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        원발성 및 전이성 구강편평세포암종 세포주에서 p21 및 p73 mRNA발현에 관한 연구

        강정훈,김경욱,이재훈,Kang, Jeong-Hoon,Kim, Kyung-Wook,Lee, Jae-Hoon 대한구강악안면외과학회 2001 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        There were many controversies in the cause and progress of tumorigenesis. Recently, studies on the mutation of genes related to the tumor have extensively been performed due to development of molecular biology. Structural and morphological changes of chromosomes, which are related to the abnormal activation of oncogenes or inactivation of tumor suppression genes, transform the normal cells into the tumor cells. p53 and Rb are well known tumor suppressor genes, while oncogenes include c-myc, bcl-2 and ras, etc. When exposed to cell damaging agents, p53 inhibits cell growth by inducing transcription of p21. Especially p73, which is homo-logy of p53, frequently deleted in melanoma, neuroblastoma, colon cancer, and breast cancer, when over produced, p73 activates the transcription of p21, bax-1 and inhibits cell growth by inducing apoptosis. For study on mRNA expression of p21 and p73, normal oral keratinocytes, and cell lines of primary and metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma were cultured and then electrophoresis and RT-PCR(reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) were performed. 1. The mRNA of p21 and p73 in normal oral keratinocyte expressed lower than that of primary squamous cell carcinoma. 2. The mRNA of p21 in metastatic oral squamous carcinoma cell lines was expressed as various patterns compared with that of normal oral keratinocyte. 3. In the metastatic oral squamous cell lines, the mRNA of HN8 expressed higher than that of HN12 or HN19. 4. The mRNA of p73 in primary oral squamous cell lines expressed 4-5 times higher than that of normal keratinocyte. 5. In metastatic oral squamous cell lines, there was no significant expression of p73 mRNA compared with that of normal oral keratinocyte. From the results obtained in this study, mRNA expression of p73 in primary oral squamous cell lines was remarkable, while mRNA expression of p21 and p73 in metastatic oral squamous cell lines were statistically insignificant.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        ‘義理’의 윤리문화와 ‘義務’의 윤리문화 비교

        강정훈(Kang, Jeong-Hoon) 한국공공사회학회 2015 공공사회연구 Vol.5 No.2

        우리사회의 윤리문화를 이해하고 전망하는데 있어 ‘의리’와 ‘의무’는 중요한 가치개념에 속한다. 그래서인지 동아시아 전통의 의리학에 대한 접근이나 서구 윤리학의 의무론 범주를 다룬 독립적 연구들은 다수 발견할 수 있다. 그럼에도 이 둘의 연관성을 다룬 비교연구는 찾아보기 힘들다. 따라서 이 둘을 비교대상으로 삼는 연구는 나름의 의미를 가진다고 짐작한다. 일단 여기에서는 우리의 일상 언어습관에서 그 차이와 기원을 짐작하는 일로부터 단초를 시작한다. 한편 제자백가에서 다채롭게 나타나는 의리에 대해서는 유가를 대표로 삼고 서구전통의 의무에 대해서는 칸트의 이해를 주요한 대상으로 삼아 그 비교를 펼치는 일이 주요한 내용이 된다. 이런 과정을 통해서 의리와 의무의 동일성과 차이성이 얼마간 명료하게 드러나는 일을 기대할 수 있다. 나아가 이들을 중시하는 윤리문화의 모습들이 어떤 특성을 갖는지에 대해서도 살필 수 있다. This paper aims to study on compare the ethical culture of fidelity(義理) and duty(義務) as important values in Korea. It is not easy to find out the approach to consider and compare the two values, even though they have had the independent and different tradition of study in the East and the West. To compare those values and ethical cultures, I will explore any difference and its origin in the ordinary ways of languages. The term of fidelity is represented in the Confucian tradition and in Kantian view the conception of duty is related to the western tradition. By comparing the two values articulated in our ordinary life, it is expected the difference as well as the similarity between them. This enables us to establish a prospective to the ethical culture that has paid attention to fidelity and duty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        천연기념물 백로와 왜가리 번식지의 실태 및 관리방안

