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      • KCI등재

        台灣特有詞中日語借詞的兩岸使用現狀硏究 -以兩岸網絡新聞爲主

        鄭莉芳 ( Cheng Li-fang ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2018 中國硏究 Vol.75 No.-

        Taiwanese unique words are formed under the influence of Taiwan’s geographical features, racial integration, and historical background. In particular, Japanese loan words can be said to have been produced in large numbers in the history of Taiwan’s history of Japanese colonial rule. Frequent exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have also brought about great changes in the "unique words" that originally appeared only in Taiwan. In particular, the concept of "Taiwan unique words" has gradually weakened into "cross-strait circulation words," and some have even become "cross-strait common words". Japanese loan words in the fields of food, cuisine, alcohol, and restaurants, and salutations and positions are often belonged to purely unique words in Taiwan. It is mainly because Taiwan’s Japanese food culture is deeply entrenched, and the use of the Japanese title is more affinity and intimacy in Taiwanese society. Unlike the use of Taiwanese Mandarin and Taiwanese dialects on the mainland, the use of Japanese loan words in mainland China is more limited.

      • KCI등재


        鄭莉芳 중국학연구회 2014 중국학연구 Vol.- No.70

        词汇是语言中变化最快的要素,随着时代的发展变化,汉语也产生了大量的新词语。汉语词汇学研究者不断地关注新词语的发展和变化,因此也做了不少研究,但对于新词语的教学,尤其是对外汉语教学的部分,目前还处于起步阶段,如把新词语列入词汇大纲的进度、课程大纲和原则的订定、学科的建设等问题,都有学者做了一些相关的研究。教师们在从事汉语教学的过程中,也常遇到学生在面对新词语时,不管是在词义、用法或是翻译等方面,都会出现不少的难点和一定程度的障碍。因此,探索新词语的教学方法可说是符合时代性又具生命力,同时又能完善词汇教学系统,提升汉语学习者的语言交际能力,更能符合学生实际需要,帮助他们了解中国新文化。汉语新词语教学的原则是依据实用性教学目标,明确教学范围;循序渐进,由浅至深;依需求差异,因材施教,然后要扫除障碍,突破心防。根据这些教学原则,可采用类推法教外来词和新造词、用对比法教缩略词、仿造词和旧词新义。此外,可用翻译法来深化新词语的教学,同时运用多媒体来辅助教学。本文所谈的教学方法,大部分是归纳了学者们的研究和笔者的教学经验,而有些方法则是观察部分韩国学生的学习难点后而提出的。 Vocabulary is the fastest changing factor in any language. Chinese language has also been changing and is not an exception. Chinese lexiconology has been focusing on the development and change of new vocabularies. Academic works on teaching new vocabularies are well documented such as including new vocabularies in the vocabulary list and, incorporating new words in curriculum and principles, whereas teaching Chinese as a foreign language are still in an early stage. Teachers, in particular, face difficulties in teaching new vocabularies to students with regard to meanings, usages and translation. Thus it is timely and important to find new teaching methods for new words for Chinese learners to develop their language ability and understand new parts of Chinese culture. The most important principle of teaching new Chinese vocabularies is based on practicability. It makes teachers for students to overcome difficulties and fears in learning new vocabularies. Examples can be utilizing teaching methods in similar foreign words and new words and using contrast and comparison to learn new meanings in abbreviated and new words. Translation is another way to strengthen new vocabularies which are leant with the help of using multimedia. Some methods were used in this paper are from previous research and the author’s teaching experience, in particular, observing difficulties and obstacles when Korean students learn Chinese language.

