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        벼의 성장기간에 있어서 논의 육수학적 연구

        강수원,신영무 ( Soo Won Kang,Young Moo Shin ) 한국하천호수학회 1968 생태와 환경 Vol.1 No.1

        The wok has been done as one of the basic study to develop the inland fishery of Korea at the rice paddy field in Suwon City. This limnological investigaion has been carried out for three months from June 26 to September 30 in 1968. The results obtained are as followings. The range of the water level was 3.5∼32cm, and the maximum water temperatures were showed at 6 : 00p.m., 4 : 00 p.m. 2 ; 00 p.m 12 : 00 a.m. in the late June, late July, late August, and in the late September. resectively, on the other hand, the minimum temperature was always at 4 : 00∼6 : 00 a.m. The maximum water temperature in June was at 6 : 00 p. m. and those of July, August, and September were 4 : 00 p.m. 2 : 00 p.m. and 12 : 00 a.m. respectively. The values of the dissolved oxygen were 6.6∼14.1 p.p.m., and the range of pH was 5.4∼6.2, total alkalinity was 12-39 p.pm., the average values of NH4, P205, and K20 were 1.62, 0.269, 4.83 p.p.m., respectively. Both the specific and individual numbers of the phytoplankters were relativily less, and Volvox globator was dominant species among them. The individual number of this species on July 3 was more than half number of total phytoplankters. The next abundant was Navicula spp., and followed Eudorina elegans, Pandorina morum in that order. The number of species and individual of the Zooplankters was rather larger than that of the phytoplankters. Eudiaptomus Japonicus, Diaphanosoma brachyurum Brachionus rubens and Arcella vulgaris were dominant species among them. And the total individual number of Rotifera was almost equal to the summation of those of Copepoda and Cladocera, especially, the number of Brachionus rubens was 91% of all Rotifera (7446). The individual number of benthos were only 799, and the summation of Dipteran larvae (Pentaneura and Chironomus) and Oligochaeta (Branchiura) were 94% of the total benthos. Aquatic plants and fillamentous green algae were collected and were belonging to 14 Families, 16 Genera, and 20 species. Spirogyra, Spirodela polyhiza, Salvina natans. Monochoria vaginalis, Caulina serristioula and Peritraria blone were abundant species especially, Spirogyra was the most abundant one among them. It was concluded that water level, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH nutrition salts, and food organisms were suitable for fishculture, but, Spirogyra should be controled from the rice paddy field as soon as possible.

