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        조현병 환자들과 동행하는 영적 서사로서의 기독교 상담

        하재성 한국복음주의상담학회 2024 복음과 상담 Vol.32 No.2

        조현병은 인구 1%의 유병률을 보이는 대표적 정신 질병이다. 증상에는 망상, 환각, 긴장행동, 언어의 와해, 정서적 둔마, 무의지증 등이 있다. 조현병 환자들은 비현실적 감각으로 일상생활의 영위가 어려울 뿐 아니라, 정서기능 약화로 대인관계 유지조차 힘든 병이다. 조현병의 발생 원인은 유전과 생물학적 요인으로 귀결된다. 그러므로 주된 치료는 뇌의 비정상적 활동, 혹은 환각에 의해 고양된 정서를 안정시키는 약물치료법이다. 하지만 환자의 대인관계를 위해 비자기애적이며 정신병 전이를 견딜 수 있는 성숙한 상담자가 필요하다. 한편 귀신들림 현상은 조현병과 유사하지만 기독교의 영적 개입으로 단기간 치료가 가능한 증상이며 이를 분별하기 위해 배제의 방법 즉 환자에게 먼저 약 처방을 받도록 안내하는 것이 중요하다. 조현병이라면 약물치료에 반응하지만 귀신들림 현상은 약물에 반응하지 않고 지속하므로 우선 질병과 영적 증상을 구별할 수 있기 때문이다. 아울러 귀신들림을 치료하는 것은 한 인간의 육체에 침투한 악한 인격(들)을 그리스도의 이름으로 물리침으로 원래의 인격을 온전하게 하는 일이다. 그에 비해 조현병의 기독교 상담적 치료는 환자의 정체성 상실과 직결된 개인 서사를 상실의 원형이신 그리스도의 서사와 연결시켜 줌으로써 완전한 회복의 이상 즉 구원과 영생의 참된 소망을 공유한 참된 영적 서사를 열어 주는 것이 그 핵심이다. Schizophrenia is one of the representative psychotic illnesses plagued among one percent of the whole population. Its symptoms include delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, word salad, lack of emotion or avolition. Schizophrenic patients may experience many difficulties in maintaining daily lives including personal relationships with important people due to abnormal senses. Causes of the illness are genetic and are of brain dysfunction, so its primary treatment comes with medical and pharmaceutical care. On the other hand, spirit possession assimilates schizophrenia in many symptoms e.g., hallucinations and ethereal senses, but it may disappear soon with Christian spiritual interventions such as fervent prayers and spiritual confrontations with the evil spirits. However, distinguishing spirit possession from schizophrenia requires both medical understanding and spiritual discernment. In addition to the medical treatment, talk therapy is crucial in helping the patients maintain their healthy identity and dignity as a human being through building an empathetic relationship. Christian counselors are expected to show Christian hospitality for those patients and provide spiritual resources such as both Christ's redemptive losses in incarnation. Jesus can be their real comforter by being an alter ego who suffered deeper and gave them the assurance of salvation and eternal life, which allows them to continue their personal narratives regardless of their weaker identity.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        Liquid type of fluorosulfonyl lithium salts containing siloxane for Li-ion electrolyte

        하재성,임승빈,이순호,장호현,류태욱,이재균,전영진,김환기 한국공업화학회 2016 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.37 No.-

        Our goal in the present work is to synthesize liquid type of electrolyte that can be used in lithium-ionbattery, based on fluorosulfonyl group. We synthesized a precursor of fluorosulfonyl isocyanate, andfollowed to prepare fluorosulfonyl carbamic acid ester lithium salt (SiFSC 1)s and fluorosulfonyl urealithium salt (SiFSC 2)s containing siloxane electrolytes. Four electrolytes with carbamic or ureastructures were prepared by changing the siloxane moieties with different chain length. The synthesizedelectrolytes are viscous liquid with different color. The resulting electrolytes were characterized by 1HNMR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The ionic conductivity of SiFSCs wascompared by LiPF6 and LiFSI.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 腸內細菌免疫血淸의 殺菌作用

