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        이데올로기의 환상과 재인식 : 방현석 소설〈존재의 형식〉과〈랍스터를 먹는 시간〉

        신정자 조선대학교 인문학연구소 2008 인문학연구 Vol.36 No.-

        방현석 소설 〈존재의 형식〉과 〈랍스터를 먹는 시간〉은 두 작품 다 베트남을 배경으로 하고 있다는 공통점과 함께 크게 세 가지 측면의 의미화를 드러내고 있다. 첫째, 사건화 된 시대에(베트남 전쟁과 한국의 민주화 운동) 대한 객관적 사실에 대한 진실이 무엇인가에 대한 의문과 둘째, 이 시대적 사건에 대한 개인의 고통과 아픔에 대한 새로운 이해와 반성, 그리고 새로운 이데올로기에 놓인 사람들이 현실 속에서 어떻게 극복해 나가는가 하는 인간생존방식에 대한 성찰이 담겨져 있다. 소설은 알레고리 속에 담긴 역사적 사실에 대한 과거의 아픈 기억과 그 격동의 시대를 힘겹게 거쳐 온 상처받은 사람들의 현재의 갈등과 삶의 단면들을 함께 보여주고 있다. 그리고 한 시대를 장악하고 있었던 이념적 이데올로기의 환상이 자본 이데올로기로 변형된 현실 속에서 개인에게 어떤 방식으로 반복되고 재현되는가를 인물들 간의 소외와 분리 과정을 거쳐 보여준다. 따라서 소설은 현재, 과거의 회상, 현재의 방식으로 역사적 사건에 대한 과거의 의미와 그 의미에 대한 현재적 관점과 재해석, 과거에 대한 성처로 인해 고통 받고 갈등하고 있는 인물들의 힘겨운 생존방식에 대한 새로운 존재론적 의문과 성찰로 이어진다. 그리고 이 모든 것들이 사회문화적인 맥락에서 궁극적으로는 인간과 인간의 관계에 대한 확정으로 전개되면서 소설은 인간존재방식에 대한 미래적 제시가 담겨져 있다. 역사적 사건에 대한 객관적 성찰과 인물들의 주관적 체험에 대한 보편적 정서가 불러일으키는 의문은 소설적인 허구성에서 벗어나 독자에게 역사적 사실에 대한 새로운 진실을 들여다보게 한다. 역사적 사실에 대한 소설 속 의문은 작품의 근간에 숨어 있는 이데올로기에 대한 환상과 인물들 간의 소외와 분리를 거쳐 재해석 된다. 그리고 각 인물들의 유형성을 벗어나 미래로 나아가는 인물군상들에 대한 화해의 몸짓 속에서 소설의 의미화는 강조된다. 이런 의미화 과정을 찾아 몇 가지 소주제별 분석을 통해 작가가 작품 속에서 말하고자 한 바를 찾고자 했다. Both the 「Form of Existence」 and 「Time To Eat Lobster」. Bang Hyeon'seok's novels, use Vietnam as background and have significance in three aspects. First, they present a question what the truth is about objective facts in the targeted period (Vietnamese war and democracy movement). Second, they present understanding and reflection of personal suffering and pain brought by the cases. Third. they have reflection on the way of survival. that is, how people overcome their subjective lyricism in new ideology. The novels represent sad memory of the past in allegory. current conflicts and sections of life of people who were hurt through the period of violent shaking. And they show how the illusion of ideology is repeated and represented in transformed reality of capital ideology through isolation and separation between characters. Therefore, the novels represent reflection of the present and the past, the past meaning on historical event in present way, the present viewpoint and new understanding on it, which leads to new ontological question and reflection of the characters who had suffering and conflicts due to scars of the past. As everything in them is developed as an expansion of the relations between people in socio-cultural context, the novels have future suggestions on the way of human existence. The questions brought by objective reflection on historical cases and universal emotion on subjective experiences make readers look at new truth on historical facts beyond illusion of novels. Questions in novels on historical facts which are not answered even at the present 30 years after the Vietnamese war are reinterpreted through illusion on ideology hidden in the root ofthe novels, isolation and separation between people illusion on ideology. And the significance of the novels are highlighted in gestures of reconciliation on groupa of people who progress toward the future out of its materiality. This study aims at figuring out what the author told in his writing through analyses of a few sub-themes.

      • Biceps Brachii Muscle 變異에 關하여

        申貞子 대구보건대학 1973 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        The object of this thesis on Biceps brachii muscle is to reconguize the deformation of the said muscle by fosakng the tradional idea, and by finding fourth head of the subject muscle, apply the recognition of the deformation in basic practice. The writer obserbed fourth head of Biceps brachii muscle deformation and summarized as fellows. 1. The region of origin was in regions of major node and minor node of upper arm humerus. 2. Adhered region was connected by long head and short head, and adhered as dense part and tendon membran of the radius. 3. Nerve distribution was controled by musclulo Cutaneous nerve, and muscular branch of brachii atery was distributed. 4. On the region of origin, crassed 30° above 1ong head, and from short head found slip the solid size of the tendon was about 8/1 to 10/1 of long head. 5. On the both sides of right and left, found fourth head which was the deformation of Biceps barchii muscle. 6. On the basic practice, subcutaneous injection apply for Brachii muscle but intramuseullar injection rared.

