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      • KCI등재

        부동산투자회사법에 의한 REITs의 기간별 최적 수익률 결정모형에 관한 연구 - 기업구조조정부동산투자회사를 중심으로 -

        강정규(Kang Jeong-Gyu) 한국부동산법학회 2003 不動産法學 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the adequacy of estimated returns on investment presented by five Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), which have emerged based on the Act of Real Estate Investment Trusts since 2002, by identifying their total investment amounts and total financing amounts, respectively. After examining the adequacy of estimated returns, the study provides the methods that they can provide their periodic optimal dividend yield rates at the time of REITs' establishment and offer the highest average dividend yield rates within their operating periods, with the intention to harmonize the interests between investors and management fund managers. This study employs both empirical and positive methodologies, and the size of the entire indirect real estate market that is to be built in the future is calculated through the analysis of the size and characteristics of each product issued in the past. In addition, the results of public offerings by REITs issuance and financing volume are analyzed. Particularly, this study builds and analyzes a scenario for the establishment of an optimal REITs, by combining the different factors that affect REITs' periodic dividend yield and average dividend yield during their operating period.

      • KCI등재

        도시 및 주거환경정비법상 주택재개발사업의 활성화를 위한 관리처분단계의 법·제도적 개선방안

        강정규(Kang, Jeong Gyu),박태진(Park, Tae Jin),김해중(Kim, Hae Jung) 한국토지공법학회 2008 土地公法硏究 Vol.42 No.-

        House redevelopment projects are conducted to improve residential environment of areas with poor infrastructures and many superannuated buildings in compliance with the Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Law. Therefore, in case of ignoring the situation, a city will lose its functions because areas become slums. Accordingly, although harmonious and prompt maintenance work is required, many cases in which delay of process and economic loss are inevitable because of differences between actual conditions in the maintenance site and disposal policies of the authorities were found. First of all, Article 46, Clause 1 of the Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Law is contradictory to reality because it claims that approximate allotments, application period for sale, and other matters decided by a Presidential decree should be notified to land owners within 21 days from a notification of a project approval. Secondly, some items of the articles of association have problems because there have been many cases in which association members gave up contracts claiming that they don't like the building and the house number decided by computer lot according to Article 42, Clause 5 when the computer lot for association members is conducted and contracts are concluded at a time of completion of removals and demolition after approval of the management and disposal plan. Thirdly, disposal of state and public lands does not accord with reality, becoming another obstacle to redevelopment projects. Therefore, the necessity of improvement measures of laws and systems at the management and disposal stage for activation of house redevelopment projects in Busan area was proposed. The current study suggested solutions such as partial revision of the Urban and Residential Environment Maintenance Law and revision of the articles of association.

      • KCI등재

        도시및주거환경정비법상 정비사업전문관리업의 법제도적 개선에 관한 고찰

        강정규(Kang Jeong Gyu),정경숙(Jung Kyeong Sook) 한국토지공법학회 2006 土地公法硏究 Vol.30 No.-

          The establishment of the Urban and Residential Environment Improvement Act, with unified separate laws ruling redevelopment, reconstruction and residential environment improvement projects, is providing a consistent organized system for the promotion of rebuilding projects.   The present study purpose to emphasize the necessity of The Rebuilding Project Consulting System through analyzing The Rebuilding Project Consulting System in comparison with Real Estate Consulting and Construction Management.   To identify problems to be considered for the substantial role of The Rebuilding Project Consulting System in redevelopment and reconstruction projects and suggest solution for the problems, and to propose plans for the activation and early settlement of The Rebuilding Project Consulting System in rebuilding projects.   The uncertain position of Rebuilding Project Consultants is because there have not been many cases showing their performance in rebuilding projects. In order to avoid falling into petty consulting companies and running errands for union or falling into constructors" outsourcing companies helping them take orders, it is required for Rebuilding Project Consultants to make efforts to make visible achievements in promoting rebuilding projects by understanding problems in Rebuilding Project Consulting System and developing solutions.

