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      • 終末肺動脈 撮影術에(Wedge Pulmonary Arteriography)에 關한 硏究

        鄭埈 中央醫學社 1964 中央醫學 Vol.7 No.5

        The importance of the pulmonary vasculature in regulating the plumonary circulation tion and, therefore, in determining the clinical course and operability of patients with . congenital heart defects has been emphasized for a number of years. These intimal lesions produce abrupt narrowing of occlusion of the pulmonary arteries and particularly of the small arteries and arterioles. At present these fibrous intimal occlusive changes are believed to represent a fixed and irreversible pathologic lesions. It is the smaller pulmonary artery and arterioles that are involved and clinically applicable methods of visualizing the smaller branches of pulmonary arterial tree should prove usefulness in the study of occurence, pathogenessis and differentiation of these lesion and in the selection of candidates for repair of the associated cardiac defect. At present pulmonary arterial lesions are confirmed by lung biopsy. Lung biopsy affords a direct method for assessment of the vascular lesion, but, because of the focal nature of the intimal lesion, in some instances the specimen . studied does not reflect the over-all condition of the vascular bed unless serial slides are examined. Wedge pulmonary arteriography (W.P.A), a clinical method for visualizing the small pulmonary arteries radiographically, has been applied in 40 patients with cardiac diseases of congenital or acquired orgin to evaluate pulmonary vascular bed in the period from Jan. 1960 to Sep. 1964 in this department. The usefulness of the W.P.A. in the selection of patients with cardiac lesions for surgical repair and hemodynamic relationship, especially histopathological relationship constitutes of this report. The results can be summarized as fallows; ① W.P.A correlates well with the histopathological picture of the pulmonary vasulature a) Normal W.P.A has abundunt arborization of small arteries, with filling of small arterioles and capillaries producing distinctive back ground markings. b) When medial hypertrophy of the muscular arteries is present without intimal changes, the W.P.A shows reduced caliber of the arteries and less severe reduction of the arborization pattern and capillary filling. c) When occulusive intimal lesions are present, the W.P.A appearance is distinctive, characterized by reduced arborization and abrupt termination of some arter-. ies while others narrow to tortuous channels. (The normal pattern of arteriolar and capillary filling is absent.) ② W.P.A. are not correlated with E. C. G., pulmonary arterial pressure pulmonary wedge pressure and clinical classification. ③ Pulmonary arterial pressure are not correlated with histopathological findings. In this study, the wedge pulmonary arteriogram has provided an accurate clinical method for determing the type of the pathologic changes present in the pulmonary vascular bed preoperatively. The W.P.A is useful in the selection of patients with cardiac lesions for surgical repair.

      • 苦難과 敬虔 : 이스라엘 詩 硏究에서

        金正俊 연세대학교 대학원 1966 延世論叢 Vol.4 No.1

        Human suffering is universal, but the his attitude towards suffering is found in rarities and complexities. The people of Israel had ample reasons to go through many kinds of sufferings physically and spiritually. The problem of suffering Israel for them, however, is not to know what made them suffer but how did they overcome the sufferings with their piety, their faith in Yahweh the Lord of history. The psalmists of Israel give us the triumphant records of how they made victories over the human sufferings, to which all human souls are ever attracted by reading and memorizing these Verses they sang at home, and in the fields and the temple. The aim of this thesis is trying to show that the suffering and piety of the Israelites are interwoven in the pages of the lament-psalms-Klagelieder, and to know how their sufferings are expressed in the Klagelieder and what are the theological significance of their sufferings and hows they solve the problems. In order to accomplish these aims, in the first chapter, the writer deals with the relationship between the problem of suffering and the Israelite literatures. In the second chapter, the with traces in the Psalms the painful experience of life and yet finds their unchanging piety, suffering through the sufferings. In the third and fourth chapter, the writer introduces the general outlines of H. Gunkel's theory on "Gattungen" to the Korean readers and tries to see the problem of suffering and deity in the structures of the lament-psalms, Klagelieder. In the fifth chapter, the writer analyzes the nature of suffering of the psalmists in terms of physical, spiritual, sociological and theological aspect. The psalmists seem to suffer on account of illness and imprisonment. They do not deserve to be suffered, if the doctrine of retribution has any validity. They are also suffered from the disorder and unjustice created by the wicked, enemies to the innocent and the righteous. (The first part of present study ends here and it will be continued in the next issue.) In the next issue, the writer will deal with the hardest and hearbreak experiences of suffering, caused by the betrayal of the faith of Yahwism. These are the enemies of the pious psalmists. The final chapter of this study will be an attempt to show the psalmists who have solved the problem of suffering. They seem to believe that the only key to solve it was in the sincere, God-fearing, and trusting-faith in Yahweh.

      • 이스라엘 民族精神 硏究 (상)