      • KCI등재

        허수경 시의 색채 이미지 연구

        강수원(Soo-Won Kang) 동남어문학회 2022 동남어문논집 Vol.1 No.54

        허수경의 시에서 검은색과 흰색은 반복과 회귀의 방식으로 독특한 색채적 상징성을 드러낸다. 이러한 양상은 정서와 주제 의식을 심화하고 확대해내면서, 그만의 시적 미학성의 변별점을 형성해낸다. 또한, 그의 시에서 검은색과 흰색의 색채 이미지는 한 작품 속에서 혼재와 교착 양상을 이루면서 아상블라주(Assemblage)한 효과를 보여준다. 이는 이질적인 요소들의 조합이 만들어낸 새로운 가능성으로서, 두 색채가 각기 다른 작품들에서 대립적인 단일한 의미망을 형성하는 통념에서 진일보한 사유 양상이다. 허수경의 시에서 두 색채 이미지가 한 작품에서 혼재되고 교착되어 나타나는 경우, 주제 의식의 의미상 크게 대립성과 동질성의 두 가지 양상을 보인다. 이는 우선, 두 색채가 대립적인 색채 이미지로 나타나, 강자와 약자의 권력 구조를 도식화하는 상징성을 띤다. 하지만, 두 색채는 선악이나 강약의 대립적 의미가 고정되어 있지 않고 상호 전위되어 나타나, 시인의 열린 사고를 드러낸다. 반면, 두 색채 이미지가 동질적인 색채 이미지를 드러내는 경우에는 부정적인 동질성과 긍정적인 동질성의 두 가지 양상을 보인다. 즉, 검은색과 흰색이 모두 슬픔과 우울의 정서를 극대화하면서 부정적인 동질성을 드러내거나, 순수와 평화의 세계를 지향하고 희구하면서 긍정적인 동질성을 드러내 보인다. 이러한 양상은 흰색과 검은색을 정반대되는 색으로 여기는 통념에서 벗어난 것으로, 허수경만의 독특한 색채 의식을 드러내 보이는 지점이다. 이렇게 보면, 허수경의 시에서 검은색과 흰색의 색채 이미지는 단독으로 쓰인 경우보다, 한 작품에서 혼재되고 교착되어 나타날 때, 더 깊고 풍부한 의미망을 형성한다. 이는 색채 이미지의 상징성에 대한 시인의 창의적 상상력이 확대된 결과이며, 입체적이고 유동적인 색채 미학을 표출한 것으로, 검은색과 흰색의 교호 작용을 통해 색채적 상징성의 새로운 가능성을 확보한 것으로 해석할 수 있다. Black and white in Heo Soo-kyeong's poetry reveal unique color symbolism in a way of repetition and reversion. This aspect deepens and expands the emotion and the subject consciousness, which forms her own distinct poetic aesthetics. Furthermore, the black and white color images in her poems display an Assemblage effect, forming mixed and entangled aspects in one work. This is a new possibility created by a combination of disparate elements, a further level of thinking from the conventional wisdom that the two colors indicate an opposing single network of meanings in different works. In the case where the two color images are mixed and entangled in a single work, in Heo Soo-kyeong's poem, there appears two aspects of confrontation and coessentiality in the meaning of the subject consciousness. First of all, the two colors appear as opposing color images, which assumes the symbolism that schematizes the power structure of the strong and the weak. However, the meaning of these two colors can be interchangeable, not being fixed as an opposite between good and evil or strong and weak and, thereby presenting the poet's flexible way of thinking. On the other hand, in the case where the two color reveal coessential color images, they assume two aspects, negative coessentiality and positive coessentiality. In other words, both black and white reveal negative coessentiality by maximizing the emotion of sadness and depression, or positive coessentiality by aspiring after a world of purity and peace. This pattern deviates from the conventional wisdom that regards white and black as opposite colors, which is a point that reveals Heo Soo-kyeong's distinct sense of color. In this light, the color images of black and white forms deeper and richer semantic network when they appear to be mixed and entangled in one work than when used solely. This is the result of the poet's expanded creative imagination for the symbolism of color images, and it can be interpreted as the expression of multidimensional and fluid color aesthetics and securing new possibilities for color symbolism through the interaction of black and white.