      • KCI등재


        정리 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2015 中國硏究 Vol.65 No.-

        The criterion of selecting poems to a poetry anthology is vary with each individual which reflected the poetic ideology of the selector. To know more about the poetry view of the poems selector, you should first know the motivation of bookmaking, and the background of his thought. In the recent years, Shen Deqian’s anthology was considered as working for a feudal govern by academia which gravely impede the poetry development. Some scholar think that the poets and poems evaluation standard of Origin of Ancient Poems was inspired by Chen Zuo Ming’s mining Shu Tang Poetry Election, thus they think that the poetry view of Shen Deqian is following Chen Zuo Ming’s, so as to make it not to be too rigid. Nevertheless, Origin of Ancient Poems indeed incorporates Shen Deqian’s insight of poetry selecting, and shows the historical origin and the value of poetry development. Literally, he practiced the view of tracing to the source and promoting gentle and honest manner in poetry. In this essay, I would firstly make a point by the motivations of making Origin of Ancient Poems is to trace to the source and to promote gentle and honest manner in poetry, and then reach the standard of poetry selection of Shen Deqian by understanding the foreword and evaluation in Origin of Ancient Poems: If one which can reach the standard might be elected, and if one which substandard Yazheng, is play-acting and lack of natural charm, or the contents cannot be read or the poem is fake then it would be less selective or even not be selected. From these motivations and standards of poetry election, I can conclude that there are 4 poetry view in Shen Deqian’s Origin of Ancient Poems; rebuilding the features of ancient poetry, promoting gentle and honest manner in poetry, tracing to the source and stressing on the meaning more than font. It is obvious that these poetry view does not follow from any classical poetry election, but it has its own poetic view and value. 选诗入集本就标准各异,而选评的标准本身就反映了编选者的诗学思想,欲了解编选者的诗学思想和诗观,也应探本溯源,从编选者编书的动机、其思想形成的背景中加以探讨。近年来,学界将沈德潜之诗歌选集和诗观贴上为封建统治阶层服务,严重阻碍诗歌发展的标签;也有部分学者认为,《古诗源》对诗家和诗歌选取标准和评论多来自于陈祚明《采菽堂古诗选》,故认定沈氏之诗观是承袭陈祚明而来,或由陈祚明先为其导路,使其免沦刻板教条。然而《古诗源》其实蕴含着沈德潜评选诗歌的慧眼,同时展现诗歌发展的历史根源和价值,可说是沈氏“溯诗源,倡诗教”的具体实践。本文先从沈德潜编选《古诗源》的动机乃为 “正诗风、溯诗源和倡诗教”立论,继而通过对《古诗源》序和例言以及各卷选评说明的整理,得出沈氏的选诗标准:举凡可“溯诗源,观升降者”、“格雅正,助诗教者”、“胸怀高,至真情者”皆予以选入,而“不合雅正诗教者、刻镂堆垛及缺乏自然风韵者、内容不可辩读或诗歌为伪作者”则“少选或不选”。从上述编书动机和选诗标准中,笔者归纳出《古诗源》蕴涵了沈氏四大诗观:重建古诗风貌之复古观,倡导雅正温厚之诗教观,展现探本溯源之诗史观和重意甚于炼字的创作观。足见沈德潜《古诗源》中之诗观并非仅承袭某古诗选本而来,乃是有其诗学底蕴和价值标准。

      • KCI등재


        정리 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2016 中國硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        There are three reasons for the translation difference of foreign words between the two sides of Taiwan Strait. The first is political and cultural differences, the second is language habit difference, and the third is the different translation technique in each field. This essay takes three translation viewpoint __ sound translation, meaning translation, sound and meaning translation, to discuss the translation difference of foreign words between the two sides of Taiwan Strait. The three above translation methods have different kinds of variations when applied in the fields of 1. Personal names and geographical names 2. Scientific, technical and Internet terms 3. Trademark naming…etc. Thus, it needs to analyze and explain deeply. In terms of personal names translation, both side of Strait mostly apply “sound translation”. However, in Taiwan, there is a habit of chineselizing of foreign names; famous people usually were translated into Chinese family names. Foreign people with Chinese family names create amiable rapport. This open mentality is what Chinese saying, “. The whole world is one family, all in universe are friends”. In aspect of geographical names translation, both side of Strait mostly apply “sound translation”. In respect of scientific, technical and Internet terms translation, both side of Strait mostly apply strict “meaning translation”. There are three reasons for the translation difference: First is that each side of Strait understands the original words in different viewpoint, the second is that each side of Strait is influenced by their own language habits and psychology, the third is the different translation technique. Foreign trademark translation is different from the translation of personal names, geographical names, scientific and technical terms. The former requires not only to understand the merchandise itself but also to consider the elements of product advertisement and consumers’ acceptance and reaction. While translating automobile trademarks, both side of Strait apply four methods: “sound translation”, ”meaning translation” “sound and meaning translation” and “non-translation”. Among the “sound and meaning translation”, we can find examples that satisfy every kind of the trademark translation principles as well as include the translation characteristic of compensatory translation and social translation. Through the evolution of trademark naming, we can observe the change in trend and consumer psychology. In addition, the trademark-merging phenomenon in both side of Strait deserves our attention, for those examples reflect the tendency of information exchange and trademark sharing in globalization era. 两岸外来词翻译差异的原因有三:一是两岸政治和文化方面的差异,二是两岸语言习惯的差异,三在是各领域翻译技巧的差异。本论文采取三种翻译法的角度,即“音译法”、“意译法”、“音意兼译”,以探讨两岸外来词翻译的差异。这些翻译法运用在(1)人名与地名(2)科技与网络用词(3)商标命名等各个领域中,出现了各种不同的变化,因此需要深入地剖析和说明。在人名翻译方面,两岸大部分采用“音译法”。但因为台湾有汉化外文名的习惯,多以汉姓翻译这些著名人物。汉化外国人的姓,是台湾人对有汉姓的外国人产生亲切感,这种开放的心态,是“天下一家,四海皆朋”的心态。在地名翻译方面,两岸大部分采用音译法。在科技与网络用词翻译方面,两岸大多采取严格的意译法。他们翻译的差异有三种原因。一是各自对原词理解的角度不同。二是受各自语言习惯和心理的影响。 三是由于翻译技巧的差异。外国商标的翻译与人名、地名、科技用词的翻译不同,除了对商品本身的理解以外,得考虑产品的广告和消费者的接受度或反应等因素。在汽车商标的翻译方面,两岸采取音译、意译、音意兼译和不译法的四种译法。其中,在音意兼译词中,可找出不仅满足商标翻译的各种原则,而且包含着补偿式译法、交际式译法等翻译特色的例子。我们可从商标命名的变迁中观察时代潮流和消费心理的变化。另外,值得注意的是两岸商标互相融合的现象。这些例子反映着全球化时代的信息交流和商标共有的趋势。

