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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        춘기 한강지류 ( 안양천 , 곡릉천 ) 의 육수학적 (陸水學的) 연구

        홍사오 (Sa Uk Hong) 한국식물학회 1968 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.11 No.4

        The present paper discusses the relation between water pollution and aquatic organisms resulted from the study of the water quality and the kinds of algea and aquatic insects both of the An-yang River from Mt. Kwan-ak to the Han River and of the Kock-neung River from Mt. Puk-han to the Han River during the spring of 1965 and 1966. According to the change of water quality, the An-yang River might be divided into three areas. In the first area, from Mt. Kwan-ak to near An-yang town, water quality is not so polluted that many aquatic organisms such as Anisogamarus ryotoensis, Epeorus, Cambaroides, Zygnema, Batrachospermum moniliform, Draparnaldia glomerata are found. In the second area where water is polluted by the inflow of sewerage water from An-yang town, the concentration of chloride, COD, ammonia-N, nitrate-N, alkali degree increased, Therefore, few aquatic insects and algea are found. In the third area, It is much polluted by the industrial sewerage water from Yeong-dong-po; and so the aquatic organisms that indicate strong pollution such as Oscillatoria, Euglena, Tubifex are found in this area. It is also significant that the Nereis japonica that indicates the pollution of brackish water is discovered in the some area. In the case of the Kock-neung River, however, it is not clearly divided into areas, as in the case of the An-yang River, according to the pollution of water; but because of villages and towns along the river the gradual pollution of water is observed and accordingly, a considerable change in aquatic organisms is also found in this river. In the area near Il-young town, for instance, the concentration of the chloride, hardness, nitrite, nitrate is very low, and ammonia-N is not detected; and accordingly the aquatic insects that generally inhabit in mountain stream, such as Anisogamarus ryotoensis, Cambaroides, Epeorus, Thraubs, Hydropsyche are found here. In the down stream of the river, from Kock-neung to Keum-chon, the quality of water is considerably polluted and fine sands are found laid on the bottom of the stream; therefore, the aquatic insects are very few, but the algea such as Navicula, Pleusigma, Oscillatoria that indicate water pollution are found in this area.

      • KCI우수등재

        土壞 및 菜誌中의 重金屬坊梁에 關한 冊究

        洪思漢(Sa uk Hong),朴承t稀(Seung Hee Park) 한국환경보건학회 1984 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        ln order to investigate the pollution of heavy metal in soil, chinese cabbage and radish collected from Singal interchange: (highway area), Anyang stream, Jungryang stream (stream basin) and Chunchun dong, Suweon (non-polluted area), this study was carried out from July to October in 1983. The contents of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectrqphotometry. Generally in soil, the contents of heavy metals in highway area were lower than that in Anyang stream and Jungryang stream, but higher than that in non-polJuted area. (Chunchun dong, Suweon). The vegetable samples of highway area were more polluted compared with that of Chunchun dong, Suweon. The contents of heavy metals in radish were higher than that of chinese cabbage and radish leaves were more polluted than roots.

      • KCI등재

        담즙산류가 담즙배설에 미치는 영향

        홍사욱(Sa Uk Hong),박대성(Dae Sung Park),한덕용(Duk Yong Han),이종철(Jong Chul Lee),홍사석(Sa Suk Hong) 대한약학회 1972 약학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        The bile secretion was accelerated generally by the administration of all derivatives tested: chemodeoxycholate, deoxycholate, cholate, dehydrocholate, 7-keto-chenodeoxycholate, and 3,7-diketochenodeoxycholate in decreasing order. Bile acids content in bile from animals administered with cholate was increased, however, other derivatives did not alter the contents of bile acids and bilirubin. In view of pharmacological point, all derivatives have hydrocholeretic action, however, only cholate exhibits typical choleretic action.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        동기의 (冬基) 광릉천의 육수학적 (陸水學的) 연구

        임기흥(Ki Hung Rim),홍사오(Sa Uk Hong) 한국식물학회 1964 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.7 No.1

        RIM, Ki Hunng^* and HONG, Sa Uk^(**)(^*Coll. of Pharmacy, Seoul Nat. Univ and ^**Coll. of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan Uuiv.) Limnological study of Kwangneung river in winter season. Kor. Jour. Bot. Ⅶ (1):15-19, 1964. In this stndy, we examined the quality of water and the kinds of algae and insects the Oksukchon river along the length between Kwannung and the Han river during winter. Also examined is the relation between the quality of water and the flesh water plants in sevral significant points along the Oksukchon river between Kwannung and the Han river. We dicovered that the gradual pollution of the quality of water in places near vilages and towns reasulted in a considerable change of life in water. The present qualiy of water skows a remarkable difference from the limnological report of the winter of the year 1960^((8)) which we previously reported, and a cosiderable change in kinds of fish and water plant since then were noticed.