        金正俊 연세대학교 대학원 1970 延世論叢 Vol.7 No.1

        The aim of this thesis is trying to find out the Israelite national spirit which was able to produce the so·called "the Hebrew spirit" or "the cultural heritage of the Hebrew," which is known as one of the poles of the Western culture. The Old Testament, on one hand, is the product of the Hebrew national spirit, and on the other hand, throughout the long period of Old Testament times, it interpreted, evaluated the spirit and applied it to the historical situations to proclaim the traditional pride and mission as a special people, "God-elected people" to the world. It is generally believed that there is no other people who has gone through the longest and the most severe national distresses and sufferings as the Israelite, as it is recorded in the Old Testament and also is known until now in the tragic history of the world. It is also true that the people of Israel is the never-dying people, no matter how severe persecutions were occured against them in the long centuries of the world history. This may be one of the mysteries of the world. The writer of this thesis, as a student of the Old Testament, a collection of the records of the cultural heritage of this people, aims to find the national spirit of this people as it is recorded in the Old Testament. As a starting point, the writer tries to discuss the national consciousness and its process in the origins of the people by waking clarification of the two names of this people: "Hebrew" and "Israel," and then, following to studies of M. Noth, the writer introduces the understanding of the twelve tribes of Israel as a later interpretation of the historians of the Old Testament, not following the traditional theory of the conservative side. In the next chapter, the writer tries to understand the national consciousness in connection with their faith, expressed in the ideas of "God of history," "God of salvation," "monotheism" and "the meaning of monarch" of the Israelite. The present study is stopped here due to the absence for a year, as being invited to Hamburg University as a visiting professor. The writer planned further to pursue to clarify "The Nationalism of Israel" in connection with the idea of "Election" in the expressions, "Am-haretz," "Am-qadosh," "Am-segulah," "Am-nachlah," and "Am-berith." From the result of such studies, the writer further tries to discuss "The subjectivity of the people", "Creation of Israelite culture", and "Heritage and Uniqness of their culture". These discussions will be followed in the next issue.

      • 苦難과 敬虔 (Ⅱ) : 이스라엘詩 硏究에서

        金正俊 연세대학교 대학원 1967 延世論叢 Vol.5 No.1

        In this second part of my Thesis, a critical stuffy has been concentrated in finding out the nature of suffering of the Psalmists in connection with their faith. They were suffered, because they had strong and unmovable faith in the Lord. Their sufferings can be analysed theologically in the following three points: the laughter and betrayal of faith, the alienation from God, and guilty consciousness. The mockers of faith are frequently expressed in terms of "enemy and "adversary" in the Psalms. Who are those enemies and adversaries? Opinions are divided by three noted scholars: Mowinckel, Gunkel and Oesterley, Mowinckel considers the enemy as "Zauberlei", centering his study on a Hebrew word "Awen", and denies him as non-historical person. H. Gunsel, on the contrary, considers the enemy as historical person, who might have been opponents or betrayals of the forefaither's faith. Oesterley is interested more in the sociological aspects of the issue and considers the enemy in terms of antogonism between the righteous and the wicked. The Psalmists seem to have great suffering when they felt they were completely alienated from God. The idea of J. Hempel's "Abstandsgefu‥hl" seems to be outstanding feature of the suffering, when the Psalmists cry to the Lord: "Why dost thou stand afar off, O Lord? Why dolt thou hide the self in time of trouble?" The Psalmists were also deeply conscious of their guiltness before God. This consciousness seems to be "heavy hand" upon them as to cry to the Lord: "These is no so soundness in my flesh because of Thy indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sins". Without painful experience, both "Su‥ndenerk enntnis" and "Su‥ndenbekenntnis" are impossible to see. In such bitter confession of the inner ego, man can only be honest before God, "Against Thee, Thee only, have I sinned." In the last chapter, the writer tries to show how the Psalmists did solve their sufferings. The solution seems to come to the Psalmists through their sincere faith, which can be analysed into four aspects: faith in God's emunah (faithfulness:, in hesed(Covenantal love), in God's interference and in trusting-faith. These four aspects are the main ingredients of the Hebrew piety. The Psalmists were suffered because of their piety, but because of their piety they seem to be able to overcome and solve the sufferings.

      • 急性腹症에 對한 外科的 考察

        兪鎭一,朴麟浩,金彩圭,卞鍾善,鄭埈 中央醫學社 1941 中央醫學 Vol.10 No.4

        We have attempted to review our experience with 483 cases of acute abdomen, which were treated surgically at the Nam-Boo City Hospital from January 1962 to December 1965. Recently many surgeons emphasized important items utilized in the differential diagnosis of the acute abdomen. There is no substitute for good history taking and careful physical examination in most incidences. The decision for the urgent operation will be led in this way laboratory aids including the X-ray examination. The series of 483 cases analysis as follow; 302 cases were men and 181 cases were women, sex incidences was 2 : 1 Among the 483 cases of acute abdomen, acute appendicitis were 337 cases (69,7%), ileus were 59 cases (12.1%)peptic ulcer perforation 24 cases (5.0%) biliary disease 42 cases(8. 6%) and accidental trauma 12 cases(2. 5%) The mortality rate mainly dependent on the length of the time from the onsest to laparotomy. The mortality rate of intestinal obstruction are 6.8% and peptic ulcer 4,1% and our series showed high incidence of mortality in the intestinal obstruction. We think above high mortality caused by delayed Laparotomy.

      • 心臟血管 外科 手術 100例 報告

        李寧均,元官喜,朴鍾善,鄭埈 中央醫學社 1963 中央醫學 Vol.5 No.3

        Fifty cases of congenital cardiac malformation and fifty cases of acquired heart disease and injuries of cardio-vascular system were treated Surgically in this department. Main lesions of congenital origin were twenty-two cases of tetralogy of FalIot and 16 cases of patent ductus arteriosus. Mair lesions of acquired type were five cases of cardiac trauma, nine cases of aortic and major arterial injury, and thirteen cases of mitraI stenosis, Three cases of typical pulseless disease with eye-ground findings and four cases of Mitral insufficiency. In twelve cases general hypothermia were utilized. Oul of seventeen open heart Surgery cases with Bubble type oxygenator four Mitral insnfficiency and one Atrial septal defect cases surrvied but all six teralogy cases expired, . In two cases hypothermic hemodilution peousfusion with double helix resesvoir oxygenator were` utilized with one surviirval. In congenital cyanotic malformation group Glenn proceadures were performed in nineteen cases,. inducing fifteen cases of tralalogy of Fallot. In mitral insufficiency open mitral valvuloplasty was done with ivalon baffle attachment to the mural cusp in two cases.

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