      • 兩岸外來詞翻譯的差異研究

        鄭莉芳(Cheng, LiFang) 한국외국어대학교 대만연구센터 2016 대만연구 Vol.- No.9

        The two sides of the Taiwan Strait have been affected by many foreign cultures, and a lot of foreign words have entered the two sides along with the foreign culture. The differences of the skills, methods and perspectives between the two sides are also caused. In this paper, we will summarize and analyze the three areas of significant differences - food and communication terminology, daily necessities and the names of foreign films. There are three characteristics in the translation of food names and traffic terms: the first is the phenomenon that both sides use translation names simultaneously; the second is the simultaneous use of the same English original words with several different translated words; the third is Translation is done in a variety of ways and is related to idiomatic usage in the region. In the difference between daily necessities and everyday words, this article also summarizes the three characteristics, the first is the angle of cross-strait observation of things and emphasis on the different parts of the difference; followed by a region with more than two words in the same word translated at the same time Use, and the vocabulary of a single use case of the phenomenon of vertical change; the third is the use of translation methods and techniques are also different, or even very different vocabulary. On the translation of film name differences, the mainland side of the film name translation mainly in free translation of the main translation. This translation method is based on the original meaning of the film name translation, and sometimes even have to worry about the government`s strict film review system. In the case of Taiwan, from the point of view of advertising effectiveness and audience-oriented translation, some translations are actually based on the addition of novelty in the translation of the original names, while others are based on the addition of extremely irritating or highly infectious The adjective of force is presented in a way.

      • KCI등재


        정리 중국학연구회 2017 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.82

        Taiwan's unique words are the combination of various conditions and history, after a long period of development and the formation. From the perspective of the formation of Taiwanese language in the twentieth century, the relationship between Taiwan dialect and Mandarin can be said to have been reduced and expanded through 1950 to 1987 to 2000. Into the 21st century, the exchange of information and interaction through the network more active, Taiwan young people in the use of network communication chat, for innovation and change, a large number of dialects also contributed to the lexical type of change. The author of this study found that the recent Taiwanese unique words in the use of the process has undergone significant changes. According to the study, it is shown that the new words in the Taiwanese vocabulary system are constantly increasing, and the second is due to the development of the network culture. Taiwan's unique words are gradually adopted by the mainland, and the ratio of the use and circulation in the mainland gradually increased. With Taiwan and mainland China exchanges more frequent, the mainland gradually familiar with the characteristics of Taiwan's culture and language in the process, originally Taiwan's purely specific words of certain words, became cross-strait transfer words, circulation words and common words. On the other hand, Taiwan and mainland China political system is different, the mainland side of the Taiwan political and election aspects of the unique acceptance is not, so Taiwan and mainland China transfer words, circulation words and shared words did not appear on the political, election words.In the economic and business areas, the mainland to the Chinese characteristics of the socialist market economy, corporate form and economic environment are different from Taiwan, from the results of the study can be seen that the absorption of Taiwanese special word ratio is low.

      • KCI등재


        鄭莉芳 중국학연구회 2012 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.62

        Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Taiwan focused on overseas Chinese schools and Chinese education of ethnic Chinese in the past. The 21th century is witnessing an upsurge of Chinese language learning around the world. As early as in 2001, Taiwan government began to encourage Chinese teaching with several incentives as the following: providing scholarship to foreign students, helping universities to set up training center of Chinese language and teacher with subsidy fund, encouraging domestic universities to establish Chinese institutes, perfecting academic organizations and holding seminars, setting up Taiwan education center and expo, popularizing Chinese language test and so on. All these measures maybe effective in a short term. However, without a coherent policy and agency, as well as a lack of combination between publicity and local resources, the promotion of Chinese teaching came out with little result. In this paper, the author suggests to develop a specific Chinese teaching system with Taiwan style by integrating political and commercial and educational resources. It is helpful to cooperate with overseas local groups to provide global Chinese learners with a better environment.

      • KCI등재


        鄭莉芳 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 中國硏究所 2004 中國硏究 Vol.34 No.-

        Ye Hsieh poetry theory evaluates me ancient poetry to Shen Dech'ien to have the important influence, therefore our minute from one, the poetry develops the source and course, varies directly the idea; Second, the gentle honest poem teaches the principle; Third, the poet creates the subjective condition and four, the poem law outlines these four parts to perform to elaborate, on the one hand explains Ye Hsiehshih theory, on the other hand also pointed out Shen inheriting with the development, understood the Shen poem discusses the basic connotation.

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