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        MGL 프로그램이 경도 정신지체인의 인지능력과 사회성숙도에 미치는 영향

        황영성,박재성 釜山大學校 師範大學 2003 교사교육연구 Vol.42 No.-

        This research processed to develop moving education program for making nonadaptation action better of light mentally disabled people. 16 people in experiment part and 16 people in control part were participated for this program. This program had been fulfilled for 8 weeks which was 3 times per week and total 24 times. And K-WAIS(Korean Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) which was adjusted in our condition by yeom tae ho, pak young suk, o kyoung ja, kim jeng gyoo and lee young ho etcin 1992 was used for recognition ability scale and was standard intelligence scale. Research of social adaptation was executed with Doll's Vineland Social Maturity Scale witch was reconstructed by kirn seung guk and kim ok gi in Korean condition. Paired t-test and ANCOVA was carried out to analyze recognition ability and social maturity properly for light mentally disabled people's improvement of nonadaptation and interview of experiment part was used as well. Conclusion of this research is following below. 1) In recognition ability, experiment part improved recognition ability after executing the program and control part did not change. 2) In social maturity, experiment part improved social maturity after executing the program and control part did not change. As the result, moving education program for improving nonadaptation action of light mentally disabled people affect several part complexly. Moreover, several part's improvement is expected through one program and the programs can be chosen and used in using object. In addition, it shows that it is possible to use moving education program for light mentally disabled people as useful program.

      • 運動時 糖質代謝와 HORMONE의 役割

        白永鎬,黃泳性 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1986 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of the study is to synthesize the theories of roles of hormone and carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. Carbohydrates serve several important functions related to exercise performance. Almost all injested carbohydrates are converted to glucose before they are utilized. Glucose is the basic usable form of carbohydrate. as a fuel, glucose is transported to the muscle by the blood. The storage form of glucose, is glycogen, which is stored in the skeletal muscle and liver. Maintenance of an adequate blood glucose level is essential at all times because glucose is the major source of fuel for the brain. levels of glucose in the blood are obviously tied to the carbohydrate portion of the diet, but there is, in addition, some regulation of these levels by the liver. Carbohydrate needs vitamin as well as oxygen in order to oxydize in the body. During exercise, Hormons related to carbohydrate metabolism work to promote supply of energy and maintain homeostasis of blood glucose. Hormones directly related to carbohydrate metabolism include insulin, glucagon, epinephrine and hormones indirectly related to it include gluco corti coid, TSH, GH. One kind of hormones dosent operate exclusively in the body but various kinds of hormone interact systematically related to other hormones, metabolic products and organ.

      • 무형유형별 슬관절의 등속성 운동 비교

        신희수,김태왕,양점홍,황영성 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1999 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the isokinetic strengh in dance type of university students. For the purpose, the subjects were 18 female dancer(ballet 6, modern dance 6, Korean dance 6) in Sin Ra university and isokinetic strength test of 18 subjects were proceed at speed of the 60deg/sec, 120deg/sec, 250deg/sec by the Cybex 770+TMC system. 1. The peak torque of hamstring 1) In dominant limb, ballet was significantly higher than modern dance and Korean dance at speed 60deg/sec, 120deg/sec, 250deg/sec. 2) In nondominant limb, ballet was significantly higher than modern dance and Korean dance at speed 60deg/sec, 120deg/sec, 250deg/sec. 2. The peak torque of quardriceps 1) In dominant limb, there is no significant at speed difference of 60deg/sec, 120deg/sec, 250deg/sec. 2) In nondominant limb, there was no significant at speed difference of 60deg/sec, 120deg/sec, and ballet, modern dance is significantly higher than Korean dance at speed of 250deg/sec. 3. The peak torque %BW of hamstring and quadriceps. In hamstring: 1) In dominant limb, ballet was significantly higher than modern dance and Korean dance at speed 60deg/sec, 250deg/sec, and there was no significant at speed of 120deg/sec. 2) In nondominant limb, ballet was significantly higher than modern dance and Korean dance at speed 60deg/sec, and there was no significant at speed of 120deg/sec, 250deg/sec. In quadriceps: 1) In dominant limb, ballet was significantly higher than modern dance and Korean dance at speed 60deg/sec, ballet and modern dance are significantly higher than Korean dance at speed 120deg/sec, 250deg/sec. 2) In nondominant limb, ballet was significantly higher than modern dance and Korean dance at speed 60deg/sec, 120deg/sec, and there was no significant at speed of 250deg/sec.

