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      • 成長測定의 問題

        金在恩 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1963 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.4 No.-

        Problem in Growth Measurement -Lord and McNemar's Discussions- /Jae Un Kim In this paper, the writer would like to make clear and find out important and controversial points in Growth Measurement Devices. Lord of ETC and McNemar of Stanford Univ. set forth each opinions and criticisms about the problems in "Journal of E. & P.M " Problems of gain are very important in education and psychology, especially in the measurement and evaluation area of education. But technical problems such as precision of scale unit and statistical models are still in immature stages because of the intrinsic nature of social science itself. There are several important factors affecting measuring growth with standardized tests. 1. validity of scales(logical and factorial) 2. reliability of scales 3. precision of measuring unit (interval and ratio) 4. equivalency of measuring scales of initial and final testing. 5. time elapsed between initial and final testing. 6. nature of / and changes in subjects 7. tester reliability Lord insists that the true gain can best be estimated only when measures of initial and final testing are completely reliable. And according to Lord, one would better use multiple regression equation to estimate true gain with two scores as predicators, assuming same error variances of two scores. On this point, however, McNemar assumed different error variances of initial and final scores in order to estimate true gain. Lord used S.D. predicted true gain in testing the estimated error, but McNemar, in contrary, used S.D. of true gain. Lord, in his later paper, recognized that if we can obtain each reliability of two test we can accept McNemar's idea, but he pointed out that McNemar overlooked the facts that Lord's formula is for calculating standard error of estimated gain, but McNemar's formula is for calculating estimated standard error of true gain. McNemar developed a series of formulas of his own that we call multiple testing for measuring true gain. Some problems can be listed for further study. 1. problems of measuring gain in personality area 2. measuring growth of superior and inferior students 3. problems of ceiling 4. need of devising pure factor tests.

      • 韓國人의 知能의 發達 및 衰退

        金在恩 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1964 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        1. This study was made to estimate growth and decline of intelligence of Korean people. This study deals with three or four problems, those are (1) age effect on the growth and decline of general intelligence and subtest-abilities (2) estimating forms of curves of intellectual growth (3) regional and sex difference in the forms of curves of intellectual growth. 2. Test tools and samples used here are (1) KWIS and its standardization population (2) General Classification Test for Korean Adult Males and its standardization population (3) Quick-Scoring Mental Test by B.M. Chung and its standardization population (4) Mental Maturity Test and its standardization population (5) Differential Aptitude Test and its standardization population. 3. We obtained following findings from the curves of intellectual growth (N=2,384 by KWIS); (1) Linear growth from 12y-to 16y, (2) Negative acceleration from 16y.to 20y, peak between from 20y. to 23y, gradual decline between 23y and 30y, and sudden decline after 30y so 50y matches with 12y in their abilities of rational thinking and abilities of dealing with environment. (2) Two growth curves provided by KWIS and Quick-scoring Mental Test coincides closely between 12y and 19y (3) Growth curves (temporal curves) by Mental Maturity Test shows that curves accelerated from 6y to 8y negatively accelerated from 8y to 9y, and lineally regressed with age from 10y and 12y 4. We have to discuss further about the findings described above. (1) To what extent are intellectual decline affected by sampling procedures? (2) To what extent are intellectual decline affected by age? (3) Do the mental organizations (meaning of intelligence) change as age increases? (4) What other selective factors affect the decline of intelligence as age increases? 5. Among the subtests, abilities in Digit Symbol, Digit Span, Picture Arrangement reaches the peak before 20y and decline suddenly after then. Block Design, Object Assembly, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Arithmetic reach the peak at 20y and Picture Completion, Similarity, Information teach the peak around 20y The ability which is affected least by age is Digit Symbol, because this ability is supposed to have mostly motor-loaded. The abilities most sharply affected by age are Picture Arrangement, Information Digit Span and least affected by age are Block Design, Object Assembly, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Arithmetic and Similarity, Among the latter, Vocabulary Arithmetic and Comprehension are affected most by experiential factors. 6. From the above finding, we may conclude that abilities more affected by schooling decline relatively suddenly by ages, and the abilities affected positively by experiences decline gradually by ages. 7. Regional differences of intellectual growth ate relatively outstanding. The differences between cities and rural area are so great that we had to provide separate norms for the mental abilities. There seems to be difference of cultural learning affected upon the score of intelligence tests. 8. Sex differences of intellectual growth are not consistent in most of the studies, so we need to explore about the problems further.