        강정훈(Jeong-Hoon Kang),이상기(Sang-Gi Lee),최병진(Byung-Jin Choi),오흥식(Hong-Shik Oh),김남춘(Nam-Choon Kim) 한국조류학회II 2009 한국조류학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 천연기념물로 지정된 백로와 왜가리 집단번식지 훼손에 따른 천연기념물 번식지의 보호와 관리방안을 마련하기 위하여 2008년 5월부터 9월까지 무안 용월리, 양양 포매리, 통영 도선리, 횡성 압곡리, 여주 신접리, 진천 노원리 지정지역에서 번식지의 실태, 개체수, 대체가능한 서식지를 조사 분석하였다. 천연기념물로 지정된 번식지역의 훼손은 백로류의 지속적인 분변으로 인해 고사목이 증가하고, 번식지 주변 지역의 환경변화 요인이나 번식지 지정 후 관리미흡 등이 주요 요인인 것으로 나타났다. 백로와 왜가리 번식지역을 2002년과 2008년 개체수를 비교한 결과, 전남 무안을 제외한 백로와 왜가리의 개체수가 감소한 것으로 나타났고, 경남 통영 번식지는 현재 백로와 왜가리가 도래하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 번식지내 백로류 분변으로 인한 고사목의 증가는 영소목의 감소로 나타났다. 백로와 왜가리 번식지의 장기적인 관리방안에 있어 번식지가 훼손될 시 대체가능서식지를 분석하기 위해 번식지 주변 10㎞이내의 현번식지와 환경이 유사한 지역을 GIS분석을 통하여 고도, 경도, 식생, 번식지와 도로와의 거리를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 각 번식지별 대체가능한 서식지가 약 3개소 있는 것으로 나타났다. This study analyzed current status, number of organisms, and alternative sites in the designated areas Yongwol-ri in Muan, Pomae-ri in Yangyang, Doseon-ri in Tongyeong, Abgok-ri in Hoengseong, Sinjeob-ri in Yeoju, and Nowon-ri in Jincheon, from May to September in 2008 in order to develop plans to protect and manage the habitats of natural monuments to cope with the damage of the habitats of heron and egret which are designated as natural monuments. The damage of the habitats of species designated as natural monuments was mainly caused by the accumulation of the excretion of herons continuously killing trees, changes in the environment around the habitat, and the negligence in management after the habitat designation. The number of birds counted in 2002 and 2008 were compared by their habitats and the number of herons and egrets decreased in overall habitats excluding Muan in Jeollanam-do and the habitat in Tongyeong in Gyeongsangnam-do is currently unvisited by herons and egrets. The increase of trees killed by the excretion of herons within the habitat led to the decrease of nest trees. Concerning the long term management plan of heron and egret habitats, the altitude, longitude, plantation, and the distance between the habitat and road of the areas within 10㎞ radius of current habitats that have the environment similar to current habitats were studied through GIS analysis in order to examine alternative habitats that can replace current habitats for serious damages. The analysis showed approximately 3 possible alternative habitats in each habitat.

