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      • 평행평판 도파관에 위치한 좁은 틈에 유기되는 등가자계전류의 계산

        趙榮基 慶北大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        A parallel plate waveguide with a narrow slit in its upper plate is investigated. An integral equation whose kernel is approximated to logarithmic function is formulated for the slit electric field (equivalent magnetic current) and it is solved by assuming appropriate singular functions exhibiting the known edge condition as a solution. Data are presented for the normalized resistance and reactance of the narrow slit, and obtained values of reactance shows close agreement with that of Marcuvitz.

      • 북한 무역구조 분석:RCA를 중심으로

        조영기 건국대학교 1995 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.42 No.-

        Now North Korea remains the only autarkic economy and the Stalinist-type command econ-omy in the world on account of the collapse of the old Soviet Union which the largest trade partner of North Korea and demolition of the East European Zone. Owing to a failure of NOTth Korea to introduce required capltal and technology, the economy has fallen into backwardness of technogical level and the absolescence of industrial facilities over the entire industry. And as a result of promoting the heavy industry prlOVlty principle, has led to disequilibrium between industries. This paper attempted m make an analysis of the problem : 1) In what product group, NOTth Korea has comparative advantage in foreign trade. 2) At what level of economic development North Korea stays now. In order to analysis of North Korea's comparative advantage goods and stage of economic de-velOPInent, this paper use technigues of Balassa's revealed comparative advamange(RCA). This shows that North Korea have greatIy a comparative advantage Hecksher Ohlin goods among three goods group those are Ricardo goods, HecksCher-Ohlin goods and Product cycle goods. This mean that pattern of North Korea use of standard technology producing products and stay at initially level of development stage of developing in three development step.

      • 단순화된 스트립선로에 위치한 좁은 스롯에 대한 회절특성

        趙榮基 慶北大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.35 No.-

        A Solution is obtained to the problem of diffraction from a narrow slot in simplified strip line model which is reduced to two dimensional boundary value problem when excited by dominant mode, TEM mode. General expressions are obtained for the reflection coefficient and normalized reactance of narrow slot discontinuity in the interface between two different media. Explicit calculations are performed when the width of the slot is much less than the free space wovelength of incident wave When relative dielectric constant is unity, these .results of reactance shows close agreement with those of Oliner and Cohn. The time-dependence factor exp(-iωt) is suppressed throughout.

      • 북한경제의 개혁 전환 전망

        조영기 건국대학교 1997 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.44 No.-

        Although former soviet union and Easterm europe had taken economic reform continurally, they exprienced sharply economic stagnation and seriously economic recession. Finally these countries abandoned cetrally planned economic system at 1989 in Easteen europe and 1991 in Former soviet Union by econmic and political reforms. Like another socialistic countries, North Korea's economy must be transformed from centrally planned economies to market oriented ones in early times. The debate of this paper is the speed of economic reform, direction and scope of North Korea's economy. The reform of economic system is determined by first conditions of nation. The first conditions into economic conditions and non-economic conditions. Therefore, possibility of North Korea's reform will prospect by current first conditions. First of all, North Korea's economic first conditions must consider stage of economic growth and industral structure, food circumstance, of foreign exchange. First, the stage of economic growth of North Korea are relatively closer to Eastern Europe than China. Though North Korea industrial structure are relatively closer to Eastern Europe than China, reason of fullemployment's policy realized overemployment at industrial sector without productivity, so industrial sector enlarged another sector. Second, when severe food circumstance of North Korea consider, agricultural sector's reform need for visible results within short run. Third, for economic restrictions bring about shortage of foreign exchange alleviate, trade's reform need for base of economic growth. As mentioned above economic first conditions, reform's direction of North Korth will choose agricultural reform and openess at economic special zoon. North Korea's non-economic conditions must consider of political and social stability. Currently North Korea's non-economic circumstance have stable foundation of political regime by Kim's personality cult and the system of "Juche". North Korea didn't permit social civil societies. As stated above, because North Korea's nono-economic first condition are closer to China than that of pre-Eastern Europe, North Korea will apply China's expriencee. Also, the speed and scope of reform will restrict within conditional reform than generally reform because of induce North Korea's collapse.