      • Ecological Studies of the Field Mouse

        강수원,Kang, Soo Won The Korean Society for Integrative Biology 1971 동물학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        들쥐의 被害를 막기위한 基礎로 들쥐의 生態學的 硏究를 서울大 農大農場에서 한바 들쥐의 大部分이 등줄쥐 이어서 結果的으로 등줄쥐의 硏究가 되고 말았으나 要約하면 다음과 같다. (1) 들쥐무리 4屬(Apodemus, Cricetulus, Rattus, Micromys) 155마리를 採集했으며 그중 등줄쥐(A. agrarius coreae)가 95%(148마리)를 차지했다. (2) 등줄쥐의 옥수수밭에 있어서의 棲息密度는 활동 범위를 감안하여 1970年8月6日 $\\sim$ 8日까지 55/ha는 日本 菅平地方의 900/ha에 비교하면 대단히 낮았다. (3) 體重에 의한 年齡構造는 成體에 대한 幼鼠 및 亞鼠의 합계가 13%에 이르렀고 性比는 ♂ : ♀ = 1.8 : 1 이었다. (4) 쥐굴(쥐집)이 構造는 한 개의 쥐굴에 구멍(出入口)이 3個以上, 貯藏庫 1個以上, 둥지(寢所) 1個에 한 마리가 살고 있으며 저장식량은 가을의 農作物인데 特히 벼가 主가 되고 벼보다는 玄米로 저장해 둔다. (5) 活動時刻은 日沒後 1 $\\sim$ 2時間, 子正前後, 및 日出前 1時間 內外가 왕성하나 낮에라도 주위가 조용하여 安全하고 먹이가 필요하거나 求愛行動이 필요하면 활동 한다. (6) 옥수수의 被害相은 高株에서 30 $\\sim$ 40%, 低株 에서 80 $\\sim$ 90%의 被害率이었다. 벼에 있어서는 논(1,200坪)에서 벼로 11,400g가 被害되었으니 全國的으로 349.695kg, 그리고 이것을 白米로 推算하면 8,268입 가 등줄쥐에 提供되었다. (7) 등줄쥐의 分娩仔數는 平均體重 30g 의 암컷이 5마리를 낳고 3週후에 離乳했으며 멧밭쥐(16g)도 5마리를 낳았다. (8) 天敵은 食肉目(족제비, 고양이, 살쾡이, 여우, 너구리, 수달, 개) 猛禽目(독수리, 부엉이, 말똥가리, 소리개, 매) 및 뱀이며 시궁쥐와 비단털쥐도 등줄쥐의 天敵이다. (9) 등줄쥐의 食性(嗜好性)은 옥수수, 콩, 밀, 고구마, 밤, 들깨등을 좋아하며 보리, 조, 수수, 팥, 녹두등은 그렇게 좋아하지 아니한다. 그리고 하루에 한 마리의 成鼠의 攝食量은 벼라면 5.5g, 밀 인 경우 4.9g, 여기에 물 5ml 가량을 먹는 경우이다. (10) 물만 提供하고 다른 먹이를 주지 아니한 饑餓實驗에 의하면 營養좋게 飼育된 등줄쥐는 71 $\\sim$ 79時間後에, 그렇지 못한 쥐는 32 $\\sim$ 39時間後에 죽었다. The present investigation has been done to observe the ecological habits of field mice to protect the rice from damages during the growing season in paddy-field and during the storge period. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Of 155 mice captured in the period of April-November 1970, which belong to four genera (Apodemus, Cricetulus, Rattus, and Micromys), 148 mice(95%) were found as striped field mice (Apodemus agrarius coreae). The population density of striped field mouse was revealed by the present study as 55/ha, which is quite a low level compared with that in Japan of 900/ha. 2. The age distribution of the mice as judged by their body weight was found mainly composed of adult and the sex ratio was found to be 1.8 as determined with 147 individuals. The nest was found to be occupied by an adult and was composed of at least three openings and more than one food storage tunnels. The mice usually keep hulled rice rather than unhulled one in storage tunnel. The weight of food found in a nest was about 50 grams on an average. 3. The mice show a most active behaviour 1-2 hours after the sunset, around midnight, and an hour before the sunrise, but they are active even in daytime in order for searching for food and for breeding. 4. The ratio (%) of damage appeared in high stem of sweet corn in August was 30 ~ 40 percent, whereas that in low stem was 80 ~ 90 percent. The weight of spoiled grains in paddy-field was 11, 400gm/0.4ha and this gives an estimate of 349, 695 for whole country. 5. The female striped field mouse weighs average of about 30 grams and gives birth to average of 4.8 younglings which wean away from female mouse three weeks after delivery. 6. The natural enemies to the mice are found to be carnivores (weasel, cat, mountain cat, fox, raccoon, and otter), raptatores(eagle, owl, kete, buzzard), and snakes. Two kinds of field rats(Rattus norvegicus, Cricetulus tritor) are also the predator to the mice. 7. The feeding preference of striped field mice follows in decreasing order of sweet corn, soybean, sweet potatoes, chestnut, and wheat. The mice do not have a preference for barley, millet, rough millet, red bean, and green bean. 8. The starvation experiment, in which water alone was supplied, revealed that the mice in good physical and nutritional conditions survived for 71 ~ 79 hours, whereas those in worse conditions survived for only 32 ~ 39 hours.

      • 적응 칼만 필터를 이용한 실시간 지자기 센서 외란 보정

        강수원(Soo-won Kang),한수희(Soo-hee Han) 대한전자공학회 2016 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.11

        A microelectromechanical system(MEMS)-based magnetometer has been widely employed for measuring magnetic fields in mobile phones, drones, and so on. Due to the surrounding magnetic disturbances from electrical devices and metallic structure, the magnetometers often suffer from interference. this paper proposes a Kalman filter algorithm with measurement noise variances adjusted adaptively according to the magnitude of innovation process. It is shown through experiments that the proposed scheme has good ability for disturbance attenuation and hence achieves less estimation error compared with conventional Kalamn Filters.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        저동부근 (苧洞附近 ) ( 울릉도 (鬱陵島) ) 의 논에 있어서 플랑크톤 목록