      • KCI등재

        집합건물의 재건축과 소유권으로서의 대지권에 관한 연구

        강정규(Kang, Jeong-Gyu),이영희(Lee, Young-Hee) 한국토지공법학회 2009 土地公法硏究 Vol.45 No.-

        집합건물은 구분소유자의 수가 많아 기존의 건물을 철거하고 새로운 건물을 건축한다는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 그렇지만 노후화, 비효율성 등의 이유로 새로운 신축형태의 개발 사업이 이루어지지 않으면 안 되게 되었다. 이 과정속에서 집합건물의 재건축 내지 재개발에 있어서 집합건물의 구분소유자가 갖고 있는 대지권을 어떻게 법적으로 처리할 것인가에 대한 것이 중요하게 부각되고 있다. 본 연구를 위해 사례를 분석하고 검토한 결과 신규 분양 시와는 달리 소유권으로서 법적 구성을 하지 않아서는 안 된다는 결론에 이르게 되었다. 첫째, 창원지역의 재건축 사례의 분석에서 본 바와 같이 집합건물에 있어서 구분소유권과 대지권은 일체성을 가지면서 집합건물에서 구분소유권자의 생활을 불편하지 않게 하여왔던 대지권은 재건축에 있어서 아무런 기능을 하지 못하는 결과가 된다. 그렇다면 이와 같은 집합건물의 구분소유에 있어서 대지권을 대지에 대한 구분소유권으로서 법률적으로 구성할 수 없는가의 문제로 돌아가지 않을 수 없다. 왜냐하면 집합건물의 재건축에서 조합원의 무상지분면적을 결정하는 기준을 “조합원이 출자한 종전의 토지면적을 기준으로 하여 새로이 건설되는 주택을 공급”한다거나, “조합원이 출자한 종전의 토지 및 건축물의 가격/면적을 기준으로” 한다는 것은 결국 재건축시에는 건축물이 철거 훼멸되기 때문에 토지(대지)면적을 기준으로 하게 된 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 집합건물의 재건축에 있어서 재건축의 무상지분율을 결정하는 요소로서 용적률, 평당분양가, 토지지분, 평당 건축비 등과 함께 대지권을 포함하지 않을 수 없다. 왜냐하면 이것은 집합건물법의 입법 당시에 예상하지 못한 대지소유권의 지분을 취득하지 못한 건물구분소유자의 무상지분의 비율을 결정함에 매우 주요한 요소가 아닐 수 없기 때문이다. 셋째, 집합건물의 재건축에 있어서 대지권을 건물의 분양면적(전용면적 + 주거공용면적)과 대지의 분양면적, 즉 “공급받은 주택의 전유면적 비례에 따라 공유지분으로 공급”되거나 “건축물의 분양면적비례에 따라 공유지분으로 분양”된 건물과 대지를 통합한 구분소유권으로 구성할 수 있다고 본다. As presented above, this study analyzed how site right in the reconstruction of aggregate buildings should be treated legally and concluded that, different from that in the sales of newly constructed aggregate buildings, site right in the reconstruction of aggregate buildings should be legally established as ownership. First, as in the results of analyzing reconstruction cases in the Changwon area, division ownership and site right in aggregate buildings have integration, and site right, which has prevented inconveniences in the life of the division owners of an aggregate building, does not play any function in reconstruction. Then, we have to go back to the question of whether, in the division ownership of an aggregate building, site right cannot be legally established as division ownership over the land. It is because the criterion for determining a partner’s gratuitous equity area in the reconstruction of an aggregate building is “the land area invested by the partner” or “the price/area of the land and building invested by the partner” and, after all, it is the land area as the building is dismantled and removed in reconstruction. Second, in the reconstruction of an aggregate building, site right should be included as one of factors determining the gratuitous equity ratio of reconstruction along with floor area ratio, sales price per pyeong, land equity, and construction cost per pyeong. It is because this is a very important factor in determining the gratuitous equity ratio of building division owners who failed to acquire an equity of land ownership unexpected on the legislation of the Act on the Ownership and Management of Aggregate Buildings. Third, in the reconstruction of an aggregate building, site right forms a part of integrated division ownership over the building and the land allotted according to the supplying area of the building (private area + public dwelling area) and the supplying area of the land, namely, “shared equity in proportion to the private area of the supplied housing” or “shared equity in proportion to the supplying area of the building.” As discussed above, it is considered necessary to make legislative improvements for establishing building division owners’ sight right as division ownership integrating the building and the land in the reconstruction of aggregate buildings. key word: reconstruction, division ownership, Site Right as Ownership, the supplying area of the building, the supplying area of the land.