      • 남자 고등부 태권도 경기 내용 분석 : 발기술을 중심으로 Focused on Feet Technigues

        권오륜,노영태,황영성 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1997 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        This worker has wanted to make out various feet techinques and basic data for improving competitions by analyzing feet techniques frequencies, and effective piont scoring scale in High School Boys' national competitions. Through the study of practical examples, this worker has made these following conclusion: 1. The four different feet techniques were used at The National Olympics, The League of Middle High School Students, and The Pusan Preliminary Matches for the National Olympics in the following various frequencies ; Dolyechagi 222 times(52%), Nalaechagi 63 times(15%), Butchechagi 48 times(11%), and Dutchagi 49 times(11%). 2. An effective point scoring scale could be arranged like this : Dolychagi 45 points(55%), Nalaechagi 12 points(15%), Dutchagi 9 poins(11%), Butchechagi 6 paints(7.3%). 3. The various feet techniques and effective point scoring scale in Tae Kwon Do competitions. These conditions could be especially important for the favored winners. 4. Tae Kwon Do players should practice not only basic techniques but also various feet techniques in order to perform active and aggressive matches.

      • KCI등재

        공수도의 내재적 가치

        황영성,권오륜,정일홍 한국체육철학회 2009 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The objective of this study lies on assuring the immanent value of Karatedo and understanding the significance of kata training correctly to offer theoretical basis for the future oriented development of Karatedo. It can be said that the definition of Karatedo Katas is an educational training system which helps the ancient warriors to train attacking and defending techniques such as striking, kicking, blocking, breaking and throwing reasonably with some mental things in real battles or trainings. I studied on the internal value of Karatedo dividing it into physical, spiritual, traditional, educational, athletic and artistic values. First, the training of Karatedo Katas has a physical value that helps trainees to develop their bodies’strength and has positive effects on their cardiovascular system, blood circulation and the internal organs to make them healthy and it also helps them protect themselves. Second, Karatedo begins and finishes with courtesy. Every Kata begins with the motions of defense. It can be said that it has a spiritual value in the point of view that at the end of repeated training, trainees can finally see the value of lightening humans’insides with the insight, courtesy, courage, the virtue of humility, strong spirit (the spirit of self-denial) and strengthened power of concentration. Third, Karatedo Katas have a long history and they have a traditional value as a method of succeeding to the martial art as a part of traditional culture. Fourth, Karatedo Katas have educational components such as contents, trainees and trainers. Their training is conducted step by step repeatedly regardless of where they are, how many they have. It has an educational value that helps people to be complete human beings in physical, mental and social ways. It also has an athletic value that has tournament competitions, competes with others and determines who the winners and the losers are. Lastly, There are some factors which improve the artistic value of Karatedo Katas such as the artistry of lines which we can see from thewhite clean Karatedo outfit, connection of hands and feet techniques, combination of defenses and attacks, moving toward various directions, serious expression, slowness and fastness of speed, strongness and softness of power, respiration, lots of rhythmical motions, and timing. It is found that these internal values of Karatedo help all the people around the world enjoy Karatedo training regardless of their age, race and religion, and they also help Karatedo to become an official event in Olympics in the near future. 본 연구의 목적은 공수도의 내재적 가치를 정립하는데 있으며, 이러한 내재적 가치가 가장 잘 표현되어 있는 것이 형이라 할 수 있다. 즉, 형 수련의 의미를 올바르게 인식하여 공수도의 내재적 가치를 규명하고, 미래지향적 발전을 위한 이론적 토대를 제공하고자 한다. 공수도의 형(形)수련은 첫 번째, 자세교정은 물론 체력요인을 형성하고, 심폐능력, 혈액순환, 내장기관의 긍정적인 영향으로 인간을 건강하게 하며, 자신의 몸을 보호하는 호신으로서의 신체적 가치를 가지고 있다. 두 번째, 공수도의 시작은 예로 시작해서 예로 끝나고, 모든 형은 방어로부터 시작되며, 세월의 반복적인 연습을 통해 기술의 통달뿐만 아니라 통찰력, 예의, 용기, 겸손의 미덕, 강한 정신력(극기), 집중력 강화 등 인간의 내면을 밝게 해주는 정신적 가치를 가지고 있다. 셋째, 공수도의 형은 오랜 역사를 가지고 있으며, 전통적 문화의 일부분으로 무도를 계승하는 방법으로써 전통적 가치가 있다. 넷째, 공수도 형은 교육적 구성요소인 내용, 학생, 교사가 있고, 장소, 인원 관계없이 단계별로 반복적으로 학습되어 지고, 신체적, 정신적, 사회적으로 완전한 인간으로 만드는 교육적 가치가 있고, 토너먼트 방식으로 경기가 이뤄지고 있으며, 상대와의 경쟁을 통하고, 승패를 판단할 수 있는 스포츠로서 가치를 가지고 있다. 다섯째, 공수도 형을 행할 때 깨끗한 흰색도복으로 흘러나오는 선의 예술미, 손과 발기술의 연결, 방어와 공격기술의 조화, 다양한 방향으로의 이동, 엄숙한 표정, 속도의 완급, 강함과 부드러움 그리고 호흡과 수많은 동작의 리듬과 타이밍이 가해져 아름다운 표현으로서의 미적 가치를 가지고 있다. 이러한 공수도의 내재적 가치는 전 국민뿐만 아니라 세계인들이 나이와 인종 그리고 종교에 관계없이 함께 즐길 수 있는 공수도이자 올림픽 종목으로 나아가고 있다고 사료된다.

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