      • 敎育的環境과 知的發達 : 地域層의 敎育機會의 差異의 硏究

        金在恩 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1966 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        1. This study is designed to ascertain the differences of educational environments and intellectual abilities among regional strata. 2. In this study, great differenced were found in educational facilities, and quantity and quality of teachers between urban and rural communities. Therefore children in rural communities are assumed to be greatly deprived of cultural opportunities. 3. Intelligence test scores have higher standing for large and small city communities, as compared to rural children: a difference of approximately 20 IQ points on an average. 4. Achievement test scores at primary level in national language, arithmetic, natural science, and social studies show great differences between urban and rural children. The differences in scores range from, 7 months grade norm to 2 years 4 months grade norm. 5. In secondary schools, achievement test scores of lower grade students show less differences than higher levels, but gradual demarcations are found as grades progress. Of course there are also large differences between urban and rural students in their achievements. 6. There remain further problems about the intellectual differences between urban and rural areas whether such differences come from basic intelligence differences of motivations, or urban-deviated test problems or testing time limits, and similar factors.

      • 敎育課程 構成을 爲한 基礎硏究(I) : 學生ㆍ敎師의 要求 分析

        金在恩,康宇哲 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1969 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.13 No.-

        Ⅰ. Outlines of this survey 1. Our ministry of education has so far enacted curriculum for various school systems only depending on conferences and formal discussions. We have felt urgent need for basic survey for most reasonable and vital curriculum development. Then we have launched a series of studies for such purposes, and that this survey was planned as the first project of that series. Those series are (1) philosophical and historical valuation (2) social forces and impact (3) students, needs and problems (4) functions of subject matters, and (5) learning theories. 2. We dealt here with those problems as (1) students' educational needs (2) Teachers' evaluation and opinions. 3. Subjects are 1,268 students in all, 253 from primary school, 287 from middle school 261 from general high school, 50 from comprehensive high school, 119 from commercial high school, 60 from fishery high school, 119 from agricultural high school. Teachers are 139 in all with whole caverage of above schools and with the areal consideration. Ⅱ. Results 1. Primary school children : Primary school children have most keen interests in nature and science, various social facts and chages too. In contrast with those interests, they have little interests in business and arts. The troubles which they have are poor achievement of arithmetics and fine arts. They have broad vocational interests regardless their community background and sex. 2. Primary school Teacher : They reported that children like sports but dislike arithmetic and business. Teachers observed lack of knowledge of fine arts, lack of the abilities to apply what they learnt, and lack of creativity. Teachers enumerated many problems children have from poverty up to lack of confidence upon teacher. They wanted to have more concrete and clear-cut educational objectives in teaching and guidance. 3. Middle school student : Students have broad span of interests in school subjects and extra-curricular activities too. Student do not like uniform or compulsory training and school activities, and ask teachers to be more familiar with students. They have many and various troubles at home and school, so they have to be helped by teachers for solving their problems. They want independence from parents and teachers and mostly are dissatisfied with their school life. Their span of interests in extra-curricula activities and vocations are so broad that teachers should take those facts into consideration in their guidance programs. 4. Middle school Teacher : Teachers reported that students have much interests in opposite sex relations, current events, and many extra-curricular activities as well. Their disciplinary problems span from opposite-sex relation to general morality. Most serious troubles students have are tuition fees, allowances, overloaded curricular, maladjusted school life. Teachers observed students' negativistic, dependent attitudes as most serious shortage in students' attitudes. 5. High school Students : High school students have much broad interests span and show much regional and sexual differences in those interest areas. They want independence and freedom from teachers' compulsion and parents' restriction. They have troubles in poor achievement, poverty, poor home atmosphere, parents' lack of understanding and so forth. They like to have more deep understanding on modern scientific and social advancement and changes. Their vocational interests range from merchant up to presidency. There are great regional and sexual and school differences in those vocational interests. 6. High school Teacher : Teachers reported that opposite sex relations, sex education, and resistance are most serious disciplinary problems at high school level students. Students' way of thinking are seen as to be calculative, egoistic and looseminded. They assert that most emergent takes to be done for high school students are to provide more reasonable guidance programs and democratize educational practices at the home and school.

      • 요추간판 탈출증 환자에서 화학적 수핵용해술과 기존의 후궁절제술의 예후분석

        김재은,박명찬 의과학연구소 1993 全北醫大論文集 Vol.17 No.2

        Chemonucleolysis with Chymopapain has been shown to be an effective alternative to surgery for the patients with lumbar disc herniation who failed to be treated conservatively. All the patients were diagnosed using either myelogram, sopine C-T, MRI& myelo-CT. If the radiological examination showed an extruded migrated disc, as well as spondylosisthesis and spinal stenosis, a laminectomy were performed. Otherwise patients underwent chemonucleolysis. Of the 536 patients, 488 underwent laminectomy & 48 chemonucleolysis. The results obtained from 398 cases out of 536 cases which could be followed are as follows. 1) 63% of patients were from the 20th decade to the 50th decade. 2) The most common site was L4-5 interspace, followed by L5-Sl interspace. 3) The majority of cases occured at one level. 4) Of 48 chemonucleolysis patients, excellent & good results were obtained in 89.6%. 5)In conclusion, above finding suggest that if there is an appropriate selection of patients and technically correct performance of the p개cedure by experienced surgeon, chemonucleolysis is a safe & effective neurosurgical method for treatment of herniated lumbar disc.

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