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      • 일제하 서울근대화의 식민지적 성격

        형기주 誠信女子大學校 韓國地理硏究所 1997 應用地理 Vol.- No.20

        A traditional medical service has a limit on space and time. As the telecommunication and information technology have rapidly grown, it is possible to carry on medical service without meeting a patient in the far distance away. A new technology of telemedicine would make possible to integrate telecommunication technology with teleradiology, telemetry, telesurgery, and medical information system. Therefore, a spatial location problem on medical resources such as medical instruments, hospitals, emergency facilities, and doctors should be reconsidered by analyzing several factors based on the concept of cyberspace. The proposed medical cyberspace consists of doctors, medical instrument center, surgery center, emergency center, pathology center, nursing center, data warehouse, and medical information center. A new technology in the name of "intelligent agents" is emerging over the internet. The intelligent agents go around the telecommunication network, namely, the internet and gather information on their purpose. The agent program also makes a decision on its task and requests a help to the other agents. They can work in collaboration over several task. Hence, we can introduce the medical agents on the medical cyberspace. There are 8 kinds of medical agents. A monitoring agent watches a patient and report a status of patient periodically. An emergency agent allocates the emergent patient on near emergency center based on the report of the monitoring agent. A reservation agent manage the schedule of doctor, nurse, medical facilities with the help of GIS and GPS. A diagnostic agent analyzes several medical data on the patient and opinions of doctors. Nursing agent manages the nursing centers which are distributed in a small district. Organ sharing agent connects a donor to the patient. A financial agent manages all kinds

      • 韓國에 있어서 工業의 集積과 需要因子에 關한 立地의 動向 (第二報)

        邢基柱 慶北大學校 1966 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Manufacturing localization in Korea is more rapidly progressing in such urban districts of which population size is not less than 200 thousand as Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Inchun and Kwangchoo. Surely they hold about 70 percentages of total manufacturing output in Korea. The manufactural classifications which are locally specialized are as follows: (A) heavy industrial type such as the industry of base metal or that of trantportation equipments; (B) consumption goods type which has relatively stable demand and is not necessary high technical process or capital, such as leather and rubber manufacturing; (C) consumption goods type which mainly depends on the population density or higher standard of living such as printing, paper, furniture, and electrical equipments. The patterns of manufacturing accumulation can be classified on the two characteristic regions extremly contrasted; one shows various concentration and the other a localized specialization. For example the formers are the circles of Seoul, Pusan, Taejun and Mokpo, and the latters are the circles of Pohang, Andong, Kimchun, Kuchang and Yungwol. How can we analyse the manufecturing accumulative process in urban districts? What main factors are concerned with the process? The answers were given by many economists and geographers such as H. Ritschl, A. Lo¨sch, S.R. Denison and L.M. Greenhut, but each of them laid emphasis on different aspects. In manufactral accumulation process of urban district, the main factors observed are as follows: 1) There are tremendous and various demands in urban district; 2) Material procurement in manufacturing process of Korea depends mostly on import from foreign country. 3) For the most part, many plants in Korea are very small in their management size. This results in making the various industries concentrate in urban districts which are more accessible to the consumer. 4) Many private enterprises are more easily acessible to various individual techniques in urban districts. 5) For the rapid adaptation to mass communication and service system, urban district is purposful location in manufecturing. 6) Development of transportation and automation or material substitution result in making the various industries concentrate in the market area rather than being oriented by the material. 7) The other many of personal factors are considered.

