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        汉语谦词的语义分析及其文化理据— 以“家” “舍”两类谦词为

        黄春燕,한용수 중국문화연구학회 2022 중국문화연구 Vol.- No.57

        语言中映射着受到文化影响的结果,然而这受到的文化影响却不只是简单的某一方面的文化。谦词作为汉语词汇中的一部分,也体现着中国多方面的文化。从家”“舍”类谦词的语义出发,先分别归纳其语义类别,然后找出二者的相同点和不同点,再从这些相同点或者不同点中去寻找背后蕴藏的文化。 分别归纳两类谦词的语义以后,又将两类谦词的语义做了对比,发现它们既有相同相同点,又有不同点。相同点有两点,第一点为都可以表示话者对自己亲属的谦称;第二点为都可以表示话者对自己家的谦称。不同点有四点,第一点为两类谦词谦称的亲属的辈分不同,“家”类谦词谦称的是长辈,“舍”类谦词谦称的是晚辈;第二点为两类谦词谦称的同辈亲属中的长幼不同,“家”类谦词谦称的是同辈中的年长者,“舍”类谦词谦称的是同辈中的年幼者;第三点为“家”类谦词没有可以同时谦称多位亲属的谦词,然而“舍”类谦词却有可以同时谦称多位谦词的亲属;第四点为同一位亲属可以由多个不同的“家”类谦词来谦称,然而“舍”类谦词中却没有多个不同的谦词来谦称同一位亲属。 从两类谦词的相同点和不同点出发,分析了造成这种现象的各种中国文化。两类谦词都可以谦称自己的亲属和自己的家,这是受到了中国古代崇德重禮文化的影响。造成两类谦词差别的原因还因为受到了中国古代宗法制度的相关文化的影响,即内外有别、等级差别和重男轻女。

      • KCI등재


        黄春燕,韩容洙 동아인문학회 2023 동아인문학 Vol.62 No.-

        In Chinese traditional culture, there are many research results on spirits culture, tea culture and digital culture, which have also been deeply studied. However, the research of Chinese medicine culture still needs more attention. Therefore, the author chose the idiom containing the word “药”. We will analyze the semantics of “药”, then analyze the semantics and structure of the idiom containing the word “药”, and finally analyze the medicine culture through the idiom containing the word “药”. When analyzing the semantics, we will start from the original meaning of the word “药”, and then analyze the extension meaning of the word “药”, finally quote Zhou Guangqing's “idiom intermediary symbol theory”, and classify the idioms containing the word “药” from the semantic point of view. When analyzing the structure, the position distribution of the the word “药” in the idiom and its reason, and the grammatical structure characteristics of the idiom containing the word “药” are analyzed. When analyzing the medicine culture, we will analyze the medicine culture from the idiom containing the word “药” and combine the ZHUZI(诸子) thoughts. Through the analysis, we found the semantic characteristics and structural characteristics of the idiom containing the word “药”, and understood a part of the medicine culture through the idiom containing the word “药”. It is hoped that the research in this paper can provide new research ideas for future researchers, provide teaching basis for teachers of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and provide learning basis for students of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.

      • KCI등재


        黄春燕 ( Huang¸ Chunyan ),韩容洙 ( Han¸ Yongsu ) 중국어문연구회 2021 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.107

        While language reflects the development of modern society, these changes also affect language to a certain extent. With the increase of changes, more and more modern Chinese new words follow suit. ‘The quasi-affix’ are one of the important ways to derive new words. In modern Chinese vocabulary, these words are used more frequently in everyday life or in various media, news and newspapers. The research on ‘the quasi-affix’ began in the 1940s and was first paid attention to them by 吕叔湘. Combining the various statements, we summarize the characteristics of affixes of the same kind into three points: varying degrees of falsification in meaning; the productivity is high; and the position is fixed. ‘The quasi-affix’ appearing in front of the component components are ‘the quasi-prefix’, and those appearing after the component components are ‘the quasi-suffix’. After ‘狂’ being affixed, appears after the constituent components, so it is called the quasi-suffix ‘狂’. For the quasi-suffix ‘狂’, we must first understand the path of its affixation. Next, we need to understand the related structure of the quasi-suffix ‘狂’, including the number of syllables and parts of speech of its constituent components, and the structure. Finally, we must understand the emotional color of the quasi-suffix ‘狂’. The meaning of a word will reflect the subject’s emotion or attitude towards the objective object, and the newly created word the quasi-suffix ‘狂’ family words will also reflect the subject’s emotion or attitude towards this objective object. A detailed understanding of the quasi-suffix ‘狂’ can provide teachers with some teaching basis when teaching, and can also provide some reference rules for foreigners learning Chinese.

      • KCI등재


        黄春燕,韩容洙 동아인문학회 2024 동아인문학 Vol.66 No.-

        In ancient times, the image of a dog in people's minds was “flattering, snobbish, shameless, and despicable”. Therefore, speakers are less likely to address others or themselves when using words that contain the word “狗”. It is also generally difficult for listeners to accept the use of the word “狗” when addressing themselves. However, with the change and rapid development of society, many new words containing the word “狗” appeared on the Internet to call others or call themselves. This paper analyzes the new meaning and image of new words containing “狗” from the perspective of semantics and image. Among them, there are three new meanings of the word “狗”. This paper mainly analyzes the new image of the word “狗”, which consists of 5 categories: lonely image, miserable image, hard work image, negative image or others image. By contrasting the image color of neologisms with the inherent words, the traditional negative image color of dogs disappears slowly in neologisms, so neologisms containing “狗” are increasing more and more widely.

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