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      • 高等學生의 精神 健康指導를 爲한 硏究(Ⅱ)

        金武吉 군산교육대학 1970 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        I . INTRODUCTION The purposes of general education are to prepare men and women for a satisfying personal life, happy family and social relationships and responsible citizenship in a free society. In order to achieve these purposes,we have been planning and trying to practice educational programs in teaching subject matter and in performing guidance programs. But lately we frequently have seen some shocking events, such as juvenile delinquency by a school-age child. Such an event often arouses the public to action and produces improvement in the schools' facilities for mental health. In this resarsch, I have tried to determine ways of improving mental health services in high schools and cultivating high school students' personalities. I used the questionaire method, quoting questions from BETTER WAYS OF GROWING UP by John E. Crawford and Luther E. Woodward. In the first report (Jeoulabukdo Educational Research Institute, Educational Research, monthly, December, 29 1968, p. 7-33), I have set forth results of two topics : A. Superstition which high school students have in their everyday life. B. Problems that trouble teen-agers. In this report I have shown the results of three additional topics : A. Ways in which high school students meet problems. B. Types of personalities of high school students. C. Emotional maturity of high school students. II. RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH A. High school students' ways of meeting problems In this questionaire, I have attempted to find out high school students' ways of meeting problems with the following questions : (1) thinking things out realistically, (2) substituting goals more within reach, (3) refining deeper motives, (4) inventing good reasons to support behavior, (5) compensation, (6) daydreaming and fantasy, (7) using ways of meeting problems that were satisfying at an earlier period of development, (8) indentifying closely with one's hero, (9) forgetting the unpleasant things in life, and (10) directly expressing. The results of the research with the above questionaire(Table 1)are as follows : (1) Nine of the questions are the topics in which more than 20% of 432 students have trouble in meeting problems in everyday life. (2) Four of ten questions are the topics in which more than 50% of 432 students have difficulty in meeting problems in everyday life. The above results suggest that most students have many troubles in meeting those problems. B. Kinds of high school students' personalities In this questionaire, I have attempted to find out what kind of personalities high school students exhibit. The questionaire lists ten desirable personality traits and opposite. A scale is provided from one to five for rating onself on each pair of traits (Table 2). The questions are as follows : (1) ambitious···aimless, (2) cheerful···depressed, (3)confident···defeated, (4)self-reliant···dependent, (5) industrious···lazy, (6)energetic···lethargic, (7)reliable···undependable, (8) honest···deceptive, (9) calm···irritable, (10)good leisure habits···poor leisure habits. The results of the research with the above questionaire are as follows : (1) John E. Crawford and Luther E. Woodward analyzed that if a student's' total score is close to 50, he may be overrarlng himself on some of the traits Scores between 45 and 35 seem to indicate a well-balanced personality. If his score is below 30 he should go to work on his personality. According to the method of the above analysis, most of the students who replied in the questionaire seem to indicate well-balanced personalities. (2) Only one of ten questions is a topic in which over 20% of 432 students have problems in their personality traits, but eight of ten questions are topics in which more than 10% have problems in their personality traits. Though a few students have such problems, we have to help them develop well-balanced personalities in the high schools. C. High school students' emotional maturtiy. In this questionaire, I have attempted to find out how grown-up students stand emotionally. The questions are as follows : (1) chronic grumbling, (2) angry spells, (3) lack of interest, (4) persistent feelings that one "naturally does and says the wrong things" (5) jealousy,(6)prejudice and intolerance, (7) aggressive streak, (8) feelings of guilt, (9)daydreaming, (10) belief in magic or luck, (11) expression of one's feeling of joy, (12) strength and fortitude against great storms in life, (13) compoanionship, (14) praise begged or forced, (15)harsh critictism, (16)morbidly thinking about past mistakes, (17)fears, (18)chronic worry, (19)life is not just a ceaseless round of glitter and excitement, (20)attempt to avoid the oppsite sex, (21) too much pep, (22) secrecy, (23)whole-hearted participation in good community programs, (24)guilty feeling about religion, (25)difficulty in planning their vocational careers. The results of the research with the above qnestionaire are as follows : (1) Twenty-five of twenty-five questions are topics in which more than 20% of the students have problems in their emotional maturity and twenty of twenty five questions are topics in which over 50% of the students have problems. According to the above statement,we are able to recognize that most of the students have a lot of problems in their emotional maturity. III. CONCLUSION As the above statements show, there are many problems in the mental health of most high school boys and girls.It suggests that we have to improve the mental he-alth services in the high schools to help students prepare a stisfying personal life, happy family and social relationships and responsible citizenship. In the following, I am going to suggest methods of improving the mental health services in high schools. A. In order to help students adjust to their social and physical environment in terms of heir own capacities, and limitations, we have to plan and practice the me-ntal health program in all of the school curriculum. B. In order to prevent students from maladjustment, there should be full-time counselors in every high school. C. Mental hygiene should be taught to teachers and counselors during preservice education and in-service education courses and it should be practiced for the students in high schools. D. Personnel should be organized for achieving the mental and physical health pro-grams.Personnel and material resources should be secured by the educational polocy.

