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        무전해법에 의해 제작된 비정질 Ni1-xPx 박막의 형성 및 부식특성

        김현구,명화남,최순범 한국물리학회 2004 새물리 Vol.48 No.4

        We investigated the formation and the corrosion properties of amorphous Ni$_{100-x}$P$_{x}$ (P = 13.0, 14.5 and 15.6 at. \%) films produced by using an electroless plating method with a 1$\times$ 10$^{-4}$ M aqueous hydrochloric acid solution. We measured the corrosion potential, the corrosion current density, the corrosion rate, and the corrosion resistance on the polarization curves at various temperatures for amorphous Ni$_{100-x}$P$_{x}$ (P = 13.0, 14.5 and 15.6 at. \%) films. All the polarization curves of the Ni$_{100-x}$P$_{x}$ films showed one polarization at each temperature, and the corrosion potential of the Ni$_{87.0}$P$_{13.0}$ film was high in the range of given temperatures. We think that the Ni$_{87.0}$P$_{13.0}$ film has better corrosion resistance because its corrosion rate is lower than the corrosion rates of the other films. We also found that the corrosion potential decresced gradually with increasing pH. The forward and reverse values, I$_{r}$/I$_{f}$, were then used in measuring the corrosion sensitivity.

      • KCI등재후보

        한반도 풍력자원지도 - 2010년판

        김현구,강용혁 한국풍공학회 2012 한국풍공학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        The national wind resource map is used as fundamental and core information across the sectors of policy, business and research in the wind energy field. Therefore, all countries with advanced renewable energy continue to update the temporal and spatial resolutions of their national wind resource maps as well as perform annual updates. This paper analyzes the spatial distributions of annual mean wind speed, maximum wind speed, seasonal mean wind speed, mean wind power density, wind profile exponent, Weibull shape and scale parameters from the recently updated 2010 wind resource map of the Korean Peninsular. In addition, time-series data are analyzed at HeMOSU offshore meteorological-tower and Youngduk Wind Farm by selecting them as contrast comparison locations. 국가 풍력자원지도는 풍력분야 정책·산업·연구섹터 전반에 걸쳐 핵심적 기반자료로서 활용된다. 그렇기 때문에 재생에너지 선진국에서는 지속적으로 국가 풍력자원지도의 시·공간해상도 및 연도별 갱신을 진행하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 최신 2010년도 한반도 풍력자원지도 갱신자료로부터 한반도의 평균풍속, 최대풍속, 계절별 풍속분포, 평균풍력밀도, 풍속분포지수, 와이블 등급계수와 형상계수 등의 공간분포 특성을 분석하였다. 또한 해모수 해상풍황탑 설치지점과 영덕 풍력발전단지를 대조지점으로 선택하여 시계열 격자점 자료를 분석하였다.

      • In_2O_3-Cd_(1-x)Pb_xSe Liquid Junction의 光電氣的 特性

        金炫九,崔聖休,金東鎬 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1983 自然科學硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        The In_2O_3 thin films were deposited by the spray hydrolysis method. The In_2O_3-Cd_(1-χ)PB_χSe thin films were prepared by growing the Cd_(1-χ)PB_χSe thin films on the In_2O_3 thin films by the chemical bath deposition method. The In_2O_3-Cd_(1-χ)PB_χSe thin films were thermal annealing in the air for one hour, the spectral response and the V-Ⅰ characteristics of the In_2O_3-Cd_(1-χ)PB_χSe thin films were measured. The edge of photon absorption and the energy band gap of the spectral profile of the In_2O_3-Cd_(1-χ)PB_χSe/2.5M Na_2S-1M S-1M KOH photovoltaic cell were 6917 Å, 1.797 eV, respectively. The photonenergy conversion efficiency(??) of the In_2O_3-Cd_(1-χ)PB_χSe/2.5M Na_2S-1M S-1M KOH photovoltaic cell were found to be 0.288%.

      • Glass 비적검출기에서 핵분열파편에 관한 부식용액의 온도효과

        金炫九,孔澤允 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1987 自然科學硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        A series of experiments was performed to study the effect of types of etchant, concentration of etchant, bulk-etching rate and track diameter distribution in Glass detector. Californium-252(cf-252) was used as a source for Spontaneous Fission Fragments(S.F.F) From the measured bulk-etching rates as different temperatures, the activation energy for bulk-etching has been obtained. The activation energy, Q, was found to be a value of 0.31 eV for Glass detector. A decrease in the value of V_B with an increase in fractional etching time in Glass showed the presence of EPL effect. The more the decrease in V_B, the greater was the EPL effect.

      • 생약재 음료소재 및 이를 이용한 음료의 유통현황

        김현구,황금희,Kim, Hyeon-Gu,Hwang, Geum-Hui 한국식품연구원 1995 食品技術 Vol.8 No.3

        생약재는 특수 건강식품에 대한 관심고조, 국산 생약재의 선호도 증가 그리고 재배기술의 향상으로 이들 생약재의 생산량과 생산액은 증가추세에 있다. 그러나 생약재는 현재까지 단순 건조하여 한약재로 이용되는 것 이외는 가공방법이 확립되어 있지 않아 현대적 수요경향에 맞는 기호성과 영양, 약리효과를 증진시킬 수 있는 음료 등 가공식품의 개발은 시급한 과제로 대두되고 있다. 따라서 생약재의 분포 및 생산현황, 생약재의 국제경쟁력, 생약재의 기능성 식품으로의 이용가능성을 확인하기 위한 생물활성 검색 연구현황 그리고 국내 생약재를 이용한 음료의 유통현황을 소개하고자 한다.

      • Daicel Cellulose Nitrate Cronar비적검출기에서 핵분열파편의 화학부식 특성

        金炫九 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1987 自然科學硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        A series of experiments was performed to study the effect of etchant, concentration of etchant, bulk-etching rate and track diameter distribution in Daicel Cellulose Nitrate and Cronar plastic detectors. Californium-252 (cf-252) was used as a source for Spontaneous Fission Fragments (S.F.F) The bulk etching behaviour of Daicel cellulose Nitrate depends on the normality, the temperature. From the measured bulk-etching rates at different temperatures, the activation energy for bulk-etching has been obtained. The activation energy, Q, was found a value of 1.06eV for Daicel Cellulose Nitrate detector. When Cronar was etched with 6.25N, NaOH and KOH and at 69˚C, the maximum ratio of maximum length to maximum width were 6.15 and 7.07 respectively. Cronar was etched better with NaOH than with KOH at a given normality.

      • 水稻 極早期栽塔에 있어서 耕種法과 收量에 關한 試驗

        金顯九 淸州敎育大學校 1978 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        水稻 極早期栽培의 技術 係를 確立을 爲한 基礎資料를 얻고자 그의 가장 適合한 裁植密度와 一株當苗數 및 室素增量實驗을 하였던 바 基 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 室素增量 效果는 最高分 蘖期와 分蘖數 有效莖比率 登熟比率에 效果的이었다. 2. 株當苗數가 增加할 수록(8本) 最高分蘖期의 分蘖數, 穗數, 10a 當 藁重 玄米量이 增加하였다. 3. 裁植密度가 높을수록 (90株) 10a當 藁重 및 玄米量이 높았다. 4. 要因 交互作用 效果는 나타나지 않았다. 5. 各 要因 共히 數量九成 要素의 하나인 穗數確保에 크게 作俑하였다.

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