자기 능력 인식, 친사회적 성향, 미래가 있는 삶, 어머니의 역량, 역경을 마주함, 역경 후 성장, 역경에 대한 자기 통찰이라는 9개의 범주가 도출되었다. 이러한 분석 결과에 기반하여 첫째, 참여자아동과 어머니에게서 발견되는 역경은 한국생활에 적응하기 위한 가난과 언어장벽, 문화차이, 한국의 높은 교육열 등이었다. 그리고 강점은 관심 영역에 몰입, 창의 능력, 우수한 학습태도, 자기 능력을 인식, 사랑, 감사, 배려, 희망, 주변자원, 어머니의 역량 등이었다. 둘째, 참여자아동과 어머니들은 역동적인 삶의 주체로서 자신의 강점을 능동적으로 인식하고 활용하였다. 즉 역경들을 마주하고 도전으로 재해석하여 성장하고 이후 자기 통찰을 이끌어 통합으로 변화시켜 나갔다. 어머니참여자의 자기개발과 자녀교육에 대한 적극적인 역량강화는 초국적 이주자로서의 정체성을 재확립하고 사회구성원으로 인정받고 있었다. 또한 참여자아동의 강점과 관련하여 참여자의 강점인식을 매개하는 존재로서 다문화에 대해 수용적인 담임교사를 포함한 다문화 관련인의 지지나 면밀한 조언이 참여자에게 유익하였다. 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 추후 연구에 대한 제언을 제시하였다. This study was conducted to examine how multicultural families made up of international marriage migrant women mutually recognize and grow the adversities and strengths they face based on the daily life experiences of multicultural mothers and children in the process of settlement in Korean society. As a result of analyzing in-depth interviews with 4 multicultural family mothers, 5 children, and 9 children, excellent learning attitude, immersion in areas of interest, self-awareness, pro-social disposition, life with a future, mother's competence, and adversity. Nine categories were derived: confrontation, growth after adversity, and self-inspection of adversity. Based on the results of this analysis, first, the adversities found in the children and mothers of the participants were poverty to adapt to life in Korea, language barriers, cultural differences, and high education enthusiasm in Korea. And the strengths were immersion in the area of interest, creative ability, excellent learning attitude, self-awareness, love, gratitude, consideration, hope, peripheral resources, and mother's competence. Second, the participant children and mothers actively recognized and utilized their strengths as subjects of dynamic life. In other words, he faced adversity, reinterpreted it as a challenge, grew, and then led his own insight to transform it into integration. Mother participants' self-development and active capacity building for children's education re-established their identity as transnational migrants and were recognized as members of society. In addition, in relation to the strengths of child participants, the support and in-depth advice of people related to multiculturalism, including homeroom teachers who are receptive to multiculturalism, as mediators of participants' perception of strengths were beneficial to the participants. Based on these discussions, suggestions for future research were presented.

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