        강수원 ( Soo Won Kang ) 한국하천호수학회 1973 생태와 환경 Vol.6 No.3·4

        The plankton of the rice paddy field at near Jeou-Dong in Island Wooleoung-Do has been collected with plankton net (No.6) on August 22 in 1973. The results obtained with the simple environmental factors are as followings. 1) The pH averaged was 6.1, and the water temperature was 22℃ averaged in the fifteen stations of the studying area. 2) Five classes, 7 orders, 13 families, 20 genera, 19 species and 3 uncertain species of the phytoplanktons; and 3 classes, 3 orders, 5 families, 6 genera, 5 species with 3 uncertain species of the zooplanktons were identified.

      • KCI등재후보

        서호와 (西湖) 서둔천 (西屯川) 어족

        강수원 ( Soo Won Kang ) 한국하천호수학회 1971 생태와 환경 Vol.4 No.3·4

        This work has been done to check the list of the fishes of Lake Seoho and Stream Seodun in Suwon City of Korea. The study has been carried out the collection and the related references since 1954 to 1971. According to the results of the study, the fishes in Lake Seoho are 12 families, 30 genera and 36 species, those of Stream Seodun are 9 families, 18 genera and 20 species. However, they are estimated as 8 families, 26 species in Lake Seoho, and 8 families and 15 species in Stream Seodun in 1971.

      • KCI등재

        샘플링 기법을 통한 계류 시스템 설계 변수 최적화 방안에 관한 연구

        강수원(Soo-Won Kang),이승재(Seung-Jae Lee) 한국해양공학회 2018 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.32 No.4

        In this study, the optimal design of a mooring system was carried out. Unlike almost all design methods, which are based on the deterministic method, this study focused on the probabilistic method. The probabilistic method, especially the design of experiment (DOE), could be a good way to cover some of the drawbacks of the deterministic approach. There various parameters for a mooring system, as widely known, including the weight, length, and stiffness of line. Scenarios for the mooring system parameters were produced using the Latin Hypercube Sampling method of the probabilistic approach. Next, a vessel-mooring system coupled analysis was performed in Orcaflex. A total of 50 scenarios were used in this study to optimize the initial design by means of a genetic algorithm. Finally, after determining the optimal process, a reliability analysis was performed to understand the system validity.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        우리나라와 OECD 국가 간의 폐암 사망률과 잠재수명손실연수(PYLL)에 관한 비교

        김동석(Kim, Dong-Seok),강수원(Kang, Soo-Won),박지원(Park, Ji-Won) 한국산학기술학회 2010 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.11 No.7

        본 연구에서는 우리나라 사망원인의 1위인 악성신생물 중에서 2000년부터 가장 빈도가 높은 폐암에 대하여 우리나라와 OECD 국가들 간에 사망률과 잠재수명손실연수(PYLL)에 통계학적으로 차이기 있는가를 살펴보아서 폐암 에 대한 국가 간 비교와 폐암 사망구조의 문제점을 파악하여 보건정책, 보건교육, 보건자원배분 등에 자료를 제공코 자 하였다. 분산분석을 통하여 폐의 악성신생물로 인한 사망률과 잠재수명손실연수을 전체 인구와 성별에 따라 OECD 국가들과의 차이를 확인하였을 때, 우리나라의 폐의 악성신생물로 인한 사망률과 잠재수명손실연수는 2000년 이전보다 모두 높아진 것으로 보이며, 특히 잠재수명손실연구의 경우 급격히 높아짐을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 우리나라와 OECD 회원국들과의 폐의 악성신생물로 인한 비교할 때 사망률보다는 잠재수명손실연수가 더 중요함을 나타낸다는 의의를 갖는다. The aim of this study is to analyze the mortality and potential years of life lost (PYLL) by malignant neoplasm of lung between OECD countries and Korea. Based on the result, we tried to point out a problem on mortality caused malignant neoplasm of lung to make the best strategy for policy and education on public health. Using the ANOVA analysis between Korean and OECD countries, the lung cancer-induced mortality and PYLL in total and gender-specific Korean population were greater after 21th century than before. In particular, the PYLL was sharply elevated than the mortality. Taken together, the present study indicated that the lung cancer-induced PYLL between Korean and OECD countries can be more important parameter.

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