      • 功擊性 調節을 爲한 相談模型에 關한 考察

        金武吉 全北大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to present a counseling model for controling aggressive behaviors. In the first section, various definitions and classification of aggression, and the relations between emotion and aggression are examined, Next various theoretical approaches to the study of aggression are examined. The final section concerns various ways in which aggression can be controled. The results of the study are summarized as follows : 1) The techniques of catharsis and punishment have usually been traditionally recommended to be used for controlling aggressive behavior. But a number of research results indicate that catharsis often tends to increase aggressiveness and that punishment often tends to repress feeling and imitate aggressive behaviors. 2) Most research indicates that self control and process-oriented techniques are more available than catharsis and punishment respectively. The techniques are stimulus control, relaxation, cognitive reorganization meditation, self-instruction, behavior shaping, internal cognitive control structure, and empahy. 3) For controling aggressive behavior, when the stimuli of the environment are evaluated, the error has to be minimized. And when the stimuli are evaluated as bad, frustration has to be accepted and violence has to be avoided through cultivating conscience and reason. 4) In counseling and self-control to reduce aggressive behaviors, the Counseling Outcome Inventory investigated by Clara Hill(1975) is available as a model of counseling self-control procedure for not only counselors, but clients. 5) The techniques stated above have to be used in stating counseling objectives in a specific form when drawing up a behavioral anchor for the Counseling Outcome Inventory. 6) When the models of aggressive behavior are broadcast through mass communication media, the harmful effect of aggressive behavior to other people and society, and the methods to avoid aggressiveness have to be demonstrated.