      • 구형 마이크로스트립 안테나의 임의의 급전점에 대한 임피던스특성

        趙榮基,金弘九 慶北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.37 No.-

        Using the Fourier transform relationship between the aperture field and the far-zone radiation field, a simple theory based upon the cavity model and the aperture model is developed to analyze off-center fed microstrip rectangular Patch antenna. An equivalent circuit parameters for rectangular patch antenna with aribitrary feeding point are derived theoretically when the thickness of dielectric substrate is much less than the free space wavelength of operating frequency. Our theoretical results show close agreement with experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental Verification of Two Kinds of Transmission Resonance Phenomena for a Narrow Slot in Thick Conducting Screen

        조영기,최진영,손혁우,고지환 한국물리학회 2013 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.63 No.8

        A microwave waveguide setup is used for the experimental verification of the presence of twokinds of transmission resonance phenomena; that are observed to occur in the case of the threedimensionalnarrow rectangular slot problem in an infinite conducting screen of finite thicknessunder an incident electromagnetic plane wave. This presence of two kinds of transmission resonancephenomena is different from the case of the two-dimensional infinitely long slit problem in a thickconducting screen in which only the Fabry-Perot(FP) resonator type occurs. The first type ofresonance phenomenon occurs near (slightly higher than) the cutoff frequency of the lowest TE10mode and mainly depends on the transverse length of the slot region inside the thick conductorirrespective of the longitudinal length of the narrow rectangular waveguide (corresponding to thethickness of the slotted thick conductor). The second is the Fabry-Perot(FP) type, which occurs atparticular longitudinal lengths of the rectangular slot region inside the thick conductor.

      • KCI등재후보

        간극효과를 고려한 증기발생기 전열관의 3차원 유한요소해석

        조영기,박재학,Cho, Young Ki,Park, Jai Hak 한국압력기기공학회 2011 한국압력기기공학회 논문집 Vol.7 No.4

        Steam generator is one of the main equipments that affect safety and long term operation in nuclear power plants. Fluid flows inside and outside of the steam generator tubes and induces vibration. To prevent the vibration the tubes are supported by AVB (anti vibration bar). When the steam generator tube contact to AVB, it is damaged by the accumulation of wear and corrosion. Therefore studies are required to determine the effects of the gap between the steam generator tube and AVB. In order to obtain the stress and the displacement distributions of the steam generator tube, three dimensional finite element analyses were performed by using the commercial program ANSYS. Using the calculated the stress and the displacement distributions, the static residual strength of the steam generator tube can be evaluated. The results show that the stress and displacement of the steam generator tube increase significantly compared with the results from a zero-gap model.

      • KCI등재후보

        아리스토텔레스의 개별화의 원리

        조영기 서강대학교 철학연구소 2010 철학논집 Vol.22 No.-

        지금까지 아리스토텔레스의 형이상학에서 개체의 개별화의 원리가 무엇인지에 대해 다음과 같이 세 가지 해석이 제시되어 왔다. i) 질료가 사물들을 개별화한다(SIM). ii) 형상이 사물들을 개별화한다(SIF). iii) 사물의 개별성은 원초적으로 사물에 주어진다(IN). (IN)의 지지자들은 사물을 개별화하는 것은 질료적 혹은 형상적 차이가 아니라, 개체에 근원적으로 주어지는 수적 차이이며, 이러한 원초적 개별성에 의해 질료와 형상이 개별화 된다고 주장한다. (IN)을 지지하는 입장과 반대하는 입장 사이의 쟁점은 동일한 형상과 질료를 가진 두 개의 사물들이 동시에 존재할 수 있는가 하는 것이다. (IN)을 반박하려면, (SIM)의 지지자들은 두 개의 개체가 존재할 경우, 두 개체의 질료는 다른 한 쪽에 속하지 않은 자신의 고유한 속성을 적어도 하나 이상 갖는다는 것을 보여야 한다. 반면, (SIF)의 지지자들은 '개별적 형상'이 존재함을 보여야 한다. 그러나 둘 중 어느 것도 철학적으로 정당화 되기 힘들어 보인다. (IN)은 다른 두 입장에 비해 이론적으로 보다 설득력 있을 뿐 아니라, 보다 정합적으로 아리스토텔레스의 개별화에 대한 설명을 해석할 수 있다. (IN)을 받아들이게 되면, (SIM)과 (SIF)를 부정할 필요가 없기 때문이다.

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