      • KCI등재

        조선조(朝鮮朝)의 도덕적 일탈사례(逸脫事例)에 대한 윤리문화적 이해

        강정훈 ( Jeong Hoon Kang ) 한국윤리학회 2010 倫理硏究 Vol.78 No.1

        This essay aims to explore the aspect of ethical culture based on ethical situations in the Chosen Dynasty that has a monarchial system from Confucianism. The most fundamental root in Confucian societies is in the ethics of family. In Confucianism, the conception of family is beyond that of natural establishment and extended into concrete virtues in the society, which consists of the three bonds and five relationship(三綱五倫). This feature can also be recognized in the contexts of the pictures of Confucian conducts in the Hangsildo(『行實圖』). In particular, in the Chosen Dynasty the three bonds -between king and retainers, between father and son, and between husband and wife- is superior to the five relationships, which shows the attempt to make spread Confucian ethics under the political thoughts. However, there are ethical deviances in the Chosen Dynasty, even though it tries to cultivate its members in the idea of moral politics. This essay would pay an attention to two categories: one is that a son hit his father, another that a husband killed his wife. Those kinds of cases are against the main principle of the three bonds, centered on the relation between father and son, and five relationships rooted in that between husband and wife. In this sense, to investigate the cases of the two categories may give us a clue to find out the characteristic of ethical culture in the Chosen Dynasty. Those ethical deviances as well as the orders of Confucian ethics should be contextualized in terms of ethical culture as the results of certain ways of life in a group or society based on its morality. This means that to grasp ethical lives in the Chosen Dynasty is not to examine the cases by legal aspects but to reveal their ethical meanings. Concerning the types of ethical culture, the subject tends to be encouraged to live in the type of ethical culture of community, while the classes of elites can be in the bureaucrats by ethical culture of civil society. In a clique of the bureaucracy, however, the type of ethical culture of community is more powerful in the Chosen Dynasty, because which has priority is different by certain situations, especially whether two areas of public and private interests are divided, overlapped, or obscure.

      • KCI등재

        실학實學 개념의 적합성 또는 부적합성에 관한 연구

        강정훈 ( Jeong Hoon Kang ) 한국윤리학회 2013 倫理硏究 Vol.88 No.1

        This paper aims to study on conceptual suitability or unfitness of Silhak(實 學). It is general that by criticizing Chujahak(朱子學) or beyond the limitation of Seonglihak(性理學), Silhak has developed practical tendency to reforming the society in the middle and end of Chosen Dynasty, related to the context of Korean national reflection in modern times. However, it is unfortunate to be understood. As presented in Chosenwangjosillok(『朝鮮王朝實錄』), there has been a few usages in the term ``Silhak``. In short, it was different from its contemporary meaning. At that time, it was usually used to have the meaning of Gyunghak(經學), compared to Sajanghak(詞章學), or rarely, of ``the true study`` or ``the practical study``. Therefore, it is to claim that its conception has been manipulated or exaggerated very seriously. Since 1930s, in particular, its conception has been misused in interpreting works of Jung Yak-Yong by some scholars, such as Jung In-Bo, Moon Il-Pyung and An Jae-Hong, who tried to apply the term to overcome the Japanese colonial era symbolised as modernity based on the future life of Korea. Even though their attempt has led to have crucial discussions on the conceptions of Silhak, it has an unnecessary result that there has been a new and totally different understanding of Silhak in South Korea, North Korea, China, Japan, etc., which means that the unsustainable conception of Silhak has been one of major problems in studying of Silhak. To give an practical solution, I would try to make sense of ``time spirit`` whose scholars studied Silhak in the middle and end of Chosen Dynasty. A problem, however, is that a scholar group in the name of Bukhakpa(北學派) had certain links and bonds. This is because many scholars studying of Silhak were usually features out of the main stream, which made them it difficult to form any various groups. That is to say, it seems to be natural that they have dreamed of utopian imaginations less than of overlapping points in reality. To sum up, it would be concluded at least that any approach to human lives and thoughts in the given conceptions of Silhak, e.g. ethical thoughts of Silhak, enables us to be indifferentiated to take its true meaning and time spirit of Chosen Dynasty. To be disenchanted of its social roles in Chosen Dynasty, fundamentally, it should be escaped from the wrong net of illusions and sings in understanding Silhak in certain eclectic steps.