      • 金屬科 鑄造分野 敎育課程에 關한 硏究

        金武吉 釜山工業大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        Generally, it is said that the curriculum means the blueprint of the education containing the definitions of the direction of education, the methodological principles of education, the expectation that the social community and the nation expect the present students to be in the future, the contents and the methods of the education to be required in order to educate the present students as the social community expects, and the methods of evaluating the results of the education. So, the educational curricula are treated very importantly as the national level (affairs) and every country of the world try to improve and develope their own educational curricula. So far, our government have also endeavored to improve the educational curricula. On August 1, 1955, the government instituted and proclaimed the order of the curricula of the various educational institutes. On August 7, 1963, the government instituted the order number 1387 defining the curricula of five-year system technical high school. (1963∼1973) On January 1, 1970, the order number 2175 for junior college(1974∼1978). On December 31, 1977, the order number 3054 for technical junior college(1979∼) There were several steps of improving the educational curricula which we are using now. As a part of the governmental policies, and in order to acquire the capable manpower sources who can contribute to the present and future highly industrialized social community, the number of the higher educational institutes have increased from 19 schools of the year 1945 to 229 schools of the year 1982. It is understood that the enormous increasement results from the strong educational desire of people. But, generally, it is face that the graduates of junior colleges(there are 35 junior colleges having 257 departments) have profound difficulties in getting proper occupations, and it is the general trends that most of the industries do not recognized their abilities. This hard facts impel us to trace the cause, to find out what kind of defects there are in existing technician educational program of junior colleges and then to provide the improving measure. Because the graduates of technical junior colleges should do the rold as the backbone of industrial fields and they have to possess the technical knowledges and necessary groundings, they should be trained in technical communication and writing the technical reports which they will be confronted continuously while they are p[erforming their jobs as well as their majors themselves. Especially, by improving the human relations and establishing firm occupational consciousness, they should expand their occupational ability and should be faithful and co-operative. And also, they should be able to adapt themselves to new environments actively and they should be able to pursue the occupational gowth continuously and creatively. Form this point of view, the fatal defects of the existing curricula are the facts that the purpose of the existing curricula are ambiguous and uncertain and that, actually, the educational purposes of the existing technical junior colleges do not focus on training the technicians and that, in most of the cases, the basic systems and contents of curricula and textbooks imitate those of four-year system colleges. We have tried to develope the more synthetic and more practical educational programs and, with this curriculum, we have tried to make the professors can teach the students what, why, how, and what level to study in junior colleges, And we will teach them to know what relations there are between the knowledges they have learned in junior colleges and practical jobs which they will encounter after graduate, and will teach them to perform their own role as the able technician. So, in order to train the technicians of medium standing properly, we have analyzed and complemented the present education itself and curriculum of metallurgical departments of the junior colleges. And, in order to acquire the effective results of vocational education of techniques, we re-considered and planned the contents and programs of present education in junior colleges, and we have tried to perform according to our re-established program. Through this processes, we have intend to develope the curriculum with which we will be able to train the students to meet the demands of industrial society and to work actively and contribute to the nation and society where they belong to. That is to say, our purpose of this research is to develope the curriculum of metallurgical department of junior colleges, containing the education contents with which we can train the backbone technicians who can study the knowledges and theory of their own fields and can cultivate their potential ability and are necessary for the development of our nation and society. For development of the specialized curriculum of metallurgical department of junior college, each other, But, in this research, we examined the problems which happened during conducting the existing curricula of metallurgical department of whole junior colleges in Korea, through studying the opinions of experts, professors, graduates of junior colleges, studnets, employers of this filed and etc., and we have studied reports, books, and papers. And we held some seminare about this subject. And through comparing, analyzing, studying and integrating the curricula of several foreign junior colleges and similar institutes, we have utilized and collected the domestic informations as much as possible, in order to re-establish the educational direction and contents to meet the demand of the industrial fields and to meet the goal which the junior college is pursuing, And, as long as possible, we have tried to get rid of the prejudice and in order to keep the objective propriety, we have referred the opinions of all sorts and conditions of people in this field. We have tried to under stand the facts connecting with this research directly. Through this research, we are expecting the following effects; (1) We have composed the ratio of credits of the liberal arts course and special study requisite and selection of 20:40:40, and have composed the ratio of the class hours of a theory and practice of culture and special study of 50 : 50. (2) The total credits consist of 89, but in case of male-students, it is 90 (added 1 credit for military training). From this, the students shoule complete 80 credits at least for graduates. (3) Per semister, the classes for 21∼24 credits will be opened (for 4 semisters, it will be 90 totally.) and the students should complete 20 credits at least.(20 credits X 4 semisters=80credits). (4) Considering the burden of the curriculum to the students, In order to educate the students in the more detail and close to the practices at narrower domain, we have consisted the number of the theoretical subjects of seven including the liberal arts course. (5) Especially, we have given more weight on the basic curriculum, and considering the balanced distribution of the subjects for the melting course, and molding course, we have tried to make them balanced. (6) We have consisted the theory and the practice in same subject, we have tried to get the practical and effective results by composing the time table according to the instruction an outline.

      • 0.32%C-Ni-Cr-Mo鋼의 熱處理에 따른 强度와 延性變化에 關한 硏究

        金雨烈,金武吉 釜山工業大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The results to be investigated on strength and ductility in mixed structures (Martensite+Bainite) in 0.32% C-Ni-Cr-Mo steel are as follows; 1) The increase of volume fraction of upper bainit decreasese ductility and strength 2) Volume fraction of about 50% showed the positive deviation from mixture rule.