      • 製造業 雇傭 의 持化·多角化構造에 관한 硏究 : 槪念과 測定을 중심으로 with reference to be

        邢起柱 동국지리학회 1980 東國地理 Vol.- No.1

        The purpose of this study is to review the previous studies on the concept and measurement of manufacturing diversification, to revise A. Rodgers' method of measurement, and verify it with the manufacturing employment data of Korea. (1) In broad sense, the term "absolute or maximum diversification" has been used to indicate equal employment in all major categories of manufacturing industries, while the term "specialization" refers to the concentration of manufacturing employment in one or a few industries. We have to understand them as a counter-tendency or inversely correlated terms regardless of which is favorable structure, and consequently maximum diversification is equal to minimum specialization and minimum diversification to maximum specialization. Nevertheless, some scholars have denied such self evident concepts and dealt with them as different facets of local economy which does not occupy positions on a single continum of economic structure. For example, J. B. Parr maintains that maximum diversification is not equal to minimum specialization though minimum diversification is synonymous with maximum specialization, because the former is concernd with equal shares of employment while the later corresponds to national structure. This mistaken usage of the terms arises from the difficulty of defining what is "balanced" industrial structure in any realistic sense. It is insisted that there should be no final answer as far as balanced, ideal or normal industrial structure is concerned; there is the only structure for any case any every time. (2) Previous studies may be classified into one of three groups, depending upon ther definition of "normal" employment, i.e., absolute diversification ---equal employment shares--, national everage or the others including minimum requirements. As we may not always consider the above mentioned as balanced, ideal or normal state of employment we have to treat such definitition not as the norm but as the benchmark for measuring certain employment structure. As far as industrial structure is concerned, the term "norm" which implies generally a optimum state of reference is the object itself we try to define, but the term "benchmark" is a point of reference from which measurement of any sort may be made. Consequently, the latter is not and object but a means to an end. (3) Both P.S. Florence and A. Rodgers thought "national average" as a benchmark for measuring employment structure, though the latter considered simultaneously "maximum specialization" for compromise. On the contrary, both R.C. Tress and E.C. Conkling treat "absolute diversification" as a benchmark, though the latter used Lorenz curve for indexing employment diversity. No doubt, their computing processes are different respectively except for A. Rodgers and R. C. Tress. The computed results gained from the four measures applying to 32 cities in Korea show that Tress and Rodgers' indices are not perfectly identical in their magnitudes but in the rank order of the diversities, although they used different benchmarks for measuring. This means that the rank order of diversification indices in employment structure depends on what process of computing is performed rather than on what benchmark is dealt with. Rodgers and Tress used same formula but different benchma가 considering simultaneously "Maximum specialization" for compromise. (4) Although Rodgers' measure has bee widely used in defining regional economic structure, there are two weak points in terms of arithmetic context; one is concerned with more diversified structure than national average, and the other with the expression of specialized or diversified facet in employment. A. Rodgers disregarded negative quantity of the indices in computing process when the employment structure of certain city is more diversified than national average. Moreover, his index represents more conveniently the facet of specialized employment rather than that of diversified one. Accordingly, the more employment specializes the more the index increases. This is very unconvenient for one who intends to review the diversification facet of employment structure in certain region because of the inverse tendency rodgers' index represents. Considering the above mentioned weak points, the writer proposes that Rodgers' refined diversification index of which the above weak points are excluded should be designated as "Adjusted RDI".

      • 韓國에 있어서 工業의 集積과 需要因子에 關한 立地의 動向 (第一報)

        邢基柱 慶北大學校 1965 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        In the regional analysis of manufacturing, we can find the several types of methodological trends as follows: 1) Study of manufacturing distribution; 2) Study of localization analysis in private enterprise; 3) Study of localization precess or location pattern; 4) Study of manufactural structure on compound region; 5) Study of economic base in connection with urbanization. In order to analyze the functional base of manufacturing region in Korea, the author laid stress on the latter two methodological consideration and reexamine into Weberian location theory which is based on the isolated one-point market or economization of transportation cost. Now manufactural localization in Korea is more rapidly progressing in urban district of which population size is above 200,000. And as population increases in the consuming center, the more various structural pattern of manufacturing shows. No single criterion or single complex of criterion can only give a map of total manufactural geography, but also is useful to appraise the regional weight and local pattern of manufacturing unless all the multiple criteria or various complex of them are considered. Applying the manufacturing output and manufacturing employment in 1963, the author classified the rank weight of Korean manufactural region in which regional quantity of manufactural accumulation is reflected. They are as follows: 1) Highest accumulative region- above twice coefficient of Korean average ratio-Seoul, Pusan and Taegoo including of urban hinterland; 2) Higher accumulative region-above Korean average ratio-Taejun circle; 3) Accumulative region-between 0.5 and 1.0 coefficient-Chungjoo, Nonsan, Iir, Chyungjoo and Mokpo circle; 4) Nonaccumulative region-below 0.5 coefficient-the other area. Economic region has the two important aspects as the space of location and that of market which was less important in Weberian theory. It is necessary to unify these two aspects as long as we recognize the real economic space is concern with the concept of equilibrium in the balance of supply and demand. The concept of economic base or geographical multipplier has used for the purpose of analyzing the space of equilibrium. The author calculated the location quotient and localization coefficient of manufacturing by 22 planning region and cleared the extent of basic activities by each manufacturing classification, because the scope of basic activity in each region is good reflector to show the variety or speciality of manufactural accumulation. Cosequentially manufacturing regions are classified into characteristic four ranges as follws: 1) Various accumulative region-concentration of various kind of manufacturing-Seoul, Pusan, Taegoo and Mokpo including of the urban hinterland; 2) less various accumulative region-Chunchyun, Chungjoo, Iri and Taejyun circle. 3) Less specialized region-Chyungjoo circle; 4) Specialized region-a localized industry region-Yongwol, Pohang, Andong and Kyuchang circle. How understand the cause of manufacturing accumulative process in the only urban district? What main factors are concern with the process? The answer was given by many of economists and geographers such as H.Ritschl, A.Lo¨sch, S.R.Denison and L.M.Greenhut, but they laid stress on the different aspects of them one another. In manufactural accumulation process of urban districts, the main factors observed are as follows; 1) There are tremendous and various demands in urban district. 2) Material procurement in manufacturing process of Korea depends almost on import from foreign country. 3) For the most part, many of plants in Korea are very small in their management size. This results in to make the various industries concentrate in urban districts which are more access to consumer. 4) Many of private enterprises are more easy of access to various individual technique process in urban districts. 5) For the rapid adaptation to mass communication and service system, urban districts are purposeful location in manufacturing. 6) Developement of transportation and automation or material substitution result in to make the various industries concentrate in the market area rather than material orientation. 7) The other many of personal factors are composed. For instance, we know that the industries located in the consuminng center are not always consumer oriented, but oriented owing to various other location factors. Real demand factor means not only terminal step of consumption but also various advantages of manufacturing process existing in urban district.