      • 천연기념물 무인도서(칠발도, 사수도, 난도, 홍도)의 번식실태에 관한 연구

        강정훈(Jeong-Hoon Kang),강태한(Tae-Han Kang),유승화(Seung-Hwa Yoo),조해진(Hae-Jin Cho),이시완(Si-Wan Lee),김인규(In-Kyu Kim) 한국조류학회II 2008 한국조류학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        2008년 5월부터 2008년 10월까지 천연기념물 무인도서 번식지로 지정된 칠발도, 사수도, 난도, 홍도에 대하여 번식조류의 현황과 실태를 조사하였다. 조사결과 칠발도는 바다제비(Oceanodroma monorhis), 슴새(Calonectris leucomelas), 칼새(Apus pacificus) 등 3종이 번식하였으며, 번식 수는 바다제비 20,715.8±5,918.8 (mean±SD)쌍, 슴새는 10쌍, 칼새는 250개체로 나타났다. 사수도는 슴새와 흑비둘기(Columba janthina) 등 2종이 번식하였으며, 번식 수는 슴새 4,052.8±4,377.4쌍, 흑비둘기 70개체로 나타났다. 난도에서는 괭이갈매기(Larus crassirostris) 1종이 번식하였으며, 번식 수는 14,376.4±4,950.8쌍으로 나타났다. 홍도 역시 괭이갈매기 1종이 번식하였으며, 번식 수는 32,071.9±10,428.3쌍으로 나타났다. 과거와 번식규모의 변화를 보면 칠발도는 큰 변화가 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 사수도는 번식밀도의 경우 전반적으로 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 난도의 경우 큰 변화가 없었으나 홍도의 경우 과거에 비해 3배 이상이 증가하여 번식지 과밀 현상이 나타나고 있었다. 각 섬의 보호 및 관리방안으로 칠발도는 쇠무릎(Achyranthes japonica)에 대한 관리가 필요하였으며, 사수도는 집쥐(Rattus norvegicus)의 구제와 번식밀도가 높은 나대지의 보호가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 난도와 홍도의 경우 과도한 사람의 출입에 대한 관리가 필요하였으며, 홍도는 집쥐에 대한 구제가 요구되었다. 향후 천연기념물 무인도서 번식지의 지속적인 보호 및 관리를 위해서는 현황 및 번식실태에 대한 주기적이며 지속적인 모니터링이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. From May to October 2008, the investigation was made on the current status of the breeding birds on Chilbaldo, Sasudo, Nando and Hongdo designated as the Natural Monument Islet in Korea. In Chilbado, it was found three species of breeding birds, including Swinhoe's Storm Petrel Oceanodroma monorhis, Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas and White-romped Swift Apus pacificus. Its breeding numbers are 20,715.8±5,918.8 (mean±SD) pairs of Swinhoe's Storm Petrel, 10 pairs of Streaked Shearwater, and 250 pairs of White-rumped Swift. In Sasudo, it was found two species of breeding birds, including Streaked Shearwater and Japanese Wood Pigeon. Its breeding numbers are 4,052.8±4,377.4 pairs of Streaked Shearwaters and 70 individuals of Japanese Wood Pigeon Columba janthina. In Nando, it was found one species of breeding bird, named the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris. Its breeding numbers are 14,376.4±4,950.8 pairs. In Hongdo, it was also found one species of Black-tailed Gull. Its breeding numbers are 32,071.9±10,428.3 pairs. From the past changes in breeding scale, Chilbado has shown not so much changes, while Sasudo shown the entire reduction in terms of density of breeding. In the meantime, Nando has also shown no great changes, but Hongdo shown the sign of overcrowded breeding site, increasing more than by 3 times compared to the past. As for the protection and management of each islets, it requires the extermination and management for Japonica Achyranthes japonica in Chilbado, while it requires the exterminate for Norway Rat Rattus norvegicus and the protection of bare soil where the density of breeding is high in Sasudo. In case of Nando and Hongdo, it is necessary to control or restrict excessive access of people to those areas to some degree. And the exterminate for Norway Rat is required for Hongdo. For the purpose of continuous protection and management of Natural Monument Islets as breeding sites in the future, it would be needed to conduct periodic and continuous monitoring of their current status and breeding trends.

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