      • 피씨비(PCB) 中毒에 미치는 프라센타(Placenta)의 效果

        洪思澳,李香雨,鄭相允 成均館大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of placenta on the toxicity of KC-400 in rabbits. Rabbits were treated with 800㎎ of KC-400 in 2㎖ olive oil via IP injection intermittently day after day for a week and were successively administered with 2㎖ of the placenta extracts via I. V. injection twice a day after day as well as with the placenta extracts with 50 ㎎ of vitamin C as well. The results obtained in this experiment were as follows: 1. When the experimental animals were treated with human placenta, there wasn't any alteration of the hematochemical indicators such as RBC, WBC, Hgb, Het, serum Cholesterol, s-GOT, s-GPT, serum Alkaline Phosphatase and Total lipids in serum. 2. According to the experiment of PCB poisoning, while s-C, s-GPT, s-ALP, and s-TL were increased, RBC, WBC, Hgb and Het were decreased during the experimental periods respectively. 3. The placenta extracts normalized the hematochemical indicators of the PCB poisoned animals after one day treated by the placenta extracts. 4. The combined treatment with the placenta extracts and vitamin C was the same effect as the single placenta treatment only; they were not significant in the t-test. 5. The placenta extracts inhibited the serum tyrosinase activity of the rabbits which was induced by PCB in vivo and in vitro respectively. By the combined treatment with the placenta extracts and vitamin C, the activity of tyrosinase was remarkably inhibited in comparison with the single treatment with the placenta alone.

      • 感潮河川水의 陸水學的 硏究 : 漢江下流 金浦大橋附近水域의 水質變動에 관하여 Variation of Water Qualities Near the Kimpo Bridge in the Down Area of Han River

        洪思澳,羅圭煥,慶春浩 成均館大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        The variation of water qualities in Kimpo of Han river was surved according to the tidal change and also investigated seasonal and regional variation of water qualities in june on summer season and in cotober on autumn season during 1979. Between the surface and the bottom in this Kimpo of Han river the water qualities didn't found any significant difference and also didn't found any difference in periodically. Considering from the value of Cl^-, SO^-_4^2, Na and total hardness the water qualities in Kimpo of Han river may be influenced by a little of the tidal water. The content of nitrogen, Cl^-, phosphate as a pollutant was foung in autumn on dry seaon higher more than in summer on rainy season. Judging from the seasonal variation of water qualities it was more polluted in autumn on dry season than in summer on rainy season. Especially in the drying season on autumn it was considered to be influenced from the sewverly polluted waste water of Bulgwang river and Anyang river. Compared with the water qualities in each site which have deviced 3 sampling points site 1, 2 and 3. Site 1 is north side of this area in which the waste water of Bulgwang river flow down mainly, site 2 is middle of this ares and site 3 is south side in which the waste water of Anyang river flow down mainly. In generally, the water quslities of all those sampling sites were remarkably polluted and especially in site 3 under the influence of Anyang river was found severly pollution than in site 2. The plankton of saprobic species such as Oscillatoria sp., Vorticella sp., Spirogyra sp. and Mougeotia scalaria, which was indicated for the pollution were found much in this area. So it could recognized that the water quality of Kimpoin Han river were remarkably polluted. Also it found some brackish species of planktons such as Brachionus sp., Sinocalanus tenellus and Alona guttata in this area so it considered to be influenced more or less by tidal water.