        河宰聲 現代醫學社 1968 現代醫學 Vol.9 No.2

        The bactericidal activity of sera from rabbits immunized with formalin- treated ntigens of enteric bacilli was compared with that of normal rabbit serum under various conditions, and thei ollowing results were obtained. At high concentrations the bactericidal powe of immune sera appeared significantly 'and ifically reduced compared with that of normal serum so far as the test. organisms were form. 1. At lower concentrations, however, a gradual increment of bactericidal activity was observed in immune sera when sufficient amount of complement was supplied. 2. A moderate reduction of agglutination titer of immune sera by absorption reaction with heat- killed homologous cells brought about a limited recovery of the bactericidal activity, whereas a complete absorption reaction rather suppressed the activity. 3. Soluble substances from the bacterial cell seemed to interfere significantly with the function bactericidal agents iri serum, reducing otherwise highly bactericidal action of absorbed serum. 4. The maintenance of a certain degree of bactericidal activity in completely absorbed sera, regardless of the absence of complement and immune bodies, may be due to the lower avidity of natural antibody or to the existence of some unknown bacteridal facto like an unabsorbable 4 bactericidal antibody in the absorbed immune sera. 5. Salmonella thompson was found to be highly resistant to the bactericidal activity of both immune and normal serum while R-form of test organisms turned out to be extremely fragile. 6. Immune body exhibited a similar bactericidal power to natural antibody when present only in such a small amount as that of natural antibody in normal serum. 7. The common properties between natural antibody and properdin and' their origins were "thoroughly discussed and it was proposed that no differentiation was necessary so far as the serum bactericidal activity was concerned.

      • Salmonella typhi 菌株間에 觀察된 Oxidative metabolism의 差

        河宰聲 現代醫學社 1968 現代醫學 Vol.9 No.4

        Mannometric techniques were applied to differenciate Salmonella typhi strains, H901,0901, and T2, and the following results were obtained. 1. Many amino acids were submitted as substrates, . but the utilization of L-proline only was characteristic; the oxygen consumption rate by 0901 was significantly reduced to 1/2 or 1/3 in the pressence of L-proline, compared, with that by the other two strains. 2. Among carbohydrate substrates, glucose was noticeably less utilized by T2 strain, contributing also a considerable factor for differenciation between the strains. 3. Utilization of sorbitol by H901 and 0901 was negligible, while by T2 it was remarkable.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Attachment Theory and Religiousness: Religious Studies and Pastoral Theological Issues

        하재성 한국목회상담학회 2011 목회와 상담 Vol.16 No.-

        Freud theorized the concept of God as “the exalted father.”Although the mother is its first love-object according to him, he consistently identified God with the father-figure for the child's stronger protection. the attachment theory that has been formulated by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth brings about a fundamental shift in the study psychology of religion by correlating the attachment theory with religious conversion in adolescence. Therefore, the attachment theory engendered a new comprehension of God as a mother-figure by replacing the traditional understanding of psychoanalytic or object relations theory about the origin of religiosity. The attachment figure plays an important role as a haven or a base of comfort that an infant can turn to at the time of distress, which corresponds to the theistic faith system of Christianity. Psychologists of religion have explored the correlation of the state of childhood attachment with the experience of conversion in adolescence because attachment with the loving God works for compensation about childhood attachment deficiency. According to them, the secure attachment tends to make the children mold their faith after the model of the cargiver's faith. However, insecure attachment results in a religiousness with emotional fluctuation. Therefore, a new convert as a result of deficiency of primary attachment deserves a special attention from the faith community in order for the person to find a real redemption and compensation.