      • 首都圈 內部의 工業立地 動態

        邢基柱 동국지리학회 1987 東國地理 Vol.- No.8

        This study is to clearly explain the behavior of the industries in the inner part of Greater Seoul and to test the incubator hypothesis with the data such as census, Register of Manufacturing Establishments and responses to the questionaire. Greater Seoul is divided, for the sake of convenience, into five rings core area, inner city, outer city, inner suburb, and outer suburb. Chung-ku was cited as an examle of the core area and Songdong-ku as an example of the inner. city. With regard to the changes in industrial locations in Greater Seoul for the past 10 years, the growth in the inner suburb is outstanding in terms of employment, especially in the south and west of Seoul city. Despite the numerous restrictions in the inner part of the city, the preference for clustering in the core is strong among the small printing, publishing and clothing industries. Births and deaths of plants althernate so ofter that the viability span is 4 to 6 years mostly and the physical relocations don't take place as often as they are presumed. The births and the deaths of plants soared to the peak in 1978 and from 1982 to 1983 each. And the fluctuation is greatly affected by the economic situation, oil price changes and the Industrial Location Act. New births of plants continue in the core area and the inner city of Seoul despite the ban on the new construction of them that was imposed because the births of plants include entries of a change of holders and of the products. These happen because the city center provides incentives for the clustering of industries in spite of the various restrictions. Approximately 50% of these incentives have to do with the incubator hypothesis and the remaining 50% have to do with the market, labor and transportation. Especially, the claim that the location of a plant is determined by the pulling to old premises is not right in the case of Seoul. The same answer came to the following questions. Where did the plants in Chung-ku and Songdong-ku migrate from? Where do these plants migrate and want to migrate? What is the scope of buying and selling of the sevices generated by these plants? the answer is that the plants in Chung-ku migrate and business is done within a limited area, while business in Songdong ku is done more extensively. Generally, the plants in chung-ku want to migrate within a radius of 15km from the city center and those in Songdong ku want to migrate within a radius of 15 to 40 km from the city center. This implies that there are certain steps in plant relocations according to the kinds of production activities and the scale of the plant. Just as in the human activities, no rigid theory or law applies to the reality perfectly. the incubator hypothesis that was examined in the industries of Seoul well demonstrates this fact. It is true that certain industries are inclined, by a large measure, toward the city center. but, that's not necessarily because of incentives related to incubator(seed bed). If there is a strong preference for the core area of big cities on the part of the printing, publishing and clothing industries, a rigid zoning law needs to be reexamined and amended so that the industries may effectively link together and help one another. the government must make an effort to systematically set up medium and small industry complexes or industrial apartemtns, getting rid of the lingering industrial ghettos, while establishing an industrial urban community that combines the three functions in an ideal manner residential function, production function and urban services function.

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