      • 膽汁酸의 分離定量에 關한 硏究

        洪思澳,羅圭煥,金京子,趙顯英 同德女子大學校 1969 同大論叢 Vol.1 No.1

        1. In the seperation procedure of several bile acids by paper chromatography, such stationary phases as 70~80% of acetic acid and 30~50% of formic acid was found better. And in the developing solvent, n-propyl alcohol : acetic acid : H₂O(90:2:8) was found better than Krichevsky's solvent, n-propyl alcohol : ammonia : H₂O. 2. In the seperation procedure of bile acid by T. L. C. such first developing solvent as iso-amyl alcohol : formic acid : H₂O(18:5:3) was found better than iso-amyl alcohol : acetic acid : H₂O(18:5:3) And such second developing solvent as toluene acetic acid : H₂O(5:3:1) was found better in seperating desoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid both of which have the similar Rf value each other. 3. Amount of cholic acid seperated in paper chromatography was directly determind by densitometer. 4. In quantity analysis by spectrophotofluorometer when bile acid was heated at 100℃ in 98% of sulfuric acid for 10 minutes fluorescence strength was uniform. Activating wave : 430mμ.

      • 東海岸汽水湖의 陸水學的 硏究

        洪思澳,羅圭煥 成均館大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        1. The quality of water and distribution of plankton were investigated of the 6 brackich lakes. Namely Hyang lake, Kwang po lake., Mai lake, Young rang lake, Song ji lake and Hwajin po lake, those which were situated in the east shore during May to December in 1972 and was studied limnological features of those 6 brackish lakes. 2. The average value of Cl'content, hardness and conductivity which had closely influence on the brackish water was measured in those 6 lakes. In the Hwa jin po lake, it found most high value of Cl'content, hardness and conductivity than the other 5 lakes and in the Kwang po lake, it found most lower value of those than the others. 3. From view point of monthly variation of the quality of water, the average value of Cl^-content, hardness and conductivity were a little higher during May and December than during August and October. Compared with the quality of water during May and during Deumber, during May it was substantially higher than during December. In all of the examined lakes except Song ji and Young rang it was substantially higher during August than during September but in Kwang po and Mai lakes, the average value of Cl ̄content, hardness during September were higher than during August. 4. 29 sepecies of zooplankton and 82 species of phytoplankton were found in those 6 brackish lakes and so the total 111 species of plankton were confirmed. The dominant phytoplankton species were Lyngbya majuscula, Cocconeis placentula and Spyrogyra sp. and dominant zooplankton species were Sinbcalamus tenellus, Nauplius of Copepoda and Brachionus calyciflorus in those brackish lakes.

      • Ethionine이 흰쥐肝臟 및 血淸中의 LDH isozyme에 미치는 影響

        洪思澳,尹水弘 成均館大學校 1973 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        A series of experiment has been conducted in the state of hepatiasation caused from the intraperitoneal injection of ethionine into Albino rat, in which the variation of LDH isozyme in the serum and liver have been compared in separation by the method of cellulose acetate electrophoresis, the activities of LDH and LDH isozyme have been measured by colormetric method. And it's results are follows; 1. The activities of liver and serum LDH and change of its isozyme pattern was sutdied in fasting rats given single injection of large doses of ethionine. 2. In initial periodes of experiment, both groups of control and ethionine injected rats was found 5 bands of isozyme pattern LDH_1∼LDH_5 is serum and 3 bands of isozyme pattern LDH_5, LDH_4 and LDH_2 in liver tissues. 3. The changes of liver LDH isozyme pattern was found at 48 hours after ethionine injected, that is LDH_4 was surely decreased and LDH_3 was appeared newly. 4. The activities of liver LDH in the group of ethionine injected rats was slightly decreased at 24 hours, and then again increased from 48 hours to 96 hours after ethionine injected.

      • Polychlorinated Biphenyls , Phenol 및 Biphenyl의 毒性學的 硏究

        洪思澳,鄭奎赫 한국환경독성학회 1986 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The effect of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), phenol and biphenyl on the body, liver and kidney weights, and the activity of (δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD), and the contents of microsomal cytochrome P-450, and hematocrit, TBAvalue. PCB (200 mg/kg), phenol (200 mg/kg), biphenyl (200 mg/kg), and biphenyl (100 mg/ kg) added phenol (100 mg/kg) was treated orally to Sprague-Dawley rats for 3 days. In all treated groups, the body weights were decreased, while the weights of liver and kidney were increased in comparison with that of control group. The activity of δ-ALAD was increased and hematocrit was decreased in PCB treated group, on the contrary biphenyl treated group was appeared opposite direction. The contents of microsomal cytochrome P-450 and concentration of protein were increased in all treated group. In biphenyl treated group and phenol treated group, TBA value was increased in both groups.

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