      • KCI등재

        공익사업에 따른 이주대책 제도의 현황과 문제점

        강정규(Kang, Jeong Gyu) 한국토지공법학회 2013 土地公法硏究 Vol.63 No.-

        대규모 공익개발사업은 우리생활의 기틀인 도시기반시설을 확충하는 있어서 매우 중요한 방법이기도 하지만 진행에 따라 이주자등에게는 생계수단을 잃게 됨에 따른 사회적 문제점으로도 대두되고 있다. 이에 관련법에서는 이주대책에 대한 근거를 마련하여 시행하고 있지만 공익사업을 위한 토지 등의 취득 및 보상에 관한 법(이하 공토법 이라 함)등을 비롯한 관련법에서는 이주대책에 대한 상세한 규정을 두지 않고 있다. 이에 따라 이주대책제도에 대한 반감과 갈등은 지속되어 표출되고 있는 실정으로 이주대책제도의 현실적인 보완이 이루어져야 할 것으로 판단된다. 이에 본 발표에서는 공익사업에 따라 이주대책이 진행되고 있는 사례를 바탕으로 현 이주대책의 문제점을 도출하고 있는 데 첫째, 이주지 선정 갈등, 둘째. 이주대책대상자 선정갈등, 셋째, 보상금 비현실화 주장과 가칭 “특별 위로금” 지급 갈등 등이 나타나고 있음을 살펴보았다. 따라서, 현실적인 이주대책제도의 수립을 위해서는 첫째, 이주대책 내용과 관련 공토법의 보완 필요, 둘째, 이주대책 수립 시기 명확화 셋째 이주대책 수립 체계의 개선과 이주대책대상자의 선정의 명확화 등을 시사점으로 제시하였다. Large-scale development projects of public interest is a very important way to expand urban infrastructure, the foundation of our lives. But, according to the process, it is emerging as social problem that some migrants lose their livelihood. The law for the problem implements it based on a foundation for migration counterplan, but the rule for public business, including acquisition of land and compensation for the Act(hereinafter referred to as the law land), is not detail. Accordingly, measures system for migration, and the conflict has continued aversion is expressed by migration of the practical measures complement system is expected to be made. In this presentation, public utilities such measures is in the process of migration, depending on the case based on the current migration, which measures problems in the first draw, migration, conflict not selected, the second. Conflict measures selected subjects migration, third, compensation claims and tentative non-realization of the "special bonus" payments, such as conflict appears to be investigated. Therefore, a realistic first migration in order to establish measures of the system

      • KCI등재

        도시및주거환경정비법상 단독주택 재건축 사업의 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 포항시 사례를 중심으로