      • 自我槪念의 理論的 背景에 關한 硏究

        申貞子 대구보건대학 1981 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The mordern nursing theory are to provided with the theoritical, actual in fact, science, for the developments of cultural science and natural science for the social science in the basicly synthetic science and that is a kind of practical science. Though the psychological is applicable for a portion of in the social sciance that to be applicabled for research of humend and annimals activities for that is a kind of the activities science which compear with psychological and nursing theory are closely related science. Though the psychological is applicable for a portion of in the social sciance that to be applicabled for research of humen and annimals activities for that is a kind of the activities science which compear with psychological and nursing theory are closely related science. Perticurary the psychological is to be applicabled for carry out in support of morderan social for impractical condation of theoretical be makes for breakthrough and also that in preticuraly the perfection of self-concept is most of properely applicable in the morderan social movement in psychological field. Those kinds of theory are most of effectively been activating now a ay in the Europe Nations since long time in present time, however that the compear with in our Nation is just have starded for processing was not longer in this field for the effectiveness of developments. Therefore this author been concidered in order to makes for helpful advantageous faverable for the developments of nursing theory is must be applicabled for the comprehensive nursing care for the supports becouse of for the criticism of humen be carry out by the theoretical background of the perfection of self-concept. To be made the consideration of the perfection of self-concept in survey was analysist for background of wrote for predecessors idea which its conclsion of evaluation are now yet being basicly stage on the perfection of self concept. Therefore in order to achivement for proper applicable on the social movement of constant the asychologicalist should be have a research for the criticism of humen, on the over all theory be made discriptions are more be definitely shape up neccessoried in the take shape of the stage in the perfection of self-concept and progressing stage for the movement of constant then be better theoretical explanation must be neccessory. Also one more other way those concept should be carry out for connection with according to understandable method be required by the having experianced of measurements. Then I expect that the appropriable for this field study of survey is to support for the comprehensive nursing care of developments activity.

      • KCI등재

        이청준 소설의 시간의식 연구 : 이청준의 〈시간의 문〉을 중심으로

        신정자 조선대학교 인문학연구소 2004 인문학연구 Vol.32 No.-

        The daily and ideal of the human beings which exist inside one novel text project on the people who read it and let them have the actual experiences. It can be the closely fabricated time experiences which the author set. The readers experience one world which leads the characters in the fictitious actuality of the novel world which the author creates, to see, listen to and feel something. Namely the readers immerse to the world of novel inside and thraw away themselves and the author. Therefore, the people which appear in novel inside are governed in their own hour system that is to say chronical fate hour system likewise the real life. It is the hour system of two folds, one is the hour required when it speaks and the other is the hour of events which are spoken, It becomes accomplished with the hour system of duplication. Edmunt chsserl says in his book <sense of hour> 'The sense of human being experiences and the subjective hour which gives meaning is more original than the objective universal hour'1). If there will be a possibility of talking that the actuality which we experience from inside actual world order and past hour are objective hour, more essential phenomenological hour concept will be in our recognition process inside and it is to be a subject sense of hour. The story from novel structurize the hour newly. The hour when it is possible to die is hour of the individual, an existence of the human being just means the fact that it is an existence toward death. Namely, the existence hour of the individual finally is a creative functional hour which changes the existence toward death in an existence of life and the existence of death in life of death. This thesis will search hour concept of the past and present that appears in Lee Chung-Jun<door of hour>, hour of death and future that exists out of hour in base on the phenomenological hour concept. Finally, it reveals what is the literature intention point which the author talks throughout this sense of hour.

      • 都市住民의 保健所 認識에 對한 調査 硏究

        申貞子 대구보건대학 1974 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        The result of observation, analysis, and research on the general characteristics, public health affairs, and the activities of public health nurses which have been resulted from the study of 618 married women from 20 to 44 years old, that were outpatients at three health centers; Dong-gu(183 women), Seo-gu(186 women), and Nam-gu(249), out of five public health, centers in Daegu-city, Korea, during 20 days from July 5 to July 25, 1974, can be summerized as follows: 1. The majories of those who visited to public health center are from 24 to 29 years in age and this is applicable to 38.3% of total applicants. The average ages of them are 34 years old, the average number of family, 4.4 persons, and the family constitution withthe 4 families are dominantly 25.2%. 2. The use of public health center by the local inhabitants is dominantly 43% by the use of local inhabitants living in the area of location of public health center. 3. The purpose of use has been dominant in preventive inoculation (22.8%). 4. The course of recognition has been based on the introduction of acquaintances or neighbours (53%), and positive answer by local inhabitant to the question of "Are public health nurses kind you in their attitudes?" is only 8.3%. 5. One public health nurse was to be allocated to 30,000 local inhabitants in ratio.

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