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      • 逸脫과 社會統制에 대한 批判的 觀點

        韓南濟,金哲秀 慶北大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.47 No.-

        This study is composed of four sections largely: (1) prologue, (2) backgrounds for the rising of critical perspective, (3) critical perspectives on deviance and social control, (4) epilogue. The critical perspective on deviance and social control has become a useful framework because of proposing other perspective than the conventional study. Although the critical perspective has emerged since the period of the classical criminology, it has been discussed actively as one of the major theoretical issues through the 1960s and 1970s. The critical perspective analyzes the relationship between deviance or crime and social control in terms of the critique of capitalist society. Also defying a view that considers criminal as pathological through the critique of sociology of crime, it explores the meaning of crime in capitalist society. Then it considers criminal behavior as action for social reformation. But we don't accept wholly this perspective. Instead we must attempt to solve several problems raised. It is possible through the creative cooperation with the conventional criminology and the comparative study of the varing societies.

      • 農村社會學의 硏究動向

        韓南濟 慶北大學校附設 韓國農村社會硏究所 1971 農村硏究 Vol.- No.4

        This thesis is to outline the study of Rural Sociology in America. E, Brunner indicates that there appears to be four periods in the development of rural sociology in the United States. The first was the period preceding the Purnell Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1925. The second period extends from about 1925 until the Great Depression. The third period extends from the beginning of the depression until the end of World War Ⅱ. With the end of world war Ⅱ the fourth period began and it is still in progress. The leading topics to which rural sociologists have devoted their attention over the thirtyyear period (1936-1965) can be checked as follow. (1) community (2) education (3) attitudes (4) data collection and data presentation techniques (5) diffusion (6) migration (7) personality (8) policy and planning (9) measurement (10) family (11) health (12) urbanization (13) research and theory (14) population trends (15)farm labor (16) rural life problems (17) stratification (18) description and theory of social organization (19) status and prospects of rural sociology (20) participation and leadership.

      • 美國家族에서의 父母·子女關係에 대한 一硏究

        韓南濟 경북대학교 사회과학대학 1985 社會科學 Vol.4 No.-

        This is one of the series of my papers on the historical changes of American family. The purpose of this paper is to understand the characteristic nature of relation and interaction of parents and their childen in the mid-twentieth century in America The probability of paternal involvement in the control and displine of children increases as family size increases. External control is likely to be utilized by lower-class parents than by middle-class parents. Mothers of lower social class and blacks tend to have more traditional conceptions, and the developmental conceptions tend to be most frequent among those of upper and middle classes and white mothers. K. Davis insisted that the conflicts between parents and their children can be adequately explained by Constants and Variables. The constants are the universal factors in the parent-youth relation and the variables are the factors which differ from one society to another. The most important variable in contemporary American society is the rapid social change. R. Dinkel's study of parent-child conflict in Minnesota familis supports the validity of hypothesis presented by K. Davis.

      • 産業化와 家族制度의 變化 : 19세기와 20세기의 美國家族 比較硏究 A Comparative Study of Nineteenth and Twentieth American Families

        韓南濟 경북대학교 사회과학대학 1984 社會科學 Vol.3 No.-

        This is one of the series of my study on the historical change of American family. In this study, nineteenth and twentieth century American families were compared in terms of their household structure, household and family sizes, and the length of family life. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) Even in the agricultural society, the conjugal family was predominant in America. 2) Average household size decreased from 5.83 persons in 1850 to 3.07 persons in 1970. Average size of family also decreased from 4.79 persons in 1850 to 3.57 persons in 1970. 3) The length of family life was prolonged for American tend to marry at earlier age and they have the expectation of longer life in twentieth century. 4) The number of primary individuals greatly increased in this century. 5) Judging by the above results it can be insisted that industrialization and urbanization have some impact upon the change of family system.

      • 韓國 都市家族의 友愛的 機能에 關한 硏究

        韓南濟 慶北大學校 東洋文化硏究所 1977 東洋文化硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to study the companionship of couples in the urban family in korea. In traditional family system, the companionship of couple was taken for granted and the emphasis placed elsewhere. The change of family system into nuclear one has brought with it the change of nature of companionship in family unit. It is of primary importance todays. As the korean family system has also begun to undergo a change to a nuclear family system, it can be guessed that great emphasis will be placed upon the companionship of couple in family life. In order to find out the reality of companionship of couple in the urban family in korea, I classified companionship into three type, i,e., organizational, friendship and informative. R. Blood and D. Wolfe classified companionship into these patterns. And another categoty named general companionship was added to them. The results of this research can be summarized as follows. 1. Organizational companionship involves joint husband-wife participation in formally organized group of various kinds. 30.7% of respondents answered they belong to one group, 4.7% belong to two group and 35.6% are non-participants. 2. Informative companionship deal with communication to each other about things which happen while they are apart. In this research, respondents were asked, "How often does husband tell his wife things which happened outside home?" 10% of all respondents never tell his wife about things concerning his jobs. 58.8% said they tell occasionally. The percentages of those who said they tell once a week and once a month were the same. They were 5.9% respectively. Those who communicate with their wives daily were 18.3%. 3. Friendship companionship consists in sharing friendships. The question involved is "About how many of your husband's friend or wife's friend are men or women that you personally know?" 31% of all respondents answered they know most friends. 54.3% said they know some friends and 8.6% said they know no friend. Respondents were asked about frequency of shopping that husband and wife do together. And they were given the question, "How many times do they go out together for recreation and some othen purpose in a month or in a week?" 8.8% said they never go out together. Only 10.9% answered they go out together frequeatly and 53.14% said they go out occasionally. 43.1% said they never do shopping together and 28.8% said they rarely do together. Only 2.4% said they do shopping together frequently and 24.8% of all respondents said they do occasionally.

      • 自殺行爲에 關한 社會學的 硏究

        韓南濟 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1975 文理學叢 Vol.3 No.-

        Suicide constitute not only a social problem but also a sociological problem. Suicide is generally believed to be of little quantitative importance in comparison to other causes of death. But it constitute a major cause of death, at least in some countries, Suicide represents a substantial social loss, both quantitatively and qualitatively. And suicide has been the object of sociological study, for the study of social norms and violations of them is fundamental to sociology. E. Durkheim's starting point was the obsevation that self-destruction occurs with varying frequency in different population, and he intends to explain this varation among social envirnments in the incidence of suicide. E. Durkheim contends that suicide rates depend on two variable social conditions, i.e., social integration and social regulation. Both high and low levels of integration and regulation cause high suicide rates. A social conditions of moderate integration and reguration cause few suicide. E. Durkhim's theory of suicide is far from a complete one. Much works remain to be done in his works. But many sociologists agree on the fact that E. Duckheim's theory of suicide is among the few approximations to a scientific law that sociology has found.

      • 미국가족의 역할구조에 관한 일연구

        韓南濟 慶北大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.50 No.-

        The family roles can be classified into instrumental role expressive role. In paternal family system husbands usually perform the instrumental role, and wives perform expressive role. In American family, gender roles were clearly defined in the past, but now they are performed by husband and wife. Husband are main performer of provider role, and wives often have jobs in the labor market. Housewives are home keeper, but husbands help their wives in home making. Both husbands and wives participate in sexual, therapeutic and kinship roles.

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