        강정규(Kang Jeong-Gyu),김광춘(Kim Kwang-Chun) 한국토지공법학회 2007 土地公法硏究 Vol.38 No.-

          In Korea, house reconstruction is in the beginning stage. That"s why project operator and regional government have no much expertise on it and the projects go slow and bring civil appeals. The purpose of this research is to review on house reconstruction project in Korea and its process, to examine the potential problems and its resolution, and suggest recommendations.<BR>  Finding appropriate research method is not easy due to the fact that house reconstruction is not popular in any region of Korea. Therefore, the author employed case analysis method. The case that analysed is a house reconstruction project in Po Hang city which is the most advanced in it. The author analysed some problems in the case and found several implications.<BR>  This research is consisted of 5chapters and the contents are as the followings. Chapter 1, the introduction has the purpose, range, and method of the research and reviewed the previous studies. In Chapter 2, the author identified the process of house reconstruction projects through general reviews on the business. In Chapter 3, the author explored the current status of house reconstruction and analysed the case in this research. Also, the author suggest the constraints through the case analysis. Chapter 4 is about the problems and resolutions of house reconstruction projects. Finally, in Chapter 5, the author made conclusions.<BR>  The history of house reconstruction in Korea is shorter than the other kinds of reconstruction and redevelopments. So there are many things to be improved. Through the detailed analysis on the house reconstruction projects, the author first suggested that house reconstruction in Korea needs legal base different from that of apartment house reconstruction. Second, for the stable projects, the author insisted that there should be consistent reconstruction policy of the government. Finally, the author suggested that there is a need to understand the real situation of house reconstruction so far, to recognize problems, and find ways to do house reconstruction projects efficiently.

      • KCI등재

        도시 및 주거환경정비법상 재건축사업의 매도청구권 소송사례분석과 개선방안

        강정규(Kang, Jeong Gyu),강진영(Kang, Jin Young) 한국토지공법학회 2009 土地公法硏究 Vol.43 No.2

        우리나라는 급격한 경제성장으로 농촌을 떠나 도시로 인구가 집중하는 현상이 두드러졌고 이로 인하여 우리나라의 대도시는 무분별하게 공급된 건축물로 인한 심각한 도시문제에 직면해 있다. 도시의 생활환경 악화로 인한 사회적 비용의 증가는 도시환경을 개선하여 쾌적한 생활환경을 조성하고자 하는 요구로 나타났고 이에 우리나라의 대도시는 종래 주택재건축사업 등 도시정비사업을 통해 도시기능의 회복을 위하여 노력하여 왔다. 재건축사업의 추진과정에는 조합, 조합원, 비조합원, 조합임원, 행정관청, 시공업체, 정비사업전문관리업체 등 이해를 달리하는 많은 주체들이 관여하게 된다. 재건축사업을 추진하는 주체는 이들 다수 주체들의 이해를 조절하여 사업을 완성하여야만 한다. 복잡하게 대립하며 이해를 달리하는 다수 주체의 이해관계를 원만하게 조정하여 재건축사업을 원활하게 추진한다는 것은 매우 어려운 것으로 재건축사업에 참여하는 주체들의 적극적인 협조로 제반 절차에 따라 원만하게 진행되는 재건축사업 현장을 찾아보기 힘든 것이 현실이다. 재건축사업에 관여하는 다수 주체들 사이의 분쟁은 재건축사업에 필연적으로 내재하고 있는 문제라고 할 수 있다. 재건축 사업과 관련된 분쟁 특히, 법적분쟁은 그 속성상 결국 재건축사업의 기간 연장이라는 결과를 야기하게 된다. 재건축사업의 기간 연장이라는 시간적인 측면에서의 낭비는 결국 금융비용의 증가를 의미하는 것으로, 극단적으로 기간이 연장되는 경우 사업성이 상실되어 막대한 비용을 쏟아 붓고도 재건축사업을 포기하는 사태에 이를 수도 있다. 이러한 결과는 재건축사업의 완수를 바라는 대부분의 관여자들이 원하지 않는 결과일 뿐만 아니라 공익적인 차원에서도 바람직한 결과라고 할 수 없다. 이러한 법적분쟁을 미연에 방지하고, 발생한 법적분쟁을 신속히 해결하여 그 기간을 단축하는 것은 재건축사업의 성공에 큰 영향을 미친다고 할 것이다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제점에서 출발하여 재건축사업 현장에서 발생하는 매도청구권에 관한 법적분쟁을 대상으로 실제사례를 분석하여 매도청구권제도의 개선방안을 제시함으로써 재건축사업에서 발생할 수 있는 매도청구권으로 인한 법적분쟁을 미연에 방지하고 제기된 매도청구권 관련 소송을 신속히 해결하여 그 기간을 단축함으로써 재건축사업의 성공에 기여함에 그 목적이 있다. Reconstruction is concerned with lots of parties like the housing union, the members, non-members and officials of the union, public authorities concerned, the main constructor and the company of urban rearrangement management. Such project can be properly proceeded and completed only when interests of concerned parties are better coordinated. To proceed housing reconstruction more smoothly requires better coordinating different interests of concerned parties who are entangled or even confronted with each other. But this may be very difficult. Actually, there were few cases of reconstruction that were smoothly proceeded under mutual positive cooperation among interested parties of the project. In fact, disputes among concerned parties of reconstruction may be said as inherent in the project. Such disputes, especially legal, necessarily result in the extension of the period of reconstruction. What the extension, or the waste of time means is financial cost increase. This situation ultimately may lead to the abandonment of reconstruction despite an enormous expenditure of the project was already made because it may cause the project to lose its validity. Giving up reconstruction is never a result that interested parties of the project. It is also undesirable in terms of public benefit. Shortening the period of reconstruction by preventing or rapidly solving legal disputes among interested parties has a great effect on the success of the project. Based on the above problems of reconstruction, this study investigated actual cases of legal disputes over the right of claim for sale as arisen in the progress of the project, and proposed how to improve the existing system of using the same right. Here, the ultimate purpose of this study lies in contributing to the success of reconstruction by using the foresaid proposal to help prevent or rapidly solve legal disputes over the right of claim for sale as arisen in relation to the implementation of the project.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산펀드의 수익극대화를 위한 프로젝트 파이낸싱의 법제도적 개선방안