      • KCI등재

        결핍의 의식(deprivation cult)과 우울증: 코로나 이후 우울한 영혼 돌봄과 목회상담

        하재성 한국목회상담학회 2023 목회와 상담 Vol.40 No.-

        Contrary to previous common expectations or concerns, suicide rates did not increase in Korea during COVID-19. Interestingly enough, the worldwide pandemic did not bring about an outbreak of major depressive disorder (MDD) or suicides that medical professionals had warned of due to isolation, fear of infection or death. The result was the opposite: the suicidal rates had decreased, although the change was small. It is true that Korea has kept the disgraceful position of the highest suicidal rates among OECD countries for the many years, and the numbers have continued to grow. However, MDD seems to have maintained independence from the global pandemic, during which most were commonly afraid of the often deadly infection. MDD is not biologically inherited, but clinical observations may lead to a conclusion that it has much to do with the chronic deficiency of childhood attachment or emotional bonds to primary caregivers. The deficiency may come from a wider context of a sociocultural level beyond the individual one, which resonates with the deprivation cult, in other words, the spirit possession, that many women in different cultures are known to experience at a psycho-spiritual level. MDD is closely related to any kind of deficiency, from losses of both childhood attachment relationships outside and love objects inside. It does not come solely from common disasters outside, but with triggers at certain life stages, individual experiences of chronic emotional deficiency contribute largely to the outbreak of MDD. Pastoral counselors are expected to recognize those individualized deficiencies and, together with counselees, seek in hope for the proper expressions in the gospel, which may compensate for their long deprivations at the individual emotional and socio-spiritual levels. 전문가들의 우려와는 달리 코로나 시기에 한국에서 우울한 사람들의 자살률은 이전보다 더 낮았다. 이것은 코로나블루를 염려하던 전문가들의 예상과는 사뭇 다른 결과로서 세계적인 전염병이 우울증과 자살률에 특별한 영향을 미치지 않음을 보여준다. 물론 한국에서의 전연령별 우울증과 자살 발생 비율은 7년 전에 비해 계속 증가하고 있고 또 OECD 국가들보다 평균 두 배나 높은 수치여서 경계심이 필요하다. 세계적인 재난 가운데서도 우울증이 큰 변동 없이 지속성을 유지하는 것이 한편으로는 다행이면서도 다른 한편으로는 특별한 우려를 낳기도 한다. 왜냐하면 우울증이 팬데믹과 무관한 독립적 생존구조를 가지고 있기 때문이다. 우울증은 유전되지 않는다. 그러나 어릴 때부터 경험하는 만성적 공감 결핍은 한 인간의 안정적인 성장을 방해하고 장기적인 소진과 우울증을 일으킬 수 있다. 이것은 종교·인류학적 결핍증상이라 할 수 있는 ‘결핍의 의식’과 유사하며 정신·영적인 면에까지 영향을 미친다. 여기서 결핍의 의식이란 사회문화적 특권에서 배제되거나 박탈된 사람들이 비인격적인 상태에서 겪게 되는 비밀스런 통과의례를 가리킨다. 프로이트와 달리 DSM-V에서는 외적 대상의 상실조차 우울증과 연관되어 있다고 진단한다. 우울한 내담자들은 흔히 성장기 자원의 결핍을 겪은 경험자들로서 심신증을 겪으며 삶의 에너지의 고갈을 고통스럽게 느낀다. 청소년, 여성, 노년 등 다양한 계층의 우울증 양상을 살펴볼 때 성장기 결핍은 우울증 발생에 중요한 원인이며 작용을 한다. 다만 공동의 연대감이 작용하는 자연재해나 전쟁의 상황보다는 관계의 고립과 특권의 배제에서 비롯된 내면의 결핍에서 더 크게 발생한다. 목회상담자는 그리스도의 복음 안에서 이같은 개개인의 내적 결핍을 인지하고, 그것을 표현할 언어를 탐색함으로써 우울증의 오랜 시간의 정서적 결핍만 아니라 사회·영적 결핍을 보상하고 회복시키는 소망의 작업자들이다.

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