      • 大學生性格特性 및 生活環境變因과 進路計劃의 相關硏究

        金武吉,朴鎭玹,李永植 全北大學校 學生生活硏究所 1984 學生生活硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was intended to factor our the principal elements of the students' career planning for the use of students' career guidance. The subjects were 200 freshmen of the Jeonbuk National University. The study has been carried out through the following processes. 1. To identify the variables important in career planning on the bases of current theories of career development, 2. To identify the subvariables of individual traits and planned career achievement. 3. To develop a questionnaire to measure individual traits and planned career achievement based on the identified subvariables, 4. To standardize the questionnaire for the use of investigated results of students' values and planned career achievement, 5. To examine the correlation between students' individual traits and career planning for the provision with the general students' guidance model. The findings are summerized as below ; 1. Forth-one variables to be considered in career guidance were identified from the students' cumulative recording variables of the Guidance Center of Chon-buk National University, 2. The subvariables of individual efforts after his planned career were identified as shown in Table-5. 3. The questionnaire on individual traits and career achievement based on Table-5 was prepared as shown in Appendix Ⅲ. 4. The norms for the use of the investigated results of students' values and planned career achievement were shown in Table-6 and Table-7, 5. Nineteen factors were found significant enough in accounting for the variation of the input variables such as planned career achievement, individual traits, and so on. The 19 factors were as follow; (1) Factor Ⅰ included the variables of physical health and personality, economic matters, academic achievement, recreation, marriage in General Life Adjustment scale, and interpersonal relationships and security in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Self-control for Self-actualization". (2) Factor Ⅱ included the variables of family relations, social relations, conformity, adjustment to reality, mood, emotional stability, and leadership in Personality Inventory in addition to the variables, irrational thinking, negative thinking, and neurotic behavior. It was named "Personality Traits". (3) Factor Ⅲ included verbal reasoning, arithmatic reasoning, numerical reasoning, and figural reasoning variable in Intelligence scale. It was named "Reasoning". (4) Factor Ⅳ included the variables of independence, achievement, authority, helpfulness, security, and learning in Value Scale. It was named "Value Traits". (5) Factor Ⅴ included the variables of father's education and economic status, cultural facilities in the Questionnaire of Life Environment. It was named "Socio-economic Status of Home". (6) Factor Ⅵ included the variables of decision-making, cognition and self-appraisal in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Career Confidence". (7) Factor Ⅶ included the variables of validity in Personality Inventory and the lie score in MMQ. it was named "Openness Traits". (8) Factor Ⅷ included the variables of parental absences in the Questionnaire of Life Environment and negative thinking and aggressivensess in Emotional Scale. It was named "Negative Attitude". (9) Factor Ⅸ included the variables of consideration for major, self-concept, socio-economic values, interpersonal relationships, physical demands, and security in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Considerations in Decision-making". (10) Factor Ⅹ included the variables of data-collection and realizing self-willful purposes. It was named "Decision-making and Data-collection". (11) Factor XI included the variables of harmonious relationships, conformity, adaptability, and emotional stability in Personality Inventories. It was named "Early Experience and Personality Traits". (12) Factor XII included the variables of satisfaction with highschool experience in Student-life Adjustment Scale and independence variable in Values Test. It was named "Highschool Satisfaction and Independence". (13) Factor XIII included the variables of word usage, verbal reasoning, and figural reasoning. It was named "Verbal Ability". (14) Factor XIV included the variables of academic achievement, friendship with opposite sex, career planning and values in the Questionnaire of Life Environment and the variable of present efforts for planned career achievement, data-collection and self-evaluation in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "The Efforts for the Planned Career Achievement". (15) Factor XV included the one variable of home in Student-life Adjustment Scale. It was named "The Efforts for the Development of Home". (16) Factor XVI included the one variable of friend in Student-life Adjustment Scale. It was named "The Efforts for Harmonious Relationship with Friend". (17) Factor XVII included the one variable of place of growing-up in the questionnaire of Life Environment. It was named "The Place of Growing-up". (18) Factor XVIII included the variables of irrational thinking in Personality Inventories and physical environment in Planned Career Achievement Scale. It was named "Irrational Thinking". (19) Factor XIX included the sex variable of Student-life Adjustment Scale. It was named "Sexual Urge".

      • 7075 A1合金의 顯微鏡組織과 機械的 性質에 關한 硏究

        金武吉 釜山工業大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        Toughness and hardness of 7075 Aluminum alloys have been studied in relation to its microstructure. The results obtained are as follows: 1) At 120℃ the initial precipitate is a fine dispersion of roughly spherical GP. zones. After about 24hr, small platelets of the MgZn₂transition phase, η', are seen in the dispersion and a mixture of zones. 2) At 180℃ and 200℃, a GP.zone stage is not detected; the initial precipitates are small η' platelets which coarsen with coarsen with increased aging times. 3) The fracture mode transition from underaged to overaged structure may be correlated to a decrease in the intergranular fracture stress due to coarsening of the grain boundary precipitates. 4) At the same yield stress, the underaged structure has greater toughness than the overaged structure.

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