        강정규 ( Kang Jeong Gyu ),이장우 ( Lee Jang Woo ) 한국부동산학회 2004 不動産學報 Vol.22 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Real estate development in Korea had suffered a setback due to reduced real estate transactions and difficulty in finding the source of financing caused by a fall in real estate prices since the national liquidity crisis resulting in an IMF bailout. However, such a trend was reversed lately, as the pump-priming measures were taken on a national level to cope with the slowdown, resulting in a steady increase in such areas as construction orders, construction permits and the number of housing actually constructed. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Literature study and Case approach (3) RESEARCH RESULTS Recent advances in real estate development, however, were not made ideally, reaping the harvest intended in the first place in terms of overall efficiency including economical efficiency. Major reasons behind such a failure of real estate development included excessive costs of financing caused by the lack of the developer's own funds, inappropriate market survey, insufficient marketing efforts, poor marketability, bad pricing, poor design quality, lack of professionalism and inadequate conditions of location. It is safe to say that securing the stable source of financing, among others, is indispensable to the success of the real estate development project. 2. RESULT Real estate-backed securities system was recently introduced in earnest, and a case study conducted in this study indicated that 'Project Financing' can be the most positive method of securing financing stability. As the patterns in the real estate environment rapidly changed, real estate market switched to customer-oriented market from the supplier-oriented one. It is therefore necessary not to overlook the importance of securing financing stability to reduce or avoid the risks involved in real estate development projects.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산 개발사업의 효율성 제고 방안-사업진행 과정상의 단계별 위험요소 해소를 중심으로-

        강정규(Kang Jeong Gyu) 한국부동산학회 2003 不動産學報 Vol.20 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Real estate development project will have to go through the process of development such as the stage of the project planning and management and operation stage after the project has been completed. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Such a development project carries an element of risk due to the consequences of the unexpected problems arising out of the process of implementation. This study presented the effective methods of managing risks. In the process of the real estate development from the preparatory stage to the maturity stage, real estate revenues came from the completed project by picking out risk elements. To cope with the problems in the real estate development process, and to obtain the ways of rationalizing development project, managing risks is worth a try. 2. KEY WORDS Real estate development, risk, development project, project planning and management

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